A Queen

Chapter 1037 Green Fire Spirit! Rob!

‘Well’ Snow Fish didn’t object, and Xu Yidao and others naturally couldn’t object either.

Is this an agreement?

But Daili still didn't rush to join in, but lazily said: "Some people said wrong things, shouldn't they apologize?" ‘

hiss! Zhao Kai and the others wanted to eat Dai Li alive...but they were glanced at coldly by Master Liu and others.

Sorry, in fact, you and this Mr. Jun are pretty much the same in our eyes. For the Jun level, is there any difference between intermediate distraction and high-level distraction?


So compared to two inferior high-level distractions, one useful mid-level distraction is naturally more important.

At this moment, Yu Yang and the two finally understood, and they were unwilling and helpless, but they had no choice but to gnash their teeth and apologize to Dai Li: 'Master Jun, we and I were rude...'

You are really a bitch~~ Dai Li complained in his heart and said with a smile: 'It doesn't matter, I don't take it to heart'

Haha, I forced someone to apologize and they said they didn't take it to heart...

After there was no obstacle, Dai Li took a step forward. In an instant, he quickly formed a seal in his hand, and thunder shot out from his fingers... the seal was formed!

The first formation, a thunder knife formation,

The second formation is the Double Dragon Thunder Sword Formation.

The third formation is the Three Evil Sword Formation.

The fourth formation is the Sifang Suppression and Killing Formation.

Four formations overlapped, forming a chain of four complex thunder formations, and the bloodline colossus appeared! The eye of the moment sweeps across!

The power is twice as powerful as before, and...

‘Continuous thunder array? ‘

‘Continuous pupil attack! ‘

It’s still double parallel!

What kind of terrifying soul control power it takes to be able to carry out such a bold auxiliary attack!

Woo. The perfect level one Paralysis Mystery is indeed the trump card of the auxiliary system!

Xu Yidao and others were immediately speechless.

The importance of replacing this person quickly increased several times.


‘It’s ridiculous, let’s see how long you can hold on! 'The two senior distractions sneered. How stupid!

‘With such consumption, can her energy last? Just for a moment...'Hua Gulong's voice suddenly stopped.

Someone controlled the thunder formation with the palm of her left hand, and her right hand formed a dragon claw, grabbing a red fire, hissing~~~The red spiritual fire shrank rapidly in her palm, and in two breaths, the red fire disappeared. Brush, another boom.

Keep sucking!

The thunder array continues!

This scene frightened everyone. Even Xue Zhiyu, who had some understanding and psychological prediction of Dai Li, frowned slightly, what a terrible devouring power, this person's cultivation talent was outrageous.

By the way, in the Flame Mountain. Physical strength is very important, and can be divided into two types: explosive power and sustained power. In terms of explosive power, even if Dai Li explodes to death, he will not be able to withstand these four monarchs, but in terms of sustainable development of combat effectiveness... Haha, I can squeeze the red fire with one hand to absorb it, and it will absorb it with one hand. Attacking with one hand is almost a perpetual motion machine. Can you withstand it?

Xu Yidao had already remembered it at this moment. Because upon closer inspection, this man's fighting style and appearance were very special, and it reminded him of the sudden glimpse in the inn.

He lowered his eyes. Such a character, why didn't the Demon Palace expose her before? If it was for the subsequent outbreak of fatigue, it should be used in the Qishan Road assessment...

Maybe it's because her strength is not at the level of a king.


Covered by the thunder array, the paralysis effect was overwhelming, and several eye techniques of the Eye of the Instant were used in turn by Zuo. Various weakening of various negative states, various restraints...

It's like a wizard with low attack power. For pushing one but still having indescribable importance, this is the capital of generation!

As Dai Li's attack auxiliary effect came out, everyone's attack effect also increased greatly, which also gave them room to use their full strength!

As a result, terrifying attacks belonging to the monarch level were unleashed one by one! Rang Daili was also worried. Maybe she didn't need to be too afraid when meeting the Jun level. After all, speed and eye skills could ensure her own safety, but a head-on confrontation would definitely not work.

It's not her character to run away.

‘We still have to find a place to retreat as soon as possible to absorb all these red and yellow fires and break through the distractions.’ Dai Li started to think about things again, but suddenly he heard...

‘Hoo, ho, ho! 'This roar is...everyone was startled. Daili Mingming had already used the Soul Eye Technique to seal the roar of the green fire, so why...

‘It came directly from outside! There are other spiritual fires coming! ‘

'impossible! We caused no other spiritual fire...'

‘No matter the reason, speed up! Otherwise all your efforts will be wasted! ‘

Even if there was something wrong in their minds, everyone was doing their best at this moment. Dai Li saw that the hands of the Bone Transforming Dragon turned into two huge sharp bone knives. The cutting afterimage was very scary. At first glance, it looked like Edward Scissorhands. ..

And Xu Yidao's sword is a very orthodox sword cultivation technique, sword, Lin! The sword energy is greatly increased!

The fire method used by Master Liu should originally be relatively restricted, but he uses fire method to perform various secret techniques, similar to poison techniques.

As for the Snow Fish...it's naturally the Snow Technique.

