A Queen

Chapter 1,043 Are you sure you want to make me angry?

That one! Xue Zhiyu and Fu Ruoshui didn't hesitate at all. As soon as their feet moved, kasaki! The entire surface of the earth floated and cracked, and purple fire burned up from under the feet...

Purple Fire is coming!

Right at your feet!


The huge head of Zihuo emerged from the ground, and it felt as if a giant centipede had appeared. At that moment, Fu Ruoshui had already rushed towards the entrance of the cave first, while the Snow Fish was a little behind because she suddenly grabbed The body fell softly.

And just one step behind, the entrance of the cave was destroyed by Fu Ruoshui with a casual blow, blocking the entrance!

I knew it would be like this! Snow Fish can't be said to be surprised or angry, or he has seen too much about this woman's viciousness and decisiveness, so it's not surprising at all, but he has been able to deal with it with ease before, this time...

It seems like this is the first time I've put myself in trouble.

"Go to the one next door. I lied to her before..."

Before the purple fire rushed over... Xue Zhiyu heard Dai Li's last words before he fainted.


The two were swallowed up by the purple fire...

Hiss, the fire roared, and the stone wall was burned into powder, and soon the powder started to fly...

After a while, the twisted flames of the purple fire stood upright, revealing the hole that it blasted open a huge hole. The hundred-meter-long corridor was shattered, revealing a big gap. Below was a hollow world, a world it didn't dare to go to. .

Roar! Purple Fire roared with anger, turned around and smashed through the mountain walls. After venting most of its anger, it turned into flames and flew upwards along the corridor!

It wants to devour everything, become stronger, and kill everyone who angers him!

Kill kill kill!


Whispering, the bodies of Snow Fish and Daili seemed to have passed through layers of sticky jelly air. They were invisible and colorless, but soft and closed. As soon as Snow Fish's body entered, they instantly became numb and unable to fly. , she could only break through the layers of jelly air with the momentum of her fall, and she didn’t know how long it took before she escaped from the air with a pop. She lowered her eyes and saw the powerless falling body below.


Grasping Dai Li, Xue Zhiyu fell to the ground. When he saw the place in front of him, he was stunned.

This is...

Before Yukinoyu could explore the strange environment in front of her, the moan from the man lying on the ground next to her made her turn her head.

Dai Li's whole body curled up, his hands covering his belly exposed by the cut clothes, his back turned to her, that posture was obviously extremely painful.


Xue Zhiyu frowned, walked to the front of Dai Li, and saw her thin white belly covered by her hands folded. She could see a group of purple light expanding on it, and the expanding light flow had reached the chest and chest, and seemed to be heading towards Go with the brain.

Her body seemed to be on fire, and the temperature was actually higher than the temperature of this strange space under the crypt.

The air around him seemed distorted.

"Have you already occupied your abdomen, and you still want to occupy your soul? You're really greedy..." Xue Zhiyu didn't feel the same way about Dai Li's behavior. To put it bluntly, she had nothing to do with this person. No matter how much friendship there was, there was no human blood relationship. According to her usual cold style, even if Dai Li died in front of her, she could watch it calmly. At most, she would dig a hole and help bury him.

But it's different now. This place is very weird. It seems difficult to get out without this guy's pupil skills, so Snow Fish only thought about it briefly, then took out some treasures that he used to replenish energy, and took some energy to restore it. Resisting the rapid consumption and evaporation, while looking at Dai Li's embarrassment in his eyes, he said calmly: "Take your hand away."

How could Dai Li hear her words? He just pressed his stomach with his palms, wishing he could reach in and pull out the scorpion, the drop of black blood, and of course, the green stream of bones.

Her hands did tear the soft flesh of her abdomen, and hideous blood marks appeared, as if she would be disemboweled in the next second.

Xue Zhiyu didn't need her to be obedient, so she directly pulled away the guy's hand. Hey, he still held it tightly. Without blinking, she flicked her fingertips twice and moved Dai Li's hands to the side. Bounce. .

