A Queen

Chapter 1010 Cross-domain projection! Giant!

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Yuan Xiao watched coldly, then suddenly looked towards Feng Ding Hu Gu and the others, and sneered, "I have always heard that Zombie Territory has many methods, but why do I feel that everyone seems to have some spare power in their attacks today? Is it because I didn't give you enough chips, or you guys?" "My heart is different"

In response to Yuan Xiao's somewhat hopeful question, Hui Gu and others had strange expressions, especially Hui Gu, who wriggled his withered lips, and finally uttered: "He's here."

Him, or her? who?

Yuan Xiao suddenly became nervous. Before he could react, he heard the sound of something breaking and tearing. He turned his head and saw such a scene.

The sky is full of colors and colors, and giant faces appear looming, making a majestic sound...

"It's the big shots from far away who can't wait any longer."

"Cross-domain surface projection"

"It really is..."

"How come so many big shots know..."

Baili Fengxue and others were seriously injured. They were unable to bear the pressure of the strange phenomenon in the sky in front of them. They could only hold one by one to support themselves, otherwise they would just hold on to the pole of the boat...

Dai Li looked up at such a scene, as if he saw a nine-day mural of fairies flying around the world. At a glance from the corner of his eye, he could see Gong Zangxue's frown.

It seems that this was not what she expected. There must be something wrong with some joint. After all, no matter which force it is, they don't want to make this matter bigger, including people like Yuan Xiao and Hu Gu, otherwise the coverage will be too wide. , there is absolutely no benefit to them.

And if these big figures in front of us are projected down, the lives of people like Emperor Ming can be roughly guaranteed, but it will definitely not be good for those who have Tao scrolls!

Why do the big shots come?

Of course it’s for the Tao Roll!

So, who informed these people? Daili's eyes drifted across the people in front of him, and he couldn't determine who it was for a moment. After all, there has been such a thing as the Brilliant Blood Jade, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false..

Just when everyone was suspicious of each other and frightened by the majestic projections of the big men in the sky,

Finally a giant face made a sound.

"The bow hides blood..."

The responses are endless, as if thousands of speakers are playing back at the same time...

As soon as Emperor Ming saw this giant face, his expression changed slightly, and he lowered his head and said nothing, while Gong Zangxue, who was named, raised his eyebrows.

"What are you going to do to my misty palace..." He asked softly, full of coldness and indifference.

Not asking. But OK.

"Is our Qishan Pavilion obstructing the Demon Palace?" Another giant old face appeared.

It can be proved that the background and strength of these two people are stronger than other big-head projections. So none of those big shots said anything, only these two people did!

Gong Zangxue faced the pressure of such a powerful man alone, his red sleeves fluttering. He just raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "You guys go tell the old man of the Demon Palace about this... It is not our Demon Palace that has betrayed traitors, and it is not our Demon Palace that has betrayed traitors."

Is it possible for a person to be so angry with just one sentence?

The two giants who had received some news were immediately choked up, and their majestic faces were torn apart by the claws of a certain arrogant Persian cat...

It's not that the bow hides blood. It's just that the girl's backside is too tough, and those people in the Demon Palace are not generally difficult to deal with. Another root that is too short to protect itself..

As a result, the two giants who showed off their arrogance immediately fell silent.

But it's definitely not just these two characters who dominate the sky.

Two giant faces appeared again, facing each other, one white and one green.

Wind King. Qinghuang!

As soon as she saw the powerful projection of the Wind King appearing, Daili's first reaction was to scream secretly, but it was beyond her expectation. The strong man from the Wind King didn't even look at Feng Shaoling, nor did he ask where Feng Zijun was going or the current mess of the two Wind King guards. He seemed not to see them, only looking at Qinghuang opposite.

“Arrived quite early”

"Fortunately, I can't get ahead of you"

Then they all laughed~ Silence is better than sound, and the murderous intention is invisible. At the end, the giant face of the Wind King glanced at Qing Yi: "This junior is not bad."

"It's indeed good," the green-faced giant said with a faint smile.

Being praised in person, Duan Yuan didn't change his expression. He only sent a message to Daili to explain: "In our family, as long as it does not shake the foundation and destroy the blood of people, ordinary fights will never make people of this class inferior. He asked, and the Feng King was in great disgrace now. He was at a disadvantage when he opened his mouth, and he would be laughed at by others in their circle... After all, if there is a fight between the strong and the weak among the younger generation, the big family will be at a disadvantage. Our ancestors took action to protect us, and how could this world of immortality develop? So later, after the agreement between the powerful people of the world and the powerful casual cultivators, this habit was formed..."

This class... I guess it must be Mahayana.

Dai Li sighed, having gained some understanding of the laws of this world.

However, Daili and Renyi all forgot one thing.

"Old ancestor, this gentleman has two Tao scrolls on his body! For the two Tao scrolls, he shamelessly framed Master Zijun and Young Master Shaoling... You must make the decision!" Zhou Tai, an orthodox distraction, The master suddenly burst into tears, which scared Dai Li and others.

