A Queen

Chapter 1016: You got into my bed and you still want to get off? (RaineHawke and Shibi+)

h2\u003e After quickly weighing the situation at hand, Dai Li immediately closed his eyes, and then Miss Gong, who was still in menopause, watched helplessly as she rolled her eyes, her body swayed weakly, bang! It was so accurate that he fell into her arms.

Gong Zangxue: "...."

Chun Shisanniang: "...."

It's really intoxicating for people to be so shameless.


When someone fainted out of wit, Zangfeng and the others returned to Ghost Crying Gorge. It was already after the tide of souls. It was a mess and sparsely populated. They walked through the quiet water, and Bai Shutang pressed the sword on his waist with one hand. , searching for traces of Ye Chunan and others, but found nothing.

"No need to look for it, the people from Taohuayuan have already picked them up." Zang Feng's words made Bai Shutang raise his eyebrows slightly, while Han Xiuyuan, who had been silent, mustered up the courage to ask a question that he thought he would not ask.

"Why did you turn a blind eye to the crisis before, as if... all of this was planned?"

Although he followed Zang Feng after the Ye family's disaster, and his experience over the years was rich and incomparable with the past, he still retained a warm heart towards his lifelong benefactor.

God knows how worried he was when he saw Dai Li narrowly surviving in such ups and downs of battles.

Zang Feng turned to look at him, that turbid and dark light falling in his eyes, "You are right, this is indeed a calculation."

"..." Han Xiuyuan was speechless for a moment, but Bai Shutang lowered his head and played with the tassel on the sword on his waist, and said softly.

"What's that adult's idea? There must be a purpose, right?"

"It's just a trial that happened to happen at the right time."

The coincidence of the meeting shows that their side is not the leader, but just a bystander.

Going along with the trend shows that all this is not completely designed, but just conforms to the situation designed by others, and then they add fuel to the fire at the right time.


Just a trial.

Before the two of them could ask what kind of trial it was, Zang Feng said slowly: "Shang Biejie is the speed of the trial!"

Bai Shutang breathed a sigh of relief. Dai Li single-handedly brought back Shang Biejie's vitality. This series of performances were all outstanding. Even he felt that knowing such a person would have no regrets in his life, so this result...he still smiled lightly. Then he asked: "What's the result?"

"Failed, her trial results were very poor"

The expressions of the two people in Bai Shutang changed rapidly.

Zang Feng strode out with his hands behind his back.

"Shang Biere was destined to die. She had to change her life. Even though she was saved, she had to bear the corresponding karma. This is a disaster!"

"It's okay to attach too much importance to love, but it's poisonous if you attach too much importance to it. It will be hindered in the future and it will be difficult to achieve great things! So she failed..."

It's like a test paper. The teacher gave it out and the students answered it, but when the red pen changed it, ×××! It's all wrong! failed!

"Young master, that's obviously..." Han Xiuyuan hesitated, but was stopped by Zang Feng waving his hand.

"This trial is to make her learn to give up and accept. She is too persistent. This is not good. The future will be difficult..."

Zang Feng said it was difficult, so it must be extremely difficult. Han Xiuyuan originally wanted to make a few excuses, but suddenly thought that it would be better if he was more ruthless, so he should be more ruthless.

In the silence, Bai Shutang said something quietly.

"But that's why she took such a path. Is it cause or effect? ​​It's all because this is the way to escape."

After saying a word, Zang Feng raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, then smiled, turned to look at the deep waterway ahead, and saw Hui Gu and others.

Is this a narrow encounter?

Gray Bones and the others were very alert for a moment, staring at the three figures in the mist in front of them. One of the tall, dark figures seemed to have spoken.

"After today begins,

The Yin Qi of this place will be used by me. Please don’t do such sinful things as refining zombies, taming ghosts, etc. in the future, otherwise don’t blame me for severing your soul bones.”

This is too overbearing and arrogant, isn’t it? But Hui Gu and the others felt their souls being swept across in a dark way... and their soul bones were really pinched.

"Yes, sir, we are leaving immediately"

Without saying a word, several people grabbed the sheep's head staff and turned into a stream of light and ran away. Even the previous thoughts of fishing in troubled waters to find a few corpses to find Dao Juan were scared away.

Numb, that bitch Yuan Xiao is so unreasonable. The original promises of having the winning ticket and being a bastard are all false. Don’t let too many giants get involved in this fight, okay?

But it seems that very few people died. I thought there would be many people killed... It feels like this soul tide is being guided.

“Why do I have the feeling that all of us are just soy sauce~~”

Soy sauce? The whole world is a chess game, who dares to be sure that he is not someone else's chess piece?


Bang, after the two wet people were fished out of the big boat, before Chun Shisanniang directed Zui Linglong to get some big men's socks to save someone, someone woke up in time and twisted his wet robe , the water droplets formed a puddle on the ground. While twisting, he calmly ignored some people on the boat. Well, they were all women, but they were all subordinates.

The host seems to be Chun Shisanniang. Is this a flower boat?

The thought in her mind changed, and she looked at Chun Shisanniang again and said with a smile: "Let me think about it, what role do you play in this, Thirteenth Niang?"

