A Queen

Chapter 1032 Taisui Valley

good chance! Zhang Tuo immediately felt as if he had been beaten to death. He looked towards Dai Li and was about to control the earth dragon to attack in that direction. Suddenly, buzz~~ The Eye of Moment on the top of the bloodline colossus was staring straight at Zhang Tuo!

She found me! This is Zhang Tuo's first feeling, and his second feeling...the sword of the moment coming from the soul.


A sword pierced the ground... Mugino could only see blood splashing on the ground, and Zhang Tuo's strongest earth dragon stiffened for a moment, then cracked and turned into clods of soil and disintegrated.

"Is this the pupil technique? It's so amazing...you actually defeated Zhang Tuo"

There was obviously a gap in strength, so how could they counterattack and win so easily?

"In a fight with a soul pupil magician, he chose to sacrifice half of his soul into the puppet in the magic and hide himself. This in itself is seeking death. No matter how powerful the puppet he summons is, he will die if he is weak!"

Dai Li fell to the ground, and he slowly picked it up on the ground with Qianji. He picked out Zhang Tuo's body that was buried in the ground, and took off the storage ring.

It sounds like Zhang Tuo is indeed stupid, but who would have thought that Dai Li's pupil technique would be so powerful, and he could see through everything and use the sword of an instant, which would be too much for most people.

Mugino took some pills at this moment, adjusted his inner breath, and said: "It's not that he is stupid, but the eye skills are too difficult to deal with... But thank you, if you didn't come, I would be miserable... How do you know him? has a problem?"

Someone who was originally unspeakable suddenly came, and Mugino would naturally think that Dai Li was intentional.

"Eye and soul fluctuation" Daili didn't say much. Because after Tianchen's soul refining, her grasp of the soul is no longer understandable by ordinary distractions. Even those at the monarch or king level cannot compare to her.

"Okay. Let's go"

"Where to go?"

"Taisui Valley"

"You really have to go! Didn't you say you wouldn't save me?"

"I didn't say save, I'm not familiar with it."

"Hey, why are you here to save me?"

"You are beautiful and have a good figure"

If it were another man,

Mugino may think that the other person is glib, but the person in front of him...

Mugino smiled freely, but he had never seen a person so upright and serious~ lewd...

It feels very willful.


Of course Dai Li is not about saving people or anything like that. She never had much sympathy for people she didn't know well or didn't like very much, so she saved Mugino because she liked her. As for the people like Li Zi, they were ordinary people with nothing outstanding for her to appreciate, so they were naturally included in the list of people she knew in general.

So her purpose in going to Tai Sui Valley was very simple.

--Hunting for fire!

There are too many people outside. There are fewer and fewer prosperous places. Taisui Valley is a good choice. Of course, the premise is that she must be careful...

Moreover, before going to Tai Sui Valley, they must first go to the famous Liehuo Store in the entire Flame Mountain to buy food and water. This is called material preparation. Otherwise, going to Tai Sui Valley with a lack of resources is really asking for death.

The fire hunting shop is very strange. It is under the mushroom tree. Speaking of mushroom trees. It can be regarded as a specialty of the Flame Mountain. The leaf surface is like a mushroom head, and the large umbrella covers the sky and the sun. It can cover an area of ​​one thousand square meters. Even if the temperature remains the same, it will at least have a shade effect. The mushroom pillar has been hollowed out, and there is a small shop inside.

It's not too small to say the least, comparable to a supermarket. There is everything you need inside, including meat, fish and vegetables stored in the freezer. There are also many kinds of bread, desserts and dry food~~

There were a lot of people there. When Dai Li walked into this small shop, he thought he was in Xingrilla's dream world.

Well, the prices on these foods are also fantastic.

An ordinary pot of water similar to three small bottles of Wangzai costs five crystals!

A bucket of water costs thirty crystals!

"I guess many people are crying when they buy water." Daili's sigh made many people nearby who were also buying water feel the same way.

But soon they rolled their eyes.

"Um, you want to buy 150 barrels of water? Are you sure?" the shop owner asked again.

"Yeah." While Mugino and others were stunned, Daili nodded calmly, "Hydration is very important."


When checking out, Dai Li noticed that there was a very beautiful piano on the shelf behind the boss.

"The boss still sells pianos?"

"Me? How is it possible... The piano is useless in the Flame Mountain... It's just for my own use. I got the "Autumn Music Score" some time ago and I'm planning to practice it." The businessman said to Dai Li like this The generous rich man is a bit enthusiastic, so the boss smiled and said a few more words.

"Good at playing the piano, Tao Yi is sentimental," Daili said casually.

Four thousand and five hundred crystals were directly pulled out. In addition, Dai Li did not hesitate to buy five hundred crystals of bread, so five thousand crystals were just gone.

Rich man, so willful.

Under the eyes of a large crowd of resentful eyes, Daili and Mugino, who both spent two hundred crystals and felt very pained, walked out of the shop.

