A Queen

Chapter 1029: Then your best friend is also very powerful

This made the male cultivators nearby who were still waiting and watching want to hit the ground with their heads!

--On the importance of a face and two legs, a body of skin, a voice, etc.

In fact, this female cultivator is also a beauty. She is a wild beauty with a nine-headed body. She has wheat-colored skin all over her body. She is sexy, healthy, sexy and cheerful.

By the way, her name is Mugino, a very special name.

Here she is a woman who makes the male cultivators jealous but they don't dare to touch her.

--Her origins are quite ordinary. She is a casual cultivator. She got the right to participate in the Qishan Road assessment simply by relying on her talent. She only came to Fenchuan recently. She was just a high-level distraction. Otherwise, how would she dare to talk to Dai Li so carelessly.

She soon started eating and drinking with Dai Li, but drinking was okay, eating was fine...

Dai Li pinched the dry bean cake given by the other party and sighed. Although he was very hungry, he still had difficulty swallowing food he didn't want to eat. This was also one of the tsundere symptoms of vampires.

Is there blood or fluffy high-quality bread?

Mugino seemed to notice it and advised: "Hey, I was not used to it before like you, but the Qishan Road exam is about to begin. You have to come if you don't want to, and you have to eat if you can't... Although this thing is very hard. It's like a stone... it's as dry as wood. I wonder if it will cause diarrhea if you eat it. Oh, it's not moldy!"

Miss Mai, you are really not suitable for comforting people.

But Mugino said next: "If I had money, I would buy those delicious pastries. Look over there..."

Mugino pursed his lips at Dai Li, and Dai Li turned around to look... They were also a group of people sitting on the ground and resting. They were all young, but each of them had red lips and white teeth, and it was obvious at a glance that they were from a good background.

"That's the local aristocratic family group in Fenchuan...the food they eat is the best, and some can even be cooked by specialized spiritual fire cooks. They can eat hot food."

There was indeed a middle-aged man cooking for someone at the moment. He earned hundreds of crystals in a few simple strokes.

"I remember when I first started practicing cultivation when I was a child, all my companions in the village were standing hungry."

"Is this practice effective?"

"No, it's just because I'm poor and have nothing to eat. If I want to eat well, I have to practice. And then I can get ahead. Now I can spend hundreds of crystals to buy these bottles and jars without blinking an eye.

You know, one crystal can make the people in our village live for a thousand years." This tone cannot be said to be jealous, just a little emotional.

"Then you are very powerful." From the village road where there is nothing to eat and you are hungry, you can become a high-level distraction. Mugino is definitely an inspirational sister.

Although from her tone, it seemed like everyone in her village was dead.

It’s easy to get old.

Dai Li said this calmly, without much emotion, but Mugino looked at Dai Li: "You are strange. When I told people these things before, she superficially said that those rich children were not good. . I am the second generation ancestor, but as soon as I turned around, I hugged them, said I was jealous of them, and said bad things about them... I was hunted for twenty years because of this~~"

"Then your best friend is also very powerful." Someone was as sincere as ever.

Mugino was stunned. Then he laughed loudly and heartily.

In fact, Daili was looking at the spiritual fire cook in the distance at the moment. How did spiritual fire cook?

Think about it. Dai Li stood up, and Mugino knew that Dai Li planned to watch closely and also proposed to join him. The two of them just walked over lazily.

There were many people who had the same thoughts as them. At this moment, there was already a circle of people surrounding them. Perhaps because the status of the two high-level distractions was a bit intimidating, many people retreated and gave up their positions.

Of course, many people were attracted by the white legs of this guy, but their attention was quickly diverted because the chef had already started cooking.

The cook is a tall and muscular man with short fiery red hair. He holds a red fire taken out of the spiritual fire cage in his left hand. His right hand moves slowly, like magic, full of some weird and alluring rhythm.

It seemed as if every fingertip could spark fire. It was indeed fire, but it was just thin and soft filaments.

Everyone was shocked when they saw it, what a terrifying ability to control fire energy!

Perfect control!

"No wonder, only the perfect level of control can control the fire energy to prevent it from being suppressed by the environment of the Flame Mountain and reducing too much energy, so as to achieve the cooking effect..." Mugino's eyes lit up as he seemed to have thought of something. She is smart, and She was extremely talented, otherwise she wouldn't have counterattacked to this point, but she didn't know that the person next to her had seen much more than her.

Dai Li felt that the cook himself was at least a king-level figure, even if it was not for such perfect control, it was also to prevent him from being violently trapped.

Hiss! Like silk threads, they seeped into the spiritual fire like small snakes. Dai Li had opened his eyes of insight and could clearly see those silk threads penetrated into the spiritual fire one by one, rapidly disintegrating the originally fixed energy body structure. ...perhaps it is difficult for most people to understand or not care, but those who have accepted various equations of modern chemistry and have studied genetics, cytology, and energy factor science immediately regard these threads and spiritual fire as two different things. The energy factor of the form...

