A Queen

Chapter 1,018 She has overcome her misfortune

There were three scrolls floating in front of her. Spread out and connected together, there were three magnificent and profound medical truths. Each of them was enough to save the monks in the world from danger. If he could control them all, this person would not be the best in the world. Faith is the obstacle to fallen demons.

"As expected of "Chen Gong's Secret Record", it is really profound and difficult to understand." Bai Jinxiu studied for a whole night before finding a rough way to treat Shang Separation. In order to rush for time, he used this method, and it really worked. Unfortunately, how to end it is still a question.

The Qi of Due has been released, but the source is one and the body of Due is still there. Shang Bieliang will still be tortured for the rest of her life, not to mention that now she only has a glimmer of vitality, and even if she can hang on for a long time, she will not be able to survive for half a day. .

How to deal with the body of Duhe in a short period of time while ensuring that Shang is separated from himself and can save her?

This was a very serious situation. Bai Jin felt that it was a bit difficult, so she turned into an explosion of Dou Qi that was frightening to death. She stared at the three scrolls in a daze...

After being in a daze for about half an hour, she suddenly reached forward and flicked the three Tao scrolls.

Hula la, like rotating gears, the three scrolls fluttered and rotated. The pictures and fonts on them instantly became blurred and chaotic. Bai Jin's pupils also rotated with it, and his soul moved rapidly... His hands moved left and right. Standing up, left and right, right and left, left and right, the Tao scrolls rotated at irregular frequencies. In Bai Jin's eyes, a clear golden character was formed in the chaos, and then more and more characters, more and more Lots of action pictures...

His face was expressionless, his pupils were shining, and his brows were focused. He just watched the three-curled white brocade palm begin to move on Shang Biejie's body.

Many materials floated in the air and turned into various liquids in her hands. Make seals between your fingers, and enter the marks one by one...

This is a very cumbersome and difficult process. People outside do not know the specific operation, but they can see that the crazy and confusing misfortune energy in the sky seems to be restrained and tortured, twisting and roaring, turning into all kinds of evil. The face of a ghost or devil shows its teeth and claws in a ferocious manner. And gradually there was a soft white light in the room. This kind of glimmer of light is like the holy light of the Buddha as the Buddhists say, punishing the extreme sins of time and saving people in thousands of worlds...

And in fact. At this moment, Bai Jin is indeed like a Buddha. She is saving a clean, kind and innocent girl.

The girl was gradually covered in white light...

A smile gradually appeared at the corner of Bai Jin's mouth, although his forehead was covered with cold sweat, even though...the most dangerous time was right now.

All the bad energy is expelled from the body.

She extracted Due's body into strips of Due's essence, floating in the air. They are extremely dangerous and will be corroded and destroyed at the slightest touch.

Shang was floating in the air separately, his white brocade hands were like white jade, with a milky white halo attached to them. She is preparing for the last step, body cleansing!

Before purifying the body, there was a slight hesitation between Bai Jin's brows. Then he whispered: "I don't know if you can still hear it, but based on the professional ethics of a doctor. I still have to tell you in advance, farewell girl."

Tell what?

"After the body is purified, the body of Duhe will leave you forever, and you will be free from such torture, but accordingly, you will also abandon your innate physique and become an ordinary mortal from now on... Of course, There's nothing wrong with being a mortal. At least it's not much happier than your past life. I'm not telling you this to let you choose... I'm just telling you in advance. Even if you're afraid of death, you'll have to leave that place forever. Human life... Then, let’s get started.”

"Yeah, Luo, Chi, Feng, Ling, Jue, Quiet!" The six-character mantra came out of Shang Bieliang's mouth, and each seal was inserted into Shang Bieliang's body. When the last word entered!

Shang Biele suddenly opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Bai Jin saw the unwillingness and struggle in his eyes.

She is resisting!

Could it be that what she said before caused Shang Bier to resist becoming a useless person? It shouldn't be, her behavior in Peach Blossom Spring was clearly pure and stoic, how could...

Bai Jin still printed the word "Jing". When the word was integrated into her body, Shang Bielie stretched out his hand and grabbed a piece of Due's essence...

It was as if she had grasped her destiny and took the initiative to hold it!

All the essence of Due has been moved!

All the evil spirits in the sky are also moving!

The whirlpool, the storm, merge into the house!

This frightened everyone. Damn it, it took a lot of effort to release the energy of evil. Is this the rhythm of returning to the original body?

It also means...failed!

When the light roars, covering everything.

When everything starts to return to the beginning.

As their chests felt heavy they let out heavy sighs.

When all is said and done.

The courtyard was quiet, and the peach blossoms were still fluttering. With a click, the door opened. Bai Jin, who was soaked in sweat, held the door panel and staggered out step by step. While wiping the cold sweat on his forehead with a silk scarf, he looked at the people in front of him.

