A Queen

Chapter 1028: It’s hard to give up on natural beauty.

"Yes... We are all under the command of Mr. Yan. We vassal him and help him hunt down those who enter the mountain. Then the big head will be given to him, and the small head will be divided among us... Our Yan sect has a very large number of people, and we are a major force in the Flame Mountain. Pai, if you kill me, there will be no benefit. If you anger Mr. Yan, you will definitely die!"

There really are rivers and lakes everywhere you go.

Dai Li touched his chin, "The Yan sect is so domineering, and the guards below don't care?"

"The guards have always only collected mountain fees and ignored the fighting within the mountain. This is the rule, but it does not rule out that Young Master Yan has a great background..."

"You are the only one from the Flame Sect, are there anyone else?"

"Yes, there is another branding faction that is against us. The leader is Young Master Branding. Except for some powerful men or people with powerful backgrounds, such as the children of the four major families, or the children of the aristocratic families in the powerful group domain, or the people of the Four Pavilions. , others don’t dare to mess with us at all, if you really kill me..."

This is definitely a subtle threat to me.

Dai Li smiled, his tone became a little gentle, and Qianji Sword struck his neck: "This brother is joking, I never like fighting and killing things, it's too bloody... yes Okay, how powerful is Mr. Yan?"

"He is the Dharma Lord"

"Jun level...so awesome"

"That is"

The man had already breathed a sigh of relief. Although he still did not dare to provoke Dai Li, he was somewhat proud of himself and reached out to push Qianji away...


The head flies up!

Dai Li scratched the sword blade with his fingertips, and the graceful blood on it disappeared. He smiled with a smile on his lips, a little uninhibited: "Jun level, it is indeed quite powerful. But I have offended everyone at the Mahayana level, and I am still afraid. Are you just a king? How funny..."

With a stroke of the sword, the man's finger was cut off. He picked up the storage ring and dropped it into his hand. When he took a look, Dai Li chuckled.

"Twenty spirit fire cages, all filled with red fire. A thousand spirit crystals... This is a disaster that will make you rich for three years. Let the people from the Yan sect come more violently."

Dai Li, who suddenly became a lot richer, immediately put away his things, and another lightning strike destroyed the man's body, and his figure floated. Disappear.

And not long after,

Three men appeared at the place where the man's body was chopped up.

"Killed... so unlucky, I encountered a tough problem."

"He's a master of thunder. He's not easy to mess with..."

"The aura is not strong. He should be on par with us. If he hunts, the harvest will be rich. However, the other party may not be afraid of our power. Maybe he is a member of a big family. He is the target of investigation. Once his identity is confirmed, he will decide whether to take action."


rigorous. Reasonable, these are the people of the Yan sect, but that doesn't mean they aren't crazy. In their opinion, killing people from the Yan faction. Even if you are from a high background, you may not be able to walk out of the Flame Mountain unscathed, because Mr. Yan is such a ruthless person...


Later, Daili killed five more people who wanted to intercept her, including men, women, old and young. Although they were not as rich as the Yan sect man, there were quite a few like Orange Fire and White Fire, hundreds of them. Yes, it was all directly absorbed by Daili, and the rest added up to an income of fifteen Honghuo and three thousand crystals.

Including the sixteen red fires she later captured, Dai Li currently has seventy spirit fire cages on his body, which is also seventy red fires!

"Spiritual vein among the three attributes a day?"

This income is considerable, but the most important thing right now seems not to be hunting, but...

Dai Li lowered his head and looked at the white smoke that had disappeared from the boots and the clothes that looked like beggars. The exposed skin had some scars and blood. When the sun shined on them, the blood solidified and turned into scabs. The originally delicate and smooth skin was covered with blood. Skin seems to be smoking...

Gurgling, my stomach is still singing a ditty,

Well, the most important thing for her now seems to be to fill her stomach and rest!

Of course, the premise is to wipe down and apply skin cream!

Someone was sneaking around again, and before she wiped herself and changed clothes, she made some plans, because she knew very well that she had three problems that she had to face.

First, she is not a real man and cannot be shirtless, although she can disguise herself into a perfect inverted triangle figure with twelve-pack abs.

Second, you must wear less clothes, otherwise the more clothes you wear, the more likely it is to burn your body and kill you.

Third, she didn’t buy spare shoes, so she was barefoot? That will turn you into a barefoot immortal~~~

Based on these three questions, Daili spent a minute thinking and immediately came up with a policy.

A stack of clothes was taken out, and the fingers were used to pull, pull, pull, and pull...


A redwood tree was cut down.

After everything is ready, take out a towel and a bucket of water, and before the water is quickly evaporated...

(I guess no one can understand that someone who is thirsty and has not yet drank a sip of water will bring a bucket of water to wipe his body first... Still in a place like the Flame Mountain, I can only say... Dai girl's mysophobia is a disease !)

