A Queen

Chapter 1036: Everyone, do you need help?

‘This man is really guilty...’ someone sighed while happily doing the fisherman’s work of collecting the spoils.

The two storage rings brought a total of fifty red fires and three hundred crystals, not to mention other miscellaneous items.

‘These two people are mid-level distractions, and they are from the Flame sect, but they shouldn’t be so poor. They only have a few spiritual crystals and red fire, and the food is almost consumed. They are really stingy! ‘

Dai Li remembered that the killer from the Yan sect had a much richer net worth than these two people.

But she didn't know that the Yan Sect killer was still on an expatriate status at that time. He hadn't counted his trophies with his superiors. Naturally, he hadn't had most of his belongings taken away by his superiors, Mr. Yan, so he was so rich. And these two As for people, they were plundered by Mr. Yan and used by him. As time went by, all their resources were consumed by this environment. Spiritual crystals had to be used to buy food, water, and elixirs. medicine..

Not everyone can consume as little as she does.

However, these two people also brought her a small fortune, bringing her prosperity to 545, and the originally cleared wealth value also reached 300 crystals.

By the way, there are hundreds of free spirit fire cages. Apparently these two people absorbed the spirit fire and vacated them, which solved Dai Li's urgent need.

--What she lacks most is a cage.

A quarter of an hour later, a chubby red fire patrolled the road, and suddenly saw a pool of dried and solidified blood on the ground not far away from the branch road. The flame snorted, and with its extraordinary wisdom, there must be prey inside. It plans to come in and take a look.


The void suddenly shot down with a dragon claw.

It's dead.

He directly picked up the fat red fire and stuffed it into the cage. Dai Li, who had returned to his prime, looked around the alleys in front and behind, and searched with his insightful eyes...

Find a red fire or a yellow fire...the hunting begins!

Dai Li, who has the Eye of the Instant and the Horrible Soul, is not the strongest among these people, but he definitely has an advantage. Just like wearing a plug-in, the survival rate and hunting rate are actually higher than most high-level distractions. In a lair filled with spiritual fire. Twenty yellow fires were caught in less than two hours! But it also consumed 45 red fires to replenish energy. This mode of consuming red fires to capture yellow fires brought huge benefits. After all, one yellow fire is equivalent to 20 red fires, which is 400 red fires! .

It is directly comparable to her income for several days outside!

However, the further inside, the higher the temperature and the greater the consumption. The consumption of food and water resources has reached a terrifying level. Dai Li originally had 150 barrels of water, but now only 100 barrels are left!


'Oh, these spirit fires are very smart. They obviously know that we people have entered their lair, so they are patrolling. It is getting harder and harder to find lone prey... This situation is not good... Hey, Over there is...'

The distance covered by Yidaili's soul and pupil technique is about two hundred meters in this environment. It might be short, but if it were placed in a cave with stacked mountain walls, two hundred meters would be enough for her to see many things that she shouldn't be able to see.

For example, the place two hundred meters away at this moment. She saw a group of people besieging a spirit fire. This spirit fire was very large, two or three times larger than the yellow fire boss she met before. It looked like a big bear. Of course, it was the most terrifying. It's still its color.

green. Glowing green. Glowing green.

‘Damn it! This is green fire! ‘

Above the yellow fire is the blue fire, and above the blue fire is the green fire! Second only to the green fire below the purple fire! Catching one can directly distract the intermediate level and break through to the advanced level! You can also let a senior person break the original bottleneck...

That's huge energy!

Not to mention such a big green fire!

Dai Li was very sure if he got it. It can easily break through to the point of distraction, but the fact proves that the strength of this green fire is still above the king level.

Because Xu Yidao, Hua Gulong, and Snow Fish are all king-level people!

Even if the monarchs join forces, there is nothing they can do!

‘I wonder why I haven’t met these people all this time. It turns out they formed a joint team to promote the dungeon.’

By the way, of course Xu Yidao and others did not form a group deliberately to push the dungeon, but they all sensed the Qi of the Green Fire. When they came to fight, they suddenly realized that it was too high and the level was too high for them to push down, so they took advantage of the situation. And to form a fighting team, how many players are there?

six people!

Xu Yidao, Hua Gu Long, Master Liu, and Snow Fish, these four are at the monarch level, and the other two are high-level distractions. Yu Yang and Zhao Kai are very orthodox, that is, their combat power can surpass 700,000 to 80,000 clouds. That kind of thing.

This is a strong pioneering team, but they still can't take down this green fire, and the worst thing is... it roars!

‘No, it’s summoning other spiritual fires! ‘Master Liu knows the most about spiritual fire, and he screamed out as soon as he heard this voice.

