A Queen

Chapter 1040: I heard prayer is useful

Good guy! The golf ball accurately scored a hole in one!

When Dai Li bumped into the Snow Fish and touched the cold frost, his whole body felt so comfortable that he sighed - Good collision!

Just when someone was feeling happy, the smile on her face froze because Snow Fish opened her eyes and looked at someone close at hand, as if silently asking - what are you doing?

Dai Li grinned: "This has nothing to do with me, it's the two at the back..." Snow Fish glanced over and could see two huge monsters fighting fiercely on the wall in the distance.

The Green Fire King and the Giant Centipede.

It was life and death, and the madness, similar to the fight between a wife and a mistress, also made her a little drunk.

Of course, the most important thing is...what is it?

There seemed to be a small mountain-like object above the two of them. It was purple, sparkling, and exuding a hot smell. This was the most terrifying temperature they had encountered so far. It was so high that the blood in Dai Li's body boiled, as if It's about to boil.

The Snow Fish was also a little overwhelmed. The frost on her body was consumed too quickly and she couldn't hold on for long.

Of course, the most troublesome thing for her was that the person opposite her who was almost pressed against her really wanted to be pressed against her. His eyes looked like those of a wolfdog that had been hungry for ten years.

Dai Li really couldn't stand the heat anymore. His whole body was clamoring for water, but he couldn't move his body and couldn't get the water out of the storage ring. What should he do?

Just when the two were in trouble and the two dangerous men not far away were fighting to the death, the two seemed to hear a hissing sound.

'what sound? 'Dai Li had some difficulty and had to open his mouth to speak.

'I don't know, it seems...'

The two of them felt that the hissing sound seemed to come from above, on the shiny white hill...

Something was making the sound, and it was getting closer. Approach them.

It's a centipede!

Densely packed centipedes crawled down the wall from above and were approaching them!

Daili and Xue Zhiyu looked at each other, and both understood the other's emotion, which was like shit.

In other words,

Daili felt very guilty, so she said: ‘I’m sorry, Miss Xue, I’ve caused you trouble’

‘You can actively roll over to absorb their attention. If so I can forgive you'


Under normal circumstances. You shouldn't be so generous and say it doesn't matter, it's fate, no wonder you...

Lying ~ trough. This girl was indeed as Xue Qiange said, with a very high rank. Daili immediately pretended that he had never said anything before.

Xue Zhiyu had already figured out the funny and evil nature of Dai Li, so he shut him up with just one sentence. But this situation is really painful.

It seems that she has never encountered such a dangerous and deceptive situation in her entire life.

Tens of thousands of centipedes have crawled over.

‘So many centipedes, one bites us each. The poison is enough to drown us'

‘You don’t have to remind me of this’

'All right'

Soon, these centipedes had surrounded them. The entire ground was covered with blood-red centipedes, which were only half an arm's length away from the two of them. He was about to crawl onto them to get it.


what sound? All of these centipedes suddenly stopped moving and became quiet. The two people who originally thought they were certain to die suddenly heard a very soft and very delicate rustling sound.

What's coming?

Soon they knew what it was.

A scorpion.

A crystal clear scorpion. It's about the size of the palm of your hand and looks like a Scorpio. Its whole body was crystal clear, almost half-transparent. It was originally a terrifying and evil type of creature, but it had a delicate, perfect and lovely feeling. It followed small steps and climbed down from the weird purple crystal hill. Rusty ran over holding two big fat pliers...

Haha, who can tell me that there is such a small scorpion in the centipede nest.

And after this little scorpion crawled over, these centipedes obediently backed away and made way.

‘These centipedes are afraid of it! Do you know what this little scorpion is? 'Dai Li asked in surprise.

The Snow Fish's eyebrows furrowed slightly, 'You can't tell, it looks like an ordinary scorpion, and has no breath at all...but it is obviously an extraordinary species that can frighten the descendants of these fire-eating centipedes'

This is no nonsense!

Dai Li rolled his eyes.

Although it was inexplicable, the two of them could not move their bodies and could only wait and see what happened. So, they saw the little scorpion approaching them in a majestic manner, walking in from the gap between their heads facing each other, and right in front of their faces In the middle, he held up the pliers and looked left and right. His little eyes seemed to be saying which one to pick~~

'I feel like it wants to eat us'

Daili's words made Xue Zhiyu silent for a while, and then he spoke, "I heard that when everyone has a strong desire for something, if they keep chanting it, there will be some kind of prayer effect."

'real or fake'

Although I don’t believe this, it seems that many novels and TV series have such bloody plots. Every time the heroine folds her hands like a white flower and prays for something, there is always a magic weapon of the hero and the male partner descending from the sky to attack the heroine. Love all kinds of help...

'I'll give it a try,' Xue Zhiyu said, and then with Dai Li stunned, he softly chanted with beautiful and touching emphasis: 'Go to her, go to her, go to her~~'

I go!

