A Queen

Chapter 1014 Anubi? Borrow the soul!


It seems that I have never been straightforward enough.

Dai Li narrowed his eyes, then smiled casually, "Okay, then... let's fight!"

boom! !

That sickle has been chopped off!

King of France? Only the breath of soul! Pharaoh level!

To see its trajectory clearly, Dai Li felt like his eyes were on fire...


brush! The four of them moved to both sides together!


A sickle struck the central water surface, and a terrifying wave rose thousands of feet high! Kilometers long! Then press towards the mountain walls on both sides!

shield! !

Peng! !

It was shattered in the blink of an eye, with no power to resist at all!

This is overwhelming power....

Seeing the sharp waves approaching, Dai Li turned around and pressed Farewell against the wall, with his back facing the waves...

Poof! !

A dull thud!

My back was wet and cold, but there was no pain at all!

Dai Li suddenly turned around and saw a familiar figure from behind, Gong Zangxue?

Gong Zangxue condensed a flame shield with one hand to block the sickle...

"Why don't you hide away and wait to die?"

Dai Li came back to his senses, hurriedly hugged Biere and left from behind her, just in time to see Bai Jin, who was also protecting the three famous swordsmen, and Jing Jingyuan next to him.

Bai Jin smiled slightly at her, "It's not easy to find you."

Nonsense, I'm obviously looking for you, okay? But Bai Jin's expression told him that she had already obtained the scroll from Lou Lanting!

This is absolutely great news!

That Anubi is very powerful,

The shield hiding the blood of the bow was shattered in the blink of an eye. After retreating and flying back, the bow was strung up in the air and brushed!

One arrow pierces...


The arrow tip pierced its chest...it took a step back. But he grabbed it with his palm, pulled out the arrow, and roared!


Soul sound attack!

Thump, pound, thump!

Countless cone-shaped explosions appeared on the water surface, and Dai Li and others suddenly felt that all the internal organs in their bodies were shifting...

Just move it, there will be echo...


It's okay to vomit even if you don't vomit blood!

Except for Bai Jin and Gong Zangxue, none of the other people could withstand it.

"Physical attacks are useless, soul attacks! Give her to me. Come on!" Bai Jinduo simply said. Unlike Chu Xiuling and others who wanted to carry Miss Dai in their crotch to protect her, at the critical moment, she kicked her out very simply!

Fortunately, Shang was picked up by the other party. Dai Li also freed his hand, and when the sickle was slashed down again, his eyes met with Gong Zangxue's blood!


At the same time, it turns into a stream of light and leaps towards the mountain wall!

Leap to the left and right!

The sickle immediately chased the more lethal bow to hide the blood! Poof! !

The sickle slashed horizontally, as if cutting through the mountain wall. The bow was filled with blood and his body flew up. He strung the bow and shot another arrow. When the residual image of the sickle cuts again and is about to cut off the arrow, the fingertips are divided, and the arrow is divided! Nine evil guide arrows!

Boo hoo hoo. Nine arrows shoot in nine directions...

Bang bang bang!

The scythe swept...the arrows fell...

On the left, Daili sacrifices the Eye of the Moment, and the Sword of the Moment!


A sword breaks through the rain. Toward its brow....




Ying Zheng and others raised their hopes, but Bai Jin frowned. "Too weak!"

It is indeed too weak!

"Damn it, I don't have enough soul power!" Dai Li grabbed a peach blossom on the mountain wall with his palm, spun his body, and landed on the peach blossom branch. He heard Gong Zangxue complaining on the other side: "You are so weak! You are so blind. Magical talent!"

Dai Li couldn't stand it any longer, "I'm not even distracted, okay! You're awesome, come on!"

Not even distracted?

Several people were stunned, but it was too late to go into details. Gong Zangxue raised his eyebrows and said, "Then borrow the soul!"

"Okay, who can I borrow it from?"

"Believe me or not?"


Dai Li's figure flew over the mountain wall, rolling up all the peach blossoms wherever he passed. When the palm of his hand condensed, the plum blossoms flew around, and the blood from the bow flew out from the other side...

The two crossed each other in the air, and Gong Zangxue asked something that made Dai Li vomit blood.

"Front or back? Forget it, it's all the same."

"You! Be gentle~~"

The palm of his hand was printed directly on Daili's back~~

A large influx of powerful soul power!

That kind of undefended soul power, not only Dai Li has no defense, even Gong Zangxue has no defense at all. If Dai Li is a little bit more evil and directly uses the pupil technique on her body, Gong Damei will be able to kill her in a matter of minutes. Got seriously injured.

This is the terrifying thing about soul attacks.

Borrowing soul power is much more difficult than borrowing Yuan power. Fortunately, one of Gong Zangxue has a profound knowledge and the other is a talent in eye skills, so he is better at this aspect. Therefore, as soon as the soul power pours in, Daili will Use your mind to grasp the opponent's soul power, and merge!

At that moment, both Dai Li and Gong Zangxue felt the roar of their souls, hum~~

The Eye of Setsuna instantly expanded five times!

