A Queen

Chapter 1006: Zombie, or demon?

The assassins under the water have been hiding for a long time... and now they finally unfold their fangs!

"not good!"


"Avoid it!"

That's too late!

What the killer is best at is camouflage, concealment and instantaneous explosion. At this juncture, who would have thought that there would be such a terrifying group of ambush hidden under the water from the very beginning!

"Despicable traitor, what benefits can you gain from cooperating with someone like Liyun!" Emperor Ming was very angry. Liyun was the most depraved dark organization. Yuan Xiao could cooperate with them because he was doing whatever it took to get his goals. No, I don’t want to think about how many of the guests who have been killed so far were his backs!

Why did Yanyu Chonglou treat him badly?

In anger, Yuan Xiao was blasted into the mountain wall by Emperor Ming and the host. The huge force blasted open a large cave. He raised his face from the pit. Yuan Xiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand and curled his mouth: "Benefits? The benefits that the Lord can give me are not comparable to those of the Misty Chonglou... Emperor Ming, you are in the Misty Chonglou and you understand its cruelty best. Just look at your apprentice and you will know... I don’t want to be as tragic as him in the future~ ~So what I want, I can only grab it myself!”

"Don't you look at the back?"

Emperor Ming turned around and saw that many people had been forcibly suppressed and captured by the people from Liyun or Feng Wang, and were detained in the air, on the deck or on the water.

defeat! A complete failure!

The strength gap is too big!

But the other party didn't kill Baili Fengjiang and the others. The purpose was...

"Stop, otherwise I will be killed without mercy!" Yuan Xiao took a step out of the pit, flicked his sleeves, and smiled at the two owners of Qingyuan Building, "You two are indeed very strong. If the Lord hadn't given me some treasures, , I may not be able to carry it until now, but it’s almost there now..."

"Everyone, the game is over."

The whole place was quiet.

The gray bones at the top of the peak yawned, "Done it? Couldn't we have done it earlier? We have to get it now..."

It also got involved with Feng Wang and Qing Huang...

What's Yuan Xiao's plan?

Feng Shaoling glanced at Yuan Xiao,

Feng Zijun was not related to these people from the beginning. He came here following Feng Zijun's line. Naturally, we are not hanging on to each other, but now that I think about it, it seems that this line is drawn by the other party...

This feeling is really unpleasant. But he had to first determine what the background of the other party was.

The situation in front of us is already very wasteful.

The Wind King clan also needs to take it easy.

In response to Huigu's complaints, the owner of Qingyuan Building also frowned, "According to the network you have formed, you will have the opportunity to catch us all in one go. Then you will have the "Chen Gong Secret Record" you want in your bag, so why delay it until now?"

Shake his head. Yuan Xiao's smile was filled with emotion, "It's not that easy. We couldn't do anything on Quinn Island and Peach Blossom Spring before. Once we left Peach Blossom Spring, there were intervention from people like you, Wanbaozhai, and the Qinghuang Clan. Qishan Pavilion, every step of the way It has to be just right. You can’t be sloppy. Look, haven’t you forced out the C-Crocodile Army now? At first, I thought I could put an end to everything when I appeared.”

Is this a compliment?

Mingjian and Jingjing looked at Yu Ji and others being restrained from a distance without speaking, and they couldn't make a move, otherwise they would affect the whole body.

Yuan Xiao didn't want to say any more, he just glanced at the whole place and turned around Qin Zhige and others, "Oh, it seems that Gong Zangxue is not here yet. She is also a hidden danger, but right now The dust has settled, and her appearance cannot change the situation, so everyone... hand over the "Secret Records of Chen Gong"... If you don't collect all twenty-one volumes... no one here can expect to come back alive. Home!"

This blocks the way for some people who want to fish in troubled waters!

Xue Qiange, Su Li, or whoever, all of these Dao scrolls were all frowning at this moment.

Is there really no way out?

"Xue Qiange, I saw you got the Tao scroll before. Are you still unwilling to take it out now?" Qin Lanfeng's sudden sound made everyone stunned, and then they all looked at Xue Qiange.

Um, does she?

Jue Xuuge glanced at Qin Lanfeng coldly, "Qin Lanfeng, you react very quickly."

What a complete traitor!

"I also think about everyone's lives... After all, if we don't hand over the Tao scroll, none of us will survive," Qin Lanfeng said calmly.

"It's better to be honest, people like this can live a long time..." Yuan Xiao was very satisfied with this, and then looked at Xue Qiange.

"Snow girl...come out"

Xue Qiange, who was the first to be caught and pushed out, glanced at Qin Lanfeng coolly and walked out, "I do have a Tao scroll on hand, but I'm not sure if the rest of the people will take it out. Since It’s not too bad for me, so before they take it out..."

She pressed the ring with her finger and looked at Yuan Xiao with a smile: "If you force me, I will detonate this storage ring and blow up all the contents inside to flow turbulently in another space..."

Is this a threat?

Do you still have any sense of self-consciousness?

Yuan Xiao was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "It is said that the princess of Wanxue Dynasty is proud and not afraid of trouble by nature. She is well-deserved for her reputation. But don't you know, I have too many ways to make a person well-behaved... "

As soon as he spoke, Chang Ying and Dao Tuo chuckled.

