A Queen

Chapter 1015 Brother Chun is here~

"Do you really think I can't get these two military secret files? Just know who got them."

If you hide for a day, can you hide for the rest of your life?

Outside, it's her world!

The empress left, the Peach Blossom Skull also left, and the big man who didn't know who it was also left with two people on his shoulders, and the remaining people...

The other ghosts didn't know if they could take advantage of it for a while, until a greedy ghost couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to attach it... Then he found a big hole in the mountain wall, and a fleshy man holding a kitchen knife stared at him with an extremely fierce look. He waved his kitchen knife at it: "Get out!"


When did this ghost road have so many evil spirits!

Is this the reincarnation of Pork Rong?

"Okay, don't mess around with these ghosts. Look, don't leave there. Bring them in quickly... bring those people in too..."

"Oh~ By the way, who were those three people just now? It was so terrifying. They directly suppressed us and refused to open the entrance to the Peach Blossom Cave. Otherwise, we would have found them long ago! That man even took my son-in-law away. !”

"Girl, you are so big! You can't afford to offend those people, hurry up! I can't bear the separation anymore!"


Snap, the two people were placed on the floating wooden board, the sun was shining, lazily falling on them...

"Since you've woken up, why pretend to be dead?"

A faint voice reached her ears. Gong Zangxue sat up from the board and looked coldly at the man who left her with his back.

"Compared to you pretending to be dead for so many years, it's not too much for me to pretend for a while."

"Do you have to talk to your father like this?"

"No way, how am I qualified to be your daughter..." Gong Zangxue flipped up his long hair and sneered, "If this orphaned young master wasn't in danger, how could you have the leisure to appear in front of me~~ "

There was a pause. She put on a bright smile again and said, "You disguise yourself as a poor man and work as a shop cleaner, the famous devil Zang Feng, you are really promising!"

"Then what's the point of you repeatedly interfering in Daili's affairs?" Zang Feng said lightly.

"Thinking about how to kill her! What are you doing!" Gong Zangxue's teeth grinded, and suddenly he reached out his hand and slapped away the hand that fell on Dai Li's face like lightning.


The hand instantly became red and swollen. The owner of the hand, a handsome young man, looked embarrassed. He covered his hands and said: "I...I just wiped our boss's face. Her face is a little dirty..."

Gong Zang's bloody eyes glanced around and saw some dirt on Dai Li's face. He raised his eyebrows and said, "It's okay, she's used to being dirty!"

Han Xiuyuan: "..."

Our boss has always been a germaphobe~~

"Miss Gong said she wanted to kill someone, but she didn't mean it in her heart." There was a young man standing behind Zang Feng, elegantly dressed in white. The face is like a crown jade.

"Who are you?"

"...Probably he should be considered a student." Bai Shutang smiled lightly.

Gong Zangxue ignored the two people's cultivation, with some disapproval on his face. She was used to being arrogant, and she didn't take Zang Feng very seriously. She just said coolly to Zang Feng: "With so many people here, make sure you don't knock me out. You want me to say something unpleasant to you." if?"

"That's all you say." Zang Feng looked at her head-on, and Zang Feng didn't see the complicated look in his eyes.

Gong Zangxue crossed his legs and sat there. She no longer had the queenly look of the past, but only 90% of hostility and disgust.

"You said you just regarded her as the orphan of your master. Who doesn't know that you have fallen in love with the master's wife? You have been secretly in love with her for so many years, and you did not hesitate to abandon your wife and daughter to work in her house. However, she still doesn't recognize you at all. Now Well, he is dead and you snatched the stone statue forcefully...Zang Feng, I am embarrassed for you if you do this."

Such breaking news... Han Xiuyuan and Bai Shutang actually wanted to say that they didn't hear anything.

Zang Feng listened without even frowning. Zang Feng finished his words in a cadence, and then he slowly replied: "Why does it sound like you're vindicating an injustice to me?"

"Who is wronging you?" Gong Zangxue subconsciously picked up a bow and arrow!

But my hands and feet are weak...



"Then let's do it. Don't mess around in the future...don't hurt her."

Zang Feng took a deep look at Gong Zangxue and turned around.

Got to go?

You are just fooling around, your whole family is fooling around!

"You two have nothing to say, right?" Zang Feng glanced at Bai Shutang and the two.

"No." The two shook their heads, their eyes paused slightly on Dai Li, then turned around and followed Zang Feng away.

Gong Zangxue's expression instantly turned livid. He clenched his fists tightly, pursed his lips, and straightened his back. Without saying a word, he watched the three people disappear on the vast sea.

After a while, she closed her eyes, turned her head, and pinched Dai Li's neck with her hands, her eyes cold.


"Master, if you are like this, your daughter will probably resent you in the future." Bai Shutang felt that a woman like Gong Zangxue, who was outstanding in every aspect, would definitely be extremely vindictive, just like his teacher...

"That's my business, what are you afraid of?"

"No, I'm just worried that she will be bad for the teacher."