Drifting and dangerous.

Her presence is perhaps the biggest benefit - the temperature has dropped a lot.

Here comes the bone knife! Cut the sky with one sword! The secret method of poisonous fire! The snow is floating!

Four powerful attacks to suppress! At that moment, Dai Li had already opened his Eye of Insight, locked onto Green Fire's body, and swept his Thunder and Moment Eyes.


‘Ang~~’ The green fire looked up to the sky and roared...

boom! ! !

Green Fire finally exploded! Just like a lot of top-notch equipment dropped out after being blown up, when the green fire body exploded, it also turned into six green lights and shot out...

It's not green fire, it's fire spirit! Green fire elf!

Six paths!

There are seven people here!

one tenth? What a fart! Rob!

‘You know this Green Fire is unusually big, otherwise even Green Fire wouldn’t know these people are working so hard! You still want to send me away with red fire...' Daili was not too angry about the previous actions of Master Liu and others. It's human nature, she's just glad that she's not stupid.

Of course, the most important thing is to get the green fire spirit...

at the same time. Wow! The two people rushed in, and as soon as they met, Kun Yan and Ran Lao's faces came into view, and they also saw the seven green lights at the same time.


Swish, brush, brush! Nine people took action at the same time!

But you can't ignore the large swaths of red, yellow, and blue spiritual fire that rushed out from behind these two people!

speed! It is the speed of escaping these attacks, and it is also the speed of snatching these seven green lights!

Nine rays of light cross in the sky...

Who is the fastest?

Who is the slowest?

I can't tell them apart because they are all just light and shadow for a moment. In the blink of an eye, the nine intersecting people exploded in the air with murderous intent. After the attack was covered, nine rays of light burst out in nine directions!

Three people held a ball of green light in their hands, Master Liu and Snow Fish. Xu Yidao!

But what about the other three green lights?

It happened in an instant, who could see what happened? The expression of Dai Li who activated the pupil technique was a bit strange, while the expressions of others...

That's too late!


A large piece of spiritual fire rushed over!

Boom boom boom!

A fight breaks out!

Regardless of whether they got the green fire elf or not, everyone here wanted to escape because there were too many spiritual fires and they couldn't get out for a while, so...

‘Whoever took the other three pieces of green fire elf, tell me your name, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind to the Bone Dragon! ‘Hua Gu Long is going to be so angry. In terms of strength, he is also at the forefront among these people. He must have a share of the six green fire spirits!

But what the heck! No!

Forget it about Master Liu and Xue Zhiyu, these two are already powerful. The latter is of the ice type and can restrain this world of flames. He is already fast, Xu Yidao! It's not weak, and it's not too much to grab...

But what about the other three!

Hand it over to me!

Hua Gulong's eyes were staring straight at Kun Yan and Ran Lao. The most likely thing is that these two people...

Shameless stuff. He didn't exert any effort at all, but he still wanted to steal my green fire elf!

'not me! ‘

‘I didn’t get it! ‘

The faces of Kun Yan and Kun Yan were also very ugly. It doesn't matter if you grab something, but if you don't get it in the end, it will be embarrassing.

It would be extremely embarrassing if you can't escape even after you haven't grabbed it!

Especially in front of the famous princess goddess Snow Fish, this kind of embarrassment turned into shame, so embarrassing!

A double failure of character and strength!

‘Didn’t get it? You said you didn't get it if you didn't get it? ! ‘Hua Gulong wants to use his bone knife to cut off the brains of these two people!

When Kun Yan heard this, he became angry: "Hua Gulong, don't bite people randomly... I don't think so even if I say no, not to mention that anyone here can get the Green Fire Spirit"

He looked at Zhao Kai and the two coldly.

Zhao Kai and both of them also wanted to vomit blood!

Oh my god, we really didn’t take it, but after all, the two of us also contributed. We are the ones who own the original shares. We should have taken it. Why is Mao so miserable and threatened by you!

‘It’s not us, it’s her! This one’s surname is Jun! ‘

Dai Li, who was suddenly lying on the gun, rolled his eyes at the two of them, and said coolly while resisting the powerful attack: "Nine people were trying to grab something, but the weakest person got it. It doesn't seem that good... I should be grateful." Do you two think so highly of me? ‘

"It's not her," said the Snow Fish.

"It's indeed not her," Master Liu said calmly.

The two people always spoke with connotation. Since they both spoke for themselves, it must not be her, let alone how could it be her!

The weakest one grabs the Green Fire Elf? Who looked down on her before?

Hua Gulong would not be stupid enough to slap himself in the face, so he still regarded Kun Yan and the two as a thorn in his side. The latter two were also arrogant and would not cry and shout that they were wronged, so they formed a group of people to resist the spiritual fire together. , but the result of their respective suspicions...

Dai Li looked calm and thought to himself, am I going to tell you that I did grab a green fire elf, and that the two people named Liu and Xue took two each?

Haha, those two are really high-ranking!

He didn’t even draft a lie, especially that Snow Fish, he was so shady.

He must have known that she had pupil skills and saw everything, so he spoke out to help her, and Master Liu is also a human spirit, so... (To be continued)



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