A Queen

Chapter 1,039 The most deceptive ally in history!

In an instant, there was a roar from the tunnel, the stone wall cracked in the middle, and the huge green fire king directly blocked the opening of the tunnel. The flames horribly evaporated the moisture, physical strength and even energy of everyone's bodies, almost completely drying up~!

And what frightens them the most is...

Karcha! The giant centipede is coming!

Ang~~The giant centipede also screamed, swept its tail, boom! The tunnel was smashed to pieces by its tail, and everyone in the tunnel was swaying for a while, being caught off guard by the stones and dirt squeezed around them!

They didn't know how to react in the chaos. They only knew that the giant centipede was right in front of them, fighting directly with the Green Fire King, and the tunnel was crumbling...

A state of certain death!

Daili's pupil technique exploded with powerful plug-in properties at this critical moment!

found it!

At that moment, Dai Li's left hand pressed against the wall, and his right hand held a yellow fire!

absorb! Hiss! A large amount of yellow fire energy poured into the palm that was burned by the flames, penetrated along the meridians, and turned into thunder element condensed in the palm of the left hand at a terrifying transformation speed.

What is she going to do?

The tunnel is already dilapidated, but she seems to be adding fire to it!

Others were shocked and angry, but Xue Zhiyu suddenly heard Daili's voice transmission and asked, 'Do you dare to come with me? ‘

Snow Fish is powerful, courageous and strategic, and because of Xue Qiange, Daili thinks she is more trustworthy than others. At this time, Daili's eye skills and soul are also Snow Fish needs. An alliance is the best choice for the two of them, which will make them invincible among this group of people, so Daili said something like asking for an alliance.

Snow Fish's reaction was as expected. 'good! ‘

Compared to Master Liu's cunning and unpredictability, Snow Fish prefers Dai Li who has had some understanding. At least this person cannot betray his allies.

So even though she didn't know what Dai Li was going to do at this moment, she still agreed.

Just give it a try.

Dai Li curled his lips, "You won't regret it, girl"




The thunder element is indeed the most terrifying explosive force. The explosion was so direct that the wall was immediately blasted open. And that moment was also when Snow Fish and others were in chaos due to the fierce fight...

Finally, at the same time, there was a pop!

The tunnel is cracked and collapsed!

Boom! The entire tunnel collapsed. What Dai Li blasted open with his left hand was a cave, a tunnel connected to a huge cave, separated by a stone wall seven or eight meters behind.


Dai Li and Xue Zhiyu were directly transmitted into this moving channel! Master Liu and others also saw it, and they were overjoyed and shocked at the same time. Damn it, this boy Jun is so cunning, and this pupil technique is so advantageous! The superiority is so strong!

These people were trying to catch up and escape, but...

Ang~~The giant centipede has bitten the Green Fire King. The body tugged!


The big head went directly into the hole... The more than ten meters long body was also dragged in with a roar, and the legs were so numerous that Master Liu and the others could get goosebumps.

Damn it! Who dares to go in here?

Master Liu and others quickly put aside their previous thoughts and escaped one by one to the other sides...

When escaping. It seems that through the gap in the passage, I saw the two people from Daili being swept away by the giant centipede's hairy hands and feet...

What a pity, the boy surnamed Jun and the Snow Fish may not be able to escape bad luck this time.


Snow Fish also found that he had been tricked by Dai Li, his newly confirmed ally. (The Acting Queen has always been a deceiver, and she treats people without discrimination~~)

--When she and Daili were both grabbed by the giant centipede's feet.

"Well, it's just bad luck this time." Dai Li was embarrassed.

"I see it," Snow Fish said calmly.


They didn't have time to say much, nor did they have time to struggle and escape. Because...fainted.

Giant centipedes are highly poisonous, and the toxins contained in their feet stick to their bodies through the fluff on them. Their bodies suddenly became numb and trance-like, and they fainted within a few breaths.

Then, while the giant centipede was biting the Green Fire King and fighting, they entered the deep, ancient, and mysterious crypt.

When Master Liu and others ran out towards the back of the tunnel, a light and shadow flew in from the front, from the direction they came in. It seemed that most of the spirit fires were very afraid of this person. They couldn't help but be wary, because many spiritual fires made hissing corrosive sounds when they came into contact with the strange blue gas on the surface of the human body...

In the blink of an eye, this man arrived at the intersection where Dai Li and the two escaped but were captured. He narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

'It's a bit interesting...'


Speaking of the period of returning to the nest for a period of time, it doesn't mean that the spiritual fires in the nest flew out to chase Mugino and the others, so when a large group of them fled for their lives, they also saw a large number of people. The spiritual fire flew from the front to Tai Sui Valley,

grass! There is a wolf in front and a tiger in the back! There is no way to survive!

