A Queen

Chapter 1035: Spiritual Fire Nest (Shao Si Mingchen Yuling’s pet + one)

Kun Yan was also horrified. When he saw Ran Lao's equally astonished face opposite him, he was annoyed and surprised. He shouted angrily, and his strength suddenly increased, knocking Ran Lao away. Swipe!

The body shot towards the entrance of the nest...

Now that the spirit fire group is diluted, it is the best time!

He wasn't the only one who discovered this!

Those high-level distractions are agitated! Try your best to rush towards the entrance of the nest...

But none of them are faster than one person!

The light of thunder exploded with all its strength and instantly rushed into the red fire group. The strange thing was that she completely avoided the scorching red fire. Brush!

Already shot into the mouth of the nest.

Wow, this guy's speed is so terrifying!


The terrifying speed is one of them, and the most important thing is that her reaction is too fast!

Of course it’s fast! ..Because Daili broke the network cable himself!

The Eye of Insight is inserted directly into the insertion point of the thread, and the pupil technique works, making it easy!

Once the network cable is broken, the riot of the spirit fire group is diluted. People like the Yan Faction suffer, and they must help bear the spirit fire attack. This is also the best time...

Of course you have to run away immediately after doing something bad! That's why this guy reacted so quickly.

Perhaps Kun Yan would vomit blood, and the perfect conspiracy he concocted was directly interrupted by someone's interference! He didn't know who did it!

Pa da, Daili immediately felt like rushing out after entering the lair.

It's so hot!

too horrible!


She could even feel the crazy flow of energy in her body~~

‘Is there any mistake? Even if I were in peak condition and full of energy, I couldn't withstand such consumption... I would be exhausted in less than half an hour! This is without fighting, just normal environmental consumption! ‘

Now Dai Li can maintain hunting status for half a day on the mountainside of Flame Mountain.

Remember, it was a hunting state, and now it was a normal state... but it took less than half an hour.

Looking up, Dai Li could see that the nest in front of him was a natural underground water cave, but unlike the wet and cold water cave, the reason for the formation of this cave was the opposite.

It was very dry and hot, and there were grooves on the walls that were burned by the spiritual fire. Those grooves are empty at the moment, presumably because the spiritual fires have all gone out with the wave just now.

‘It’s not a good place to stay for a long time. Don’t waste time, otherwise you will definitely die in this cave’

Dai Li was in a daze when he heard impatient sounds coming from the fork in the cave behind him.

Turn around suddenly and take a look!

As far as the eye could see, the dozens of holes in front of him looked like a honeycomb, but one of them seemed to be blocked.

Blocked by a fire.

Yellow fire!

It's staring directly at Daili!

It is said that Huang Huo can definitely be dealt with by people with distraction level. If it were an ordinary yellow fire, the intermediate level of distraction would be enough to take it down, but this ball of yellow fire in front of me... is too fat, as big as a person, oval-shaped, and just blocks a small opening. The bright yellow flame burned like a ball of golden fire.

Dai Li's heart was slightly agitated, and his right hand clasped Qianji on his waist. The left hand holds the form of a dragon claw, and lightning escapes from the palm, making a hissing sound...

Snap! Another small piece of stone fell from above his head. It made a sound when it fell to the ground..

boom! The yellow fire rushed out directly!

It is more than ten times more powerful than the Honghuo we encountered before! That temperature...the ground was melted to create a hissing mark!

Sword slash!


A sword struck the yellow fire... The solidified fire armor that I thought did not appear, but was soft... bad!

Poof! The yellow fire exploded! Like poison gas bombs, countless tiny yellow lights burst directly towards Dai Li's face and heart.

brush! The speed was soaring, and Dai Li's body pulled out streaks of light and retreated to the side, but those yellow fires were like radar guidance. brush! He immediately pursued them intensively.

It is not wise to use fire in the Flame Mountain, unless your flame is strong enough to withstand its suppression. And the instant fire is obviously not suitable for use.

A moment of light!

Buzz~~The light swept across in an instant...These yellow fires were instantly stabbed by the dense and flying light...

Puff puff puff puff!

After the yellow fire collapsed, it suddenly gathered together again, returned to the posture of a large fireball, and slammed down from the top of the head!

This is the true master of fire control, the pinnacle of perfect control!

Dai Li didn't have time to sigh. The high temperature of Huanghuo was definitely no joke. She had already seen how the stones on the ground were melted into powder.

Phew~~ After his body turned into thunder and flew over, Huang Huo immediately thought that Dai Li was at the end of his game and could be caught, so he pursued him more diligently, one man and one fire flickering at the entrance of the huge cave to chase and kill him. The killing mode is a bit weird, because Daili's escape route is exactly the same, left, right, left, left, right...

It's like two balls of light bouncing back and forth between the two walls of the cave~~

But I can't catch up to ten breaths...


Dai Li, who bounced on the mountain wall on the left, suddenly spun around. When Huang Huo had already habitually bounced on the mountain wall...

