A Queen

Chapter 1019: Poor people cannot be promiscuous~ (Shao Si Ming Chen Yu and Shi Bi+)

Dai Li suddenly took out a scroll from his arms, Dao scroll?

Gong Zangxue's eyes followed the scroll, and he saw Dai Li's hands wrapped around her waist, his head resting on her shoulder, and he smiled softly: "Miss Gong, thank you for your love and refrain from killing." Thank you for your kindness, but...bye!"


She tore the Tao scroll?

No, it tore the teleportation scroll!

Damn Jun Zili, he was really cunning, he actually hid a teleportation scroll on his body instead of hiding it in the storage ring. When the opponent was covered by the teleportation light, Gong Zangxue suddenly sneered, "Swipe!"

The palm of his hand has already grasped the collar of Dai Li's clothes.


When his collar was torn open, Daili was ready to leave, but...

The next second her expression fell.

"This is a sealed chamber. Mysterious formations and so on are all banned. Only those who think teleportation scrolls are useful are useless." Gong Meiren sarcastically said, mocking someone's aura without any politeness.

But at this time, the sound of footsteps came from the stairs.

That elegant and somewhat graceful pace obviously came from someone very familiar to Dai Li.

At that moment, someone's reflexive wit and revenge came back.

"Gong Zangxue, what do you want to do! I will not submit to you!"

"You can't be poor and humble, you can't be subdued by force, you can't get my heart even if you get my *!"

Such righteous words and every word are as sonorous as pearls falling on a plate, as if the Communist Party is not afraid of the little devil's protest.

The footsteps on the other side of the stairs paused, followed by the sound of many gasps.

In the middle of the stairs, Chun Shisanniang took the lead, followed by Zui Linglong, and then Gong's team. They are also Bai Jin's bad assistants, such as Xiaorou, who are standing there at the moment...

Seeing their unparalleled master of the Gong Palace holding on to someone's collar with his jade hand, tearing a big hole out, and that person was like a chaste woman who defended her chastity with death, with a resolute and unyielding look on her face. You have to hold on to your collar...

in silence,

Chun Shisanniang twisted her waist. He walked over on the steps with a clattering sound. While half covering his face with a screen fan, he smiled charmingly.

"Yo yo yo, we came at the wrong time..."

There was a pause. He apologized to Gong Zangxue again in a serious manner: "I'm sorry for disturbing Mr. Gong."

You two letters will not die!

Gong Zangxue quickly let go of his hand, clapped his palms, and sat on the chair with an expressionless expression. Drinking tea: "Master Chun is joking. With your status, why do you need to apologize to me?"

"So are you really bothering me?"


What the hell. The bow is filled with blood and I want to shoot an arrow!

After a while, the disheveled person finally sat down on the ground and took a sip of tea, then looked into the faces of the two Demon Palace adults in front of him.

"I can be considered a prisoner now, but I still have some value. You two must be reluctant to kill me."

As soon as he said this, the two women with the aura of queens glanced over.

Well, Dai Li immediately cut off this topic and turned to look at the two women... first focusing on Gong Zangxue's face for three seconds. When she thought of the other person's menopausal intermittent hatred syndrome, she decisively changed the partner in the fourth second. Looking at Chun Shisanniang for a while, her expression became melancholy and sad...

Gong Zangxue felt that the atmosphere had become sad.

Dai Li lowered his head and slightly pulled the corners of his clothes with both hands. He couldn't see his face and heard a very low voice, as low as the dust.

"Thirteenth Aunt, I've been so miserable these past years. I've been all alone. My mother...and no one can help me...when I saw you today...I thought you had big legs to hug~~I never thought you were... The people in the Demon Palace are like this, but it is just a trick of fate. It will make things difficult for you, so we should just pretend that we don’t know each other..."

This sound... is so painful.

The pain reaches deep into the human soul.

There was a sound of sobbing, and Zui Linglong turned around to see Xiaorou sobbing and covering her nose. She was silent. Is it a boy or a girl?

Gong Zangxue's heart moved, and his eyes darkened slightly.

Chun Shisanniang also frowned and said after a while: "Hug my thigh? I didn't say I wouldn't let you hug me..."

What, so easy?

Then, Chun Shisanniang directly stretched out her straight, slender and round beautiful thighs, lightly lifted her cheongsam, and said: "Come on, give me a hug, give it a quick hug, we have to get to work after hugging you, Dao Juan Treasure You can take as many as you want, but you are missing those big punishments~~ I heard you said that Lao Shizi was the top ten tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, I just want to give it a try today."

Gong Zangxue: "...."


Dai Li sprayed.

Introduce, what is that...

Chun Shisanniang smiled when she saw Dai Li's awkward and stiff expression, and snorted: "You worthless guy! I know you are a coward. Come on, let's have a serious chat."

Well, Dai Li immediately stopped his previous state of acting and looked at Chun Shisanniang tapping the table with her fingers: "Dai Li, we Ming people don't talk secretly. Gong Zangxue and I are both from the Demon Palace. Although we say These are hers and me, but the thing that saved you will definitely not be hidden from the Demon Palace. We have different positions, so we still have to do what we should do. Otherwise, even if we don't do it, others in the Demon Palace will do it, you know. ?”

