A Queen

Chapter 1,038 Who touched my cheese? Green Fire King!

In short, this is a secret that only the three of them know~~

"Everyone, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time. It's better to leave first." Master Liu said as if he was forcing a breakout.

It seems that he also has this ability. The strange powder floats away, and the spiritual fire around him automatically dissipates a little...

Damn it! This guy is the fastest again!

Everyone is envious and jealous, but it seems that is not the case this time...

The wall in front of Master Liu...cracked!

Revealing dark green fire...

A wall is filled with fire.

Not one, two or three.

But there is only one.

A green fire the size of a wall. The color was extremely dark green. It was green and square-shaped. It was embedded in a wall and looked down at all of them. The green fire on its body was in clusters. Got to jump and make a popping sound.

‘The Green Fire King! Damn it! run! ‘Master Liu finally lost his composure. It should be said that he was frightened!

King, King, the green fire also has a king! The one just now was considered a big green fire at best, this one is the Green Fire King! The Jun level can't bear it!

The Green Fire King is here, and the green Green Fire Army...are also here!

The three acupoints behind the wall all emitted hazy green light, which was beautiful, very beautiful.

But the temperature suddenly increased tenfold!


Dai Li immediately felt as if his skin was about to be burned, so he immediately placed the strongest blood shield and thunder shield on his body, which also emptied one-third of the energy in his body!

Everyone was not much less frightened than Master Liu. There was no time to find out when the Green Fire King came, but they had to fight hard to kill his eldest son!

So rub rub rub. Hey, hey, hey, every one of them showed their special abilities and wanted to take this opportunity to escape from here.

Dai Li was no exception. He raised his body's speed to the fastest speed, rolled up his blood energy, and turned into thunder, and wanted to escape through the gap of the spiritual fire.

Thunder. Blade light, snow light. Sword light, passes after passes, and instantaneous shadows explode!

The Green Fire King is moving! Two huge green hands waved out from within the wall, popping out like whips. Come over here!

Take a shot left and right!

Boom boom boom!

Everyone who wanted to escape, whether they were at the monarch level or below, was like a fly being swatted by an electric mosquito swatter. They had no power to parry. They all hit the wall with bang bang bang, but few of them were killed directly. ,because...

All of them were wearing top-quality armor, and at this moment, those armors were clanging and shattering. With the spitting and vomiting of blood, Dai Li suddenly saw clearly who the real rich man was.

What about that, Mr. Xu? Princess Xue, Master Liu, Ran Lao and Kun Yan are indeed wealthy people. The magic armor on their bodies exudes a dark golden light, but even so, they are injured. Yu Yang and the two were even more dying, and two big holes were made in the wall. In the blink of an eye, he was dying.

Phew, Dai Li also vomited out a large mouthful of blood, but it seemed a bit unbelievable to Xu Yidao and the others.

--She has no armor.

This means two things - she is dirt poor, and she is horribly thick-skinned.

Of course, they also know that people with pupil skills are naturally sensitive, and it is normal for them to be able to sense and avoid most attacks in advance, so they do not associate this thick skin with being too advanced.

The most important thing now is to escape!

But how to escape?

Puff puff! The surrounding space was lit with green fire - Flame Blockade!

They were made dumplings!

"It's over now," Master Liu sighed, and the others could only twitch their mouths.

Snap, the Green Fire King had been completely dug out of the wall, and his square and square body like Xizhilang's jelly slowly moved on the ground, gradually approaching everyone.

Just like a cat catching a mouse, since they are all stuck in the cage, there is no fear of them escaping, so the other spirit fires around them stopped making noise and followed the pace of the green fire king slowly approaching them.

As the Green Fire King approaches, the temperature rises horribly. When Xu Yidao and others lower their heads, they can see that the armor streamers on their skin are turning into powder, and sincere skin is being burned, with brown and yellow marks appearing...

It will be cooked after a while.

Dai Li's eyes were wandering, trying to find the weak points of this green fire prison to break out and escape, but he found that every part was perfect.

The extremely perfect green fire prison can only be broken out with more powerful and perfect attacks.

--To surpass the power of this green fire king!

What a scam!

Dai Li licked away the blood stains on his lips and subconsciously looked at Xue Zhiyu and Master Liu. By the way, is there any way these two can escape?

She rolled her eyes and saw Master Liu holding a small bottle of something unknown in his hand. Using her IQ and understanding of this person, she figured out that it should be a substance that would disgust even the Green Fire King. , allowing him to take the opportunity to escape.

And Miss Snow curled her fingertips, as if she was going to take out something...

Out of habit, Dai Li thought it might be a top-level teleportation scroll or something, just like how she teleported Xue Qiange and the two of them directly away that day...

--Miss Snow is still worth trusting for life~~

When Snow Fish saw someone who was so dependent on her that he came to her side, she said a message with a sincere look on her face.

‘Miss Snow, what do you think of me? ‘

It's similar to the tone of a blind date where you would beg someone to pack it up and take it away.