Sure enough, he is still young.

When Xue Qiange saw Chang Ying taking out a bottle of green liquid, he frowned. If he was tortured like that Shang Biejie...

It seems that the thing in my hand is not so important anymore.

"Well, I originally wanted to leave this martial arts scroll to that old woman, but now that I think about it, I can't do it... Snow Fish, I guess your fate is bad."

Saying that, Xue Qiansheng's palm had an extra Tao scroll... Chang Ying stepped forward to get it...


Snow falls in the sky.

There was heavy snowfall, and a small boat floated down from the top of the snow-like clouds...

There was a woman standing on the boat.

From a distance, I can see the long and obvious outline, the elegant light robe that is unique in the falling snow, with smoky blue and ink colors, snow lotus heads in full bloom, water under the lotus, and fish in the water...the sleeves are fluttering...just like fish swimming around. Among the ink water lilies.

She looked from afar. A word.

"Since it was given to me, it belongs to me... and I cannot allow others to snatch it away."

It was clear that her words were domineering, but she said them in a gentle and gentle tone. She could refuse, but people didn't want to refuse.

If the snow turns into water, there will be fish in the water.

She is the Snow Fish.

The boat stopped ten thousand meters away, looking at each other from a distance.

On the contrary, the face cannot be seen clearly. I just remember the picturesque sleeves. The sound is like light snow.

How is the strength?

This is the point!

"You are the Snow Fish? You don't even have the courage to approach, so what can you do?" Feng Shaoling raised his eyebrows. The sound was neither soft nor heavy enough to be heard.

Is it contempt or temptation?

It should be the former...

Mingjian and the others only heard Snow Fish remain silent for a moment, and then he said...

“There are too many people and I can’t squeeze in.”

The tone was faint and cool. A touch of dissociation~~

Um... It's definitely a cold start and a sentence that makes people escape their souls.

What does this mean? Why do I feel like I’m not on the same brain wave!

"Here we go again!" Xue Qiange rolled her eyes, saying that her sister would definitely make people angry when she spoke. This is simply a false goddess who is always distracted, okay?

Yuan Xiao and others don't think much of this junior, because they have found out that there is no one from the Wanxue Dynasty behind her, and she came here alone.

Are you here specifically to watch the fun?

It seems that even my sister is not willing to take care of it anymore.

As expected, he is a person with a very unique personality as rumored...

Chang Ying's hand has already grasped the Tao scroll in Xue Qian's singer...


A white shadow appears and takes it away!

Clouds of smoke in the blink of an eye. Where Chang Qing's hand was frozen, Yuan Xiao waited, searching for that ghostly, almost transparent shadow...

It was very fast, but I was sure it wasn't a person. But...

What is this?

Just when everyone was still trying to check the white shadow hanging with a scroll in the sky, they suddenly heard a strange sound.

Turn around and look.

A dark shadow in the storm gradually became clear. Then pull~~~ with a slow and long sound.

A hand tore a hole and walked out of the storm.

By the way, it seems that they have all forgotten...forgot one person.


At this moment, Dai Li was standing at the tear of the storm, one hand easily pressing the gap of the tear of the storm. The high-speed rotating wind knife cut blood marks on her skin, but it recovered in the blink of an eye.

Amid the tearing and recovery, everyone seemed to be able to see two people.

One is a ferocious person with an expressionless face, and the other is a beautiful person with a face as beautiful as a crown and eyebrows as tall as the distant mountains.

The two people were replaced in one second, and under the visual impact, it was an extremely evil person looking at them with his straight blood-glazed eyes, extremely cold, and like being soaked in ice water, in the swaying light of the water, his coldness was almost coquettish.

What's going on!

not dead?

"It's not surprising that he's not dead. I've long been used to this person's strong personality, but in the blink of an eye he turned into this..."

The painting style changed so quickly in one second that Xiangxi Palace felt a little unable to accept it.

Yuan Xiao and others didn't know how to react for a while.

So what, rigid?

"How is this possible? How can she withstand a drop of blood from the Zombie King? This is illogical..." Ashes and others at the top of the peak all wanted to pull off their beards. Originally, the Zombie King had a special ability to deal with Dai Li. Let them think that the generation's physique and bloodline are extraordinary and have a fatal attraction to zombies. Now that they think about it, this extraordinary thing is too much.

It actually refined the zombie's blood!

There are not enough brain cells, okay?

"Look, the scroll!"

Someone suddenly shouted, and the attraction was pulled away by more than half in an instant.

Where is the scroll?

And in the distance, the white figure holding the scroll was pressed down, and landed safely on the shoulder of someone as thin as a jade bone. The head, which was constantly changing between completely transparent and ice crystals growing and disappearing, hung down, and the bird The scroll held in its beak was brought to the Snow Fish. ..

Snow Fish took off the scroll and did not open it to read the content inside. He just hooked his fingertips and rotated the scroll in his hand, but his eyes were locked on the person tearing apart the storm in front of him.

Zombie, or demon? (To be continued)


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