A Queen

Chapter 1,024 Flame Mountain

Spirit fire is a super specialty of Fenchuan. If you don't get some to eat, it will be in vain. However, more spirit fire also means more dangers.

Because spiritual fire itself has the ability to attack and devour, in the world of spiritual fire, it comes in different sizes and its strength is unknown, so there is no exact grade, only rough color differences.

The weakest is white fire, followed by orange, red, yellow, blue, green, and purple. There are seven levels of spiritual fire in total. White fire is comparable to an ordinary small spiritual vein. Orange level is much stronger than white fire, and red level Much more powerful than orange are ordinary medium spiritual veins or small attribute spiritual veins, but they are still not up to the attribute medium spiritual veins. About twenty red fires can be considered medium attribute spiritual veins! Then there is the yellow level. This level can only be captured by high-level distraction experts. One yellow is at least better than twenty reds! It has reached the level of medium attribute spiritual veins, but it is far from reaching the level of large attribute spiritual veins. Yellow, blue, and green are all within the boundaries of medium attribute spiritual veins. Only purple level can be regarded as large attribute spiritual veins.. That is only for those at the level of God Emperors. Don’t think about the spiritual fire that others have caught.

The color of spiritual fire is a standard that can roughly distinguish the strength of spiritual power, but the strength of spiritual power of the same level of spiritual fire is judged by its size. People regard spiritual fire as food, but spiritual fire also treats many monks as devouring targets. Fortunately, there are many prosperous places, and the spirit fire does not dare to be too presumptuous. Otherwise, if they attack in groups, they will be divided up long ago. But if a monk is targeted by the spirit fire in a place with few people, he will be pulled into the alley and swallowed directly. It's not surprising, this is also a dangerous place in Fenchuan.

The Flame Mountain is naturally more dangerous, because it is the home of the spirit fires. The identities and positions of the monks and the spirit fires are reversed. It is unclear whether they are the hunters or the prey.

So if you want to go to the Flame Mountain, you must first be prepared to be devoured.

Daili's preparation was to catch a large amount of spiritual fire, then practice in seclusion, and devour it to break through to the distraction level! And he digested all the treasures he carried...

"Thank you. Brother... we'll talk about it some other time~~" Dai Li was about to leave, "Hey, wait a minute." The man she was talking about stopped her.

"I said, brother, are you going to go there empty-handed?"

"if not?"

"Jiejie, it's not just the spiritual fire that's dangerous in the Flame Mountain, but also other monks. Don't you think there are many people here, but there are very few masters?"

Is this still called a young man? Dai Li was shocked!

"They all went to the Flame Mountain to catch the spirit fire. Who said that the Qishan assessment will be after March. People who come to Fenchuan are all trying their best to accumulate strength, and the spirit fire is naturally the best choice. Fenchuan. This is true for everyone in Sichuan, not to mention those from other places. Even those who think highly of themselves in the Northern Region must go to the Flame Mountain..." (Is it March? I forgot about the time again, damn it. How could I forget before? It’s recorded~)

"so what,

What is the point of your statement? " Dai Li put a spiritual crystal on the table. The other party quickly laughed, grabbed the spiritual crystal, bit it, and said, "What I mean is that the place in the Flame Mountain is extremely special and the heat is very high. Not only can you get sunburned, but it can also evaporate your energy and physical strength, so some stupid people often go to the Flame Mountain without bringing anything. As a result, I was either exhausted and left to die, or I was so hungry that I had to climb out of the Flame Mountain. So, I went to the Flame Mountain. Four things you must bring! "

"One, food! Two, clothes, otherwise your clothes will often evaporate and get torn... bare your butt~butt! Three, drink! Water is a must, otherwise you won't even be able to hold in your urine in the Flame Mountain. Four, use !”

"What's it for?"

"Skin care cream~~ Otherwise, sunburn will be bad. Whether you are a male cultivator or a female cultivator, being sunburned by the special flames of the Flame Mountain is equivalent to being poisoned by fire. It is difficult to heal. Don't take it too easy to be disfigured..."

"What you said makes so much sense, I'm speechless."

"Thank you for the compliment..."

"Where can I buy skin cream?"

"My eldest brother is not talented. He is a businessman who specializes in sales of this field... Which scent would you choose among roses, orchids, peonies, plum blossoms, peach blossoms, bananas, apples, etc.? Smooth and elastic, the effect is trustworthy, and there are also daily use and For night use~~It’s safe and guaranteed~~”

Why does it suddenly feel like I’m promoting that-and-what and that-and-what?

The thought of generation and separation is like being dragged by ten straw horses to the shelves of sofies and boxes of so-and-so on a supermarket shelf...

Which one to choose?

After a while, she asked: "Is there any tomato flavor?"


As expected, there were no tomatoes, not because they couldn’t be made, but because there were too few people who liked tomato flavor, and there was no market and no motivation, so Dai Li could only choose the peach blossom flavor (the boss said it was because of his melancholy personality). All kinds of coquettish people will choose peach blossoms... Dai Li thinks he doesn't want to do business anymore).

But this thing is too expensive, a bottle costs thirty crystals! Dai Li's heart trembled when he heard it!

Was she killed?

"Good brother, this is a friendly price. Who made you look good? It works well after using it. It is a publicity for me. If it were an ordinary product with bumps on the face, I would give him a bottle for the price of 40. Isn’t it good! Moreover, this is the only place in Fenchuan where you can buy things. Are you willing to do so? It’s so expensive, but the price won’t be lowered!”

