A Queen

Chapter 1022: Fenchuan Specialties

wipe! No more fun!


Dai Li's body bounced up, his feet moved a little, he twisted up, and waved his sleeves, clatter~~ The wine bottle on the table was picked up by the sleeves, and was thrown towards the light!


The jug broke, and the wine splashed onto the board of the boat. The strong aroma of wine overflowed, clatter~~ Dai Li stood there, flicking his sleeves, and his robe was stained with a little wine, and the fruit plate was also swept off the table, looking a little embarrassed. .

What is this stuff? She was a little surprised when she saw the naughty lights flying in the air, but the people next to her immediately started making noises.

"Tsk, this pretty boy is too weak!"

"Even the weakest white fire can't stop it!"

"Sure enough, there is only one face..."

A group of people shouted with great disdain.

These people are really...

Fortunately, Dai Li has a good temperament and just chuckled at the scoldings of these people. It would be hard for her to explain to these people that her strength was banned, although this does not mean that she is incapable of restraining the chicken...

Just when Dang Li was about to ask Chun Shisanniang about the origin of the light, he suddenly heard a soft and sarcastic voice coming from the attic on the left, "How dare such a loser have the nerve to drink with two beauties at the same table? It's so ridiculous that the two beauties should consider it. Get off me, Wang Xu~~"

A richly dressed young man, handsome and handsome, wearing a feather crown, comes here waving a fan...

A hundred meters from the main hall of the restaurant to the river corridor, an afterimage passed by as soon as I took a breath. He looked calmly and smiled proudly at Gong Zangxue and the two of them. Then he waved his folding fan, raised his body, and glared at the white light: "It's just a white light." Fire, just think of it as Wang Xu’s appetizer for these two beauties.”


The afterimage flashed out at a normal speed. Dai Li rolled his eyes inwardly, but only to one side. Looking to the right, a fiery red shadow also swept out!

"Wang Xu, you are a feminine man who is worthy of these two beauties. I, Zhang Meng, would like to see what you are capable of."

The two great masters were so arrogant, and Fenchuan was indeed a mixed bag.

But what kind of custom is this white-fired wine and food?

When Wang Xu and Zhang Meng were fighting fiercely in the air,

Daili Chaochun Thirteenth Mother asked.

"The reason why Fenchuan is Fenchuan is not only because its aura is more than ten times higher than that of Fenzhou. It is also because the word "fen" means fire. Fenchuan has many fires, and spiritual fire means that the aura is rich and agile. When it reaches a certain limit, the spiritual heart is formed due to the special environment of Fenchuan, and then the spiritual fire is formed. The spiritual fire is like spiritual power and can be eaten. It is a great help to enhance the cultivation level. If there is a powerful spiritual fire chef, it will be even more powerful. Spiritual fire can be cooked with many precious seasonings into spiritual fire delicacies, which is of great benefit to practice. It is almost the same as spiritual veins. That is why Fenchuan is called the holy land within the boundaries of the southern group, which is the north. Some groups are also rare about this.”

Burning River Spiritual Fire. Comparable to spiritual veins! Dai Li glanced around and saw many colorful spiritual fires in the sky. I couldn't help but gasp, Damn, living in such an environment, it shouldn't be too easy to improve your cultivation, okay?

No wonder if you look at it, the lowest ones in Fenchuan are all at the Nascent Soul Sword Immortal level. Just now there seemed to be a shop waiter who was a Sword Immortal. There are very few below the Sword Immortal level... Grandmasters are everywhere, and great masters can be seen everywhere!

Fenchuan's local specialties are so awesome. Dai Li feels pressured, but also excited. It is difficult for her to improve her Lei Yuan. Maybe she can... in Fenchuan...

On this side, Daili was drawing up a beautiful blueprint for his future. On the other side, Wang Xu and Wang Xu were fighting with each other. However, not only did no one start a fight, but most people were shouting to help. They wished that these two people would beat you to death. And in the blink of an eye, three more male cultivators were shot out and started fighting fiercely. It seemed that they were fighting for the fast white fire, and they seemed to deliberately want to fight for the limelight...

Anyway, it was a chaotic fight, and Wang Xu suddenly saw that annoying pretty boy in black lowering his head and saying something to the beautiful and voluptuous woman. The woman actually gave her a flirtatious look and slapped her in a coquettish way. For a moment, the rhythm of flirting!

"Incompetent pretty boy, come up and fight if you have the ability!" As soon as Wang Xu spoke out, he directed the hatred level towards Dai Li.

With a splash, several monks landed on the roofs and piers of various places.

Zhang Meng glanced at Daili and said, "Boy, it's not a man's business to fall in love with a woman... come up here and fight!"

"Are you sure she is a man?" Wang Xu glanced at Dai Li with disdain, waving his fan...

Well, Dai Li can tolerate one person's provocation once. Let's just regard it as his ignorance. She pretended not to hear it because she has a broad heart and chest and doesn't care.

But provoking and abusing someone over and over again is a shame.

Those who are mean must be treated specifically.

Gong Zangxue looked down upon these little minions at all, and even had murderous intentions towards Wang Xu, who called her frivolously one after another. But at the moment, Dai Li was banned, and she wanted to see how she would deal with it.