When an energy structure is broken down and restructured, a new object is formed.

For example, the transition between gaseous, liquid, and solid states, the essence remains the same, but the form changes...

The law of conservation of energy and the law of energy conversion..

Dai Li was thoughtful and looked a little obsessed, while the others were more or less amazed, watching the spiritual fire gradually disintegrating into a fluffy and beautiful liquid substance. Then the man moved his fingers and took out many condiments, meat Categories, dishes, seasonings, etc., like a stunning magician, personally directing a stunning visual feast!

Of course, it's also about the taste. When that beautiful and delicious group of colorful delicacies appears, the hot smell wafts out, immediately making the people watching or eating dry food feel extremely hungry.

Click, a ball of delicious food was put on the plate. The middle-aged man pushed the plate of delicious food into the hands of the young master in front: "Xie Huan, your Feitian Escape is ready."

Flying to the sky and escaping to the earth? It contains the spirit meat of flying beasts and the meat of armor-piercing beasts, which fits the name quite well.

"Thank you, Master Liu, this is your reward." A young man with a somewhat arrogant eyebrow took the plate with a smile and handed the spiritual crystal to Master Liu, "One hundred spiritual crystals."

It's not simply heating meat, but cooking spiritual fire. The price is naturally different, but one plate costs a hundred spiritual crystals? So expensive!

Xie Huan took the plate and took a bite, then gave a thumbs up: "Delicious! Master, your cooking skills are getting better and better... Hey, do you people also want to cook the spiritual fire? You must know the spiritual fire after cooking. The fire effect is 30% better than the original one, and it is easier to absorb."

The main purpose of this passage is to show off one thing - he is rich and willful! They have no money! Accept fate!

Most of the onlookers were not that confident and did not have much knowledge. Being blocked by Xie Huan, who was obviously from an extraordinary family, they were immediately annoyed. A man became angry and was about to take action when he was pulled away by the person next to him. He reminded in a low voice: "You are stupid! That's Xie Huan... Xie's family! The Xie family is one of the four great families in Fenchuan! The guards under the Flame Mountain all have their people..."

It's really a big story. Mai Ye glanced at the other party and was about to look away, but he saw someone Xie Huan was hugging, and his expression suddenly changed drastically.

A person is a woman. The woman is good-looking, not tall, but has an exquisite and plump body. She is as beautiful as a peach. At this moment, she is being pampered and fed by Xie Huan. , suddenly smiled and said: "Mugino, long time no see."

Long time no see, Huang Yiyi.

Maiye didn't like him at all, so he turned around and left without even raising his eyes.

"It seems like you're not doing very well. You can't even cook with spiritual fire... I'm so disappointed." Huang Yiyi covered her mouth and smiled sweetly, her chest trembling.

"Yiyi, your friend?" Xie Huan was eating his meal. When he turned around and saw Mugino, who was extremely hot, sexy and wild, his eyes immediately went straight.

"Yes, where is my good friend~~ Mugino, you have never eaten something like this before, right... You were not full when you were a child, come and eat together~~"

Huang Yiyi's words revealed that Mugino was from a very low background, implying that he was easy to get started with.

"Since we are good friends, let's sit down together." Including Xie Huan, most of the people in the group were of the same virtue. When those young masters saw Mu Ye, they all breathed heavily, and their minds were full of tofu.

No background, so easy to do!

Mugino frowned and looked at Huang Yiyi. This woman was more cunning than before. It was definitely not because she really wanted her to fall like her, but because he knew she would not succumb. In this way, she would be as forceful as before. If you offend these aristocratic classes, in the future...

"No need, I've already eaten." Mugino is not like he used to be. He doesn't choose to teach her a lesson directly. This is an improvement for her, but she doesn't know that people like Xie Huan are more domineering than the previous group of children. so...

"Miss Mai is not giving us face~~" A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks but richly dressed smiled while holding a wine gourd with cold eyes.

"It's not okay if we don't give you face. We need face the most..."

"It's okay if you don't give me face, but give me body~~This woman's body is quite hot~~"

Xie Huan smiled and did not stop these people from speaking obscenely. He just stared at Mugino with a smile.

Others seem to be used to seeing this scene. There is nothing they can do about it. This group of people are so pissed off, but they have a strong foundation! I'm afraid of you, you little bird!

This girl is going to be in trouble.

Mugino couldn't bear it any longer. Damn it, these idiots weren't even strong enough to be a high-level distraction. They actually bullied her, a high-level distraction. They just relied on the few guards behind them to go to the Flame Mountain. And bring a guard!

Just when Xie Huan and the others were laughing louder and louder... (To be continued)


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