She grasped the mountain wall with her hands, lowered her waist, light burst out from under her left palm, and thunder shook in all directions! Swords, twin dragons, evil spirits rise together!

Thousand Machines on the right hand was raised with a backhand, Qianji Sixteenth, sealing the blood of the sword!

One sword forty-three thousand, explode!

The fourth formation, the Sifang Suppression and Killing Formation!

A group of 40,000 people exploded!

Bang bang bang!

A double-kill mode that combines group killing and single attack. Huang Huo, who was in a state of inertia and completely defenseless, had no time to react...


A large ball of yellow fire fell to the ground, like a fainted fire gorilla.

Huh, Dai Li was holding on to the mountain wall, but he was dripping with heat and sweat and his face was pale. Dai Li fell to the ground helplessly. Holding on to the mountain wall, he took a breath and quickly took out a spiritual fire cage. He didn't care about the burning pain in his palms and grabbed it directly. A red fire came out, but without the energy support in the body, the dragon claw could not be transformed. Daili's palm suddenly felt severe burning pain. But bear with it!

Hiss! Absorb it while burning!

Crazy absorption!

After ten breaths, the flesh and blood of his palms were scorched black and the bones of his hands were exposed, a ball of red fire was completely absorbed by Dai Li. She shook her hand bone expressionlessly, and the fly ash on it fell off. She quickly grabbed the yellow fire on the ground again, and stuffed it into the largest spiritual fire cage. Maybe it was because it had completely turned into bones, but it didn't It hurt so much before.

--Her bones are indeed the strongest (she is the only one who can entertain herself at such a time)

The yellow fire cage is closed. Dai Li's heart calmed down for a moment, after the red fire entered the body and formed Yuanli. The dragon bone and the dragon blood cells in the body work together, hiss, hiss, flesh and blood are regenerated!

Ignoring the pain and itchiness of the regeneration of flesh and blood on my hands, I moved away from my feet. She quickly shot into a cave and had to escape, because she saw several yellow lights escaping from the dense cave entrances. Obviously, there were other yellow fires coming!

And after Dai Lifei seemed to have escaped, the Huang Huo who rushed out of the cave happened to face Mr. Yan and others who rushed into the lair. That confrontation was really...

Dai Li didn't know that what she had killed was the small leader of Huang Huo, which caused other Huang Huo to arrive, but she also didn't know that her character rarely broke out. Instead, they tricked people like Mr. Yan, there were so many yellow fires, and they all had such big heads. Even people like Mr. Yan were dealt with badly, and it was a mess...

While running wildly, the flesh and blood of Dai Li's palm was also recovering rapidly. Because she applied a large amount of red-hot energy to it, the recovery effect was very terrifying, and. She ate the second and third red hot.

I ate five Honghuos in a row!

‘This lair is so terrifying, a big yellow fire made me faint all of a sudden. If you meet two people, you will be dead! Staying in a weak state is simply courting death. I would rather consume these prosperous things... 'I can't bear the child to trap the wolf, can't bear the pain and can't get to the top!

Dai Li just swallowed the red fire into his body in a short period of time, replenishing his energy.

However, she did not remain in a state of escape. Instead, she used her insightful eyes to find a remote, abandoned groove where there was not much spirit fire aura. There was a trail three or four meters away, and she hid in a dark corner groove. Inside, sit on the ground, grab the red fire with your left hand and devour it, take out food and water with your right hand and drink and eat...Two-pronged approach, return to full strength as quickly as possible...

But within a short while, she heard movement from outside.

It was coming from a distance, as if someone happened to run into this acupuncture point.

'grass! Why is the yellow fire in this lair so fierce? It is several times more powerful than the ones outside! ‘

‘Nonsense, this is their home base, it is the most favorable environment for them, but we have been infinitely weakened, and now it is difficult for even a yellow fire to deal with it...’

'Hey, if I had known I wouldn't have come in. I would rather not join the siege of the Brand Faction people... Otherwise, I wouldn't be chased and seriously injured by those yellow fires... I can't hold on anymore, no, I have to hide'

‘There is a remote fork in front of you, go in! ‘

Dai Li estimated that with her character and luck, these two people would definitely rush into the place where she was hiding.

As expected, the two people rushed directly into the fork here. As long as they almost breathed, they could find the groove where Dai Li was currently nesting, but the problem was...

'ah! Damn it! You unexpectedly attacked me! ‘

'Hey, it's your fault for being seriously injured...'

'we are brothers'

'Brother is here to be betrayed... Who allowed you to have so much spiritual fire in your body... But you are also wary of me, otherwise you could hurt me? It’s just each other! ‘

'you! ‘


A man quickly broke off another man's head, then bent down and grabbed his hand, trying to take out the storage ring...

Suddenly, buzz~~a sword started from his soul and entered his soul...

The sword of moment!


The man stiffened, stared in disbelief, and then fell to the ground softly.

Two snake-like blood chains crawled out, tied up the two corpses, and pulled them directly to Dai Li. (To be continued)

ps: More updates today, four updates...



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