Others secretly felt something bad when they heard this. This was someone else's lair. This green fire was equivalent to a general. Such a big green fire must at least be a general among generals. If it roared, it wouldn't be pornographic. Blue and green fire dare to come!

They can all be evaporated using high temperatures!

So all of them immediately thought of running for their lives!


Hey, no movement?

"Someone used soul magic to seal the sound," Snow Fish said calmly. He looked at the hole on the side and saw a person coming out.

Wandering, leisurely, dragging wooden clogs, with neat and handsome short hair, pattering on the stone slabs, smiling.

It doesn't appear high-profile, but it is very popular.

Bang, his footsteps stopped. Ten meters away from them, Jiansheng stood and asked with a smile: 'Everyone, do you need help? ‘

'It's you! ‘Hua Gu Long looked down on Dai Li a little bit, ‘It’s up to you! ? ‘

The strength is very weak, okay!

The two high-level distractions were particularly disdainful, 'With your strength, you can't even sustain a few breaths while watching the battle, why are you here to die? ‘

‘What a shame! It's better to go home and sleep! ‘

These people were extremely contemptuous. If they had not been unable to make a move, they might have already taught Dai Li a lesson at this moment. But after hearing their words, Dai Li was not annoyed or angry. He pressed his left hand and formed a seal on his fingertips. The first-level paralysis mysterious coverage enters the four-party killing formation, covering!

The center of the eyebrows offers sacrifices to the light, and the eyes are opened in an instant!

Pupil technique, instant photo!


Thunder paralysis and soul shock...

Even the extremely powerful green fire's body sluggished...the leather armor and the green light suddenly dimmed a little.

The attacks of Snow Fish and others instantly exploded with an effect that was 20% more effective than before!

What a powerful auxiliary killing effect! Simply terrible!

Five of the six people present were shocked, but Xue Zhiyu seemed to be mentally prepared and simply said: ‘Welcome to join’

The other five did not object.

However, Dai Li did not join in happily. Instead, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Let me tell you the rules for dividing the spoils. This will save you the last trouble."

‘You still want to share the spoils? ‘Some sharp sounds came out of Yu Yang’s mouth.

‘Boy, do you know what you are talking about! ‘Zhao Kai also sneered. They could clearly see that this person’s cultivation level was not high, and he could handle the mid-level distractions (oh, actually the distractions weren’t even enough, okay).

Hearing this, Dai Li turned around and left, "You go on, there's no need to send it off."

crazy! It’s no good, I’m staying here to die!

Those two people probably didn't expect Dai Li to be so straightforward and didn't give him any face. They were immediately annoyed, but their faces turned green and white immediately.

"Young Master, please stay." Master Liu's voice to persuade him to stay made the Bone Dragon frown. Xu Yidao didn't care. He didn't have much ill feelings towards this Young Master Jun, but the situation at hand obviously required the other party's help, no matter how strong she was. , can you help me? This is the rule of carving up...

‘Our previous division rule was that each of the four of us had two-tenths, and the other two each had one-tenth. If you take action, how about each of the six of us giving you 20 red fires? 'Master Liu suggested.

20 for six people, that’s 120 red fires, which may seem generous to others. After all, most high-level distractions only have one or two hundred red fires in their bodies, but they don’t know that Daili...

She really didn't want to tell these people that she could earn 400 prosperous dollars in less than two hours, so why take such a big risk and go against the green ones to earn a mere 600 prosperous dollars!

A green fire is worth at least 100 red fires, and a human-sized one is worth nearly 1,000 red fires. What about this green fire? At least the value will increase seven times!

And the value cannot be calculated like this. How much time and energy does it take to absorb 100 prosperous ones? What about the energy purity gap? Have you considered these? I would rather have one green fire than 300 red fires!

This is the reason why these monarch-level masters who are not short of prosperity venture into the lair.

But now, they obviously want to use red fire to kill Dai Li, or 120 red fire!

The distribution is too uneven~~

Dai Li took a deep look at Master Liu and simply said: "One-tenth"

I want a tenth.

There is nothing else to say!

'you! It's simply delusional, even if you think...' Zhao Kai and Zhao Kai were so angry that they almost escaped from the attack.

Hua Gulong and others were also shocked by the large opening of Dai Li's lion, Damn, this is taking advantage of the situation! What an appetite!

But...she grasped their weakness - not even a ten thousandth of a chance they could defeat this green fire!

And at this time, the resistance of the green fire became more intense. The temperature in the cave rose sharply. Everyone felt great depression, as if the air was distorted, and the skin burned.

If you can't hold on for too long, not only will you not be able to defeat the green fire, you will even be swallowed by the green fire!

"I think it's okay. What do you think?" Master Liu is the most straightforward. (To be continued)



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