A Queen

Chapter 1030: Don’t be naughty when you go out

"Let's go" came a cold voice, which instantly extinguished Mugino's anger. It was very strange. Mugino glanced at Dai Li suspiciously, soul effect? What a powerful move...

Mugino also felt that walking was the best option. The two of them were about to leave. Xie Huan and others happened to see the long legs walking side by side with Mugino. They were slenderer than Mugino's legs. They were as white as snow... , seems to be glowing.

The wretched man spoke up: "Fuck, these legs are so strong, I don't even know how strong they are when I hold my waist, ha! Brother Huan, you move fast enough~"

Xie Huan's salty hand has already grabbed one of Dai Li's legs.


This is lawless!

Many people sighed, and many people stared, "Well, why didn't Xie Huan see that man's flat chest?"

What an animal!

One second...


The screams were like sound attacks.

The animals screamed.

Because the palm of his hand had been stepped on by the clogs and stepped directly into the surface of the hard stone, causing blood and flesh to smear.

Xie Huan's expression was twisted, and just when he was about to take action against Chao Daili, those young masters opened their mouths wide and became furious. In an instant, they were poured down on his head and face like cold water.

Coolness all over the body, coolness in the soul.

That was the bloody prison pressing above their heads, as well as the hells in all directions.

Cover all of them.

The baptism of the Soul Eye Technique.

They were all stiff and didn't dare to move.

The whole place was quiet for a while, everyone looked at it.

Dai Li bent down slightly, placed one hand on his long leg, and looked at Xie Huan quietly.

"If I don't kill you, you can only bring two high-level distractions and you won't be able to prevent the Xie family from sending too many people to trouble me. If I kill you, it will be a bit troublesome. But you all die. It seems like I can’t see what will happen to me, so what do you think I should choose?”

Such a plain and even gentle voice seems to be able to confuse people.

Xie Huan, all the young men who originally wanted to have sex with me, were all stunned and didn't know how to react...

Dai Li raised his eyes and looked at the wretched man.


My brain is fried.

Everyone's faces were confused.

How to choose? Why did you kill someone before we even made a choice?

How? Damn it!

"You're away from home. Didn't your parents teach you not to be so naughty?"

She is already quite friendly. If it were Gong Zangxue and the others, the eighteen generations of their ancestors would have their brains exploded.

This scene frightened many people. What kind of trick was this? It blew people's heads off without making a sound!

To say that there are high-level distracted people here, their expressions changed when they saw this method.

What I fear the most is this kind of invisible method, it’s so scary!

"No, no. We won't trouble you anymore, no. No..." People like Xie Huan are really useless. When they meet someone as ruthless as Dai Li, his legs are weak. One begged for mercy.

Daili looked at them expressionlessly. After a while, he lifted the clogs under his feet and glanced down at the hand that was crushed under his feet. Because the surface temperature is high, there is a sizzling barbecue sound.

"It's burnt," she reminded calmly.

"No...it's okay..." Xie Huan was covered in cold sweat. He shook his head.

"There seems to be something wrong with your woman." Dai Li glanced at Huang Yiyi, who was already pale and pale in Xie Huan's arms.

"She, she's not!" Xie Huan pushed Huang Yiyi away as if throwing away garbage.

Dai Li was too lazy to pay attention to these cowards and turned around to leave. Mai Ye tilted his head, looked at Xie Huan and the others, and suddenly smiled.

She seems to have met an extremely domineering person.

Also very smart and cunning.

Attacking the top of the mind, ruthlessly ruthlessly attacking the bottom, working both ways, Xie Huan and these people are like dogs.

As for the two senior distracted guards...

They appeared after Dai Li turned around and left. Xie Huan was unwilling and frightened. He gritted his teeth and asked, "Can I kill her?"

"Probably, but she can kill you all before we kill her."

Speaking of which, Dai Li's aura is not strong, but these days there are so many people pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, so we can't use this as a standard. Although in fact Dai Li's strength is not as high as a high-level distraction, it is just her method. She is powerful, and her speed and physique are also powerful. Even a high-level distraction may not be able to do anything to her when combined, so she has confidence, but her opponent does not.

"What! Are you sure?"

"Her method...is similar to pupil magic or soul magic, otherwise she wouldn't be so ready to sense the existence of the two of us. Just now we even felt that our Qi machine was locked. Young Master, this kind of people usually have extremely powerful abilities. His backing and background are also extremely difficult to deal with. To put it bluntly, the family will not allow you to easily offend such a person."

Young, strong, domineering, and able to pinpoint a person's weak points so accurately, you can tell at a glance that he is not from a grassroots background. Normally, he would be attracted by other aristocratic families, but when he came to Xie Huan, he was forced to have his thigh touched. Already..

These second-generation ancestors don’t care about their gender! How many people will laugh to death if you tell me!

The distracted guard complained in his heart, but still saved some face for Xie Huan, but it still made Xie Huan lose face because he knew that Dai Li was right.

