A Queen

Chapter 1008: An incredible counterattack!

Feng Shaoling, who broke the shadow and saw the shadow of an instant for the first time, was surprised, but did not stop. In an instant, Chao Daili's real body chased after him.

Compared with others, his strength indeed spans several levels, so it becomes more and more obvious that he is chasing Dai Li...

But in fact, there were a large number of zombies surrounding him!

Those zombies are rushing toward him like crazy!

"You bastard, get out of here!" Feng Shaoling's lethality was astonishing. The zombies were slaughtered by him, but Daili didn't feel distressed at all. When the zombies on the other side captured Yuan Qi's ship, ...

brush! Lightning is approaching!

"She is coming!"

She's coming.. Please close your eyes.

Liu Zongyuan's body ached and he could only scream and smile, but he couldn't avoid that magnificent foot!


Kicked him on the chin...


Liu Zongyuan hit the hull of the ship and was kicked out of a large piece of his newly condensed body. His eyes were covered in blood. He only had time to shout: "Jun Zili, I am from the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion, you..."


With an expressionless expression, Dai Li crushed his body and then burned his soul.

"I will tell Rudaoge that you died fighting for justice, rather than joining the enemy and murdering your comrades."

After Liang Liang finished speaking, Dai Li turned around and looked at Yuan Qi not far away.

At this moment, Yuan Xiao was not far away. It was really hard for him to imagine that this Jun Zili dared to break into his territory openly and kill Liu Zongyuan openly...

too crazy!

So much so that he subconsciously imagined whether there was some fraud involved.

Sure enough, the shackles of the original poster and Emperor Ming made Yuan Xiao smile bitterly. Compared with the juniors who simply fought, those of their level were more difficult to do anything to each other...

Jun Zili, what a courageous person! Two masters in the integration stage will make wedding clothes for you!

What do you want to do next?

Yuan Xiao was restrained and taken away by the two landlords.

Under the protection of zombie hordes. The people on this ship were killed and no trace of their armor was left alive.

How Yuan Xiao and others used the zombie swarm to force them away again and again, now they are all returned!

--The biggest change in this battle is zombies!

Dai Li has pressed Yuan Qi's heart again.

"When we meet again, shouldn't Eunuch Yuan give me, a person who has repeatedly escaped death, a little greeting gift?"

Dai Li felt that this person was a character, because he had a Taoist scroll at the beginning, but it disappeared later, and now he has it again. Obviously, he had some dealings with Yuan Xiao in the middle. Instead of turning it over directly as he said...

Dai Li's tone and movements were very gentle. But Yuan Qi knew this woman's ruthlessness very well.

If you die, you should keep the scroll and die together.

Once again he faced this choice.

After thinking for a moment, Yuan Qi nodded happily: "That's natural."

Yuan Qi took out one of his scrolls. Dai Li was not too interested in it at first, but when he saw the contents on it, he raised his eyebrows.


This is such a big harvest~~

The military plane is involved!

Isn't this guy really weird?

Dai Li looked at him deeply. Without thinking too much, he put the scroll away!

Wow, put away the rubbing scroll. Just in time to face Feng Shaoling who was killing zombies crazily in the distance.

The other party's eyes were full of greed and murderous intent.

Looking at each other from a distance... the corners of Dai Li's mouth slightly raised in contempt.

The farthest distance in the world is not that I love you and you don't love me, nor is it that I am standing outside the TV. You are inside, but you want to kill me and you have the strength to kill me, but you just can't kill me.

Dai Li used Qianji to knock down the boat pole. A little closer to your feet, "Third Master Feng... the Sa family is waiting for you."

After saying that, he rushed into the C-crocodile army. Massacre!

Open and close!

The strength and killing aura are somewhat consistent with zombies!

Really not a zombie?

So how to explain all this?

Being provoked, Feng Shaoling almost lost control of her usual composure and smiled coldly, "The villain succeeds."

The murderous intention towards her has reached its peak. After breaking through the suppression for a moment, brush!

The zombie was blown away, and his body turned into a spiral vortex, catching up with Dai Li at a terrifying speed, and slashed with a knife in the air~!

Swishing, swishing, Daili's body was replaced by several shadows in the air, and in a moment... rushed towards the wall of Peach Blossom Mountain!

"There's no point running away!" Feng Shaoling's palms and footprints! A double-edged wind knife condenses in the palm of the hand, and when it is thrown into the sky, it expands tenfold in an instant!

The high-speed double-edged wind knife was pressed by his hand...


He slashed towards Dai Li's waist below!

The speed is too fast, and the shadow of an instant cannot be stopped...

At that moment, the light of the seal on his fingertips lit up, and Qin Zhige, who was not far away, raised his eyebrows. He seemed to see the strangeness flashing across Dai Li's face. Subconsciously, he turned to look at the person next to him. The Zombie King saw something similar and strange in his eyes...

Confusing temptation... Is the Zombie King hypnotized?

boom! ! !

One hand grabbed the wind knife.

Grabbing the blade with your bare hands!

Feng Shaoling was stunned, and Qin Zhige's eyes flashed slightly not far away.

This is not the hand of God Qin Nan.

That's a very ugly hand.

Zombie King!

"Roar!" After the Zombie King grabbed the wind knife, he crushed it to pieces, and then jumped and slapped it!

