A Queen

Chapter 1031 Zhang Tuo

"Effort? We have worked hard for tens or hundreds of years, but we are actually not as good as those young masters who were in Fenchuan as soon as they made a move... Even those examiners from Qishan entered Fenchuan easily, and they all have privileges. What do we mean compared with them~~~What do we mean~~" The words spoken by the man named Zhang Tuo were so full of sourness and injustice that everyone could tell at a glance that he had drunk too much. The man looked at Mugino's face across from him, frowned, and pushed him: "Zhang Tuo, you must be drunk, stop talking..."

Mugino is the only assessor here, and he is the youngest, but his strength is considered top among them, tied with Zhang Tuo and him. However, the future prospects are very different. With the masters and geniuses these days, The disciples with backgrounds are pouring into the Flame Mountain. Those who were able to get along well in the Flame Mountain have suffered a lot of injustice, but even so, there is no need to open fire on Mugino.

Zhang Tuo is obviously the kind of person who can't listen to other people's words when he is drunk. When Mugino pretended that he heard nothing, he continued to increase his volume, "I'm not drunk... I didn't say Mugino, okay. Well, she is also one of them, the examiner of Qishan Road, what a great name! When you become successful in the future, don’t forget us people... But I think you won’t recognize us after the assessment~~~ And you kid, you came out of nowhere... You are also an assessor, right? Huh, they are all the same! Mugino, let me tell you, don't be fooled by such a playboy... .I said that once she gets a hold of you, she will definitely throw it away just for fun..."

At first, it could be thought that he was complaining, but the more he said it, the more he went too far. Many people's expressions changed, and Mugino even became colder. Go straight to: "You're drunk, you'd better go to bed"

"I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk"

Zhang Tuo, who was still shouting while being dragged by three people, was very annoying, but due to past friendships, it was hard to scold him directly...

Of course, this does not include replacement.

Brush, a flash of light.

The tip of Qianji Sword was directly touching Zhang Tuo's eyebrows, "I have always been tolerant only to good-looking people."

Not for you.

Everyone fell silent. The person holding Zhang Tuo also became quiet. Zhang Tuo, who was originally drunk, had coldness and hatred in his eyes. He closed his eyes and passed out from drunkenness...

Clang. The sword was sheathed, and this evening discussion ended.

Those who later dared to chat with Dai Li were bold and upright. People like Zhang Tuo, who looked down on the children of aristocratic families but also groveled and swallowed their anger, naturally did not dare to talk to her.

The days passed day by day, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

Ten days. Dai Li couldn't even remember how much orange fire he had swallowed, but his Yuan Power had indeed increased by one-third. And other income is also very scary.

She had talked with Mugino and others before. Mugino's hunting harvest these days was about 100 red fires, almost 10 red fires a day. This was already the highest income among the casual cultivators. Most of the others only had three or four a day, or none if they were unlucky. They also asked about the mysterious origins of Daili. Daili received almost 20 replies a day, which made them stunned and jealous.


How could she have the heart to tell these people that she now has 500 red fires on hand!

Almost fifty prosperous every day. Sometimes it's low, sometimes it's high. Generally, if you're lucky and encounter someone who comes to your door to rob you, your income will be high...

But day by day, there are fewer and fewer red fires to hunt.

For example, Daili, who was sitting in the rest area at the moment, saw Mugino, who had returned from hunting outside, sitting on a banana leaf with a serious look on his face.

"Hey, I've been here for a long time and haven't found any prosperous ones!" Mugino's face turned darker than ten days ago and sighed: "With more and more people, there are more and more masters. Since yesterday, I couldn’t even hunt five red fires at first.”

Daili, who was drinking water, also agreed. It was hard for her to hunt more than 30 red fires in a day. There were too many players fighting monsters, so they were diverted.

Of course, the most serious situation is...

"I don't have much food and water. I guess I have to go down the mountain soon. I just went to the fire hunting shop on the mountainside to replenish some food and water, but the price was really..." Mugino looked unlucky.

Have you ever drank from Nongfu Spring, which costs 20 yuan a bottle in the scenic area?

That sour feeling!

Fire hunting shop? Dai Li had long heard others mention this mountain supply station, but unfortunately she never had the time to go there because her food had not been consumed before. As for now...only a small amount of food and that one were left. Pile of raw meat.

Based on the increasing physical exertion every day, I probably won't be able to last a few days.

Of course, if her experiments these days are successful, she can still last for a long time...

While the two were talking...Zhang Tuo and others suddenly came over, "No! Mugino! No!"

"What's wrong?" Mugino stood up and asked urgently.

"The Yan Faction and the Brand Faction are fighting!"

"Just fight, it's none of our business!"

"No, Li Zi and the others are all over there. They were all besieged without any regard. Now the people from the Brando sect and the others are besieged by the Yan sect in Taisui Valley!"