"speak English"

"That is to say, we can't let you go. If you are with us, you will definitely be found by other people in the Demon Palace. You will not be so comfortable in their hands. The devil is the devil, and there are many ways. You said you don't have a magic spell." , the worst way is for them to kill you to see if you really don’t have a Tao scroll. If you say you have a Tao scroll, they can still kill you if they take the Tao scroll.”

"so what?"

so what?

Dai Li's directness made Chun Shisanniang smile and snap her fingers, "This is how we deal with our enemies. We can be as ruthless as we can, but we have always been very gentle towards our own people~~"

"Haha~~" Several people laughed, including Gong Zangxue.

Well, Chun Shisanniang laughed dryly, "At least it's better than dealing with the enemy, what do you think?"

Chun Shisanniang's hint was already very clear. People like Zui Linglong felt very surprised, but also found it reasonable.

Is there anything more cost-effective than dragging Dai Li and Jun Zili into the Demon Palace?

A genius who got it all for nothing actually earned a Dao roll!

Gong Zangxue frowned, his eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking about, but in the end he still looked on coldly.

After thinking for a moment, Dai Lixiao asked, "Are you poaching?"

"Do you have a wall to lean against? On behalf of the girl, or Mr. Jun," Chun Shisanniang smiled.

This sentence is quite destructive. In fact, Daili has long ago discovered that his weakest aspect compared to those geniuses is not talent, perseverance, or luck, but the most realistic background!

Her background is empty, no walls!

Dai Li touched his chin, looked at Gong Zangxue and then looked at Chun Shisanniang.

"After joining the Demon Palace, I still need to hand over the Dao Scroll to maintain my own safety? Why does it sound like I sold myself to pay back the money? Am I so worthless?"

"You are very valuable, and it is because you are so valuable that it leads to two consequences." Spring Thirteenth Year raised a finger.

"First, not many people dare to buy it because they can't afford to offend the Feng King clan and conflict with the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion, Yin Pavilion and even several aristocratic family groups."

The second finger said, "Two, if you buy it, it's better to just kill it and divide it into pieces."

"To sum up, my dear, there are really not many people in this world who dare to let you hold your lap or support you."

If Chun Shisanniang's words exaggerated the gloomy and weird atmosphere, and Gong Zangxue's cold look on the sidelines aggravated the gloom, then Zui Linglong's silent chuckle expression on the side made her leave this old friend even faster.

--Brother Chun is not joking.

After about three breaths, Dai Li picked up the tea that he had just taken a sip of and was now a little cold.

"The problem is that I don't have a certificate."

"Are you sure?"


The scene was silent again, until Gong Zangxue said lightly: "There is another Le Dao scroll."


Chun Shisanniang didn't know, and the others didn't know, but Gong Zangxue knew. When this guy handed the military plane roll to the empress, he even teased the empress with a music roll.

So, what about the Rakudo roll?

Although it is not the most important Tao scroll like the military aircraft scroll, it is at least a Tao scroll, so...

Chun Shisanniang looked at Daili with a smile.

"I do have the Le Dao Roll, but I gave it away...to Yu Ji."

This is true. When Yu Ji was knocked unconscious by Dai Li, Dai Li directly stuffed the Tao scroll into Yu Ji's arms and let Emperor Ming take it away with him.

Anyway, the Le Dao Scroll is of little use to her. Although she can play music, she is not a music cultivator, so it is of no use to her!

Comparatively speaking, the one with the strongest musical talent in their circle is undoubtedly Yu Ji. With the idea of ​​keeping the wealth from others, naturally it was given to Yu Ji.


"Haha" Gong Zangxue sneered, "The formation scroll was given to Luan Qingyi, the music scroll was given to Yu Ji, and the military aircraft scroll was given to the empress. Master Jun's generosity is really unmatched by anyone in the world~~"

"...ah? Actually, I'm not that good... Miss Gong is too generous," Dai Li smiled modestly.

But the empress is absolutely passive."

"Empress..." Chun Shisanniang had known about this before, so she was not too surprised, but her eyes were thoughtful, "That person is an extremely difficult existence, and a military aircraft scroll will definitely make her even more powerful. Fortunately, The other two military aircraft scrolls did not fall into her hands... but because of this, our Demon Palace will definitely not give up on the military aircraft scrolls~~"

By the way, at this time, Dai Li had some thoughts on his mind, such as the woman Gong Zangxue...

Dai Li was making calculations when he suddenly heard Chun Shisanniang say: "Since you don't have a Dao scroll, you can only rely on your own capital to impress our Demon Palace to take over your hot potato."

He said it as if no one wanted me and I had to give in. Although I felt unhappy, the other person's territory was decided by others, so Daili could only endure her temper. Moreover, she didn't feel much psychological burden when she said that calligraphy and painting joined the Demon Palace.

--You really need a background to use it.

"Ah, actually, it's not like I don't have any Dao scrolls" (To be continued)

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