A Queen

Chapter 1009: Killing Matt is a waste of time! (Nicholelee and Shibi+)

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Big insult? The moment Feng Shaoling shot out of the water, Dai Li jumped down from the sky and placed one hand on the water.

He smiled softly at Feng Shaoling: "The means are not important, what I want is the result... Parting is not something that anyone can humiliate, Third Young Master!"

The light emitted from the palm of the hand spread out on the surface of the water and under the water...

That was the light of dreams, and the huge thunder array opened magnificently!

The first formation, a thunder knife formation,

The second formation is the Double Dragon Thunder Sword Formation.

The third formation is the Three Evil Sword Formation.

The fourth formation is the Sifang Suppression and Killing Formation.

Four formations overlap!

That is the most powerful move of the fourth level of lightning among the nine levels of lightning.

Because of the slight insult you gave Shang Biejie in your previous sentence.

I’ll give you thousands of thunder formations.

boom! ! !

The water area was covered with a large amount of thunder, and the water flow immediately boiled... It was an underwater thunder formation formed by boundless thunder light!

Feng Shaoling felt bad, but her body instantly went numb...and she couldn't move!

Eye surgery?

No, the pupil technique is only an auxiliary, and more importantly... paralyzing the mystery!

Boiling live fish?

Blunt chops?

Anyway, everyone only saw the seriously injured Feng Shaoling being punched into the water by someone... and was instantly stewed in a whirlpool of water mixed with thousands of thunder!

What a pot of chicken!

Xiangxi Palace opened her mouth wide and heard Xuan Qian say behind her: "She is so calculating with such a gap in strength... She is really a devilish person."


Although Lun Yi had to take an opponent of Feng Shaoling's level seriously, who would have thought that Dai Li could stew the opponent without any effort!

"Third Young Master!"


The people of the Feng King clan were shocked, especially Zhou Tai, whose legs were shaking. Feng Zijun was already dead. If Feng Shaoling makes any mistakes again, all eighteen generations of his ancestors will have their graves dug up and their bodies whipped, okay?


Zhou Tai fell into the thunder array in the blink of an eye. As soon as his feet touched the thunderous water flow, his expression changed, "Complete the mystery of first-level paralysis!"

Has the Mysterious Paralysis reached level one?

No wonder, no wonder...

Everyone subconsciously looked at the dense lightning above the water. Zhou Tai could walk in it, but they...

Zhou Tai glanced at him. You can see that there are many corpses of sea beasts floating on the water in the vast sea area in front of you.

Among them is Feng Shaoling...

died? Of course he's not dead. When Zhou Tai fished the weak Feng Shaoling out of the water...

It's like killing a matt and killing a chicken in vain!


"Life is really hard, I won't die even if I do this." Dai Li frowned slightly, the impact on her would be the same whether the other party died or not. The Wind King clan has already been provoked, and we are not afraid of another one coming. If we just keep them, it will always be a disaster.

After all, the timing was good once before, and the other party won't be so stupid again...

The difference in strength is still obvious~~

Xiangxi Palace laughed so rudely. "Hey, where did this sick fish come from? It's very rare...I'll go show off tomorrow."

Then I was able to take a few photos with my hands and feet...

For Feng Shaoling, the people on Daili's side will naturally not show much sympathy. The ridicule at this moment is as enthusiastic as it is.

And this is also the biggest humiliation Feng Shaoling has received in her life so far...

He pushed Zhou Tai away, his whole body wet and floating on the water. Looking at Dai Li in the sky, his eyes were extremely cold.

"Give me my order and everyone will attack her. No matter life or death, whoever kills her will be heavily rewarded!"

At this moment, Feng Shaoling no longer had the same demeanor as before. He didn't even care about containing Yuan Yi, he just wanted to torture this gentleman to death as soon as possible!

The people of the Feng King clan obeyed him, so naturally they wanted to kill Dai Li regardless of the obstruction of others, but they soon discovered that they were still too naive.

The situation has already been reversed,

The more powerful people in front of me are the people on Daili’s side!

Because Emperor Ming's sword was already placed on Yuan Xiao's neck, and the poster also used the sealing technique on him.

The people from the Qinghuang clan suppressed the people from Liyun, and Chang Ying and the others were restrained by the people from Wanbaozhai and Qishan Pavilion.

But in the past ten minutes, the situation has completely changed.

The eyes of Huigu and the others were filled with uncertainty, as if they were hesitating for something.

Damn, this situation is not easy to deal with~~

"My fault was that I underestimated you, Jun Zili." When Yuan Xiao sighed and said this, he almost admitted that he had lost.

It is also the highest evaluation of Daili.

"It's not that you underestimate me, it's that you didn't take me seriously from the beginning." Dai Li glanced at him. Whether it was Yuan Xiao or Feng Shaoling, they all failed because of their absolute neglect of her.

"Indeed...but I still don't understand, are you a human or a zombie?" Yuan Xiao still asked this question that everyone knew the answer to.

"Can Zang be like me?" Dai Li's rhetorical question came very quickly and firmly. Everyone was stunned, looking back and forth at the zombies and Dai Li, and then strangled the possibility that Dai Li was a zombie.

It really doesn't look like this.

"Well, since you are not stiff, you must have a mysterious background... But in this situation, you are not the real winner."