Mai Ye was in a state of embarrassment. After finally fighting a bloody battle and escaping to the entrance of Tai Sui Valley, he cursed when he saw the heavy spiritual fire coming from the sky.

But soon, she discovered that was not the case.

These spiritual fires seemed to ignore them at all, and just flew rapidly from the sky to the depths of Taisui Valley, as if they were following some kind of pattern or rule.

'Look, there seems to be a lot of spiritual fire...'

'What exactly is going on! ‘

Outsiders like Mugino naturally didn't know the secret. They only felt that this matter had an evil nature. Almost all the spiritual fires in the Flame Mountain were affected in some way, and many monks realized that something was wrong.

Ah, why did the spiritual fire suddenly decrease so much? Where has it all gone?

At this time, there were a lot of monks in the Fire Hunting Shop. Because a single spirit fire disappeared, some people had nothing to do. They also wanted to avoid the groups of spirit fires. They all gathered here. At this time, that A boss stroked his sparse beard and said with emotion: "It's another Grade 1 year, and we also caught up with the Qishan Road assessment. I don't know if I'm unlucky or lucky..."

‘Is there such a secret in the Flame Mountain? 'Beside the boss stood a delicate and beautiful female nun, and beside her stood a tall and burly young man.

One strong and one soft seems to be very charming, but no one else thinks that way, because the man is too naive and mellow, and he mainly relies on and protects the woman, and the woman also loves him. They are very friendly, not like a couple, but more like brothers and sisters.

This pair of siblings is not easy to mess with.

Especially this younger sister, who is gentle, pleasant and easy to talk to. However, the boss, who has always been well-informed, felt that she was not that simple, so he answered her question very appropriately: "If there were no such secrets, it wouldn't be called the Flame Mountain, just like It's Fenchuan. If there is no spiritual fire, it wouldn't be called Fenchuan.'

‘It makes sense, but it seems that the direction is in Tai Sui Valley. Doesn’t that mean that I want to collect Tai Sui’s words? It is out of date now’

‘Miss Lan, don’t worry, I’ll take you there later, but the threshold for admission to Hongfengyuan, please...’

‘Those who truly love the piano are not restricted’

‘So good’


In Taisui Valley,

"It seems like it's about to start. I wonder how my sister is doing." Xue Qiange looked at these spiritual fires returning to their nests, showing a little worry.

Jue Xuege said: ‘Don’t worry, the eldest princess is so powerful, there will definitely be no worries about her safety’

'nonsense! I'm talking about her harvest... She promised to share one-third of it with me.

‘…’Although she is a biological sister, is it really okay for you to speak so loudly like a lion?

"She has always been cunning, shameless, and scheming. She is also very good at hiding her trump cards. She will never miss..." Xue Qiange didn't know if she was praising or derogating that she trusted her sister so much, but she didn't know that her sister had already been betrayed at this moment. There was a pit, and the pit was so deep that she couldn't get up because she fainted.

So this incident tells us a truth - never believe the words of a good-looking androgynous stranger.


Plop! Dai Li woke up when she was suddenly thrown to the ground. Her physique was strong and her soul could withstand the poison, so she easily regained some consciousness under the influence of external forces. She opened her eyes in a daze and saw There are tiny holes on the bumpy mountain wall above your head, which looks a bit disgusting...

Of course, Daili soon discovered that the truth was more disgusting than she imagined.

Because there seemed to be centipedes crawling out of those densely packed holes.

Damn it! This is the centipede's lair!

It was as if her body was so heavily anesthetized by the toxin that she could not move, and all her energy was consumed. It was difficult to take out the red fire to absorb it, because she could not move her palms at all and had no feeling.

Dai Li forced himself to look away from the centipedes above his head. He swung his head with difficulty and looked around. He could see that this was a large crypt. It was definitely very deep. Because the temperature was very high, the ground where she lay was very hot. It sent a searing pain down her back.

While turning his neck, Dai Li saw that just four or five meters away from her, Snow Fish was lying on his side facing her. What was better than her was that the other party's body spontaneously escaped and covered the ground with frost to wrap her up. Getting up prevented her from being burned by the ground, so she still looked as beautiful as an ice beauty.

This woman's physique must be terrifying, otherwise how could such an independent and sensitive ice-cold power take the initiative to protect the master~~

When Dai Li thought of his two cores that were absolutely too lazy to move except for eating or eating, he suddenly felt the urge to vomit blood.


The sudden impact caused Dai Li, who was lying on the ground unable to move, to roll up. She rolled a few times on the ground, and immediately rolled to the side of Snow Fish and bumped into him! (To be continued)



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