A Queen

Chapter 1017 The real man behind the scenes

"Have you ever been soft? Can't you be soft? For such a strong person..." Dai Li reflexively said something mean.

Gongzang smiled bloodily, stretched out his hand, and pinched Dai Li's chin with his fingers, "You said it as if you were soft... Do you have that thing?"

Well, I really didn’t think about that~~

Dai Li rolled his eyes and sighed: "If you really want to take revenge on me, then go ahead, I admit it~"

For this woman with a sharp mouth and a soft heart, she really can only be soft~

However, as soon as she finished saying this, Gong Zangxue grabbed her collar and tore it open, then grabbed the branding iron next to her and started to brand her shoulders~~


"Gong, Gong Gong...Sister Gong, we have something to say, don't be rude..."

Gong Zangxue: "...."

Chun Shisanniang was indeed right, this man was just a bastard who was beautiful on the outside but ruined on the inside!

Bang, the soldering iron was thrown aside, Gong Zangxue patted Daili's cheek, and hummed: "Now that you are in my hands, we have to settle the score."

"That's right, but we can be considered to share the same sorrow. I think you and I worked together to defeat that Anubi..."

"Anubi? What the hell?" Gong Zangxue frowned.

"It's that dog head..."

"That's a dog-headed Yin soldier." Gong Zangxue seemed to be despising Dai Li's ignorance, "They are just the lowest level of Yin soldiers. They are like ants in the underworld. They only help clean up some debris in the underworld, and they are like cleaners. At the time of the soul tide, you were able to come to the world with the lowest level of cultivation, and you defeated a dog-headed Yin soldier. Is this worthy of your honor?"

"I think it's really worth remembering the two of us working together."

"If you don't tell lies and trick people, will you die?"



But since they had already talked about the previous matter, the two of them still had to chat.

"Seriously, Gong Zangxue. Did you know all this a long time ago?"

Fenchuan wall,

Linglong Ship, Quinn Island, Peach Blossom Spring, Ghost Crying Gorge...

With so many dungeon maps, Daili really didn't know which ones were calculated and which ones...

She wasn't so arrogant as to think that this was all planned for her. It is obvious that the center of everything is still "Chen Gong Mi Lu". All the forces came for it, even the empress... except Zang Feng and the peach blossom skeleton giant.

"I only know a few things." Gong Zangxue sat on the chair next to him and poured himself a glass of wine.

Take a sip. "You must have guessed that it was people like Yuan Xiao who led all this in the beginning, and the people behind her...guess who it is?"

As soon as Dai Li thought about it, he heard Gong Zangxue proactively provide several candidates: "Some people who are not qualified have been eliminated. They must be the last projection giants, Yanyu Chonglou. Qishan Pavilion, Wind King, Qinghuang, Empress, wait"

"It's not Qing Huang," Dai Li said directly.

Such determination made Gong Zangxue a little unhappy. "Why not, Luan Yi, also known as Luan Qingyi. In your eyes, it should be called Xi Qingyi. She knows as much as me. If Qing Huang behind her wants to design all this, it will be very simple. After all, Qing Huang Her forces have also intervened in the Qishan Pavilion, and she is so smart, it would be too easy to deceive you people...especially you, Daili."

Gong Zangxue's speculation contains some deliberate malice...

Dai Li stared at her and chuckled: "People like you have repeatedly revealed their true feelings in this scene. If she can be flawless in it, it only means that she is much better than you..."

Gong Zangxue had never convinced anyone before, let alone Lun Yi, who was younger than her and fell down a level. Hearing this, she narrowed her eyes and said, "Are you trying to provoke the general, or are you deliberately irritating me?" She went to arrest him again. That soldering iron.

"The strict style is not like the Wind King. Qishan Pavilion has no motive or ultimate benefit. If the building is full of smoke and rain, Yuan Xiao does not need to establish a traitor identity first. It is better to hide it all the way to the end, so..." Dai Li said. Meet Gong Zang's bloody eyes.


The two said at the same time.

The fire in the stove instantly became a little stronger.

All this design actually has a very obvious feature, that is, the person behind it does not have actual controllable power on Fenchuan, but has a very powerful background that is enough to tempt people like Yuan Xiao Changying to give up their current noble status. Is there any higher status than what we have now?

A larger, vast and glorious stage world, with a more powerful master, and this master does not intend to send his own forces to help, so they can only try their best to borrow Split Cloud, Zhanyu and perform a big show with juniors like Yuan Qi.

The one that best fits all of this...


Her power is so powerful, her style is so cunning, and she finally appears so timely. In addition, through Yuan Qi's last design, Dai Li can naturally guess the empress by following the clues. As for Gong Zangxue, who knows all this, and the Demon Palace It was related to the background, and it was also related to the fact that she was unconscious in the water and vaguely knew that the empress had been there.

In a conspiracy, the person who benefits the most is the instigator.