"Why, do you think that no one came to greet me after I failed..."

Well, everyone who was in a daze finally realized what they were doing, and they were all ready to help Bai Jin, but the closest to Bai Jin or the direction Bai Jin was heading towards was towards the famous sword.

So Mingjian stretched out his hand to support her and said in a clear and gentle voice: "Thank you for your hard work."

Regardless of success or failure, after all, I have tried my best.

Whether it was Dai Li's life-and-death struggle or Bai Jin's emergency rescue, he did his best.

"Just do your best and obey fate..." Bao Zifeng had already put down the kitchen knife, with a hesitant and depressed look on his face.

Lin Xue's eyes were already red...

In the midst of sadness, Jing Jingyuan suddenly looked at the hazy door and said, "There is another person inside."

Nonsense, let’s part ways!

No, what Jing Jingyuan means is...

"There is a living person inside, breathing!"

In unison, everyone looked inside the house.

Mingjian looked at Bai Jin again, only to see this guy smiling, his smile was beautiful but a little unpredictable.

"I didn't say she was dead... Although Du'e is still there, it's just that... Du'e means really Du'e. I don't know what will happen in the future. Anyway, it won't be any worse than before. , after all, there are no other similar examples in the world.”

Bai Jin took a sip of tea, met the eyes of Bai Shuang and others, and chuckled: "Just save people, don't worry about the future, I have fulfilled my agreement with that guy, just don't come to me if anything happens in the future."

Everyone was saved, and it was too late to be grateful. They were not unreasonable people, and there was no way they would entangle themselves again. The yard was filled with joy. Jing Jingyuan walked into the house and saw Shang Biejie suspended in the air. His soul began to Reviving, the skin regains its popularity, she is waking up.

Jing Jing looked away for a while and showed a smile that may not have appeared in ten years.

She has survived the disaster, do you know?


At this time, someone was being tied to a pillar and being "tortured."

"The empress is the empress. She is too far away and has nothing to do with me," Gong Zangxue said casually.

"But it has something to do with the Demon Palace, and you are from the Demon Palace, and you are also the master of the palace." Dai Li tried to cause trouble for the other party,

However, his heart is wide and his meridians are wide. With his strong strength, he once again pinched someone's chin and hummed: "You have reminded me that since I am a member of the Demon Palace and the Lord of the same palace, in the I should really make some contributions to the Demon Palace, such as..."

Gong Zangzang's bloody fingers traced across Dai Li's chin, down his neck, down to the back of Dai Li's waist, and landed on Dai Li's tied hands behind his back.

Her fingertips touched her storage ring, and it made a clanging sound. Face to face at such a short distance, Dai Li could even see the long and straight eyebrows on the other person's eyes.

Of course, you can almost feel the other person's towering breasts.

What I hate most is that other people’s breasts are bigger than mine!

"You have other Dao scrolls," especially when this woman said this in a very determined tone.

scare! This woman has fiery eyes!

Dai Li's heart skipped a beat, but there was a slight shock on his face. He stared at Gong Zang's bloody face and suddenly smiled: "Oh, you've already discovered this, your eyes are made of titanium alloy Xiaotian brand~~ But I do have a band, it’s just hidden by me. If you want to get it, it’s best to loosen it for me now. Then I want to take a bath, change into clean clothes, and eat something. ..”

Someone started talking to himself like a customer.

Um? Gong Zangxue frowned and sneered: "I'm just irritating you. If you want to cheat and climb up the pole, you will be disappointed..."

Ha, this woman was indeed fooled! Dai Li was secretly happy in his heart, but his face collapsed and he said: "I really have a Taoist scroll... If you kill me, you will regret it."

Gong Zangxue stared at Dai Li's nervous face, and after a while, he suddenly smiled.

"You are really good at it. Look at the change in your eyes when I just said that. Do you know that you have a habit of squinting your eyes and pursing your lips when you lie? You must have been very happy just now. Well, I’m really an idiot for thinking that Gong Zangxue...”



This woman has become a sperm!

It's all visible...but that's a good thing.

Dai Li grinned, "Miss Gong, do you know that when you tell lies, you also have a habitual action?"


"That is, every time you want to say it is true, you pinch me so many times but never with force. Gong Zangxue, in fact, you must love me very much, love and hate are mixed, and you can't get entangled, so I want Jiang Zi to cause My attention..."

Well, Queen Gong's expression really changed rapidly at this moment, and then she took out a knife the next second and chopped off the two tied hands behind someone's back...

Chop off your fingers and take out the ring!

At the critical moment, clatter~~

The rope suddenly dropped! It was impossible to pay attention to whether she had untied the rope by herself or whether the knife had just cut on the rope. Daili's body exploded at the most sensitive speed at that moment, and he came closer and hugged Gong Zangxue's waist. Gong Zangxue frowned. When...(To be continued)


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