A Queen

Chapter 1012 Soul Tide

h2\u003e Wow, the water flows under the ten thousand water stairs. Where it flows, the torches on the stone walls are lit with ghost fires.

The boundless black hole below was filled with a ghostly aura.

Cold to the depths of the soul.

The water in the surrounding waters swells greatly, and the water level rises...

"The soul tide is coming"

"Quickly avoid it! Otherwise, your soul will be devoured and your body will be taken over!"

The giants were the quickest to react. If they were not concerned, they would run away directly. If they were worried, they would use the remaining power of the projection to sweep them away!

For example, Emperor Qin directly rolled up Yuan Yi, Yu Li and others, and Yuan Yi escaped into the whirlpool in the sky without even having the strength to refuse...

On the other side, Emperor Ming also grabbed Yu Ji's hand and wanted to take her away, but there was Shang Biejie beside Yu Ji! Where are you willing to go...

In an instant, Yu Ji's neck tilted and she was knocked unconscious.

Emperor Ming looked at Dai Li, this guy was so cruel!

"If Zi Li is unable to do anything, Yu Ji will be left to the seniors."

After saying that, she picked up Shang Farewell, nodded to Emperor Ming, and then turned into a stream of light and flew up with everyone's chaotic flow...

Emperor Ming didn't have time to express his feelings about whether this person was affectionate or just amazing. He directly picked up the fainted Yu Ji and turned into a stream of light and left. He was in the integration stage, so he was still sure to take someone out of here without anyone stopping him. Well, as for the combination...

It's all hanging.

"I knew I couldn't choose this place! Look, look," an old man muttered and complained.

"This time it's all in vain. How many of those people can survive now? How are we going to find the storage ring..."

"Who told Yuan Xiao and the others not to believe what we said... We just said that Fenchuanbi is not just the place for Quinn's treasure... How could those people in Peach Blossom Spring be so vulgar as to guard a treasure?"

It's just because this is an important place for soul worship and a place where souls tide once every fifty years.

But dear, is it useful for you to act in hindsight now?

"Why do I think this day is damn good! It's more accurate than women's days! It seems like someone did it on purpose!" Hui Gu's words made many people's eyes light up.

It's a pity that people like Daili and others can't hear it...

Huge waves rolled in, and the tide came in cold. Everyone felt that their souls were being inexplicably charmed, and they became numb and dozed.

It’s the soul charm!

Daili was okay, his soul was strong, but the famous swordsman and others following him became dizzy and their bodies...

not good!

Replace the anxious time.


The clear sound of the piano came, and Dai Li turned his head and saw Qin Zhige and Su Li. He was twisting a string on his fingertips, and he still maintained his nobility and calmness amidst the endless escape around him.

"Goddess Qin, you..."

Why haven't you left yet~~ This sentence was choked by Dai Li, because she saw the seriously injured Su Li, and it seemed a bit far-fetched to move her in a large area under such circumstances.

But it seemed like she couldn't leave now. Dai Li had already seen a huge sky plate forming in the sky, which seemed to be an altar for sacrifices. It was covered with dense ancient texts and pictures. She felt dizzy after just one glance. stand up.

very scary!

Is this the supernatural power of the ghost world?

"One thing drops another, go to a place where you can resist the tide of souls."


"Trust me?"


Qin Zhige flicked his sleeves and thrust his body directly towards the gap in Guiwei Gorge!

As soon as he saw this Dai Li, his expression changed.

"Goddess Qin, is it still too late for me to say I don't believe it?"

"What do you think?"

Ming Jian and the others did not hesitate and followed Qin Zhige directly into the Ghost Crying Gorge. Are they going back to the Land of Peach Blossoms?

"Peach Blossom Land!"

"Yes! Peach Blossom Land!"

When the upper level is blocked and the lower level opens the ghost gate, they have only one way!

Go to Guiwei Gorge and enter the Peach Blossom Land!

Swish, brush, brush! There is no giant to rely on. People who want to be packed away can only fly towards Guiwei Gorge!

In the distance, Snow Fish saw that terrifying scene and frowned slightly, "It turns out there is such a foreshadowing, it's really complicated."

She raised her eyebrows and crushed the two talismans in her hand...

At the same time, Xue Qiange and Jue Xuuge, who were still in chaos and wanted to rush into the Ghost Crying Gorge, suddenly felt that their bodies were out of control and were covered by a ball of light...

"Thousand-mile teleportation talisman!"

"Oh! They two actually have this skill!"

Baili Fengjiang stared blankly, watching helplessly as these two people disappeared without a trace...

Since there is such a treasure, these two people can just slap their butts and leave long ago, okay? Why...

"She did it on purpose." Baili Fengxue only took a deep look at the sight of Bianzhou in the distance. No wonder he didn't want to intervene. It turned out that he had already taken a retreat... A very powerful person, Snow Fish...

brush! Baili Fengxue dived into the Ghost Crying Gorge without looking back...

