A Queen

Chapter 1,042: The vicious little beast (Shao Si Ming Chen’s favor with the fish spirit + two)

Bounce the two people who were caught off guard and brush! Dai Li rushed straight towards the purple crystal hill. Biological instinct is to always rely on people or things that can relieve his pain. This is the case with the purple crystal hill in front of him.

Hiss, purple liquid poured into Dai Li's abdomen crazily. The Snow Fish and the two could see purple light emerging from Dai Li's body, and the amethyst solid was obviously disappearing.

Until Fu Ruoshui frowned, 'The big green fire spirit is about to be absorbed by her! ‘

Snow Fish has already seen that the purple crystal of the big green fire spirit being held by Dai Li has turned into liquid and poured into Dai Li's body... Although it is not too fast, it can be seen with the naked eye. Zoom out.

It was like there was a bottomless pit hidden in her belly.

This cliff must be a scorpion demon! How can anyone have such a terrifying absorption speed, and it is not absorbing spiritual fire, but a higher level fire spirit, or the big green fire spirit of the Green Fire King!

This is simply not the absorption speed that humans should have!

The two of them were stunned, but they didn't dare to stop it, because the purple light was too scary, and they didn't know if it would absorb the two of them as energy bodies.

So the two people who were supposed to fight rarely managed to maintain a peaceful state and pondered the situation at hand, but the problem is...

‘Do you feel like there’s something sealed inside this purple crystal?’

Snow Fish silently looked at the rapidly shrinking hill. After a moment of silence, he said: 'It seems...'

Purple... creature?

The look is very familiar... It seems...

The moment the two people quickly formed a consistent brain wave!

They saw it! Dai Li, who stopped suffering and regained some intelligence, also saw...

A ball of fire.

‘Purple fire! ‘


Daili bounced up reflexively, and the Snow Fish flew like crazy concubines!

The three of them were heading in the same direction...



Behind him, the hill that was sucked by Dai Li and left with only a thin layer of purple crystals made a scraping sound, cracked, cracked, and exploded!


The purple fire, which was more than thirty times the size of the Green Fire King, broke through the mountain. It finally woke up!

When Daili and the three people were fleeing for their lives, they looked up to the sky and screamed...

Purple Fire, the strongest person in the Flame Mountain, finally awakened, and the roaring sound filled the entire cave and was transmitted with sound waves ten times higher.


The lair shook everywhere, all the spiritual fires intensified their flames, their bodies grew larger, and they all echoed the shouts.


It was all the roar of spiritual fire.

Everyone in the Flame Mountain heard it. If there were many people who suspected that the spiritual fire on the mountain came on the same day and closed the door to thank guests, then now it is certain that there must be some kind of secret explosion in the Flame Mountain. .

There has always been a law in the world of immortality - whenever there is danger, there is always wealth. In short, wealth is gained through danger.

"It's over there at Taisui Valley!"

"I knew there must be something fishy! Maybe a treasure from the Flame Mountain has been discovered."

"Damn it, all those bastards in Taisui Valley took advantage of me!"

There is always a shortage of courageous people in the world of immortality. Who would let the temptation of power be too great? Besides, those who can come to the Flame Mountain are those who have a strong need for power, so the spirit fires all rushed back under the call of the purple fire. While in the lair, the entire monks inside the Flame Mountain became restless and gathered in large numbers, preparing to go to Tai Sui Valley...

"Hey, something is wrong with this situation~~" The owner of the fire hunting shop looked up at the sky with a slightly puzzled expression.

"Has there been a change?" The girl speaking in front of him was harvesting Tai Sui. The boss looked at her and shook his head: "I have been in the Flame Mountain for ten years, and I have encountered the return period ten times, but never once. As large as this time...I guess there are some changes inside."

"Senior, do you want to go in and take a look?" After all, wealth can only be found in danger~~


I’m not that interested, and the things inside probably won’t be of any use to me.”

These words are simple, but they contain a certain kind of strong self-confidence. It is expected that this is also a mysterious and powerful man with rich capital.

"But now that the spiritual fire is gathering, let's leave as soon as possible," the woman said softly, not in a hurry or worried, but simply explaining a decision she thought was right.

"Not urgent"

The fire-hunting boss smiled: "It's okay if there are many spiritual fires. There will be more people waiting for me. There are too many people interested in it...such as some of the characters I have seen these days."

"Senior, are you referring to the four major families in Fenchuan? Or are you referring to the geniuses from various major groups?"

"It seems that Miss Lan knows a lot about Fenchuan. She all knows the four major aristocratic families."

"If you come to Fenchuan, you must come to the Flame Mountain. If you don't know the four great families, you may have a hard time." Lan Zhiyou smiled as brightly as an orchid, and her words were slightly humorous.

"This makes sense, but your Qinyuan is a place of excellence and elegance. It's okay to ignore these power struggles."

Is it ok? Lan Zhiyou's eyes were a little distant, and she suddenly said: "A friend of mine once said that there is no place of absolute peace in this world, and there is no world without disputes. If you want to be quiet, you can only be supreme."

