A Queen

Chapter 1034: 1 Jiazi, return home!

Xue Zhiyu glanced at her coolly, looking past Dai Li who was looking at her with a smile, "I'm going in, don't make trouble."

After saying that, she turned into a stream of light and flew away. Dai Li looked at her stream of light and snow, smiled, and said to Xue Qiange: "I used to think that you were full of nonsense, but after all you told the truth."


"Your sister is indeed prettier than you and has a better figure than you..."

After saying that, he turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the depths of Taisui Valley.


What is hidden in Taisui Valley? For no reason, just saying that it is the nest of spiritual fire is enough for many monarchs to rush in and take risks. However, there are also bold and courageous high-level distractions who want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune. The allies are definitely seeking death when they go there. In the eyes of Jue Xuege and Xue Qiange, this person is not seeking death just once or twice. He is used to it.

"Just for these red-level spiritual fires, the eldest princess probably won't come in person." Jue Xuege and Xue Qiange are weak, so they must wait until the dangerous outbreak period has passed before going in. While waiting at this moment, he Just asked.

Xue Qiange did not hide it from him, "The spiritual fire of the Flame Mountain has a special characteristic. Those with yellow level and above are extremely difficult to find, because the other party's spirituality has reached the human level and their wisdom is superior. However, my sister got one and was closely guarded by Fenchuan. The secret - after every period of one year, a force will be generated in the hinterland of the Flame Mountain to make all the spiritual fires return to their nests, including the spiritual fires above the yellow level, and it is more likely to give birth to thousands of rare spiritual fires. Spirit elves. They have great creation ability for cultivation. I think people like Bone Dragon must also know this news."

So it turned out that Jue Xuege realized that the abilities of the eldest princess Xue Zhiyu were indeed terrifying. You must know that she is from the Northern Region, but she dug out Fenchuan's secrets in a short period of time.

But just as Xue Qiange finished speaking, she heard someone speaking above her head.

"I see"

Who is talking!

The two people looked up and saw a delicate and beautiful face with curved eyebrows, smiling at them. After the smile was over. The woman thanked Xue Qiange: "Thank you sister for me."

After that, he left.

Xue Qiange’s brain is almost congested! A claw clawed at Jue Xue Ge's hand, "It's over. He's my sister's mortal enemy!"

That despicable and vicious woman in the Sky Group, who is shameless and unscrupulous and looks like a Virgin Mary~~!

She is coming...


She is coming,

He's here too.

In the noodle stall at the foot of the Flame Mountain, a slightly feminine man listened to the boss opposite him describing in detail what he wanted to know...

After listening, he was sure that the handsome man in black, who was more beautiful than a woman, had a nice smile but was vicious and cunning, was the person he was looking for.

Just because of her ability to kill people and steal goods in front of everyone and yet remain stunned so that no one gets into trouble, I'm pretty sure it's her.

How many such shameless people are there in the world?

"Thank you." He placed a bag of spiritual crystals on the table. The boss left happily.

After the people left, the feminine and beautiful man heard the people around him say: "Master Yuan, are you sure that Junzi has entered the Flame Mountain?"

In fact, his tone was already somewhat determined.

Yuan Qi turned to look at him, drank tea by himself, and smiled softly: "Even if these people don't need to say it, that person will not miss the Flame Mountain... She is too eager for power."

"It seems you know her very well"

"I almost died in her hands over and over again. You must understand."

"Haha, is she that powerful?"

"Many people who died at her hands have asked this question before you confront her. I need to remind you..."


"Always increase your first risk assessment for her tenfold."

'Sounds like a threat'

The man said calmly, but Yuan Qi was not annoyed, "She is in the Flame Mountain. In addition, your master also has a grudge against her, so you'd better be careful."


The man stood up, snapped his fingers, and a beautiful parrot-like bird fell from the sky. When it touched its head, the parrot screamed strangely and flew into the sky. It disappeared in an instant.

Before entering the Flame Mountain, he heard Yuan Qi add: "Friendly reminder. We can find out that she has entered the Flame Mountain, and so can Liyun and the others."

Split Cloud, that killer organization that has always been rumored to have no limits, there is nothing they dare not kill, as long as the opponent's head is expensive enough.

"Thank you for reminding me, although there is no friendship between you and me."

The man went straight into the Flame Mountain. Yuan Qi smiled faintly for a while and put down the tea cup in his hand.

"Have I ever said I won't go in? Liu Hongxiu's people are really just like him, extremely confident."


In the Taisui Valley of the Flame Mountain, due to the gathering of spiritual fire riots, the temperature has reached an unbearable boiling point. Once water appears, it will evaporate instantly. Even gold will be melted as long as one is placed here and disappears. This is The horror of the Flame Mountain, and this is not even the deep end of the Taisui Valley!