"..." Zang Feng was silent for a while, then said: "She doesn't know how, she never knows how."

His daughter still has a very clear sense of justice and knows who to hate and whom to blame, otherwise she would not have insulted Ye Ranqiu from the beginning to the end... But for Dai Li, a person with a similar temperament and similar background to her, There will definitely be sympathy and sympathy for each other,

The hiding master here was very confident, but he didn't know that as soon as he turned his head, his own daughter, who understood the righteousness of justice, strangled someone's neck...

"Cough cough cough." Dai Li instantly felt like his neck was being tightened by a deep-sea eel. After coughing violently, he grabbed the hand on his neck, opened his eyes, and cursed: "Gong Zangxue, you are a snake spirit." !”

Gongzang sneered with blood: "Isn't it nice to pretend to be dead and eavesdrop? I finally know some truth, isn't it nice?"

"It feels so good! I'm going to die from holding my breath! It's none of my business if you blame your father!"

"It's not your mother who could have such a father!"

"Oh, why do you sound so awkward? Seriously, Gong Zangxue!"

Dai Li suddenly looked serious, which made Gong Zangxue, who had originally planned to have a good fight with Dai Li, find it difficult to accept it for a moment. He subconsciously frowned and said, "Say!"

"Well... look at how much your father sacrificed for me, worked hard without complaining, and never asked for salary... so affectionate, I was moved."

"What are you showing off?" The bow beauty had a vein on her forehead.

"No, I just want to say... is it possible... that you are my sister? Look, you and I both look pretty good, we both like red clothes, and we are both very talented, genetically speaking. ..”

Dang Li was so serious that he raised this possibility. Gong Zangxue felt that all the blood in his body was flowing back. By the way, he felt that if he said this sentence in front of her mother's stone statue, the exiled soul might come back and kill her immediately. !

Gong Zangxue was solemn for a moment, and then said thoughtfully: "Dai Li, are you really Ye Ranqiu's biological daughter?"

You must have so much resentment towards your biological parents to have such malicious suspicions.

Daili's expression turned awkward for a moment, uh, what, you discovered all this?

All right...

Dai Li touched his chin, "If that's not the case, then why are you so angry? He didn't cheat."

"Is it not wrong to abandon your wife and daughter for so many years?"

"That's his business, it has nothing to do with us mother and daughter. What do you mean by repeatedly being cruel to me?"

Gong Zangxue was stuck for a moment. When he saw Dai Li's nonchalant expression, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Just for you mother and daughter, when my mother passed away, I went to beg him to return the sword." When she saw her, he didn't even reply, and he never took care of me after that. What do you think if this matter is left to you?"

Nonsense, of course the father and the mother and daughter were chopping and feeding the turtle!

Dai Li chuckled, "This... requires a detailed analysis of the actual situation, based on the facts..."

Gong Zangxue directly grabbed her neck again and pushed her down on the board of the boat, "Sometimes I really want to strangle you to death!"

Dai Li was also annoyed, and twisted his hand to hide the blood, "One moment you want to kill me, the next moment you want to save me, you must be suffering from menopause and snake syndrome!"

The two of them started fighting shamelessly on a small boat plank, causing the boat plank to shake...

The fight was in full swing, completely selfless, seagulls flew across the sky, and the salty sea breeze...

"Hey, you two are so excited, watching the little bed swinging and cracking."

As soon as this sound came, Gong Zangxue and Dai Li both froze. They turned their heads and looked around, seeing the huge sailing boat drifting across the ocean and arriving in front of them... The current almost overturned the boat Dai Li and Dai Li were on. plate..

And on the bow of the boat, stood a woman wearing a long flowery skirt that was slit high to the waist. From the angle below... those legs...

It seems a little familiar~~

Look at the face again.

That face that is so charming that it wants to enchant all the men in the world, that eyes that seem to be covered with eye drops forever, that waist that is always full and can be grasped but twists and turns so that you can't hold it, that face The woman who makes everyone turn pale with fear when she is expressionless....

Dai Li only took one look and immediately became as happy as if he had seen Columbus in the New World, waving his hands: "Little Chunchun!!~~Sister Chun, Brother Chun! Thirteenth Aunt~~"

Your sister’s brother Chun!

Chun Shisanniang immediately turned around and shouted to people: "Turn the boat around and go back."

Suddenly he no longer intends to save people.

Gong Zangxue: "...."

Seeing that Chun Shisanniang was really planning to turn around and leave, Dai Li looked around and realized that there was a huge mountain wall in his sight, which looked like a giant turtle... Wasn't that the Ghost Crying Gorge from before?

The vaguely visible side of Peach Blossom Mountain is still crimson.

There are just many ship fragments floating on the sea, which seem to be left behind after the bombardment of several groups of ships.

Well, this place is not safe, and it has left a big shadow on Dai Li's heart. In addition, the two of them are now exhausted of souls and beautiful in appearance. If they stay here, they are not seeking death. (To be continued)

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