"How much more powerful is the Qinhuang Pavilion, which has to be ranked among the four pavilions to fight the world with Qin, let alone our mere Qinyuan."

These words seem to indicate that Qinyuan is not a pure and kind place where others can take advantage of it.

Boss Liehuo was stunned for a moment, and then said thoughtfully, "Did the master of Qinyuan say this?"

"No, she doesn't say such things with her personality."

Lan Zhiyou's expression was too deep, as if she belonged to her own world. Boss Fire Hunter was a little suspicious, but he didn't stay on this topic for too long, so he smiled and jumped back to the previous topic: "Actually, this Flame Mountain The most troublesome thing is not those people from Kun Yan. There are many interesting people here these days... killers, young masters, beauties, ha, they are all here. But thanks to these spiritual fires, I can watch the scene well. "Drama"

These words were so fearful that the world would be in chaos, and they were shouted so loudly that everyone nearby heard them.

For example, the expressions of Mugino and others who were resting in situ when they fled in embarrassment not far away were so distorted.

There were also two people, Xue Qiange, who was floating in the sky. They were secretly cursing who this old boy was. He seemed to be very powerful...

I don’t know if the bull is not awesome, but there will indeed be a lot of bullish people coming to Taisui Valley.

A lot of people!


I don’t know how many people are outside for the three of them, because they are running for their lives now!

The location they were in was too low, and the temperature was high, as if they were close to the core of the earth's crust. The passages extended in all directions, varying in size, and were very deep, making it hard for people to know where to go.

Daili and the two were brought in before, but they fainted. How could they know the passage? Fu Ruoshui took the initiative to find the way in, but he remembered the way. A dead horse was treated as a living horse doctor. Daili and the two were not careful. I trusted this person magnanimously, and then a quarter of an hour later...

Snow Fish: "Fu Ruoshui"

Fu Ruoshui: "Hey~~"

Snow Fish: "We have passed your mark three times just now. How many times will it take for you to admit that we are lost?"

Fu Ruoshui: "..."

Regarding the sneer looks in Dai Li's eyes, her explanation was that when they came in, they were looking for traces of your scent that had been scattered after you were captured. Now those scents have long dissipated, but she made a mark, but she didn't know why. These marks are all messed up...

Of course, how could someone like her admit that she had taken the wrong path, so...

——In other words, this is a one-way dog ​​nose skill plus three points of road madness plus seven points of desperate need for face.

Dai Li, who was holding the big green fire elf, was completely drunk!

But it's no wonder Fu Ruoshui, this crypt is widened by countless centipedes. It is twisted, interspersed, and ever-changing. It is like a giant maze. It also contains some kind of weird magnetic field, making it easy for people to get lost...

Of course, what to do now?

The biggest problem is that there are three of them - three women, well, two women in name only.

Snow Fish and Fu Ruoshui are sworn enemies. One wants to take one, but the other insists on the other!

After going back and forth for a few times, I felt so dizzy that I scratched the wall and shouted: "Why don't you listen to me! Or let's spread the flames now! Let's go our separate ways!"

She's crazy, escaping alone in a place like this is courting death, not to mention that the Daili with the Insight Eye Technique is their best hope of escaping from this place. Who wants to leave her behind!

No, it should be said that Fu Ruoshui would rather poison her to subdue this person and force her to take him out of this place. The problem is that the Snow Fish won't allow it!

The purple fire behind them is getting closer and closer, the temperature is rising steadily, and the speed of the streamer formed by the three people has slowed down, because it can no longer maintain the consumption of high-speed flight, especially Dai Li.

Wow, there is another secret honeycomb hole ahead, with dense small passages...

Which way can I get out?

I was exhausted all the way. If I took the wrong path again, let alone the purple fire catching up, it would be time-consuming just to stay in this poor place.

"Come on, you don't have eye skills, just take a look at the road!"

Dai Li glanced at Fu Ruoshui and ignored the man's obvious intentions towards her. He just scanned the holes in front of him with his pupils. When his pupils opened again, Xue Zhiyu noticed that Dai Li's face became even paler. , there is a crystal clear forehead...

Um? Her condition...

Dai Li felt that her vision was a little blurry. The consumption of soul in Tongyan made her nerves ache, and her body... the scorpion had already crawled towards her head. It was obviously her consumption of soul and weak body that gave it a chance.

Paralysis, this vicious little beast!

It was also at this time that Dai Li vaguely heard the breath of spiritual fire coming from the corridor behind him, so violent, accompanied by the roar of purple fire...

Snow Fish and Fu Ruoshui's faces changed instantly!

Can't wait! It's coming!

Dai Li suddenly took out most of his last soul power and poured it into the pupil technique, and his pupils became clear instantly!

Saw it! Will he die? Can you escape with your life? Give it a try!

"That one!"

When Dai Li pointed her finger, at the same time, she forced the last ray of soul into the depths of her brain and issued the last command.

——Swallow it at all costs! R1152

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