A Queen

Chapter 1033 Xu Yidao, transforming into a bone dragon!

Mr. Yan smiled evilly and waved his hand: "And if I want to kill you, why bother fighting to the death? Ran Lao, look behind you."


The besieged people all turned their heads to look.

Daili and Mugino actually saw it. There seemed to be a large group of flames burning in the deep valley, and the light and heat even made them both feel their eyes burning.

"That's..." Mai Ye couldn't see clearly and didn't dare to look. His eyes hurt, but he heard Dai Li say: "Spirit Fire Group, maybe this Taisui Valley is the nest of the spirit fire... Your friends are miserable. "

Mugino's expression suddenly changed.

Are they all spiritual fire? How many does that have to be?

Moreover, the light is multicolored and the whole body is red. It must be at least tens of thousands!

"Haha, Ran Lao, don't you know, this Taisui Valley is the home of the spirit fires. Every sixty years there is a riot back to the nest. With so many spirit fires, you are dead!" Mr. Yan smiled proudly and arrogantly.

Ran Lao said with a stern face, "Don't forget, you are also in the valley, how different are you from us?"

"Ha, that's why I said you're stupid!" Young Master Yan's words left many Zhang Er confused, but the people on the Yan sect were extremely proud.

Here, Daili said to Mugino: "There is a line between them."


"Well, it seems to be a layer of network formed by a special substance. Didn't you notice that among their two sides of the divide, there isn't a single spirit fire on the ground or on the mountain wall on the Yan faction's side?"

"Yes, that's true. No wonder I felt a little unnatural when I just looked at it... all those spiritual fires are on Ran Luo's side!"

"I guess Mr. Yan got some special medicine. He created a layer of lure net, which is a layer of net that attracts or makes spirit fire hateful. He led them into the deep valley and ignored them. But Ran Lao and the others fell into the trap. They were forced inside. As long as Mr. Yan and others block the opening and prevent them from coming out, Ran Lao and those people will definitely die."

Ran Lao and the others were not stupid. They immediately started a riot and would do anything to survive. Immediately squeeze towards the Yan faction, and the Yan faction is also ready. He suppressed it again.

However, Ran Lao has already broken through the siege and wants to crack this network cable. Mr. Yan has already guessed that he is facing him head-on!

Fighting in all directions! The middle of the deep valley was covered by a large area of ​​attack.

Dai Li watched with great interest. It doesn't stop Mugino from running down to save people...

The good thing about them is that they are all cheerful people, they don't chatter, Mugino is not pretentious enough to let Daili go together, and he doesn't even think about it.

However, when Mu Ye rushed down, Dai Li's eyes drifted away and looked at the people watching the battle on the surrounding mountain walls and cliff tops.

There were not many people, but there were also quite a few. There were seven or eight people, and most of them were high-level distractions. Well, there were two people she couldn't quite see through.

One is an "acquaintance" of Duoduojun level - Chef Liu.

There is also a man wearing half a flame mask, but he doesn't wear much upper body. Revealing strong and muscular abdominal muscles and wearing long shorts, human creativity is infinite. With such an outfit, he already looks like a modern person...

Well, if you add in the three strings of bone chains hanging on his neck, waist and wrists, he is a handsome man with a very fashionable personality!

Did these two people come here specifically to watch the fun?


Observe these people for a moment. Those people also noticed generational separation.

Eye magicians are still very special and difficult to deal with. If you're not careful, your face will be covered in blood, so her existence is definitely not good news for them.

Of course, fortunately, her strength is not too high. She can only be regarded as an intermediate distraction level. At most, she can be treated as a high-level distraction. Well, that's it!

The killing is going on over there, and the people here are sizing each other up, but just because they don't take action doesn't mean others won't come.

There was a sound of some kind of wind being sliced ​​through the air. Daili turned his face and watched a stream of light flying from the distance and stopping directly in the central sky on their side - at the same level as them.

As soon as the people arrived, many people looked surprised and murmured: "Is there any mistake? The Kun and Ran families are fighting, and the man named Xu is here again."

People from the Xu family? Dai Li thought of the surprising glimpse in the tavern that day and secretly laughed in his heart. What a good luck. He met the eldest son of a wealthy local family in Fenchuan.

what do you say that is?

"Xu Yidao, you came very quickly." The handsome man with white bones squinted his eyes and looked at Xu Yidao.

"Hua Hualong is here, how dare Yidao not come?" Xu Yidao directly handed over the alias of Hua Hualong, hiding sarcasm.

Not annoyed, Bone Hualong narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Why didn't your profitable butler come with you? In the Year of Fire, you are alone, so he can rest assured?"

A baby with breast milk that hasn’t been taken off yet.

Xu Yidao didn't waste any words this time, but said directly: "Are you sure you want to force me to use the knife now?"

"You think I'm afraid?"

Not afraid, but it’s not appropriate for the time. The others murmured in their hearts, but suddenly they heard the skeleton dragon with a dangerous reputation grin: "Hey, someone is coming again~~ The goddess of snow is coming, the Taisui Valley is shining~ ~"

Hua Gulong's words made Xu Yidao hold the handle of the knife on his waist. With a strong force, the tail of the knife was slightly raised. He turned his head and looked, and saw three rays of snow coming from the sky and landing easily on the top of the cliff. .

three people.

