A Queen

Chapter 1025 I don’t think it’s a violation~~

Oh my god, this girl is so cute!

Dai Li originally wanted to sacrifice the Hue Pit 10 Spiritual Crystal, but when he saw these eyes, he immediately changed his attention. With a flick of his hand, he took out a handkerchief with an elegant fragrance, and gently wiped the oil on the girl's face. "The most important thing about a girl is her face, you must protect it..."

Regardless of whether it is from a human or female perspective, being treated so tenderly and kindly by such a beautiful, gentle and full of demonic person, as long as they are not anti-social personality people, most people will feel a sense of joy and their wariness will be greatly reduced. Girls are completely defenseless. The man was staring straight at Dai Li, his face getting redder and redder, so red that it made him cry. He was speechless, but the handsome brother next to him was a little wary, and he stretched out his hand to stop the handkerchief. I just turned the corner of my eye and saw the embroidered pattern on the handkerchief...

The girl also saw it and her eyes widened...


Dai Li never knew that a little girl at the master level could spray out at such a speed... He succeeded in spraying noodles all over her face.

Is this retribution?

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

The handsome young man was also stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted and took the tablecloth to help Dai Li wipe his face and clothes...

Tablecloth, dear!

That's the table cleaner! And Sister Baozi, why did you put the silk scarf in my mouth? I didn’t eat your noodles!

Dai Li felt that he was going to have his health tank emptied by these two brothers and sisters, so he quickly stopped them: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's just a small matter, I'll do it by myself, I'll do it by myself..."

After doing this, the young man no longer had a sullen face. Moreover, he had heard someone say that whether a good person is good can be seen best through his eyes, so he looked into the other person's eyes. Well, she's very pretty, very clean, and should be a good person. Besides, his sister has always been very sensitive to people with bad intentions, so... (the two idiot siblings didn't even know they were meeting a pupil master, their eyes were artificial and so on) Don’t be too good at it)

"Is this eldest brother also going to the Flame Mountain?" Brother Xu Yi. It is said that this is his name.

Suddenly I felt that Yuanyi's family was quite reliable. After all, her real name is Luan Qingyi.

Maybe Xu Yi also has a similar family meaning?

"Yes, you too, right?"

"Yes." Xu nodded.

He introduced his sister very politely. "This is my sister, Xu Er"

Um...what kind of parents must be so careless?

"Then you must have a younger brother or younger sister named Xu San, right?"

"Not yet...Father, they said they are still working on it. What is the name of the eldest brother?"

"...It's a coincidence that someone called me Jun Er"

If it was intentional. That would be too deliberate. The boy tilted his head. After looking at Dai Li, the girl had a good impression of Dai Li. After finishing the bowl of soup, Gululu said, "Brother, I want more" (I can't see any good impression at all...).

"How much is a bowl?" Dai Li estimated that the things in this scenic area must be very expensive.

"Brother Jun, do you want to help us pay?" Xu Ermei asked.

Daili almost vomited blood! Second sister, why did your brother say no?

"Xu Er. How can you say that! Brother Jun and we have never met, how can you pay our bill for nothing..."

"Aoao, brother, I understand. Brother Jun won't help us pay the bill..."

My little friend Xu Er, you must be pretending to be a cute foodie. It must be!

Someone who was perfectionist in his chivalric aristocratic style quickly paid the bill and bought another bowl.

Great, Forty Ocean is out again.

The ten-yuan gap quickly turned into a fifty-yuan gap.

Xu Er entered the state of eating noodles again, but Dai Li wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and asked Xu Yi: "The food here is not cheap, why are you eating here? You didn't prepare any food?"

"Ready...but Xu Er said she wanted to eat hot food"

"Oh...Eh?" Dai Li was stunned, "Can't you also barbecue in the mountains?"

"Barbecue?" Xu Yi's eyes changed when he looked at Dai Li - is there anyone better than the two of us?

"The Flame Mountain is a world of flames, and spiritual fire is domineering. Naturally, other creatures are not allowed to use flames easily by other means. That means fire monks can use their natural power to grill meat, but they also have to pay a much higher price than usual. .So fire type and water type ice type monks are particularly at odds in the Flame Mountain, and those of us who are not from these types, even if we prepare food, most of it is cooked food... steamed buns or dried meat, where can we eat hot food? "

Dai Li's expression was so melancholy that Na Xu Yi asked curiously: "Brother Jun, you didn't buy a lot of meat, did you?"

"Well, it's not a lot."

"How many?"

"One hundred crystals"

puff! Xu Er squirted again...

Daili: "...."

While the three of them were talking, at the toll booth not far away, the short-haired beauty had finished a bowl of noodles and was reading a book with her legs crossed. A fat man next to her came over and said, "Hey, second sister, what about that kid?" It seems that we are eyeing those two kids, do you want us to..." He wiped his neck.

"Let's take a look at it first. Those two little brats are very thieves... As for the pretty girl, I think she is a bit stupid... She is so stupid that she is a bit cute. Just for that face of hers, I have to forgive her more."

