A Queen

Chapter 1007 Snow Demon, Snow Fish

And from the perspective of Dai Li and others, what is that thing on her shoulder?

The whole body is like a graceful and exquisite fish, but it has two wings on its back. The whole body is like a pure crystal or liquid structure. It is transparent for a while, and then grows pieces of tiny and beautiful ice, like ice feathers covering it. A pair of eyes with purple eyes made of glass, like magic.

Its shape keeps changing. Just now it looked like an osprey, and now... it looks like a koala, just hanging on the slender shoulders of the Snow Fish.

"Snow Demon" closed his eyes slightly, "The darling among ice and snow monsters, the person who gets it must also be the darling of ice and snow."

If the world of monster control is to control ordinary monsters, then some of the high-level bloodline cubs among the monsters are not so easy to enslave, and the level of bloodline is difficult to evaluate. The main reason is that the types of monsters in the world of monsters are really strange and divided into categories. You say This is higher, but you may not win in a fight. Only some of the most famous ones are divided into levels, and those who can be given the demon suffix must be the absolute favorite among the monsters.

They are born with the talent of monsters. Just like Dai Li, people with special physiques and talents have a status among human cultivators. To make them surrender is as difficult as asking Dai Li to do a striptease in front of everyone~~ (It doesn’t seem to be very difficult).

And the Snow Fish has obviously made it surrender.

This is the best proof of her specialness.

The eyes of Su Li and others were serious. Feng Shaoling narrowed his eyes and chuckled: "Snow demon... this is the first time I have seen it... I really want to learn from it."

Rather than learning the lesson, it is better to say that he has greedy ambitions for the Dao scroll in the hands of Snow Fish!

Feng Zijun, who was in human shape and tortured by pain, faintly heard Feng Shaoling's voice and became anxious. He struggled and yelled: "Third brother, Jun has at least two Dao scrolls in his hand."

two? At least?

Feng Shaoling directly shifted his gaze, his eyes instantly locked on Dai Li. As soon as he closed his hand, the wind swirled.

"That's really great," he said slowly as he looked at Dai Li, took another look, and raised a cold arc at the corner of his mouth.

Close your sleeves... Although she said she agreed to Dai Li, if Feng Shaoling was really ruthless and Dai Li was defeated, what choice would she have?

The zombie horde fell into silence. The spacecraft's gunfire was also about to start. The Bing Crocodile Army has already restrained most of the people, and now it seems that only the Ming Emperor, Qin Zhige and other powerful people are left who have the ability to fight, but they are unable to fight because they are suppressed.

Then there is Yuanyi. Daili, several special characters in Xiangxi Palace are confronting each other.

Confronting whom?

Feng Shaoling is obviously eyeing Daili! Not to mention Yuan Xiao and others who have already regarded her as the largest owner of the Dao scroll!

Serve the fish.

Dao Tuo, who was holding on to the bow railing, sighed softly, "Jun Zili, the dust has settled. It's useless no matter how hard you struggle."

Liu Zongyuan, who had condensed half of his body, also exhaled a breath of evil breath and chuckled: "Don't you think about your friends? Don't you always put your friends first?"

Finally, add Feng Zijun’s distorted voice. "Jun Zili, you are dead, you are dead..."


Dai Li, who was neither stiff nor demonic, stared at Feng Shaoling, and the corners of his mouth suddenly curved in a strange way...

Demons and angels are changing. There seemed to be a fairy smiling hidden in those pupils.

Sharpening the sickle and laughing.

So evil that it’s outrageous!

This kind of separation is really strange to people, and it also makes people like them feel frightened. Is she considered possessed? Something different. But apart from being obsessed, I really don’t know what words to use to describe it..

Become possessed by evil spirits. Rampage, mutation = metamorphosis, distorted sexual development?

"Hey, Feng Shaoling, it seems that I can't beat you."

So honest?

Feng Shaoling looked at Dai Li and frowned slightly: "So? Are you going to hand over the Tao scroll and beg for mercy?"

He won't allow it.

No one can get away with provoking the Feng King clan, and they are not opponents like the Qinghuang clan.

This gentleman is far from young.

"No, I mean...I can bully others with more people"

The more people bully the less people?

This is even funnier!

Nan Lin and others were all confused as to what Dai Li meant...

Before I even thought about it, I saw Dai Li standing among the zombies...

By the way, standing among the zombies...


Those zombies seemed to be afraid of her, leaving a huge space for her.

Just like...

Dai Li suddenly waved his hand, pointed his index finger at Feng Shaoling, and smiled softly: "Go ahead and swallow them all, leaving no one behind."

As soon as these words were said, everyone present saw the biggest reversal from the beginning of joining the Linglong Club to the present, and it was also the most terrifying and unbelievable reversal!



All the zombies...hundreds of thousands of zombies instantly roared with terrifying sounds, then roared and rushed toward the Wind King clan and others in the sky...

The torrent of zombies passed behind Dai Li. The wind swept her hair, raised the hem of her clothes, and made the smile on her lips charming.

