A Queen

Chapter 1,026 Spirit Fire Hunter

As soon as the person left, the short-haired beauty smiled lazily and said lazily: "Oh, there are so many interesting people here these days~ I really want to go in and have fun..."

The bald head opened his eyes and glanced at her, "If you can break through the realm in front of you, the commander will allow you to go in and have fun."


The meaning of this is similar to the head teacher telling you that if your average score reaches 99 points this time, he will let you go on a spring outing...


There are many people in the Flame Mountain, but the mountain is big, and the higher you go, the hotter it gets. Of course, the hotter the place, the stronger the spiritual fire...

As soon as Dai Li stepped into the Flame Mountain, he felt the heat wave hitting his face, as if he had walked directly into a furnace.

"This place is really terrible. Fortunately, I bought a lot of water..." Dai Li immediately felt that his body's physical energy was evaporating at a rapid rate, and his energy was fading away in a small amount...

Although the reduction was very small, this was the place where we had just entered. Dai Li looked up at the mountain ahead, thinking that the middle part of the mountainside would probably be hot enough to kill people. She might not be able to withstand it, but these people in front of her...

She saw with embarrassment that the men in front of her who were originally well-dressed took off their undress and exposed their chests in a hurry after taking a few steps. She couldn't help it, it was too hot!

So, the fashion show of taking off clothes step by step began...

"What should I do about women?..." Daili held his forehead.

In front of you are various plants, dense or sparse.

The fire maple tree was extremely beautiful. Dai Li was a little intoxicated when he saw the young female nuns walking in the front standing under the tree. In fact, Dai Li was very rare about maple trees. After all, her residence was Hong Maple Residence, so when she saw this Huo Maple Tree stopped.

The fiery red maple leaves flying all over the sky are really beautiful. Pieces fall one by one, and if they fall on you...


It burned instantly!

"Ah!" The woman's sharp scream attracted the attention of many people, and some people joked: "Don't you know that many of the spiritual plants in the Flame Mountain are mutated? For example, the fire maple tree can catch fire if its leaves are floating. "

It's really interesting to introduce it.

Dai Li found it interesting in her heart, but she was also a little wary. Soon she encountered the fire grass that ignited like a wire and formed a sea of ​​​​fire when someone stepped on it. With the flame tree that burns forever. All sorts of strange things.

Of course, there are a lot of spiritual fires, but not as many as in densely populated areas. The main reason is that the place is open and the spiritual fires are hidden. Most of the spiritual fires in the residence are in a phantom state, so you can see a lot of them. In fact, it is a double image state, looking close. Actually quite far.

"It's a spiritual fire. There's one over there..." A male cultivator and his companion reminded him carefully. Daili turned his head and saw that there happened to be a snow-white spiritual fire on a tree that looked like a snowball. Like a naughty child, he stayed on the tree and watched them carefully...

There were quite a few people on their side, including more than a dozen who climbed up the mountain. At this moment, they all stopped and stared at it, even though it was just white fire. But for them who have just entered the Flame Mountain and have not yet mastered the catching skills, this white fire is the best training object.

So a group of people were on alert and gathered strength... The man who first discovered the white fire was regretting it at the moment. Why did he shout out so cheaply just now? He should have been behind to capture it without showing any signs of it. This spiritual fire thing is better now, so many people...

But it was this man who was the quickest to take action!

He threw a spell directly towards the white fire. I can't tell what it's called. It was just a big vine net, trying to catch it all at once!

Is that how you caught it?

Dai Li was a little puzzled for a moment, but on the other side, the others seemed to be furious when they saw this man taking action, and they all took action...

Boom boom boom!


Dai Li's eyes suddenly flashed, and he flashed back to avoid a beam of orange light. However, it was not just one beam of orange light, but more than twenty beams of orange light, coming from more than a dozen directions like high-speed rays. A weird shot appears, swish, swish, swish!

It directly penetrated the bodies of several people and burned with flames!

Damn it, I was ambushed and attacked!

The smart and perceptive people retreated immediately. They had no choice but to retreat. This was a rhythm that was obviously calculated by the cunning Spirit Fire.

The five weaker people couldn't be pushed back. Those souls were like pythons with their jaws open, their bodies expanded, and they swallowed people with just one opening! This is a kind of hair swallowing, and there is another way of swallowing that does not completely penetrate the body when it penetrates, but embeds it into the body and starts swallowing directly from the wound!

The effect was extremely frightening, and screams came one after another. Dai Li just watched the twenty or so oranges carve up and devour the prey like a pack of lions attacking a sheep.

Of course, as if there weren't enough prey, so now this...

Several spirit fires focused on Dai Li, who seemed to have a weak aura.