About half an hour later, someone looked in the mirror, scratched his long hair again, sighed deeply, Qianji turned into scissors... and stabbed himself in the head!


There is a wide place on the southeast side of the mountainside of the Flame Mountain. Instead of the hot pebbles that can be seen everywhere in the Flame Mountain, it is stiff soil. There are many plants that grow in hot environments standing around it.

Many plants in the Flame Mountain have a strange problem of burning, but there are also some that do not burn, such as the fire plantain.

One hundred meters high, the leaves are so wide that they can cover a small house. On the top of the banana leaves, Dai Li stood above and cut off more than a dozen fiery red banana leaves. He dragged the large banana leaves weighing one ton with his palms and lifted them directly. Throwing it on the ground and folding it up, it blocked the terrifying temperature on the surface.

Daili is not the only one doing this. In fact, this large open space is a recognized rest area on the mountainside of the Flame Mountain. In the huge space, there are no less than tens of thousands of plantains placed on the ground as mats, making a lot of noise. The monks were going back and forth, some had fallen asleep and died, some were sitting cross-legged to recover their strength, some were eating...

It was like a scene on the beach in Hawaii during the National Day, completely full!

The reason why we call it Hawaii is not just because of the hot weather or the large number of people, but also because - everyone is dressed so coolly!

Everywhere you looked, there were all shirtless men, and even the most elegant young man had to go topless. No matter how reserved and dignified a lady is, she no longer has the calmness of the past...

They were so embarrassed, but none of them even bothered to tidy up their appearance. They just wanted to lie down and sleep to death.

This damn Flame Mountain!

Fortunately, everyone is like this, so it’s no surprise.

But it's still a little weird.

For example, people who are naturally more attractive...

Many people subconsciously looked at the young man who had just sat down in the east corner of the "Hawaii Beach Area"... Was he young?

Loose and cool black beach shorts, a pair of clicking mahogany clogs, a crescent white loose sleeveless singlet, long hair that should have been paired with a jade crown... um. Became short hair. The short black hair that was raised and flowing freely, coupled with the flat chest, seemed to tell everyone that she was not a girl. But she probably shouldn't be a boy.

What boy looks like this?

And those legs

Daili really didn't have the time to pay attention to other people's opinions. She sat down on the banana leaf, and her tense and cold expression instantly disappeared. She felt so comfortable~~

Although still piping hot. It's much better than sitting on a rock.

And she was really tired after being assassinated by spirit fire and people no less than twenty times - of course because of the excessive environment and consumption.

After sitting down, someone directly half-bent his long and slender legs. Take out the skin cream and bend down

That movement, that curve, that gesture of applying skin cream. That face, that profile, that serious and tired expression

In fact, the shorts are not short. It can completely cover the thighs and only expose the calves. But my calves are long, thin, and beautiful!

As sexy as poison.

No less than 50% of the men covered their noses, and no less than 50% of the women looked at them.

What the hell! How on earth did this man climb halfway up the mountain? Flying up directly? You shouldn't. Flying over the Flame Mountain, wouldn't you be roasted into dregs by the flames outside? It will also be swallowed directly by the large spiritual fire in the sky

So, she should have walked up, but Su Na's skin was still so white, so delicate and smooth, like the egg white after peeling off the shell, why was it swollen?

Is it a man?

A man, or a woman, this is what everyone here doubts about this guy, but few people dare to come forward to chat or tease her, because her body is so clean, with no sweat or scars, which only shows that she is strong enough to She easily handles all kinds of murderous threats and keeps herself intact.

Advanced distraction.

Below the monarch level, senior distractions dominate.

So Daili accepted the envious, jealous, and admiring looks of these people, and had to put on skin cream as if no one else was around. (Cousin and the others would be furious if they knew it!)

"Your Excellency," a female cultivator on the mat next to Dai Li came over.

She is also applying skin cream on her legs, feet and face at the moment. There are many people doing this here, both men and women.

"Young Master", "Ms." or "Are you a boy or a girl?" are all courting death, so your Excellency is the most appropriate.

After seeing that Dai Li was not indifferent and looked back, the female cultivator looked curious and envious, and asked: "What kind of skin cream is really good for your skin? Where did you buy it? The effect is really good."

"First time user" Daili didn't want to advertise Grandet before it was used.

The female cultivator's eyes lit up as soon as she heard Dai Li's clear and refreshing voice with a sandy, lazy and magnetic voice.

"Hey, what about your skin?"

“It’s hard to give up on natural beauty.”

The female cultivator glanced at Xidaili's flat chest under her loose, soft singlet and pursed her lips. Was she a man? So arrogant

Look at this face again

Numb, so arrogant!

As the saying goes, part of the friendship between women comes from sharing makeup and beauty tips. It is not surprising here. The female cultivator quickly developed a feeling of being a best friend regardless of gender, and even took the initiative to contribute. Your own skin cream and other beauty products, as well as food, drinks, etc. (To be continued)

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