A Queen

Chapter 1027: Flame Sect

This light formed fire.

Swish, brush, brush!

The three acorns instantly bounced off their skins and shot out bright beams of light, shooting down from the bombardment!

Like the shells fired by the fastest fighter jets...

Boom boom boom!

The orange light is bright!

But someone who was bending over had his buttocks against the big stone and hooked his right hand, "Swipe!"

Qian Ji unsheathed and flicked his wrist behind him!

The blood sword energy is soaring!

Puff puff!

Two white fires and one orange fire fell to the ground, hissing and burning.

Dai Li straightened his body, turned around and used Qianji to stir up an orange fire, which fell on the sword. The hot temperature burned on the Qianji formed by blood energy. It didn't matter, but the consumption of blood energy was not as big as usual. , especially in this place where energy is consumed all the time... After hesitating for a moment, Dai Li frowned slightly, turned into a dragon claw, and grabbed Orange Fire.


The flames burned the dragon's claws crazily. Although Dai Li could also feel the temperature, it was not unbearable across the dragon's claws.

"Fortunately, I can still catch the orange fire with my bare hands... otherwise the energy consumption would be even worse."

It is the most stupid thing to directly absorb spiritual fire in the Flame Mountain where spiritual fires and hunters and killers are everywhere. Dai Li immediately took out the spiritual fire cage and threw the orange fire into it.

As for the other two white fires, Dai Li grabbed them directly, pinched them with his palms, and swallowed them in the blink of an eye. After all, the two white fires were still too low in level, and they could only increase Dai Li's spiritual power a little, without any effect. It doesn't have much effect, but it is more pure. If absorbed in large quantities, it is still very impressive.

"The white fire is absorbed directly, so there is no need to waste the cage. The orange fire is just put away."

With a click, a cage floated in front of Dai Li. The speed at which the energy of the spirit fire disappeared rapidly after death had been greatly reduced. This was the first orange fire that Dai Li had caught. It was still a bit curious and novel, so he played with it. In a moment, he put away the spiritual fire cage directly.

"Actually, it's not that difficult to capture the spiritual fire, right~" Someone was thinking thoughtfully at this moment.

She actually spent most of these half an hour on the road. I ignored the scene at the foot of the mountain where so many people were fighting monsters and upgrading. It was just on a whim that he seduced the three disguised spirit fires.

It is said that Dai Li's physique is amazing, and his tolerance to the environment of the Flame Mountain is a hundred times stronger than that of ordinary people, even though he always complains about it. In fact, her condition at the moment is not very bad, at least it will not be too bad within an hour of going up the mountain, so in terms of basic conditions, she is far superior to other hunters.

Although those spiritual fires are cunning, there are many of them. And each of them hides and hides, sometimes it is impossible to guard against them. It’s not possible to pay attention every minute to see if there are spiritual fires hiding in trees, flowers, plants, stones, feet, etc.

but! Dai Li has a strong and keen eye for insight. With that insightful eye, most of the spirit fires will be detected, even if some spirit fires are keenly aware of Dai Li's actions. I want to escape, but the speed of replacement...

It can be said that Dai Li has the most critical advantage of being the strongest hunter. That’s why I feel that hunting for spiritual fire is not as difficult as most people think, so... the hunting begins!

The white fire and orange fire were no match for Dai Li, so the hunting speed was very fast. Within an hour, she hunted thirty white fires and fourteen orange fires. At nearly noon, Dai Li stopped hunting.

She discovered a very sad thing. The fifteen spirit fire cages were all full, and the orange fire could not hold them.

"There are not enough cages. The level of Orange Fire is still too low. Most of the people hunted here are at the Grand Master level. It's too poor... We have to go up." Dai Li disliked the environment in front of him and quickly chose one. Clear route!

Further up!

In the middle of the Flame Mountain, the people here are obviously much rarer, and without exception, they are all distraction-level. The area is wider, and there is no trace of white fire. The lowest level is orange fire, and red fire is not uncommon, but the environment is also It was a lot more harsh. After Dai Li climbed to the mountainside, he immediately found a hiding place and directly absorbed the fifteen orange fires. In fact, now converted, fifteen orange fires are equivalent to a small spiritual vein with attributes. , so there is really no pressure at all for the generation with amazing digestive ability.

In three minutes, Dai Li freed up fifteen cages, and adjusted his strategy, deciding that both orange fire and white fire would be absorbed directly.

This is a process of gradual adaptation and adjustment. Dai Li has always been very thoughtful. After absorbing the orange fire, he has almost replenished most of the energy he consumed before. He observed that the calf joint is now more than fifty times more demanding than before. She took a deep breath and estimated that she could last here for an hour in her peak state.

This hour is her perfect hunting time! (I'm afraid you can't remember this conversion rule. I've roughly done it. It's not too standard. It occasionally deviates a little. It's just a comparison of the approximate value of spiritual fire. If I make a mistake later, you can remind me based on this table. I'll do it, hehe, please see below)

White fire, ordinary small spiritual vein.