Orange Fire, I estimate that with its speed and strength, it can probably kill an ordinary grand master. It should be easier for top grand masters to deal with it...

As for Daili's dealing with them... She lowered her eyes. Fifteen spirit fire cages seemed not enough.

Just when I was about to take action!

Swish, brush, brush!

Twenty dozen sword energies surged wildly!

Come freely!

It was so precise that it hit all the twenty orange fires! And kill with one blow!

Puff puff!

The spirit fires fell directly to the ground one by one as if they had been hit by stun bombs. The flames on their bodies hissed, just like entities, but in fact they were energy bodies. It was a very strange species, but what Dai Li paid more attention to was that An indifferent man flying down in the air on a flying sword.

He was not handsome, his eyes were cold and arrogant, and he glanced at her coldly, as if as a warning.

Well, unless the other party took the initiative to provoke, or someone she disliked very much, she would never take the initiative to snatch other people's trophies, so she planned to leave. As soon as Dai Li's figure disappeared, the young man put most of his vigilance away. She took it back and took out a spiritual fire cage. Then she took out a glove and carefully grabbed a spiritual fire-equipped quiet cage and locked it up. After handling them one by one, he put away the spiritual fire cage and left silently.

Little did he know that as soon as he left, a figure appeared on a tree not far from him.

"Really a good hunter, seems to have good experience"

Only now did Dai Li realize that the spirit fire is an energy body. The special structure of the spirit fire cage can keep the energy from dissipating. Therefore, even if the spirit fire dies, it can be put into the cage to store the energy, and can be absorbed and cultivated when the opportunity arises.

"But the glove in his hand seems to be a special tool. The temperature of the spiritual fire..."

Dai Li's body flashed and he appeared where the young man was standing just now. He bent his waist and pressed his palms on the black marks left by the spiritual fire that fell on the ground. There was still heat left, and he touched the heat with his palms. , his mind quickly calculated the temperature lost by the flow of time until he got the approximate surface temperature of the spiritual fire.

"Hey, it's quite hot. I'm afraid ordinary low-level distractions can't directly grab the spiritual fire, let alone the red fire. That kid is also a not weak intermediate distraction... No wonder he needs to use those special gloves. .”

After Dai Li got the information he wanted, he wouldn't stay for long, but unfortunately, three people had already come up from the foot of the mountain. They must have happened to see Dai Li standing where he had obviously just experienced a spiritual experience. In a place where fire is fiercely fought, it's a given... the only person who survives is the final winner, and no matter what, the spoils are all in her hands.

Dai Li immediately felt the emotional fluctuations in these people's souls... hostility!

"Sir, where was this place just now?" a young man asked curiously.

"A spiritual fire appears"

"What about those spiritual fires?"

"What do you think?" Dai Li's playful and deep frivolous eyes seemed to stimulate the three people who were already plotting evil, and they all took action...

For two great masters and one grand master, there is really no need to waste too much pen and ink describing a battle that took less than a breath from start to finish.

In fact, it was just a look.

The light of the pupil technique faded, and Dai Li walked to the three corpses that had been burned into mummies by the instant fire: "Sure enough, the suppression of flames is better, otherwise they can be directly burned to ashes..."

She picked up the storage rings of the three people and searched for only a hundred crystals of money. There was not even a spirit fire cage. Other cloud beasts or resources were too much for Dai Li, a little rich woman who once had a distracting wealth. It's not worth mentioning.

"However, meeting more people who actively seek PK is a way to increase fiscal revenue."

Some people who come to the Flame Mountain for the first time naturally have to be more cautious, and the same goes for Daili. However, the first job of most people who enter the Flame Mountain is not to carefully search for the spiritual fire, but to avoid it from other people.

So the higher you go, the fewer people there are, and in the end Daili walks alone. Although there are many single female nuns among them who offer to go with her, she just politely refuses.

About half an hour later...

"Fuck! It's really hot." Dai Li exhaled and found that the breath was distorted and evaporated in the air...

If the Flame Mountain is considered a flame giant, then Dai Li has now climbed to the calf joint of this giant. This is already a high position. Generally, only the Grand Masters with peak level and above will climb to this place. After all, this place is The temperature is not generally high.

There were several large rocks, a large oak tree with a unique shape, and gravel on the ground that was hot and glowing.

There was a hissing sound everywhere.

Every minute and every second, physical strength and water are evaporated, and energy is burned at a rate thirty times that of the foot of the mountain.

This was such terrifying data that Dai Li couldn't help but hold his forehead and look at the burning sky. He leaned weakly and fell on a big rock next to him...

It seems that I can't bear it anymore.

When Daili was hanging his head and gasping for air, he was very depressed.

The fruits the size of heads hanging from the branches of the big oak tree behind me seemed to be emitting light. (To be continued)

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