It was also after these people rushed into the Ghost Crying Gorge that a row of white-clothed ghosts with disheveled hair finally walked out of the ghost gate.

No matter what you were like before you were alive, you will be the same here after death. You are still naked, wearing only a tattered white dress. No matter how beautiful you were in life, you are just a terrifying ghost with white face and black lips at this moment.

There is no distinction between high and low, they are all just floating, neatly and neatly drifting into the narrow Ghost Crying Gorge under the supervision of the Yin soldiers...

A total of 308 ghost tides came out of the huge ghost gate and converged towards the narrow mouth along the surging tide...

The fish swimming in the water died instantly after they passed by, deprived of their vitality.

Because these ghosts have an instinctive greed for any living creature with vitality. They are too eager to live. If a living creature is seen inside, they will be skinned alive.

So the dead die and the living die.

Perhaps the only exception is the peach blossoms that are as gorgeous as ever..

And when the endless ghosts entered the Ghost Crying Gorge, Dai Li and others couldn't find the entrance to the Peach Blossom Spring!

What the hell!

The entrance is missing?

"The entrance to Peach Blossom Spring is one-way, you can only go out but not enter, unless someone inside Peach Blossom Spring is controlling it..." Qin Zhige's words made others wake up, what should they do!

Bang bang bang!

Dai Li smashed several holes into the mountain wall! Then kick away the coffin next to it and break the peach blossom tree...

"what you do?"

"This peach blossom branch can last forever with these coffins, and it can not be destroyed after the soul tide appears. It must have a symbiotic restraint effect... A dead horse is a living horse doctor!" Dai Li's words made everyone's eyes brighten, and everyone around them also There is no other way to escape, and it’s not like we don’t know how long the Ghost Crying Gorge is...


Small potholes appeared quickly one after another. Dai Li hugged Shang Biel and stepped directly into a hole. It was difficult to cover large potholes with peach blossom trees. Naturally, the smaller the better, so everyone did not stick together, but stayed nearby. I just found a place and did the same thing...

In the cave, which was not big or small, there were only Dai Li and Shang Biejie. She felt the warmth of Shang Biejie's neck with her hand, and her face suddenly darkened.

Damn it, the delay has been too long. Now that Shang is gone, how can she wait until she finds Bai Jin?

Just when Daili was getting anxious, the tidal breath of cold souls outside the cave finally spread in, freezing inch by inch along the mountain wall. The water flow froze into ice, and the ghosts in white floated through the gorge one by one, helpless. , during the journey, they would lift the lid of the coffin and take a look to see if there were any fresh corpses...

Of course there is.

After all, it was after the battle not long ago. Daili and the others could even hear the creaking and wailing sounds coming from outside, as if a soul that did not belong had squeezed into one... but it had not yet completely possessed them. , and was torn apart by the other ghosts in anger.

It’s so cruel!

Dai Li licked his lips. When he sensed that these ghosts were getting closer and closer, he couldn't help but hold his breath. Just get through this moment, just get through it...


The coldness spread, and Dai Li suddenly saw ghosts floating past behind the peach blossom branches, turning a blind eye, as if they had no sense of them!

Very good!

This method is indeed effective!

At the same time, Ming Jian and the others were also overjoyed, but they didn't know that Dai Li's face was extremely ugly now.

Because there is a small pool of fresh blood just behind the peach blossom branch and at the entrance of the hole. This seems to be dripping from the body just now...


The small blood stain was slowly flowing out along the threshold of the cave door...

What would be the impact if the blood flowed outside?

Oh! !

The dissociative nerves were tense in an instant, and it was too late to stop it. I could only watch the drop of blood flow out...

In an instant, a ghost passing by seemed to be charmed. He turned his face and saw the drop of blood. He quickly and greedily went over to mix the drop of blood with dust, and then raised his head... .

From the gap covered by the branches, Dai Li saw a pair of bloody eyes staring at her... no, they were staring at Shang Biejie!

not good!

The death energy on Farewell's body is too strong! And mixed with the smell of blood, it is the best body for these ghosts.

Those souls have already discovered them, how can this be broken?

These peach blossoms can block...

As soon as Dai Li thought about it, he saw those souls doing the same action towards those peach blossoms...


Keep sucking~~

As they moved, the originally bright color of the peach blossom branches gradually dimmed and withered.

"It turns out that these ghosts are not completely powerless against the peach blossom tree...that's too bad." Dai Li estimated that in less than three minutes, the peach blossom branches would not be able to stop these ghosts. And with more and more ghosts, it is estimated that in three minutes, Less than a minute!

Daili's side was very urgent. The people in the cave opposite also vaguely heard the sound of the ghosts gathering. What was going on? It seemed that a lot of ghosts had not left. Qin Zhige's peach blossom gap near the entrance of the cave opened. Look, he suddenly frowned.

This is not a good situation. r1152( )

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