Just as Yuzhiyu was breaking the various images of this person that she had created in Ghost Crying Gorge in one second, such as being cool, ruthless, ruthless, or having a love that was as high as the sky, she turned her face sideways and tilted her head slightly to look at Daili... .

Suddenly his eyes turned cold! Raise one hand...the cold light of ice and snow is sharp in an instant!


Dynasty leaves here and gives it a hard poke!

At the same time, Dai Li's body bounced away instantly!

The moment she bounced away, the ground behind her cracked, the rocks cracked, and a huge head came out. A centipede head, a centipede head with a diameter of three meters, rushed from behind Dai Li, hit the snow fish and was thrown away. The cold light!


The cold light shattered and the frost spread, but the centipede head broke through the cold frost in an instant. It should be said that it seemed as if it was not affected at all. The head paused for a moment and continued to rush out... walking towards the front. The Green Fire King pounced, and while Dai Li and the two of them were dodging, and the others were frightened and avoiding it... the long centipede body also pulled out the long tunnel.


The giant centipede pounces on the Green Fire King! The spiritual fires next to them, whether they were green fires, blue fires, etc., all retreated in fear. They were terrified of the giant centipede and made sharp screams, as if thousands of children had encountered the big bad wolf. He shouted, and the whole space was noisy for a while.

Daili and the others suddenly realized that this lair, or in other words, the Flame Mountain, was not the only spiritual fire.

‘It’s the Food-Flame Centipede! Sure enough, one thing brings down another! 'Master Liu couldn't help shouting in surprise.

The Flame-Eating Centipede is one of the higher monster beasts. It is a particularly rare and strange species. They eat nothing but fire. They are also very good at eating fire, and they also like to prey on fire-type creatures, which can be said to be almost any fire-type creature. The natural enemy of living things.

Naturally, it is also the world of pure flame creatures such as spirit fire, so the appearance of this giant flaming centipede has completely detonated the restlessness and fear of these spirit fires. However, the Green Fire King is the Green Fire King, and it belongs to the first level, so there is nothing special about it. I'm afraid of this centipede, but it's like its hair has exploded. Its jelly-like body burns with a flame that's ten times hotter. Naturally, the temperature is also ten times higher...

Tear and pull~ Everyone's skin suddenly became hot and rolled up, and a pungent smell of meat came out...

Damn it! It’s really getting cooked!

And this time...Run!

Dai Li has turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the blood-red centipede that just crawled out!

She was not the only one smart... Master Liu and Xue Zhiyu flew over with her almost at the same time, and Xu Yidao and others also swarmed over after that.

Well, there are a lot of people, and the hole is actually not big, so many people can’t squeeze through it!


Boom, boom! A fierce fight broke out at the entrance of the cave!

‘Get out of my way! ‘

'roll! ‘

‘Die! ‘

Hua Gulong's hostility towards Kun Yan and the two, Xu Yidao's fear of Yu Zhixue, Kun Yan's hostility towards each other, and Yu Yang's hostility towards Dai Li...

Great, this is a mess!

boom! The entrance to the tunnel was opened even wider, and Daili was attacked by Yu Yang and the others. Although he avoided most of the attacks, his body still suffered some damage. He secretly remembered this hatred in his heart, and squeezed in like a loach. In the cave, people flew towards them one by one, and the sound of a fierce battle between the Green Fire King and the Flame-Eating Centipede came from outside the tunnel entrance behind them. Among them, it seemed that the Green Fire King gave a sharp roar.

In fact, it was indeed the case. The roar spread far and wide, directly causing the spiritual fires in various places in the lair to become agitated. They stopped attacking other people and moved in one direction...

Swish, brush, brush!


And as soon as the spiritual fire in this space was summoned by the Green Fire King, it immediately rushed into this tunnel!

As soon as they arrived, Daili and the others felt that the tunnel suddenly became hot, and the back of their buttocks felt like they were about to burn!

Hurry up!


Otherwise, they would all be burned to death in such a narrow space!

However, the speed of those spiritual fires was very terrifying, approaching everyone in the blink of an eye. The temperature was too fast, and some blue and green fires could even attack from a distance, so Dai Li and others could only turn around and attack these spiritual fires, boom boom boom!

A tunnel that was originally like a intestine was blasted out of a hole by them. As they fought and retreated, everyone suddenly saw the roar from behind getting louder and louder.

'It seems that the big centipede is very powerful, causing the Green Fire King to scream in agony~' The Bone Dragon hates the Green Fire King very much. If it hadn't appeared, he would have definitely been able to force out the other three Green Fire Spirits. Where to go, but now that it is doing this, it can't even control its own safety.

‘It’s not that it screamed louder! 'Master Liu suddenly said in a deep voice.

Forehead? That is?

‘It’s coming in! Knife, body protection! 'Xu Yidao exclaimed, and instantly brought the knife down on his body, turning his whole body into a knife! (To be continued)



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