Yuan Xiao smiled softly and glanced at Dai Li, Emperor Ming and Xiangxi Palace: "I really want to know how they will treat you...right, Gong Zangxue"

Someone saw the dragon in the sky, the Jade Bone Dragon, flying down from the top of the sky, with a blood-red shadow standing above its head.

A woman who disappeared, hiding her blood, she was never there, no, maybe she was always there.

The blockade formation is activated.

Behind her is Bai Jin, who is riding an egret and is very leisurely, and after that... is the overwhelming army of the Demon Palace!

That flying temperament, with red stripes on a black background, and a bow and an arrow on it!

Who says that the person standing at the end will have the last laugh?

Some people who see it till the end are the ultimate winners.

Although they have been prepared for a long time and know that the Demon Palace will take action, the other party has been able to endure it until now... Emperor Ming and others are helpless.

Stepping on the Jade Bone Dragon's head, Gong Zangxue didn't even look at Feng Shaoling and the others. He only raised his eyebrows and crossed his chest with his hands. Looking down at everyone...

How terrifying is the army of the Demon Palace?

How terrifying is the power of a palace?

Qinghuang, the direct bodyguards of the Wind King are so powerful, and the momentum of the Demonic Bow Team behind Gong Zangxue is even greater than the combined power of the two!

"There is a scroll on the left, there is a treasure on the right, and there is nothing standing in the middle." Gong Zangxue got straight to the point, stroking a floating peach petal with his fingertips, and said with an arrogant look, "I have been fighting for so long. You are also tired. Hand over your things, go home, wash up and go to bed.”

There is a phoenix hidden in her eyes, a throne in her voice, and the lives and deaths of many people in her hands.

Stepping on the authority of the Jade Bone Dragon falling. It looked so dazzling in the mess in front of me.

As always, he is domineering and domineering!

The Wind King above, the Qinghuang, the Wanbaozhai. She doesn't care at all.. She just wants the Tao Roll!

"Is that Gong Zangxue?" The beautiful snow fish in the distance has frivolous eyes. She is indeed an unforgettable and beautiful person in the world.

Also very domineering.

"I originally thought this was a trick by Yuan Xiao and others. I think Lord Gong Zangxue had already planned everything when he first joined the Linglong Society. Your Demon Palace is as ruthless as ever," Emperor Ming said with a slight sneer.

In such a chaotic situation, I don’t know who is the enemy or the friend.

Who dares to say that Gong Zangxue and others were not allies before? What now?

"Thank you, you Yanyu Chonglou were just a little slower this time. If you had gotten the news earlier, you might not have been more clueless than us..."

He closed his eyes lightly and saw Gong Zangxue's eyes floating towards him, as well as an outstretched hand: "Young girl, I think you must have a scroll on your body."

"How to see"


The two looked at each other silently and spread their hands. "I really can't give it to you if it's a gift from others."

Are you going to break up? And these words sound like a show off!

However, Gong Zangxue's eyes flickered, and he said briefly: "It doesn't matter, anyway, there is still the biggest meat ticket here..."

As soon as Gong Zangxue said this, he turned around and saw the biggest meathead grabbed Bai Jin's sleeve with a pious look on his face and pulled him forcefully: "Doctor Bai, where have you been! I've been looking for you for a long time. !”

"I need you very much! Why did you come here!"

"Hurry up, stop dawdling! Time waits for no one!"

"Don't be annoying, I'll give you whatever you want~~ Come on!"

At the end, he added, "Lou Lanting, what are you waiting for? You two come together!"

Um...this situation is a bit confusing.

Bai Jin gently pulled her sleeves out of Dai Li's claws and smiled: "Here... I made an agreement with her... you don't have to worry about it, just mind your own business."

This is a rhythm that deliberately stokes hatred and stokes the flames of hatred.

But everyone can guess that it has something to do with Shang Biejie.

Gong Zangxue's eyes narrowed, and he said calmly: "You make the decision regarding the medical scroll, and the rest..." She looked at Dai Li with cold eyes.

"Take it out"

If Yu Ji and others had some expectations for Gong Zangxue's attitude towards Dai Li before, now they are reduced to rubbish in seconds.

The hostility and murderous intent are too deep.

Dai Li had known for a long time that this person seemed to have some secrets with him, but she couldn't guess it yet. She was not surprised by her inexplicable attitude of turning her back and denying people every minute. It was just a Taoist scroll or something, or not. Very willing...

During the struggle, Gong Zangxue swept his eyes coldly: "Don't I always value your friends? No matter whether they live or die?"

"If I hand over the Dao scroll, will you let them all go?" Then just hand over one... Le Dao or Martial Arts scroll...

Dai Li's mental abacus crackled, but Gong Zangxue smiled, "Are all your friends so cheap?"

"They have always been worthless in my eyes..." Dai Li said with a cold expression.

"One Tao scroll changes one person" Gong Zangxue was even colder.

"One for ten!"

"Do you think they are cats and dogs?"

"Don't say that, what do you want cats and dogs to think..."

So, Mr. Jun, you are already trampling us on creatures like paramecium in order to bargain!

Such a chilling scene, the troops of Demon Gong Palace are here, watching their leader bargaining with the equally serious meat ticket...(To be continued)

The latest chapter of the first female emperor is released at high speed. This chapter is Chapter 1009. Killing Matt is a waste of time! (He's Bi+) The address is

... ()

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