Before Daili, Jubi never thought that he would spend three hundred spirit crystals to buy ten bottles of skin cream before setting off to the Flame Mountain. Three hundred crystals!

It’s all a lie!

But she still bought ten bottles!

There is no way, the vampire's love for beauty can't be resisted!

Dai Li's hands shook and he was so cheap. Three hundred dollars rushed out. It was too late to chop off his hands, so he had to leave depressedly under the man's lewd and brilliant smile. But she didn't expect that a minute later she would rush into the butcher shop again. I swept away a small mountain of meat and wine from the tavern and shop, and also bought a pile of clothes, and spent another two hundred yuan...

This is a spiritual crystal! It's not a top-grade spiritual stone. This thing family is too terrifying. Is there such a big gap between Fenchuan and Fenzhou?

Someone who is a commercial vampire and a real vampire on the earth has thoroughly seen what sky-high prices are. In the words of the locals like Fenchuan Grandet, that is--handsome guy, this Qishan assessment only happens once in hundreds of years, so what the hell? If you don’t come to Fenchuan every time, you have to wait for thousands of years. If the price doesn’t increase now, when will it increase? If you are not bleeding heavily now, when will it happen?

Blood, your sister! My mother bleeds heavily every month!

Very good, five hundred dollars went out, and most of the wealth was cut off by half. Someone finally chopped off his hands and cleared the health tank and set off to the Flame Mountain.


Half a day later, at the foot of the Flame Mountain, many people were coming and going. The monks were densely packed. Most of them were wearing thin clothes. There were many men wearing shorts and shorts or shirtless, while most of the women were in long gauze skirts with bare arms or straight up. Sheepskin and wolfskin short skirt~~

The sky is hot and clear. Don’t be too bright that day. It feels like a thousand-degree light bulb shining into your eyes at close range.

It was so lively at the foot of the mountain. When Dai Li arrived, she thought she was at the scenic toll station at the foot of Zhangjiajie. It was crowded with people and there were not too many stalls selling fruit drinks and instant noodles. One look at it made her want to scream*.

--Hey, have a bowl of Master Kong!

However, after comparing what others were wearing, Dai Li took off his outer robe, held it on his arm, and looked up at the towering red mountain in front of him. The red maples and many tall plants unique to tropical rainforests were everywhere, and most of them were It's red and yellow, and the only green color seems to be a cactus or something... it's dazzling.

"This is the Flame Mountain... It looks like a mountain from a distance, but up close..." Dai Li sighed, the depth of some poets...

In the eyes of others, such a good-looking person with such a deep, elegant and timeless demeanor is simply too charming. Can she write poetry?

It looks like it will.

After a while, "It's still a mountain!"


A girl who was eating noodles at a stall next to her squirted, and the noodles choked her nostrils...

Well, I'm guilty.

Dai Li grinned and walked over.

"Stop, do you want to go to the Flame Mountain and buy the mountain pass first?"

What's the "Enter the Mountain" card? It's just like buying a ticket!

Dai Li really wanted to complain about this world of cultivating immortals, it was too philistine! There is no Taoist consciousness of being quiet and doing nothing without paying for money!

"How many?"

"Seven Hundred Spiritual Crystals"

It's Dai Li's turn to vomit blood, Seven Hundred Spiritual Crystals! Sprinkle your face with foot-washing water, okay?

Seven hundred spiritual crystals, if converted into RMB, can be equivalent to 70 billion! The gap between the two families was so big that Daili felt his kidneys hurt.

But five hundred spiritual crystals have been spent, and I don’t care about the seven hundred spiritual crystals, so...

Dai Li glanced at the lineup of mountain guards in front of him. They were all distracted. Although the aura was not strong and could only be regarded as a low-level distraction, there were four men and women behind him who had extremely strong auras. One of them was a bald man sitting on the ground. The other short-haired beauty sitting at the table, eating noodles and reading a little book, was the strongest.

Much stronger than Liu Zongyuan.

Are they all high-level distractions?

This is just a queue. There is another queue at another toll gate a thousand meters away. If there is a toll that goes around the entire mountain, how distracting will it be?

This is the official power of the Fenchuan ruling class!

Dai Li thought that the Flame Mountain was a huge treasure. Only the top ruling class of Fenchuan could control such a treasure and openly charge for it. She couldn't do it, so she should just take the money.

With a flick of the palm, the spiritual crystals in the storage ring were ready to be taken out of the warehouse, but Dai Li was at a loss.

690 Spiritual Crystals! Still missing 10 spirit crystals!

What bad luck!

"What, you don't have money? Don't come to the Flame Mountain if you don't have money..." The man who collected the money grinned. Daili didn't pursue the issue. He just glanced at him lightly, turned around and walked towards the stall, um, noodle stall.

Snap, the girl who was wiping her nose with a red face being scolded by her brother suddenly saw the person who harmed her sitting in front of her in a grand manner. Before she could get angry, she saw the other person showing her an apologetic but gentle smile, " It is my fault to let a lady be blamed because of me..."

Such a gentle and detailed apology made the girl and the handsome boy next to her stunned. The girl was still holding the chopsticks in one hand, and her bun head was still banged on the big bowl of noodles. Her big eyes were staring at Dai Li with wet eyes, a little bit. Wait...it seems like the saliva will stay. (To be continued)

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