That palm of incomparable power struck Feng Shaoling directly head-on!

Feng Shaoling, who was originally filled with rage and anger, suddenly came to his senses. Faced with the zombie king, who was far more powerful than him, he slapped her with one palm...

What's going on here?

Yuan Xiao wanted to scratch the wall, Hui Gu and others bet several cartloads of cucumbers...

Everyone who was used to seeing Daili being chased and beaten by the Zombie King felt pained.

It seemed like the plot was moving too fast and they couldn't keep up.

However, some people suddenly understood why Jun Zili had provoked Feng Shaoling, killed Feng Zijun, killed Liu Zongyuan, and led zombies to attack the Feng King clan, just to make the usually calm Feng Shaoling despise her. when you lose your cool. Then lead him to the zombie king... This move is called killing with a borrowed knife!


Feng Shaoling only had time to avoid it a little, and then he slapped an arm to pieces!

The body was violently shot into the water, causing huge water waves...

The scene fell silent for a moment.

Um, Feng Shaoling and the Third Young Master of the Feng King were betrayed by the Zombie King just like that?

I didn't even see Dai Li being touched by him!

Was it set up by her?

Everyone who has always had a huge gap in strength is intoxicated.

"Nice job!" People like Xiangxi Palace couldn't help but praise it, it's so awesome!

Beautiful counterattack!


"How could this happen..." Huigu made a face. Immediately hit the strange frequency with the staff. The Zombie King regained consciousness immediately, and his eyes became very strange when he stared at Dai Li, but his murderous intention became deeper and deeper with the control of Gray Bones...

Daili's eyes deepened. Facing the ashes, there were two waves of energy surging between them in silence.

And when the Zombie King was wandering under the control of Dai Li and Hu Gu Gu.


A shocking wave of water suddenly erupted under the water, and a wind shadow suddenly emerged from the water below. Secret attack!

Feng Shaoling, whose half-arm was broken and shattered, was already seriously injured, but even with such strength. He also wants this damn gentleman to fall in front of him!

This guy came so unexpectedly that Dai Li could only withdraw his control from the Zombie King, turned around and used the Sword of the Moment towards the opponent!

The sword of the moment, the speed of the soul!

Feng Dao kills. Physical speed!

boom! Feng Shaoling's soul was wounded by the blow, and her body shook. However, Dai Li was struck by a sword that penetrated his waist and ribs.

The penetrating wind blade pierced the mountain wall. A peach blossom was cut down.

What a fast sword, what a terrifying Feng Dao technique!

Dai Li's palms were exactly the same as his waist. There is a hole above, looking at Feng Shaoling opposite.

Feng Shaoling sneered, "Even if I am seriously injured by the zombie king, I will only have about 20 to 30% of my strength left now, because it is enough to kill you..."

"Really...are you sure?" Dai Li said lightly, and then Feng Shaoling immediately saw that the wound on her waist healed instantly!

How can this be!

Such resilience...

Not even zombies!

Dai Li didn't know what kind of state he was in at this moment, a vampire, a zombie?


"Although you are seriously injured, I always don't like to bully disabled people, but since you are so enthusiastic and want to join in, then I can only reluctantly accept it..."

Is it 20% to 30% strength? Seriously injured?

Taking advantage of others' danger?

This is the effect you want!

No matter what he calls justice! As long as they are enemies! Kill him at all costs and means!

The gentleness on Dai Li's face was instantly replaced by a cold and stern look!

The body explodes at the fastest speed!

Absolute calmness, absolute killing, realm blessing!

Blessings for all conditions!

The strongest state!

The Shadow of the Moment hits critically, and the Sword of the Moment and the Blood Sealing Sword stand side by side!

Brush~! ! !

The river of swords cut out with one sword, the style of killing with one sword, and the absolute coldness of stiffness and blood!

He faced the large wind knife spiraling out of Feng Shaoling's palm!

Every inch of that wind knife is in the highly separatist power of the rotating storm. As soon as that wind knife is launched, the combat power has already reached 43,000.

Do you still have such strength at 20% or 30%?

The swords finally meet!

The indomitable sharpness, the spiral cutting wind!

The peach blossoms are falling in the mist and the rain is falling, and the swords are endless.

After the sword energy and sword energy surged, there was a burst of light!

Dai Li and Feng Shaoling's bodies crossed in the sky!

When Feng Shaoling had face-to-face contact with this person who was originally quite different in strength from him for the first time, the most impressive thing he saw was these eyes.

Cruel and evil, vaguely domineering.

He was very unhappy when he saw it, and just when he was about to use his remaining strength to suppress the opponent in one fell swoop...

"Third Master Feng, your health is no longer good...your body is very important."

One word without thinking, and the next second it was a completely violent melee!


As soon as Feng Shaoling touched Dai Li's palm, she felt a sharp pain in her arm...

Heaven, what kind of power is this!

It feels like...


Everyone only saw that the awesome Feng Sanshao, whose strength was close to that of Lian Yi, was slapped cleanly into the water again with the same trajectory after meeting someone Jun for the first time.

Although Third Young Master Feng was seriously injured,...

The expressions of the Wind King clan were distorted.

What a shame!

What a shame! (To be continued)


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