Unfortunately, she was interrupted by the mysterious strong man in the end. In the end, the empress only got one military plane scroll, and the last two were on them...

Dai Li shuddered when he thought of the empress' cold murderous intent and formidable strength.

Has she stepped into a trap again?

But who is that bitch Yuan Qi’s other boss?


Maybe he only had one boss all along.

It was already half a day after the end of the soul tide that Yuan Qi saw the person he wanted to see. On the Qishan Pavilion flying boat that came to search and rescue him, he saw the person's rippling Chinese clothes appearing on his shoulders. In the room, there is a wine bottle hooked on one finger.

"It seems that Mr. Liu is very satisfied with finally killing his younger brother."

"Brother?" Liu Hongxiu smiled, "Dear Yuan Qi, you don't need to test me. You know that idiot is not worth my trouble, so why bother asking..."

"Indeed, Liu Zongyuan is nothing compared to the orders given by the empress. It's pitiful that he thinks he has taken refuge with the right person, but he doesn't know that everything about him is part of your plan."

"I just like smart people like you." Liu Hongxiu's smile should not be too dazzling. Thinking of the other person's quirks, when Yuan Qi came over and sat on his bed, he stood up quietly to show respect.

Liu Hongxiu's eyes flashed, and he poured a glass of wine for Yuan Qi as if he didn't care, "You performed very well this time. Although your strength is much worse, you are better than you because of your cleverness. The military aircraft volume was dedicated by you. Although it is After passing through the hands of Jun Zili, the Empress likes to use such people the most... If you rank better in this Qishan assessment, get help, and go to a large group area, she won't mind letting you flourish..."

This is really good news. Yuan Qi smiled calmly on his face and said, "I have to thank Mr. Liu for cultivating me..."

"You are smart~~ There are many smart people in your generation, but there are very few people who are as motivated and cunning and unscrupulous as you~~"

Are you praising me?

Yuan Qi smiled but said nothing.

After a while, Liu Hongxiu lowered her eyes and drank her wine, and slightly let out a voice: "But before you go there, it would be better if you can accomplish one thing."


Yuan Qi suddenly felt that this matter was probably related to a person he didn't want to contact again.

Bad feeling.


There were so many people on the Linglong Ship, but more than half of the people who went back were left alive. However, people with strong fates still had to live when they deserved to be alive. Even some people who others thought would not die died.

Fei Yukong was inconspicuous, at least compared to the deaths of Liu Zongyuan and Feng Zijun, he was too insignificant.

And as the news of the death of these two people and the death of some other Linglong Ship guests spread back to Fenzhou or Fenchuan, it was obvious that a big earthquake was brewing, and in Peach Blossom Spring...

Lin Xue, who had been rescued, was sitting in the pavilion with a sad face, Bai Shuang was comforting her...

It's quite baffling that Shang Biejie was kidnapped that night but no one was disturbed. It wasn't until Bao Zifeng and Bai Shuang returned to the courtyard that they couldn't find Shang Biejie but found Lin Xue who was unconscious in the hall. After saving him, they knew who Shang Biejie was. He was taken away voluntarily because Lin Xue was caught by Na Feng Zijun/....

Regarding Feng Zijun's shameless tactics, Bao Zifeng cursed him countless times, and he is still cursing Feng Zijun...

There is no way, because Shang Biejie is still in Bai Jin's rescue.

"Is there really a way to save "Chen Gong's Secret Record"?" Bao Zifeng asked, sharpening his kitchen knife. If he really couldn't save it, he would take the kitchen knife to the Feng King clan...

"It should be possible. I still trust Bai Jin's ability. Plus, I have collected all three secret volumes..."

Even if you can't summon the dragon, you still have to save people.

Mingjian and Ningjing Yuan were not as verbose as the two old ones. They remained quiet until Bao Zifeng pinched Yagong's throat and said sadly: "I have pity on my son-in-law." , this hasn’t even passed the door yet..."


Lines of cold light shot over.

Baozi Feng immediately calmed down.

In silence, boom!

A gray and terrifying pillar suddenly shot up from the roof, reaching straight into the sky. The clouds seemed to be frightened, and spiraled away in circles. The gray light was more terrifying than the black light. It was covered with gloom and gloom, almost occupying the entire Peach Blossom Land. The sky was dark. When I got up, the peach blossoms in the yard seemed to have been robbed of their lives. They all withered and died and turned into dust.

"The energy of disaster!"


"It's time to leave over there..."

Everyone looked at the sky and turned their attention to the room in the courtyard.

When the energy of disaster breaks out so unsuppressed, is it the dazzling demise of life or the rebirth of Nirvana?

No one in the yard is sure of this at this moment, but Bai Jinneng in the room.

The three medical volumes in her hand can!

They can only wait.

What is Bai Jin doing in the room at this moment? (To be continued)


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