A Queen

Chapter 1011 The Empress! Peach blossom skull!

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There is no name, no titles such as sir or fairy.

Only two words.


The empress who rules over a group of territories.

Everyone changed their expressions at her appearance, especially those from the group domain, such as Xiang Yunhong, Xi Liuyingbu Feiyang and others from the medium-sized group domain.

The Dark Bamboo Group Domain, a large group domain, is completely different from the medium-sized group domain. It has only one overlord, and that is the Empress. .

"Is this just useful to you? Aren't you all here for the military plane scroll... But since I'm here, you've come here in vain."

The empress said lightly, turned her huge face, and glanced at most of the people in front of her...

Finally, he paused on Dai Li: "It's on you."

it? What else could it be! Military Aircraft Dao Scroll!

Vomiting blood!

Dai Li almost thought that the other party had the same ability to sense Dao Scrolls as she did, but if so, she should know that she had two Military Aircraft Dao Scrolls!

So she glanced at Yuan Qi in the next second, and just in time to see the man's half-smiling expression, her heart suddenly became filled with confusion!

Damn it, I was tricked by this guy!

Only she and this guy know that the military plane was involved in her hands, okay?

But that's not right. Yuan Qi is obviously under Yuan Xiao's command, but Yuan Xiao seems to know nothing about the empress. Could it be that Yuan Qi can bypass him and join the empress?

Impossible, the gap between the circles is too big, and Yuan Qi doesn't have the ability yet, so...is there someone else in the middle?

Daili's brain cells died quickly, but he was already facing the empress's projection.

The pair of bright eyes hidden in the darkness are cold and indifferent, with very rare violet pupils...

Legend has it that people with purple pupils are born noble.

But he is also doomed to be alone for the rest of his life... so he kills Wuji!

Take out the scroll quickly, or she will kill you in the next second!

Absolutely no doubt!

A pair of these eyes. Four eyes looking at each other...

The bloody moment versus the purple on the other side...

That is the soul throbbing that belongs to those with pupil skills talents!

Dai Li felt that his eyes were greatly stimulated, his head seemed to be pricked by a needle, goosebumps all over his body, and then the Tao scroll in his hand shook and almost fell...

The Dao scroll was hanging in the air and was caught by a ball of black energy, which pulled the Dao scroll away. Just glanced at it and then closed it.

"Hmm~~Le Dao Zhongjuan...are you kidding me?"

Those violet eyes had slightly raised eyeliner. Youyou looked at Daili, as if she was looking down at a cute little animal at her feet... Even people like her felt a sense of fear with their hearts beating violently.

Legend has it that the empress has always been moody and ruthless. Dai Li is seeking death by doing this!

That "funny me" sound was absolutely indifferent, but did it have a lingering aftertaste?

Have you washed your neck?

"Uh, I got it wrong." Dai Li smiled briefly, and then he suddenly became witty again: "If I had known earlier that Your Majesty the Empress was coming, I would have been waiting for you with the military plane roll~~"

What about moral integrity!

"Here, let's change it to another one..." Dai Li finally took out the military plane roll. Under the greedy and greedy eyes of other giants...

The military plane was in her hands.

Yuan Qi gently held his forehead. Although he had already guessed that this woman would definitely not be able to work hard for a scroll, her willingness to do so really refreshed his acceptance threshold.

However, at this moment, someone set a new lower limit again. She suddenly took back the scroll, put it behind her, and said with a serious look: "Wait a minute. Listen to me first."

That is simply a replica - if I don’t give it to you, I just won’t give it to you!

Yu Ji and others were about to faint.

Generation away. Do you really want to tease the empress?

However, Daili's next sentence...

"Exchange this scroll for the safety of our friends, Your Majesty the Empress, can you do it?"

What identity and tone are you using to bargain with the empress?

With that scroll in your hand?

Feng Shaoling sneered, Jun Zili, who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, you are extremely stupid! What kind of person is the Empress? She is the overlord of a large group of people!

But in Yuanyi's opinion, Dai Li is smart!

Because there is more than just one empress here!

There are many other giants. The Military Aircraft Dao Scroll is of great significance. There is a difference between the parties concerned being willing to snatch it from the Empress. The other giants cannot say anything about the former and can only give up because they are afraid of the Empress' strength. But the latter... is justified in snatching it away. , why not!

This is the capital of Daili. She has positioned herself too accurately. If the empress is smart, she knows how to choose the best one!

And people like the Wind King tycoon are eager for the Empress to refuse...

If they refuse, the future of Yu Ji and others will be in jeopardy.

The threat from giants is too great.

"Are you threatening me?" The empress' voice came faintly from another distant place. Dai Li is not afraid of it, but this is not the first time such a crisis has happened. There are rare moments of life and death in life...