"Why did you buy so much water? You're not stationed in Taisui Valley. It can be used outside for a long time. It's better to go down the mountain and buy water outside once. It's more cost-effective."

"Resident in Tai Sui Valley? Nice attention."

To gain strength, Dai Li has never been stingy about spending a large amount of wealth. Five thousand crystals is indeed a considerable fortune, comparable to the entire net worth of a mid-level distraction--of course not the distraction of the Flame Mountain, the Flame Mountain It is unscientific to think that people's wealth is completely consumed.


After the two of them walked out, a boy who was carrying goods behind him rolled his eyes at the boss: "Hey, master, I don't even want to say anything about you. The music score is good, but no matter how hard you practice, you can't practice like Qin Zong." The level of music is good”

"Fuck you, I'm going to sign up for Hongfengyuan. When the three-month peak period of the Qishan exam is over, I can go down to the mountain to learn piano every day."

"It seems that Hongfengyuan only recruits women..."


On the way, Mugino also mentioned the origin of Tai Sui Valley to Dai Li. As the name suggests, it was named because of Tai Sui. What is Tai Sui?

When Daili arrived in front of the deep valley in front of him, he looked at the fleshy plants growing on the gray-yellow gravel and rocks or in the gaps...

The valley is very deep and huge, but there are such plants on both sides of the entrance, which gives a great visual impact.

Those fat leaf petals, graceful figure... well, most of them look like lotus flowers of various colors dozens of times fatter...

The largest flesh lotus in front of you is ten meters high~~

She was embarrassed, aren't these succulents? They all look fleshy~~ (I also like succulents very much, the fleshy ones are so cute, but from my experience, from growing cactus to aloe vera, all of them died. Look, it’s better not to kill any more animals, so I haven’t bought one yet)

"Are these Tai Sui?"

"Well, they are all named after the folk meat Tai Sui, which means meaty. It looks very appetizing," Mugino said with a smile.

"Then why no one eats them? It's okay to eat these plants raw." Eating raw plants is less disgusting than eating raw meat.

"It's poisonous. These Tai Sui can survive naturally in such an environment. They all contain severe fire poison, so basically no one will eat Tai Sui unless they are in good health."

Yeah, it looks like he really wants to eat it. "I'll get some and raise them. They're quite cute." Daili suddenly saw mutated succulents in this world. Of course, his hands were itchy, so he planned to dig up a few beautiful ones. Take it back and raise it...at this moment!


The violent bombing sound suddenly burst out from the valley, causing the two people to immediately turn into streams of light and fly in...


At this moment, a tense confrontation or a war is going on in the valley.

In the deep depression in front of the bottom of Tai Sui Valley, there are especially many Tai Sui. The spiritual fires flicker one by one, or are embedded in the grooves of the mountain, or fall on Tai Sui's head, or just float in the air, wandering and looking at the large group below. people,

It seems that this group of people is no longer in a hurry to hunt them, but they are like vultures waiting for carrion, waiting for both sides to fire without stopping, and then they can enjoy the benefits of the fishermen.

"Ran Lao, you coward, you showed up today!" Daili and the two of them heard this sound from afar, "No, don't go in..." Mu Ye's expression changed, and he hurriedly dragged Daili down to fly, It landed on a platform on one side of the mountain wall.

"What?" Dai Li looked ahead 10,000 meters away and could still see the densely packed group of people.

There are two circles inside and outside. The inner circle is besieged, and the outer circle is naturally the forcing party - there are more people, twice as many!

No wonder it was suppressed.

"You're still asking what's wrong... Ran Lao! Ran!" Seeing Dai Li's confused face, Mai Ye rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you don't know that the four strongest families in Fenchuan are Ran, Kun, and Xie , promise!”

"Now I know"

"...It's absolutely impossible to have the same surname by chance. No wonder Mr. Lao was able to gather so many people to form the Lao sect in just half a year... Oh my God, if that's the case, isn't it possible that Mr. Yan is from the four tribes? "


Dai Li leaned against the mountain wall behind him, with his hands folded across his chest, and looked at the man in a fiery red robe in front of the group of people from a distance. Wow, he is so strong in a place like this where he can wear so many clothes.

King level...

With unruly features and a smile on his face, he looked at the besieged people of the Branding Sect in front of him.

Is he Mr. Yan?

The person standing in front of him was Ran Lao, with clear eyes and raised sword eyebrows. He just smiled coldly at Mr. Yan's provocation: "Kun Yan, even if you force us into the depths of Taisui Valley today, what are you doing over there? Most of the people will be killed or injured, what good will this do to you?"

"Benefits? The benefits are obvious... Killing people and seizing treasures is a matter of course." Mr. Yan chuckled, without the slightest feeling of embarrassment, as if what he said was the truth.

"You don't care about the lives of others behind you?" Mr. Ran tried to divide the other party.

There were also some people who were agitated, but as soon as Young Master Yan glanced at them, they all became quiet.

"You don't have to say anything to sow discord. The guy who came out to fool around shouldn't tie his head to his belt. He died just because he was weak. He deserves it!" (To be continued)


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