"The one who collects the corpses." Chun Shisanniang smiled and stretched out her hand to gently lift her hair. The rose-red nail makeup on her fingernails was particularly eye-catching and looked a bit enchanting.

Collect the corpse?

Dai Li narrowed his eyes and suddenly smiled. That smile was particularly harmless to humans and animals. He held Chun Thirteenth Niang's hand gently and said in a measured tone: "Thirteenth Niang~~ you listen to me~!"

Suddenly it was the beginning of "Grandma, listen to me!"

Then, with deep affection, the music began, "I think of that time in front of my house in Luo Xing City. The years were just right. You and I first met at the most beautiful age. We felt like old friends at first sight. Later, we met again in Lichun Courtyard next to Mingyue Lake. Although we were young, There is a big age difference, but we still share the same deep love for each other. However, we were separated due to unlucky fate. It was really a fate that played a trick on us. Now we meet again by fate. It is really God’s mercy that allowed me to understand my lovesickness. Bitter~"

The lyrics of "The West Chamber" were so complete that Zui Linglong beside her couldn't help but sigh. She had long said that this guy was born to sing. Look, he can get into the opera in just one second. The consciousness of going to bed~~

Then she turned her eyes one by one and looked at Chun Shisanniang. In an instant, her whole body felt bad.

At this moment, Chun Shisanniang was so excited that she held Dai Li's hand and looked at him with watery eyes. She took out the colorful embroidered handkerchief in her arms and wiped the corners of her eyes. She said softly: "You damn ghost, you know this too." I have no conscience. I have missed you so much these years~~ It would be better for you to enjoy life with those little prodigal hoofs. Now I am looking for a woman to fall in love with on the sea, and I force myself to see you. But you deliberately want to break my heart, body and soul?"

As he spoke, he pointed at Gong Zangxue, who was weakly holding on to the railing behind Dai Li.

Seeing these two people fighting to the death, Gong Zangxue's pale face suddenly turned dark. He gritted his teeth. Before he could fight back, he heard someone say to Chun Thirteenth Mother tenderly: "Thirteenth Mother, you You misunderstood me, I don’t know her~~Since you don’t like her, just throw her away again.”

"Really? Lang Jun, don't you feel bad?"

"I don't feel bad, I'm just afraid that you will feel pain~~"

"You're so kind~~"

Seeing the two of them addicted to death, Gong Zangxue suddenly straightened his body in an instant. With a cold glance, one of the female officials beside him who was suppressing a smile hurriedly walked out, took out a coat, and put it on Gong Zangxue respectfully.

Gong Zangxue looked at the two of them with a sullen face and an expressionless look on his face. He especially took a deep look at Dai Li, turned around and left, followed immediately by a group of servants...

She was so respectful that she wanted to kneel down and lick her toes.

Daili suddenly had a bad feeling, turned around and asked Chun Shisanniang: "Is she..."

Chun Shisanniang's smile was extremely gorgeous, "She is the master of the Demon Gong Palace, doesn't Lang Jun know?"

"Then you are..."

"The Demon Palace~~Look at the back~~"

Dai Li turned around and saw a flag hanging on the top of the flying boat. It was an absolute black flag, so black that it dripped blood. There was no sign at all, just a pure black flag.

The leader of the demonic path, the Demonic Palace!

Looking farther away, there are still large flying boats in the sky behind, and the people from the Demon Gong Palace...

By the way, she used to know that Zui Linglong was a member of the devil's path, but she didn't know that she was from the devil's palace. So, as Zui Linglong's aunt, Chun Shisanniang was naturally from the devil's palace~~

She is sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth!

Dai Li's eyes darkened, his face was dull, and he wanted to let go of Chun Shisanniang's hand, "Is it too late for me to get off the boat now?"

The corner of Chun Shisanniang's mouth curled up, she pinched her standard orchid finger, and poked Daili's eyebrows with her fingertips, saying in a pretentious manner: "You're in my bed and you want to get off, naughty!"

Then Dai Li suddenly felt a ray of energy rush into his eyebrows, his body tilted, he was really dizzy!

Before she fainted, she sighed. With so many scrolls on her body, the people in the Demon Palace would probably skin and devour her bones if they caught her...

Life is as lonely as snow.


When Dai Li woke up, he realized that he had indeed been imprisoned. His body was weak and weak, and it was obvious that a forbidden spell had been cast on him.

Just do it. He was tied to a pillar, with so many torture instruments placed around him, and a stove was lit...

Da da da!

The sound of footsteps came down the stairs, and Dai Li saw the beautiful Gong Da, who was dressed gorgeously and was both beautiful and heroic.

"Well, you're the only one here...are you planning to take revenge in private, or are you planning to..." Before Dai Li could finish his words, he saw Gong Zangxue walking over and grabbed a soldering iron from the stove. ~~

She shut up immediately.

Gong Zangxue put the soldering iron on the shelf next to him, just a short distance away from Dai Li. The hot temperature made Dai Li frown slightly.

The two looked at each other in silence for a long time, and Gong Zangxue said softly: "Chun Shisanniang is right, you will only accept the soft when you are tough~~ You can't be too soft..." R1152

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