If he doesn't kill him, he will be bullied in vain. The Xie family will not take action easily. They are not a nouveau riche and have a gangster spirit. The big family has too many considerations and worries. But if he kills him, the Xie family will lose face and they will naturally take revenge. But... he's dead, it's none of his business!

Therefore, Xie Huan could only swallow this sigh of relief. It was only because of his lack of status and because the man's methods just now were too powerful.

The people present had just watched a drama to relieve the summer heat. They had endless aftertaste and were quite wary of Dai Li. They were all smiling and polite people all the way...

"Thank you just now." Mugino thanked Chaoyairi when the two of them walked back.

"No thanks" Dai Li was still thinking about his own affairs, and suddenly felt something. He looked sideways and saw someone else coming to the Hawaiian rest area in front of him. It should be said that there were three people.

Their appearance made the atmosphere here freeze for a moment. Mugino raised his eyebrows: "They are people from the Yan sect..."

Fire faction? Daili's original plan disappeared at this moment, if these three people did not leave. She had better not use thunder method, otherwise she would be easily regarded as a target of suspicion.

It's one thing not to be afraid of the Flame Sect, but it's another thing to be found out.

The difference between active and passive.

The three people's eyes glanced at Dai Li, mainly because of his appearance. They quickly changed their eyes and landed on one person.

"Hey, Guan Lei. You are here too. Why don't you go to your branding sect and stay here instead?"

The man's laughter diverted everyone's attention, and Dai Li was stunned when he saw the young man. This seemed to be a hunter she met when she first entered the Flame Mountain.

Not far away, a young man in black clothes sitting cross-legged looked at the three people coldly, raised his eyebrows, and sneered: "You Yan sect always operates with three people together? It's very safe..."

"Fart! We are..."

"Then someone was killed~~ It seems that after offending the Snow Fish, your Flame Faction offended a giant Buddha."

The name Snow Fish is definitely a wound that is hard to touch for the Flame Sect. It hurt when touched, so the three of them were very annoyed. The leading man said: "Guan Lei, I really hope you will be alone next time."

"If you plan to wait for me here, I'm afraid you'll have to call for help."


Those three people had no time, so they had no choice but to leave in anger.

As soon as they leave. The atmosphere in the crowd was restored, and some people started eating and drinking again.

At this moment, Daili and Mugino also returned to their banana leaves.

"Although I knew that the Yan faction and the Brand faction would not fight each other, I didn't know that they would start fighting as soon as they met. If the group faced each other, I don't know how fierce the fight would be." Mugino continued to bite the dry food and laughed.

"It seems like you don't like the Yan Faction even more?"

"Of course. The Yan sect is used to killing people and seizing treasures, and their style is very vicious. Although the Brand sect is not completely upright, most of them are mainly for self-protection. It can be said that the Brand sect was formed because of the oppression of the Yan sect. Emerged at the historic moment”

"Which one is stronger?"

"The Yan sect has been established for a longer time, while the Lao sect has only existed for less than half a year. While Mr. Yan has done more things and has a greater reputation, Mr. Lao rarely appears and his whereabouts are unpredictable."

Dai Li nodded and took out a few spiritual fruits to eat with Mug Ye. This was something she had saved before, and it was definitely a good food here. So Mug Ye was very happy, but as soon as he lowered his head, he saw Dai Li pointing at Jian is playing with Thunder. Well, there are not many people taking the opportunity to practice here, so it's not surprising.


Most of the time, everyone is hunting outside, and they come to the rest area to rest during the hottest time at noon. In the evening, a lot of people sleep in the rest area. That is the best time to rest, because the temperature is higher than It has dropped a lot since the day, but the whereabouts of spiritual fire are more obvious at night, and some people take the opportunity to go out to hunt, but that is the style of some extremely powerful people, such as king-level or top-level distractions, such as Daili. I won't go out and take risks, let alone other people...

It was actually quite lively at night. With the lanterns lit, Mugino gathered many people around to chat. In fact, everyone came to the Flame Mountain to hunt for spiritual fire. On the other hand, they should be considered competitors, but people He has always been a social animal, and he has a contagious network of relationships. He can get to know each other by taking them with him. For example, Mugino's friends are all gathered around him now. Their faces are all very mature, and they don't have the innocence or innocence of young men and young ladies. Naive, maybe there are some people among these people who will do whatever it takes to get the spiritual fire, but at least they have such a friendly relationship that they are talking and laughing.

They are all rogue cultivators, a scattered group that can occasionally unite and unite.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that everyone took the Qishan Road assessment. The assessors are not big-time people.

A large part of them are people who pay a high amount of spiritual fire every year to stay in Fenchuan. Their presence in Fenchuan itself means their efforts. (To be continued)

ps: Well, it seems that this is the first spiritual favor I have received since I wrote a book. Thank you, Mr. Siming Chenyu. It would be false to express my gratitude in a long way. I always add more updates when I need to, so I will not update ten times. No, but my aunt will have surgery tomorrow and I have to go to Wenzhou Hospital by car very early in the morning. I probably won’t have time to make up for the extra update, so I’ll put it off and make up for it later~~~


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