Dai Li raised his eyebrows as soon as he saw it. This luck was indeed good.


The two "couples" Xue Qiange and Jue Xuege are indeed living together and flying together. The person next to them...

Snow fish.

Even though they had met each other once before, Daili still gave the other party a twelve-point favorability rating.

--No way, the other person is beautiful.

"Snow girl, long time no see"

"I've seen the snow girl"

Snow Fish is more suitable for the status of princess than Xue Qiange. At first, the Fenchuan circle also called her Snow Princess or Eldest Princess. They felt that she was very suitable for the status of the heir to the top dynasty in many medium-sized groups. However, as time went by, The title of princess has been removed, and more and more people call her Snow Girl, or Snow Goddess. Most people know what this means.

Fish in the snow. He was still at home in Fenzhichuan.

Snow Fish nodded lightly and looked into the deep valley first, but suddenly felt that he saw something...

Um? That person is...

A deep voice came. "Master Jun"

Daili was watching a play when he was suddenly called upon by Master Liu. He raised his eyes and responded simply: "Eh?"

Xue Qiange and Jue Xuuge both trembled when they heard the words Mr. Jun!

It can't be that perverted!

Then the three of them, together with Xu Yidao, subconsciously looked at the person on the platform on the right who was leaning against the mountain wall An Ran.

Well, lean against the mountain wall, cross your legs, and fold your hands around your chest. This posture is so comfortable and frivolous, but the hair is short. Those long legs, what...

Is it the same person?

The scorching sunlight fell on the tips of her straight black hair, dancing with light, and the eyelashes of her slightly narrowed eyes fluttered slightly. Her lips are red and her teeth are white, so bright and beautiful.

--The elves sleeping in the light?

The drastic change in appearance has also produced a huge change in the way people feel about others.

From the original monster to the lazy heroic spirit now, from being full of danger to now being harmless to humans and animals.

Jue Xue Ge and the two looked at each other - similar people?

Xu Yidao didn't notice it, he just felt that the person in front of him was inexplicably familiar, but his strength was not high, so he didn't need to pay attention.

Master Liu smiled calmly: "I wonder if Mr. Jun is also a Qishan Road examiner?"

Very direct question.

"No" used to be the case, but it is no longer the case. That quota has long been invalidated or has been replaced by someone else. Dai Li still feels a little regretful and regretful in his heart.

"What a pity" Master Liu said quietly. Dai Li guessed that the other party valued her talent in eye skills, so he chuckled: "I think so too."

Hua Gu Long was not interested in Dai Li, and the others didn't say much.

Xue Zhiyu only glanced at Dai Li and then turned away.

It seems they have more important things on their mind. Dai Li touched his chin, with a slight curve at the corner of his mouth.

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! The group of spirit fires at the end of the deep valley finally couldn't hold it any longer and rioted!

The overwhelming spiritual fire covered the sky from the end, like black crows rising from their nests in the desert!

"Here they come"

"Damn it! I want to get out!"

"Yan faction, you dogs~bastards..."

Under the threat of death, those who behave well should be fed to chickens!

Zhangarang roared. Blood flows freely, this is a battle of life and death on the battlefield...

The explosion of the Soul Nest seemed to have triggered something. Dai Li noticed that the cooks had silently slid down into the sky like flying eagles. On the other side, the handsome man with white bones and others seemed to have the same purpose and also flew down.

Others didn’t stop either~~

Swishing, swishing, swishing, the people who had been looking forward to it a second ago were all shot away without mercy, and in the end only three people were left behind.

"Junzili?" Xue Qiange asked tentatively.

"Huh? My name is Jun Er," someone said seriously.

Jun Er? Second, your sister!

Xue Qiange and Jue Xuuge immediately confirmed the identity of Dai Li, but the meanness in their hearts never changed.

"Why have you changed like this?" Once it was confirmed that it was him, Xue Qiange became more casual and flew over directly.

"Miss Xue is allowed to wear short skirts, but I'm not allowed to wear shorts?" Dai Li looked at Xue Qiange's pretty calves.

Princess Xue Er was still not that bold, so she exposed her lower legs just like her.

She looked at Princess Xue Er's legs, and Princess Xue Er also looked at her legs, and then there was this conversation.

Snow Er: "The skin is really good, white."

Jun Er: "You too, you are so white."

Snow Er: "You are still whiter"

Jun Er: "No, it's you."

Snow Er: "Yes~~it's really white~"

Jun Er: "Well, I am indeed fairer than you."

Snow Er: "...."

Jue Xuege frowned and calmly wanted to get in between the two of them, but Miss Xueer pushed her away and said with a smile: "But my sister's legs are prettier than yours, right, sister?"

"Is it appropriate to compare a man to a woman like this? Don't forget that Mr. Jun is a man." Jue Xuuge has always disliked generation separation, probably because of Jing Jingyuan.

Xue Qiange sneered: "I never regarded her as a man. In other words, I never regarded my sister as a woman!" (To be continued)


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