Taisui Valley, a deep valley at the top of the Flame Mountain, is mysterious and unpredictable. Only the bold and powerful people dare to enter it. I heard that there are many spiritual fires in it, and there are secrets of the Flame Mountain, etc., which attracts many people. , but there are also piles of people dying there every day.

According to the classification of strength, those who are below the level of high-level distraction are looking for death if they go inside!

"What are they doing there! Damn it! I'll be there right away!" "It's not because they can't hunt for spiritual fire these days, so they want to go to Taisui Valley to try their luck."

Mai Ye was a loyal person, so he didn't consider it at all when he heard this. He just wanted to leave with Zhang Tuo and others, but Zhang Tuo turned around and asked Dai Li: "Master Jun, do you want to come with us?"

"What is she going to do!" Mugino felt that Daili was just an acquaintance with her friends, and it was unreasonable for her to risk going to Taisui Valley to save people.

Sure enough, Daili's response was very cold: "I won't go."

Zhang Tuo and others curled their lips when they heard this, looked at Dai Li with cold eyes, and soon left with Mug Ye.

Dai Li looked at the direction they were leaving and closed his eyes for a moment. This Zhang Tuo was lying!



Mugino was bombarded against a big oak tree, and the oak tree broke with a sudden sound. The weak Mugino spit out a mouthful of blood and stared at Zhang Tuo and others who were surrounding him, "Zhang Tuo, you..."

"Maiye, if you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth. Don't blame us. Who gave the order to hunt down you casual cultivators?"

"The boss? You have taken refuge in the Yan Faction!"

In response to Mugino's accusation, a group of people's eyes flickered, but Zhang Tuo sneered: "You took the Qishan Pavilion by yourself, so naturally you don't care about the life and death of us people. You also knew how difficult it is for casual cultivators to get along. If you don't find someone Backer, within three years we will all pack up and get out of Fenchuan... How can we stand out..."

"You also lured Li Zi and the others there?"

"Of course, it's a pity that the guy named Jun didn't fall for the trick."

"Zhang Tuo, you will have your retribution!"

"Hehe, we don't want to kill you. We want to cripple you and give it to Xie Huan and the others. They must like this gift very much... Later, we can also give the person named Jun..."

"No need to be late, just do it now"

Zhang Tuo and others were stunned by the sudden sentence. Who said this? It seemed like there was one more person.

But at least they were people who had been in the Flame Mountain for such a long time. Everyone immediately became alert and gathered strength, and all looked around...

Zhang Tuo found out the fastest and instantly saw someone walking not far away.

The guy named Jun!

Do it!

Without saying anything, Zhang Tuo attacked directly...

Faced with many attacks coming down from his head, Dai Li didn't even dodge. He was just hit by these attacks. In the explosion, a dark shadow on the ground spread horribly like a snake. In the blink of an eye, the shadow rose up from the ground. When Zhang Tuo avoided it urgently.

A moment of photography!

Sifang Suppression and Killing Formation!

Swish, brush, brush!

A clean and quick group kill in one second.

Only then did Zhang Tuo know what Dai Li's trump card was. "You are actually a pupil master." He gritted his teeth. His hatred for Dai Li became more and more profound. He hated this kind of family member who was born with extraordinary talents. Can overwhelm all his efforts.

Still looks like this!

"Even if you know eye skills, your strength is only like this..." Zhang Tuo could see now that Dai Li's actual attack was close to 40,000, and he was still no match for him.

His combat power has reached 45,000!

Zhang Tuo was confident, but he refused to lose the opportunity and escaped!

Earth escape technique!

It seemed to be from the earth element. Daili lowered his eyes and looked at the ground, his eyes of insight opened...

boom! A thick earth-burrowing dragon suddenly emerged from the ground!

The earth dragon controlled by magic~~ The earth all over its body is like concrete steel bars, extremely hard. It sprang out from the ground and rushed towards Chao Daili to bite!

The momentum was so strong that even hard rocks were crushed into powder by its huge snake body.

call out!

The shadow of an instant, the mysterious shadow! Explosion of speed!

Dai Li's body flashed and floated into the air. The earth dragon jumped into the air, raised its head and opened its mouth, spitting out large pieces of turbid gravel, like a sandstorm...

The earth dragon is difficult to deal with. It is extremely strong. At least it cannot be dealt with by the current generation. Even the strongest attack may not be able to break through the defense, unless her combat power reaches more than 45,000... Now, it is still not enough. A little bit.

But she found Zhang Tuo's biggest weakness, and also his stupidest weakness!

Whoosh~~ Dai Li's figure turned into lightning, distorting the space, avoiding the dense sandstorm. Zhang Tuo, who was hiding in the ground and controlling the earth dragon with all his strength, was shocked, bastard, how can this kid be so fast! The earth dragon couldn't attack her. She seemed to have already known the direction of his attack... Just when Zhang Tuo was murderous and wanted to control the earth dragon to attack Dai Li...

The thunder light paused! (To be continued)


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