"So hot!"

"Paralysis, I can't stand it anymore!"

"The energy is consumed so quickly, I can't hold it on much longer..."

Li Zi and others were at the end of their strength and were almost desperate. When they suddenly saw Mugino rushing in, they didn't know whether they were moved or sad. Is this woman crazy?

"Don't talk nonsense. Before I am sure that I can't save you, I will definitely leave myself a life and escape. Don't think of me so stupid!" Mugino blocked the sensational words of these people with one sentence, and a group of people worked hard to get out...

Dai Li didn't know that she was being stared at. Well, she had never been stared at before and was used to it. So even if she knew that she was a hottie, she would still be willing to show off and walk around instead of hiding in a nest. A safe place for life.

It's like this terrifying whirlpool of spiritual fire in front of me. I know it's dangerous, but I really want to go in.


With so many powerful streams of light flying overhead, how could Young Master Yan and others not know that they were just watching these people rush towards the group of spiritual fires...

"Assholes, these cunning guys." Young Master Yan suddenly turned ugly when he saw these people coming, but he was also cursing secretly, with so many spirit fires, if he rushes over now, he is seeking death! After he deals with people like Ran Lao...

Indeed, there are so many spiritual fires that even a monarch has to be careful. Is it really okay to rush over like this?

Hua Gulong, Xu Yidao and others were all controlling their speed, trying to break out from the weakest point. However, there was one person flying at the front who was destined to surprise everyone!

Master Liu seemed to have been smeared with lubricant, passing directly through the dense group of spiritual fires. The most terrifying thing was that the spiritual fires seemed to turn a blind eye to him, passing him by in a daze, and did not attack him. It was flying straight towards the Bone Dragon, Xu Yidao and others flying behind him!

wipe! This differential treatment is so great!

Hua Gulong and others were immediately shocked and cursed, and Dai Li, who finally caught up, was still a little behind them. He had just passed behind the line where Li Zi and others were blocked. Speaking of which, Dai Li was behind these sudden appearances. He is conspicuous but not conspicuous in the group of strong people. He is conspicuous in appearance, but he will be ignored at the second glance because he is not too strong. At least Master Yan Kun Yan doesn't care much about him.

The most important thing now is to kill this Ran Lao!


Dai Li heard the sound and turned around to look. It seemed that Ran Lao was a little disdainful of Kun Yan. She looked at the people being suppressed. However, her eyes swept across and found that the people below who were suppressed by the Yan sect were not just Mug Ye and Li Zi. Among these "acquaintances" is Guan Lei.

The spiritual fires were overwhelming, and Dai Li, who had opened his insightful eyes, could vaguely see the opening of a nest at the end of the deep valley, which was also where so many spiritual fires were entrenched or flew out.

Master Liu has already entered!

When the spiritual fire rushed towards them, people like Xu Yidao began to show their magical powers!

"Blade body, come!" Buzz~~A sword pattern suddenly appeared between Xu Yidao's eyebrows. The sword pattern expanded, forming a rich sword light that covered him. With a twist of his body, he turned into a human form. Light knife, brush! Cutting through the spiritual fire and shooting into the sky, it was like a sharp edge that no one could stop!

"The swordsmanship of the Xu family..." Hua Gu Long chuckled, and his body suddenly began to twist. Only then did Dai Li realize why his name was Hua Gu Long. It was not necessarily because of his real name. It's strange, because that's how he is.

Can melt bones!

Gaca Gaca's completely twisted bones turned him directly into a round sphere, and the three bone chains emitted white light and covered the sphere, completely forming a bone ball, brush! Bone ball cannon shot!

Chase directly behind Xu Yidao!

It is said that the abilities of these two people are absolutely amazing, and many casual cultivators complained that these people with backgrounds are really different. This technique is absolutely awesome, and it is much worse than the serious ones. .

But these people are also powerful. They have great skills in magic, swordsmanship, and swordsmanship. The strength of regular high-level distractions is stronger than that of Zhang Tuo...

They are working together to open a way!

At this moment, Dai Li had already pressed the flying thunder light, and his eyes drifted away from the scene of those people rushing forward crazily. His eyes flashed, and he just saw a ray of light falling on the snow, cold to the bone, passing through the sky, bringing a The slender and beautiful Yunhong, with snow falling under the clouds and frost, passed by in an instant, and together with Xu Yidao and the two of them, shot into the hole of the nest...

The Snow Fish came from behind!

Many masters were secretly annoyed but couldn't help but admire them. At this moment...


One line, one network cable suddenly broke!

The spiritual fire squeezed inside Tai Sui Valley seemed to suddenly riot!

Huang Huanghuang, madly rushing out of the line... rushing towards the people of the Yan sect who had been sitting back and relax.

"What's going on!" The people of Yan Faction were shocked! (To be continued)


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