Orange fire, = 20 white.

Red fire, =20 orange, attribute small spiritual vein.

Yellow fire, =20 red, medium attribute spiritual vein.

Blue fire, =50 red.

Green fire, = 100 red.

Purple fire, = 10,000 red.


Camouflage, concealment, amazing explosive power, and rapid speed, this is the greatest feeling that spiritual fire gives people. At this moment, an extremely tired man panted like a dog, shirtless and barefoot, and his whole body was soaked with sweat. He walked towards it. Next to me, I finally couldn't help but sit down from exhaustion. I was pouring a pot of water into my mouth when I suddenly felt that my buttocks was very hot...


The blood-red flame mouth opened from the surface of the gray stone like an overlord flower, biting his buttocks directly, tugging and sucking, gulu, swallowing the whole person, and the gray stone immediately turned into crispy food. It melted, revealing a red fire burning with a bright red flame hidden inside it.

It was the size of a head and was as red as blood. He had swallowed the person just now and digested it in the blink of an eye. Now it had grown in size and was about the size of a basketball.

It had just eaten, but it was hungry again and had to find prey. It shook off the flames on its body and was about to leave...

Suddenly I felt the wind in front of me was a little tight.

There is thunder and there is blood.

Yun Tianlang!


Thirty thousand sword wounds, instant kill!

On a tree not far away, the branches were silent and motionless. Dai Li, who was standing on it, took a step and came to Honghuo in an instant. He touched it with his palm, felt the hot temperature on it, and then used his dragon claws to With a sudden grab, hiss! The palm of his hand was hot. Dai Li raised his eyebrows and threw the red fire into the spiritual fire cage.

"The fifth red fire!"

Five prosperous ones were caught in less than half an hour. Dai Li was very satisfied with this efficiency, which was much better than the profit he made down there.

This is not counting the dozens of white fire-bearing fires that were directly absorbed by her!

Five red fires are equal to one quarter of medium-sized attribute spiritual veins! Two hours is just one line! After staying for ten days and a half,... you will have forty or fifty medium-sized attribute spiritual veins!

This is definitely an efficient way to get rich.

It's a pity that I haven't met anyone with a yellow level. I heard that even high-level distractions need to be dealt with carefully...

While thinking about it, he picked up the storage ring that the unlucky guy had digested and landed on the ground after being swallowed. Dai Li estimated that this person's strength was only three to four hundred spirit crystals and some, which was not too bad but not great. of wealth..

After checking, it turns out there is not much difference.

Hey, all the experience has been robbed.

Dai Li looked at the sky, and was about to leave to continue his hunting trip, when suddenly the soil beneath his feet turned over, spiritual fire? ! !

Two thick vines instantly bound her feet, and they grabbed her with great force!

Dai Li was dragged up to the sky by the vines, and a six-diamond-shaped green bayonet instantly pierced the ground below!

There were hundreds of them in total, and they were just pierced out from under the ground!

In fact, they are tree roots with bayonets at the tips!

What a sharp and cruel attack!


It was like being torn apart almost instantly, with flesh and blood flying everywhere~~

The next second, a green light emerged from the gap in the ground, taking the form of a human, looking down at the mess of flesh and blood in front of him.

Sometimes hunters are more cost-effective than hunting for spirit fire. Now they can kill two birds with one stone and make a lot of money. I felt sorry for this woman-like boy. The corner of his mouth curled up with some contempt and sarcasm, looking for the storage ring...


Can't find it?

how so?

That person obviously has a storage ring~~

"Excuse me, are you looking for this"

In the blink of an eye, he saw a figure. The man was smiling happily, holding up his beautiful and white right hand, with a bright ring on it.

The man suddenly tensed up and suddenly realized that the flesh and blood on the ground had disappeared.

"Do you know how to perform illusions?"

The man's gentle question while on guard made Dai Li smile slightly. Before the smile faded, the man had already launched a sneak attack in an instant!

Swish, brush, brush! Thousands of underground vines sprouted from the ground, bayonets and bundles of vines!

The piercing power is definitely to the point where it can instantly kill all low-level distractions, thirty-three thousand kills? Intermediate distraction!

Insightful eye, locked!

A thousand opportunities and a hook, Qiang! ! Bloody light...

It seems like one sword, but it also seems like two swords, and it seems like countless swords.

.Cross Bimonthly Festival!

Puff puff puff puff! Bayonets or bunches of vines, all disintegrated in an instant.

The man screamed inwardly, "This is too tough. There are definitely many masters who are much better than him, retreat!"

However, just as he was about to escape, he suddenly saw a pair of eyes, captured in an instant!

Snap, the man was weak, kneeling on the ground with bleeding from his orifices, his soul was atrophied.

For a second, his neck was touched by a cold sword...

"Don't kill me, otherwise our Yan Faction will not let you go!!!"

Fire faction? Dai Li's hand paused, and his cold eyes locked onto the man's surprised and threatening expression.

"Are there any factions in the Flame Mountain?" (To be continued)

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