Chun Shisanniang was also afraid that the world would be in chaos. She smiled coquettishly and said with shame, "I like strong men the most~~ Who among the strong men can beat this one in my family, I am~~~ Well ~~You know~~

I understand, I understand, of course I understand~~ the professional skill of the madam - soliciting customers!

The clients who were attracted were very excited, their blood was boiling, and they were gearing up to do it.

Dai Li was also used to Chun Shisanniang's special hobby of cheating her own people, so he raised his eyebrows and said to Wang Xu and others: "I have always been a gentle person, and I don't like to fight against such violent and disharmonious people. Way..."


Everyone made a judgment together, and some who didn't notice the slightest aura of spiritual power on Dai Li even thought that this boy might just be an empty-handed male favorite~~ Fenchuan still has professionals in this field.

However, in the next second, someone grinned, as if an angel turned into a devil in one second.

"I generally like group fights"

The pupils shine, pupil technique, open!

A moment of photography!

The roar of the soul, the shock of the soul!


All five people's heads were empty, and then pop-pop, they all fell down softly with bleeding from their orifices...

The only one still standing was a tall and burly man - Zhang Meng.

He stared at this scene dumbfounded, and suddenly saw Dai Li below grinning at him.

"The reason why I won't kill you is because I also prefer strong men~~This brother has a good figure."

That voice sounded so funny.

Um...Zhang Meng broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and suddenly felt that he had offended a demon-like figure.

People on both sides of the river were also surprised, and then cheered, "It's the soul pupil magician!"


"This man is so scary! He's so young, could he be a genius who took the Qishan exam?"

"I guess, there are still three months until the assessment, and it's time for these geniuses to come..."

Many people were in a lively mood, and the idea of ​​throwing rotten eggs immediately turned into throwing flowers...

"That's right, you can be so powerful without Yuan Power." Chun Shisanniang was somewhat appreciative. Dai Li glanced at her and said angrily: "But it doesn't mean that I don't need Yuan Power. My dear, it's time to unblock me. Or do you want to take me to learn the three hundred and sixty rules of the palace~~"

"Go, we don't have so many rules and regulations here. If you have the ability, it's okay to rebel against the palace, as long as you are not afraid of death..."

"Does that mean I can leave?"


"Then unblock me"

Dai Li immediately cheered up. She didn't like the feeling of having no soul and being unable to exert her full strength.

"The unblocking power is hidden in your waistband~~"

Chun Shisanniang's words made Dai Li smile. With a little step, he jumped directly from the ship board to the railing of the ship. He stretched out his hand and grabbed a wine flag stuck on the wall pillar. He pulled it and flicked it. His body spun around on the pole and, wow, he jumped up to the corridor on the second floor of the Hedao Restaurant.

Just in time, she turned around and leaned on the railing to look at Chun Shisanniang and the two girls below, while smiling: "Goodbye, two beauties, thank you for your cooperation these two days. Our mountains will remain green and our rivers will flow forever. If nothing good happens in the future, don't leave." See you~~..bye~~"

I have never seen anyone say goodbye in such a mean way, and the guy even blew a kiss!

Chun Shisanniang was overjoyed, while Gong Zangxue's eyes were cold and he glanced at Chao Daili lightly.

That look made many experts or hidden people in restaurants or inns change their expressions. This woman...

"The bow hides blood?" Dai Li suddenly heard a faint voice of doubt coming from behind him. He turned around and saw two men at the table by the window, one old and one young. The young man was handsome and heroic, with a touch of violence between his eyebrows. Angry and murderous, when he saw Dai Li's face turned around, he raised his eyebrows and his eyes became colder.

cut! There is no iceberg in life.

Dai Li lamented that he had seen more and more paralyzed faces. This young man was considered amazing. Well, he was distracted, so he was considered amazing, right?

However, the business of this store is good, and there are so many reserved and powerful people. I always feel that these people are in a strange state, as if they are waiting for something.

Wow, there’s also the scent of orchids and wine?

When the old man saw the handsome and charming young man lying on the railing, he was not timid under the cold eyes of the young man. Instead, he smiled freely, with a smile as bright as a flower, and then he hooked up the belt rope with fingers that were prettier than his daughter's house, a little carelessly. After shaking off his arrogance a few times, he walked into the restaurant from the corridor and passed by them...

Like everyone else, they all subconsciously shifted their gazes as she moved around, and then... what's the belt card?

Dai Li has triggered the unblocking seal inside.


The dozens of forces that imprisoned the meridians in the body collapsed one by one, and the original power was restored! The power returns!

Just a few steps, step by step, her aura was restrained, but it quickly changed from the original harmlessness of humans and animals to a terrifying and ferocious aura. As she walked down the corridor, she suddenly turned her head and looked at them intently. On the other side, he was stunned for a while, his eyes were a little complicated and strange, and then he seemed to smile at them, and then the figure quickly disappeared.

That smile is a bit charming and cold, which is evil.

But there is also a third of brilliant simplicity and beauty.

How can a man smile like this and treat another man...

The young man frowned. (To be continued)

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