Um, so what, this guy seemed to be a cold swordsman before, okay? Why is he like this now...

However, Dai Li was immediately locked by several terrifying qi machines.

Qishan Pavilion, Misty Rain Tower, Wind King, Qinghuang...

Two scrolls...

Daili is definitely the biggest sweet potato!

The hearts of people like Nan Lin were trembling for a moment. The pressure of these four powerful men was unparalleled, and they could not even move a finger.

very scary!

But what to do about Daili!

You must know that these strong men never regard human life as human beings, unless Daili has a background of Tongtian, but people in Nanlin know the origin of Mingdaili. It may be mysterious, but there is absolutely no substantial help. In this case. ..

It was as if there was only one person left in the world, Dai Li.

Under such suppression, Dai Li subconsciously touched the storage ring. In fact, she had already made some plans from the time she fought for these scrolls and even when she got the most important Tianchen Dao scroll, otherwise she would have to rely on such a person like her. It is not impossible for a lonely and helpless person to eat the biggest piece of fat. As long as she abandons some people and hides them...

But she's made her choice, hasn't she?

"Chen Gong's Secret Record" is just a Taoist scroll. She can give up all the others except Tianchen!

As long as Tianchen is there, most other Dao scrolls seem to be just floating clouds...

The thought of generation and separation passed by in just one thousandth of a second, and his eyes were filled with light and graceful light. I just opened my mouth to say something...

"One of her Tao scrolls is here with me. Ancestor," Nuanyi's voice came in a shallow voice.

The master of Qinghuang was stunned, "At your place?"

"Yes...she is my friend, and she gave this scroll to me. Please don't embarrass her, and please give the scroll to the family... The 300th generation of the family, Duan Qingyi, bows to me." Duan Qingyi bowed his head. Bend your head slightly, fold your hands straight in front of you, and hang them lightly on your sleeves. One hundred percent standard ancient family etiquette.

My friend, Tao Juan. gift...

What Luan Yi said was plain, but it made the powerful Qinghuang man change his tone.

"Are you the Qingyi of this generation?"

This generation’s Tsing Yi? There is something interesting about this.


"Very good. This scroll is destined to you, and it belongs to you. No one else can take it away. As for your friend, since he is your friend, he will never be the enemy of our Qinghuang."

This attitude changed too quickly. Can anyone transform into one of their own in just one second?

The strong face of the Wind King became serious and indifferent, and Qishan Pavilion and Yanyu Chonglou were too embarrassed to snatch the scroll from Duanyi's hand.

After all, there is Qing Huang behind him.

"What about the other scrolls? Are they also given away?" King Feng suddenly smiled softly.

Take out another Tao scroll! Dai Li had already made plans in his mind. But definitely not to the Wind King...

Even if it is given to Qishan Pavilion or Yanyu Chonglou, it will be fine!

"There is another Taoist scroll," Dai Li said in a long tone... He looked past Gong Zangxue, and then looked at the four giant faces.

To whom?

What kind of Taoist scrolls will you take out at hand?

In the silence, Qin Zhige stood on the peach blossom tree and saw the strange expression of Liu Hongxiu not far away...

Well, what role does this person play in this farce?

In his eyes, there are actually four people who play extraordinary roles, one of whom...

He is one of the driving forces behind the scenes.

Just when Dai Li moved his hand, a Tao scroll appeared!

Rumbling, the sky was covered by absolutely dense darkness. It was pure black darkness without impurities, covering half of the sky. And this covering was still spreading in horror. Coercion appeared from the sky and descended on everyone's heart. They seemed to I also heard the sound of thousands of birds coming to their nests.

Every cell is screaming that the great terror is coming.

Dai Li looked up at the sky and saw the thousands of black birds flying by... turned out to be flames!

Black flames?

Why do you feel so scary?

A face condensed in the darkness.

A vague and general face, a feminine outline, a perfect outline.

The chin that was as delicate and delicate as a sculpture was lifted slightly, and the lips opened and closed, "It seems that I missed it."

Her voice was slightly low-pitched and hoarse, with a kind of gentle languor, sinking like a dry towel quickly soaked with ice water. She said she missed it, no one dared to refute, but they couldn't help but not want her to miss it.

It's scary, but also fascinating.

With just an invisible giant face and a short sentence, this existence directly fell into the hearts of the ten people present.

who is she?

That half of the sky actually suppressed the projections of most powerful people.

"...It's her!" Emperor Ming's low-pitched whisper could only make Dai Li and others suddenly realize that this person's identity was unusual, and the strong man from Naqishan Pavilion's sigh revealed the identity of the other party: "Empress, when you are not in the Dark Bamboo Region taking care of everything, why are you here in Fenchuan... Are you here for the "Secret Records of Chen Gong"? After all, what use are those Taoist scrolls to you?"

Empress! (To be continued)

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