A Queen

Chapter 1021: Burning River! The 8th Palace of the Demon Palace!

"This is the document that officially inducts you into the Demon Palace. Since your cultivation level does not meet the distraction threshold, you cannot be appointed to any functions, and you have not contributed much, so you can only be regarded as an idle worker at the moment."


"It's good to be idle," Dai Li grinned. She didn't want to become a slave working for the Demon Palace.

"It's good to be idle, but don't forget that so many people now think that you have obtained a lot of treasures or Taoist scrolls, and they will be somewhat hostile to you. Most of them, including those in our Demon Palace, are ambitious and greedy. You don’t have an identity to restrain them, so just wait to be troubled by them~~” Chun Shisanniang’s reminder made Dai Li dilute a little of his joy, grinning: “Read the book while riding a donkey, we’ll see what else can happen. ?”

According to her temperament, she is as stubborn as a donkey, but she is also as lazy as a koala. It is quite annoying for her to deal with those people in the Demon Palace every day, so...

"Is there any way to quickly improve your status in your devil palace?"

"Yes, I have"


"You're selling yourself to be taken care of."

Dai Li was choked by Chun Shisanniang's words, but the latter smiled seriously: "Asking for support is a technical job. If you want to find someone, you have to find someone with a higher status, and you have to have a beautiful figure and not disgusting people. For example, you There are two of them right in front of me.”

She quickly glanced at Gong Zangxue, who was drinking coldly and calmly across from him.

The smile was very rippling.

Gong Zangxue was silent, why on earth did she agree to come here to drink?

Dai Li rolled his eyes, took the magic scroll of documents, and changed the subject with a smile: "Can holding this thing prove that I am from the magic palace?"

"Drip of blood"

Dai Li did as he was told, and then the magical scroll of documents suddenly burned, turning into a black waist card amidst the black flames and gray gas and falling into Dai Li's hands.

It looks like wood, with a big magic word on it and a row of small words at the bottom.

--Miyazhi Shachuan.

"Shachuan? What do you mean?"

Daili was a little curious.

"Look over the sign"

Turn over the sign.

On the back is a row of words.

Killing rivers and flowing rivers with blood,

Thousands of beacons of coldness.

The bow is hidden away from the smoke,

Burn the immortal hegemony.

How should I put it? These few lines of very domineering words describe the rampage and evil of the devil.

But I always feel like there is something else...

"The first, fourth, second and fifth characters of each line are Shachuan, Jiangxue. Hanfeng. Wanhuo, Gongli, Zangyan. Fenba, eight immortal halls, each two halls are responsible for one The function can also be seen from a line of words. For example, Shachuan and Jiangxue are killing halls. They are specialized fighting and killing halls. They are also the first combat department of the Demon Palace. Han Feng and Wanhuo are still the killing halls, the first. The second combat department includes Gong Li and the Tibetan Smoker, rear auxiliary killing, secret investigation and judicial punishment. It is the investigation and punishment department. As for Fen Ba and Immortal, they are not named according to the arrangement rules because they are quite special. They are different from the previous six halls. In the same way, it can be understood as a retirement home for the command department and a group of immortals..."

The Demon Palace is a super large organization. Compared with Yanyu Chonglou, it may be difficult to distinguish. Anyway, in the eyes of Daili, they are all giants, and such a huge organization must not be a mob. It has a strict hierarchy and functional system. Being so praised by Chun Shisanniang As soon as she explained it, she understood that the main categories were simple, nothing more than murder and secret punishment, and the last was the command department, which was divided into three categories. However, simplicity does not mean weakness, but it shows that the internal structure of the Demon Palace is strong and stable. Once it rotates, the force generated will be unimaginable.


"Where is the Divine Gong Palace?" Dai Li looked at Gong Zangxue and said, "Why isn't your palace there? Are you a parallel import to my palace?"

Water your sister!

"Shen Gong is subordinate to Gongli. No, to be precise, Gongli split into Shen Gong Hall and Lixin Hall. Gong Li Hall originally ranked fourth in strength among the eight halls, but after the division, Shen Gong Hall became He is the smallest and weakest palace, but Master Gong is already the master of a palace at a young age, and he is even recognized by Fenba Palace to control the divine bow, which is already an extraordinary achievement..."

No wonder, Dai Li thought about how such a huge foundation in the Demon Palace allowed a young man like Gong Zangxue to be the palace master. Although his talent and abilities are irreplaceable, he lacks qualifications and background after all. Besides those things The older generation of the Demonic Dao would not let such a fat man take possession of a young junior. It seems that it took some bloody battles before Gong Zangxue succeeded in taking over...

Gong Zangxue seemed to understand Dai Li's psychological activities, so he snorted coldly and said: "In the future, there will either be only one Divine Gong or only one Gong Li."

Either annexation or complete eradication?

It’s really in line with the devil’s style.

Dai Li touched his nose and hung the badge on his waist like Zui Linglong and others.

With a glance, Xiaorou belonged to the Divine Gong Palace, Zui Linglong... and the Hidden Smoke Palace.