"..." The fat man burst into tears and was paralyzed. I don't know how many times I was tortured to death by you when I was transferred to your command. Today, you are so kind even though I met a bad guy... You have such a face. Is it important? (Shadow is also important, dear).

"Actually, Brother Jun, you don't have to be so sad. Raw meat can still be cooked in the mountains."

"What method?"

"Find a professional spiritual fire cook. They can easily cook meat and spiritual fire, and it's delicious."

"How much?"

"Ten pounds of meat and one crystal"

In other words, the 10,000 kilograms of pork, mutton, beef and various meats she bought cost almost a thousand crystals in cooking fees.

There was a villain in Dai Li's heart who was perfectly shot and fell to the ground.

Seeing Dai Li's performance, Xu Yi was actually reflecting on himself secretly, why did he think this person was a bad guy just now? How could a bad guy be so stupid?

The conversation obviously couldn't go on, and Daili, who was hit hard, heard Xu Er wipe his mouth after finishing his second bowl of noodles and say: "And who would be so stupid to directly eat in those shops in the city?" Buy meat~~Either it is prepared months in advance, or it is bought by someone from outside Fenzhou and brought in..."

It was almost impossible to have a friendly conversation anymore. Dai Li sighed: "That's it for now, and that's all it can do. Little brother, little sister, and brother are still busy, so I'll see you first..."

The expressions of Xu Yi and Xu Er changed slightly. They were about to say goodbye when they suddenly heard Dai Li say with a smile: "But you two little brats should make sure before you trick someone next time whether the person being tricked will be happy to be tricked by you." Damn it~~ Not everyone respects the old and loves the young like me~~"

When paying the bill, she used her soul to scan and saw the cunning expressions of the two brothers and sisters lowering their heads and exchanging glances. She couldn't help but laugh at the time. After all these years of traveling around the world, this was the first time she met two such cunning and smart people, but they were quite cute. of...

Someone's smile is still as gentle and fake as before, it is clearly a playfulness that sees everything.

Xu Yi and Xu Er's expressions instantly froze.

Dai Li had already stood up and left calmly, well, not so chic and low-key, because she bumped into a big man who looked very untouchable.

"Fuck! You little pretty face, you don't have eyes when you walk!"

"Sorry" someone apologizes politely.

The man looked at Dai Li's weak physique and demeanor, and then looked at her appearance, which didn't seem to be distracting, and she didn't even have a high level of spiritual power among the great masters. Hey! Laughed!

"My apology is useless! If I don't give grandpa some compensation, I won't be able to leave today!"

There are things like bullying and bullying, not to mention bullying the weak. This great master-level man obviously wants to trick Dai Li, a weak scholar.

"Ah, isn't this good?" Dai Li looked unhappy and turned around to leave, but was stopped by the man.

"Don't even think about leaving! Grandpa has to pay for his loss today!"

"How could you be so unreasonable...I'll just touch you!"

"It won't work even if you touch it. Hurry up and get five hundred spiritual crystals, otherwise..."

"No, how can you give it to someone for free! Even if it's gambling, you can still give it a try!"

"Gamble? Then let's bet. If you lose, give me the money."

"Uh... not good... people will die. What will happen to the dead people?" Bullshit, of course everyone has their destiny! "

"What if I win?"

"Of course I'll give you money, but you can win? What a joke!"

Someone seemed reluctant to agree, but the big man took the opportunity to strike fiercely!

One second....


The man collapsed on the ground. Dai Li kicked him in the face and turned him over. He took off the storage ring and sighed: "You still gamble and blackmail with such a low IQ. You don't even care about what your parents think." ..”

Opening the storage ring and looking at it, Dai Li rolled his eyes, "Poor man! There are only two hundred spiritual crystals..."

Seven hundred crystals are available immediately! Dai Li spent the remaining one hundred and fifty crystals in a nearby shop and bought fifteen spirit fire cages.

Originally, based on the usual normal price, this Spirit Fire Cage only cost one Spirit Crystal per Spirit Fire Cage. However, due to the Qishan Assessment, the price was unexpectedly increased to fifteen times!

The stock market is not so profitable!

The fat man in the guard stared straight at Dai Li's steps, which were so graceful and unrestrained that he handed over seven hundred spirit crystals, and said: "This fat brother, I am not violating the rules, right?"

"Uh, it doesn't count." The fat man twisted his mouth. He was indeed a bad guy with pus flowing out of his mouth. He watched the actor do one thing after another.

"It's not against the rules, you did a great job, young man, but isn't it good to act in front of us?" The eldest sister crossed her legs, raised her eyebrows at Chao Daili, and her words were a bit frivolous.

"It's better than acting behind everyone's back~~" Dai Li didn't feel the murderous intention from the other party, so he also made a joke. The other guards laughed when they heard this, but they were thinking about this kind of bearing and the difference in their hearts. The person he looks like doesn't come from a grassroots background. He might be a kid from that big background, but he just doesn't know why he is so poor.

Is it deliberately showing off?

Everyone watched as this guy took the Mountain Entry Card and entered the Flame Mountain directly. (To be continued)

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