The sword of moment is completed!

My soul is so tense that it seems like it will be broken completely in the next second...

Sword, stab! !

Dai Li released his thoughts from his palm!

It’s like letting go of the bow string after hiding blood!



A sword passed...with a lot of peach blossoms...


He ejaculated directly on Anubi's forehead... half of it was inserted! Soul attacks surged into his body instantly, cracking the center of his brow...

The roar shook, and Anubi's body shook, but he suddenly grabbed the mountain wall with one hand and cut off several peach blossom trees. His expression was ferocious. At the end, his head flew up and turned into a large skeleton!


The final attack!

Dai Li and Gong Zangxue still have some remaining strength, most of the souls have already used the sword in an instant, okay!

The canine skeleton was directly covered by the two of them~~

A critical moment!

Bai Jin held Shang Biel in one hand, and spread out the other hand. The white light was bright, like the brightest light in the starry night.

The famous sword jumped up in the air and used his sword with all his strength. The most brilliant sword! cut!

Chu Xiuling's domineering body was like gold, turning into a golden gun! prick!

Jing Jingyuan slapped a palm, and one palm was a Tai Chi!

As for Ying Zheng...

He is not the most dazzling talent like the famous sword, nor is he the most decisive killer like Jingjing Yuan. He is just an emperor who rose from nothing and climbed to the highest level. In the most difficult and subversive era, he used his most powerful The bohemian and truest self meets that person. From now on, I couldn't help myself in front of her. After careful ups and downs and careful choices, he finally ascended to the position of emperor.

But this imperial position. Here, at this time, humbler than anyone else!

Since God has given me glory, why doesn't he give me strength? If he doesn't give it to me today. From now on, I will do whatever it takes, no matter what the cost... just like I am on the throne. Sooner or later...

Anger, hatred, and despair, Ying Zheng plunged his sword into the water...

boom! !

Thousands of feet of light. Covering the giant dog-headed skull.

Also covered are two people covered in dog-headed skulls.

No one can offend the power of the underworld!

After the light, Anubi's body seemed to sink and dissipate into the sky full of hot fireworks...

die. died?

With a few splashes, several people fell into the water. Then they were entangled by a large number of ghosts, like milky white air masses. But if you look carefully, you can see some female ghosts wrapping their black hair around the neck of Shang Bielie or Daili, and then put their heads up and stretched out their long His blood-red tongue wanted to insert into their mouths...

This is a ghost!

Just when they were about to succeed, they all suddenly retreated in fright, because a giant black face floated strangely on the water, looking down at several "bodies" floating on the water.

Because of its existence, all those ghosts were extremely frightened, but they heard the giant face say coldly: "Go on your own reincarnation path. If you look at it one more time, don't leave."

Are you scared to death?

Is this a human being with such a terrifying murderous aura? Isn't it the reincarnation of the God of Death?

The ghosts were all extremely frightened and took a detour.

However, he suddenly discovered that there was another face in front of him, opposite to the giant black face.

A peach blossom skull face condensed with thousands of peach blossoms.

The appearance of this face made them float ten times faster.

Mamma Mia, who is this pervert!

Two giant faces faced each other, and the water surface suddenly stopped, the ripples solidified, and the peach blossoms also solidified.

Peach Blossom Skull: "As expected of an empress, she is quite angry."

The giant black face said: "I can't compare to you, occupying such a huge soul-sacrifice place as my nest."

Peach Blossom Skull: "The world is so big, there is nowhere to hide... It's a pity that it delayed your calculations."

The giant black face said: "It's just one step away. Do you also want the military secret files on these two people?"

She seemed to know that Dai Li had a military secret dossier... but there was another person here who had a military secret dossier?

Peach Blossom Skull: "It's okay for others, but not these two."

Big black face: "It seems you can't stop me unless you move your true body."

Peach Blossom Skull seemed to raise an eyebrow: "It sounds like your real body can get here, but are you sure I can't touch you without moving your real body?"

Are you sure?

The empress hasn't felt like this for a long time, that kind of evenly matched and tense feeling~~

Is she afraid of fighting?

"Not sure, but I can give it a try."

"So, what if you add me?"

Suddenly, a person appeared.

A tall, unkempt middle-aged man in black robes with beard walked out of the water and said to the giant black face: "One is the orphan of my master's family, and the other is my daughter. Please forgive me, the Empress."

There are two people, but one is still not a weak entity.

The giant black face squinted and watched coldly as the middle-aged man picked up the two people on the water, put them on his shoulders, strode away, and disappeared...

The Peach Blossom Skull chuckled and left.

As soon as she left, the empress looked at the empty waterway with only the ghosts walking away. After a while, she chuckled: "When did zombies and demons get together... It's so interesting."

After saying that, his eyes dropped and fell on the other people on the water.

His gaze paused on Ying Zheng, "I have awakened the aura of an emperor... It's a pity that my background is too low and my limits are not high. How about I help you~~"

A ball of black light merged into Ying Zheng's body.

The giant black face gradually dissipated... (To be continued)

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