"I don't dare, I just want to use the only resources at hand to strive for the greatest chance of survival."

"Your vitality is still their vitality."

Another Hamlet-like choice!

"All of them"

Daili's answer was very straightforward.

It's so worth it to exchange a military plane for the safety of everyone waiting for you!

Suddenly, the empress seemed to be furious, and directly locked onto Dai Li's energy. The black energy behind the giant face roared out instantly, sending Dai Li flying...

The hearts of people like Ming Jian suddenly stopped...

Daili, is he going to be killed?

The moody empress, the murderous empress...

With a crash, Dai Li felt countless black factors passing through her body, analyzing every inch of her flesh and bones...

By the time she reacted, the black energy had been peeled off from her body and re-condensed into a face, floating up: "A very interesting physique and talent, but you don't have the capital to bargain with me. There is no one in this world worthy of my protection." , at most I won’t kill them... And your deal is irrelevant to me... I’m not afraid of a war, even if they come together. I’ll give you three breaths, give it or not!”

I'm not afraid of a war, even if we come together... I really don't understand, sister! Your domineering attitude is simply unbelievable!

It's just that he ignored all the other giant-level bad old men, right?

Dai Li thought that she had stepped on shit late at night when she met Gong Zangxue, but now she realized how cruel fate was, and she actually met a more domineering and ruthless empress around the corner!

And with this temper, Jiang Zi’s tsundere has gone to the extreme! Not on the normal human thinking curve!

For the first time, Dai Li felt that there was something wrong with his research on the emperor's mental skills. And the other party seemed to have seen through her completely. His expression froze for a moment, and the military plane scroll in his hand instantly became a hot potato. Why did he throw it away? Still not throwing it away?

This empress has such a weird temperament. If she really doesn't give it, how will she react?

The goal of these giants seems to be only military aircraft scrolls, and they don't have such a big desire for other scrolls...

Three breaths?

First breath...

Dai Li's legs merge.

Second breath. Holding the scroll with both hands together.

The third breath, the standard contribution posture...knightly elegance: "Your Majesty the Empress. Please accept this scroll."


Although they knew that the situation at hand was dangerous, some people still laughed inappropriately.

People like Nanlin couldn't even complain. Although they knew this was the best choice, why Mao felt that she could bring two kinds of light at the same time in a desperate situation.

Hope and despair.

My own family. Hope, enemy, despair.

Take a look. She has never despaired. Isn't that the greatest hope?

Yu Ji held Shang Biere's hand. It's almost healed.. In a while, everything will be free.. Farewell, you will be saved.

So..please hold on.

The empress' black energy enveloped the military plane's scroll...

Gong Zangxue's eyes darkened slightly, while the eyes of Feng King and others wandered to the others.

The military plane is on Dai Li, so what about up and down?

Is the massacre about to begin?

Or take the initiative to surrender?

There is a way to roll...

"I didn't see three volumes of military aircraft Dao scrolls today... I'm afraid I won't stop until I die." The old man from Qishan Pavilion sighed sadly, which seemed to be a reminder and a warning.

Being in a superior position, they know the importance of the military plane scroll too well...

But it seems impossible to kill them all directly...

The impact is not good.

They really don't want to...

In such a solemn atmosphere, the wind is blowing, the peach blossoms are also flying, and the scene is charming...

But this charm becomes weird.

Dai Li suddenly smelled a smell that was similar to Deja vu. The smell made her stunned. This was...

"Damn it, she's really here!" Gray Bones suddenly hit the ground hard.

Everyone was shocked when they saw all the peach blossoms on the mountain wall floating up from the water and condensing into the sky, forming a blurry and twisted mark.

A skull.

A skull made of countless peach petals.

The skull looked down at all the giants and the colossi, and also looked down at all the people, and said only one sentence.

"In this important place for soul sacrifice, there will be a tide of souls in a moment. The dead will live, and the living will die and retreat!"

"There are still Mahayana you out there. If you continue to think about your soul, be careful of the hell king locking your soul and destroying your soul!"

These words caused the expressions of these giants to change rapidly. The empress frowned, "It turns out that this place is also an important place for soul worship. No wonder the Feng Shui is so weird..."

Soul sacrifice and soul tide are two rituals that are different from the real world of immortality. They have always belonged to the ghost path. Unless you are an immortal, you must not interfere with the affairs of the ghost path. Even most Mahayana masters have always been against this. Taboo is like people not fighting ghosts.

This is the rule.

Therefore, each of these giants secretly complained.

I'm afraid I won't be able to grab this roll today...

As soon as the pink skull's voice dissipated in the air, Dai Li felt the surge of the sea below him...

Can you imagine that such a huge and vast sea area was torn open with a huge hole, and thousands of water stairs appeared? (To be continued)

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