Secrecy, punishment?

"So I belong to Shachuan Palace and am one of the lowest members there?"

"Hmm~~If you are not taken seriously by the boss, you will be a loner."

"..." Dai Li curled his lips and suddenly looked towards the beautiful and peaceful place in front of him.

Pavilions, pavilions, pavilions on the water, small bridges and flowing water, and people's homes in the mist.

The prosperity and grandeur are as important as the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River. It is crowded with people. It is vaguely visible that there are a large number of people coming and going on the small bridges or big bridges, and there are also flying animals spreading their wings in the sky.

This kind of prosperity is different from the general bustle of a busy city, but gives people a very profound and amazing sense of heritage, just like seeing the prosperity and culture of a hundred schools of thought contending during the Warring States Period or the vitality during the war and revolution.

This is a prosperous and highly competitive world. Everyone's face is filled with arrogance and longing, walking on the road of progress, and filled with the bright vitality of burning life.

--A place that gives people tension and hope.

Dai Li sat on the deck holding a wine glass and looked at the boundless land thousands of meters ahead. Because he couldn't see the edge, he couldn't describe it as a city. He could only say that it was a wonderful world.

By the way, the most distinctive thing should be the groups of beautiful and colorful flames whistling or floating in the air. Some are large, some are cute, some are tiny, some are fast and dangerous, and they shuttle freely among the clouds in the sky. Or the water glimmers on the surface of the water, like a smart little beast, which makes people surprised but can’t help but want to own it.

"What is that?" Dai Li felt that she was a little unable to react. She said that this place reminded her of Fenzhou, but it was obviously very different.

Could this be...

"Compared to your question, I think you should ask, where is this place?"

"This is Fenchuan"

Fenchuan, Daili's initial destination, was also the place where she thought about some people who might be there. Every time she thought of this word, she could think of many people.

Cousin, Qianshan Muxue, Qinji...where are they?

Concentrating... The boat also pushed through layers of water waves, passed the towering giant arch bridge, and entered the wide green river. On both sides were attic waterside pavilions of varying heights, and groups of tall and strong people stood in the corridors, balconies, or waterside pavilions. Warriors or elegant literati, or beauties who are hot and glamorous or as cold as icebergs, and various spiritual beasts or puppet beasts and puppets walking upright, all kinds of strange things, a mixture of fish and dragons, but for some reason, both sides of the bustling river at this moment are all. It slowly became quiet.

Because of that big boat that drifted in, and because of the people on that boat.

Domineering and noble, she wears a dark red and cool-toned red dress, and has cold and arrogant sharp eyebrows. She is so beautiful that the entire scorching sun and the beautiful background lose their color.

Her back was as straight as a jade pine, and she was sitting on the bamboo mat on the deck. She was dragging the wine glass with one hand and carelessly playing with the lid of the wine bottle with the other hand. She was nine points cool and one point charming and lazy.

Compared with this person, the woman next to him, who has no sitting posture and is leaning on a large soft cushion as soft as a bone, seems...

So feminine.

The ultimate sexiness of a mature woman, the charm that can set a tree on fire with just one look, the provocation and seductiveness in her eyes and the half-smile on her lips that make people's hearts itch and their whole bodies get hot...

There is a man in the other corner of the triangular dining table.

This is a very good-looking man who can make people think of him as a super pretty boy and an absolute male god at first glance.

A man of forty-five years who looks like a stunning beauty.

If she hadn't been flat-chested and was dressed in a cool and elegant black dress with black bottom and purple edges, she could probably pass for a stunning beauty.

These three people are undoubtedly very beautiful people. In the world of cultivation with outstanding looks, they can beat 99% of the people. Otherwise, among the quiet attendants beside them, there are obviously many beauties, soft, sexy, cold and arrogant. There are all of them, but they suddenly lost their presence under their suppression.

Well, only the lady next to the charming woman can make people look at her more...

The boat looks not small, but not too eye-catching. Fenchuan is full of rich kids and powerful men who own top-notch treasure boats, but such good-looking people are rare, and there are three of them at once. They must be applauded...

But what makes people feel a little bit pained is...

"Ah! Such a boatload of beauties, but only one man!"

"Hey, it hurts my Taoist heart so much. I think I, Yushu Linfeng, is so talented that I still can't find a double cultivator."

The male or female practitioners on both sides spoke warmly, but there were many voices from the male practitioners complaining about generational separation...

When Dai Li heard this, he turned to Xiaorou who was behind Gong Zangxue and said, "Really, haven't they considered your feelings?"

Aren't you a man?

Xiaorou: "...."

Then don't you have any sense of shame at being called a top pretty girl?

When Xiaorou complained about Dai Li with her eyes, suddenly!

A whooshing sound~~

Dai Li, whose strength was banned, felt a slight chill on his face, his pupils shrank slightly, and his head tilted.


A ball of white light passed by her cheek at the speed of an afterimage. After being avoided by Dai Li, it zoomed in and out. As if she was very annoyed by this, it let out a child-like cry, and then suddenly rebounded, Fight back from the other side! (To be continued)

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