Dai Lifeng was in a state of confusion. What the hell had I been possessed by before? I actually thought this woman was trustworthy and worthy of being entrusted to me for life. She was simply a black man of the highest rank! (You are the ultimate cheater, and she is the ultimate black man, isn’t that right?)

When Dai Li wanted to roll his eyes at the black man across from him, that little scorpion was so evil.

It turned around and looked at Dai Li face to face, wiping with its pliers.

Daili's eyes froze, what, oh! ~~

! ! !

‘Don’t come over, don’t come over, don’t come over, don’t come over..’

The little scorpion felt the powerful prayer power of Dai Li, and walked forward step by step!

Just crawl away!

d! Dai Li wants to burst into tears. Did I escape a disaster?

Suddenly, 'it seems to crawl under you'

The fish of snow is so sweet and cold. The calm reminder made Dai Li stiffen. He slowly lowered his head and looked down. He found that the little shoes had indeed crawled to her abdomen, and he used pliers to cut off the fabric on her abdomen, exposing a part of her abdomen. Slender and soft waist.

Snow Fish watched and reminded again: 'I think she wants to get into your belly'

Daili's face was expressionless: "Actually, you don't have to say anything, Miss Xue"

Snow Fish: ‘Maybe you don’t need to worry so much. Maybe it wants to get under your pants? ‘

'...'Dai Li is about to die of anger. Maybe she was the one who was tricked.

"No wonder Xue Qiange said you are a bad person." This woman's mouth is so powerful that it can poison people to death! (Said as if you are not like this)

‘It seems that her opinion of me has improved. She used to call me an evil ghost’


Dai Li felt a little sick in her abdomen, because the little scorpion really scratched the white skin of her abdomen with its pliers. Although he didn't have much consciousness, Daili still felt the cold touch.

But the little scorpion seemed to be hesitating, because it clamped Dai Li's waistband with a pair of pliers.

Dai Li noticed that Xue Zhiyu was watching quietly, ‘Does it look good? Snow Girl'

The tone was rather gritty.

‘She has a pretty waist’

‘Thank you, your breasts are actually quite nice’

It is not polite to reciprocate the etiquette!

Snow Fish suddenly noticed that the collar of his chest, lying on his side, had spread out due to some fierce fighting. You can more or less see some arcs and grooves.

‘Don’t worry, it’s not because of what I saw’

‘? ‘

‘Because I was knocked down before, it feels good’

Very good, in terms of hurting people. Mr. Jun is informal and likes to play rogue.

Snow Girl, who had never been treated so unscrupulously and frivolously by anyone, narrowed her beautiful ice-colored eyes, and her eyes were so deep that she couldn't even see through the wind and snow...

suddenly. Dai Li heard a huge noise coming from behind, as if something was running over. Snow Fish reminded again: ‘The Green Fire King is coming! ‘

Who is this reminding? Daili hasn't reacted yet...


The little scorpion bit her abdomen with its pincers.

pain! Severe pain!

Dai Li's originally very strong and radiation-proof skin was cut like tofu by the opponent. Before the blood could flow out, the little scorpion got right in.

'Ah~~' Dai Li twisted his body quickly and let out a slight moan. Xue Zhiyu frowned. Although she was not familiar with this person, she still had a feeling of fighting just now, but she watched helplessly. It seemed that this person's death would do her no good, so she used the remaining strength she had to control a small ball of ice and snow to turn into a thin line, trying to rush into the wound and pull the little scorpion out...

‘Scorpion Soul Eater, do you still have the strength? Seal the mouth of Dantian and don’t let it rush to your brain’

But it’s no use! The ice and snow melted away strangely when it reached the outside of the wound!

'Damn it, what the hell is this, how...' Dai Li found that this little scorpion was running rampant, and as the Snow Fish said, he really wanted to get into her head!

Damn it, that’s great!

When the little scorpion wreaked havoc inside her body, the severe pain stimulated Dai Li, and her body suddenly became conscious!

Pain is consciousness!

When the Green Fire King behind him rushed towards them and was about to devour the two of them to make up for their injured bodies, Daili suddenly moved!

Get up, pull up the snow fish on the ground, and fly!

The giant centipede pounced behind him, pounced the Green Fire King down, and then pounced on Dai Li and the two people who flew out...

Go, go, go!

Dai Li endured the pain and threw herself and the Snow Fish directly on the purple hill. Her abdomen pressed against the purple crystal...

Buzz~ The purple crystal hill gave off a violent purple light, and the Green Fire King and the Giant Centipede seemed to be ejected directly by a terrifying force. (To be continued)

ps: Today I’m being stupid again. I took my phone and clicked on an online game novel with a male protagonist. The online game The Great Thief seemed like Nie Yan’s. Then I read it all day long and got out of hand. Oh, so I won’t update it anymore. Royal Treasure I’m typing, I’ll post it later, I’ll add more later.


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