The black blood bead controlled by the blood in the blood core has already allowed her to simulate the control ability of the zombie king. The real dragon is right, the blood is the greatest king, what kind of zombie king, what? The vampires are all scum in front of the vampires!

It is only because of her blood that she can control such a large group of zombies at this moment!

But we have to decide quickly...

Feeling the rapid consumption of his soul and the shrinkage of that drop of black blood, Dai Li twitched the corners of his mouth and twitched his left and right hands, "You go over there and gnaw the people of Liyun for me!"

"You guys go over there and blow those people's assholes out of me!"

"No enemies will be spared!"

Swish, brush, brush!

The division of the three torrents and the belated and shocking counterattack completely shocked everyone on either side!

Before he could react, Mingjian followed, Xiangxi Palace, Zi Weiyang, the host and others immediately counterattacked!


Boom boom boom!

The men of the C-Crocodile Army were caught off guard, and the scene instantly became chaotic!

But it was not the one-sided suppression before, but a comeback by the disadvantaged group!

Xue Qiange folded his hands and attacked while transmitting a message to his sister: "Seeing my sister in such dire straits, you didn't react at all?"

"Well, keep warm"

"Snow Fish!!!"

"What's up?"


Xue Zhiyu felt that the voice transmission was immediately hung up by his sister with a slight curl of the corner of her mouth. What a little fool she is, she hasn't changed since she was a child, but it's time for her to experience it on her own...

She doesn't interfere unless necessary.

Crash, ice and snow fell from the sky, and he fiercely killed a killer who was restraining Jue Xuege. As soon as Jue Xuege was freed from the shackles, he instantly drew out his long sword. He turned around and thrust his sword into the stomach of an assassin.

Swish! The two crossed and killed.

An ice and snow spell. An ice and snow swordsmanship, the back and forth cooperation is to explode with powerful lethality, and the other side. Feng Shaoling was also stunned by such a sudden death. At this moment, he could hear Yuan Xiao roaring angrily: "Ashes!!!"

Are you people in the Zombie Realm really eating shit? What exactly is going on?

How come the zombie swarm was suddenly counter-controlled by others! Don't tell me that someone sucked a drop of the zombie king's blood and turned into a zombie king!

In fact, Huigu and the others were particularly innocent at the moment. They had sensed when Daili suddenly broke out and seized control, but they didn't expect that the other party could be so fast and domineering. Like a born king...

Yes, how could she suddenly have the aura of the Zombie King!

"She must be a zombie"

"I bet a cucumber. She's a zombie!"

"How about I bet you a car? If she's not a zombie, I'll jump out of here!"

The gambling of these old men like Gray Bones and the sheep skull sticks made Yuan Xiao's head hurt and dizzy for a moment, and he wanted to strangle them to death, God. Why would he have to deal with such a teammate...

Jun Zili is a zombie? Haha, you don’t even believe it in cucumbers, okay?

"Everyone, the important thing is to quickly regain control of the zombie swarm!" Yuan Qi suddenly shouted. Only then did Gray Bones wake up. "The enemy! Let's get it back again!"

The staff struck again, and strange spells spread among these people. However, Dai Li is not affected at this moment. Under the cover of looking at the zombies, she has turned into thunder...


"Kill Junzili!"

"Kill her and you'll break the zombie swarm!"


Killing is the easiest way at present...but what about her?

When Feng Shaoling's eyes locked on a bolt of lightning that suddenly appeared next to Feng Zijun, his pupils suddenly shrank.

An angry shout almost burst out from his chest!

"Jun Zili, how dare you!"

He didn't care how Feng Zijun was repaired before, and it didn't matter if he was poisoned by Duhe. He was just a younger brother with low talent, but Feng Zijun must not be killed in front of him, otherwise it would be the greatest harm to him. If he provokes someone, the clan will think that he is not supervising and protecting him well.

So Feng Shaoling, who had been relatively calm before, suddenly lost his composure. He thought that Dai Li would not dare...

After all, she is from the Wind King clan, how dare she...

How dare she not!

Dai Li directly hooked his legs, picked up Feng Zijun from the ground, and kicked him up in the air~!

Zhou Tai and others watched helplessly as Feng Zijun was kicked into the air, his stomach had been kicked open, and his flesh, blood and intestines were flying everywhere...


At that moment, Dai Li closed his fingers with his palm, and five tall and mighty blood horses condensed into one! ...


Divided into pieces by five horses!

The five corpses were torn apart directly in the air in front of everyone. When the Wind King clan was ignited with the highest anger level...

The five corpses had been scooped up by the roaring zombies below. They were torn into pieces and devoured in the blink of an eye.

By the way, this way of death is really... absolutely miserable!

And the method of substitution is really...

"Lawless" Snow Fish looked at it from a distance and sighed softly.

"Seeking death!" The furious Feng Shaoling suddenly turned into a wind knife and disappeared from the bow of the ship.


Cutting through the space, in the blink of an eye he caught up with Lei Lei who had left the incarnation of Dai Li!

The speed is much faster than that of Daili.

With one blow, the wind swirled like a disk in the sky...

boom! !

The shadow is broken!

The shadow of an instant! (To be continued)


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