However, when he immediately saw those hands and wanted to come back again, his eyes became cold, he turned his palms over, took out a wooden stick, bang, inserted it directly into the ground, and then neatly grabbed Dai Li's flailing arms and pushed his head upwards. Twisting, he hooked a rope with his fingertips, tied his hands to the stick with a few strokes, and fixed Dai Li's body with a few strokes. (Well, it’s so cruel. It’s similar to the one in the article about a CEO training a female slave!)

Then she slowly turned Dai Li's body so that she was lying on her back, stretched out her hand, and lifted up the broken clothes with her fingers, revealing most of her complete belly.

The extremely flat abdomen, with slight ups and downs, was surrounded by purple light, and the snow-white skin seemed to be possessed by a demon.

"Like a woman..." Xue Zhiyu frowned slightly and pressed the palm of his hand directly on Dai Li's belly. He felt the hot temperature, and his palm seemed to be burned. For a moment, blue ice light was gestating, It flows in the palm of your hand and is branded on Daili's navel...

The coldness immediately calmed down Dai Li's body, which had been in agony from being burned, but the purple light still climbed up, and soon it reached the brain.

Snow Fish turned a blind eye to this, because she had already done what she could do, and the rest was up to her. If she really couldn't survive it, it would be her fate.

It's also her life.


The help of Snow Fish was the only external catalytic effect for Dai Li, but there were many internal effects. The command generated by the last ray of soul caused the dual cores, dragon bones, etc. in her body to act instantly, blood energy, thunder Yuan Shizi pulled out everything that could be used, the dragon blood essence, dragon marrow, blood and so on in her flesh and blood, anyway, all of them appeared, and they were all accumulated in her body, just for one goal!

—Swallow it!

The scorpion had already reached Dai Li's brain, ready to gnaw at her brain and soul. Suddenly, so many miscellaneous energy bodies appeared in front of her, making her immediately angry. Damn it, I've been waiting for so many years. Is it easy for you to just swallow a soul? Why did you send so many people to stop me?

The little scorpion got angry, waved his pliers and started fighting with these roadblocks.

This is the realm of the brain, and that fight turned the sky into darkness and the earth into darkness. It made Dai Li's brain a mess, and the soul world roared in chaos...

So much so that the separation is really painful, endless pain, endless pain!

It was like a needle poked her forehead, pulled it out, poked her again, back and forth, turned again, stirred, and poked again...

It hurts so much!

I don't know how long it took, but the trump card that Dai Li relied on and hated the most was finally forced out.

The traceless wisp of gray energy deep in the soul finally crawled out from nowhere, hazy and misty, drifting towards the little scorpion who had fought with the divine soldiers for 300 rounds, swaying all the way. Like yawning...

Daili, who still has a little sanity deep in his soul and can only look down on all this from God's perspective, wants to scratch the wall. Ancestor, you have finally come out, but you can do it harder. Go faster and swallow this little scorpion. Okay..I can’t stand it anymore~~

As soon as he saw this gloom, the little scorpion only paused, and then with all his wits about him, he turned around and ran away!


A lot of energy behind them rushed to catch up, chasing and fighting all the way...

I hit him from the brain to the chest, and then down...

Chased the little scorpion to the abdomen!


There is a lot of purple light and a drop of blood in the abdomen, and, by the way, there is also a piece of emerald-like green liquid. This is the territory of the little scorpion!

Swipe, turn around, purple light, a drop of blood or green liquid are all mobilized. Under the control of Little Scorpion, it is about to fight to the death with the powerful force led by Xue Po...

A thin piece of gray air floated over silently and silently grabbed the little scorpion's leg!

Pull, bundle, bind, wrap, completely covered! ..

A small gray vortex rotates rapidly, and all the energy returns to its original position? No, it’s entering a new world!

At that moment, Daili was so exhausted that he closed God's perspective.

Finally got over it.

So tired.


So hot, so hungry, so thirsty, so tired, so painful.

This is the time when Dai Li feels the weakest and most exhausted, as if everything has been vacuumed away, leaving only an empty skin, floating...

Dai Li, who was forced to open his eyes by many carnal desires, directly saw the colorful stone wall above his head. When he turned his head, he could see many Tai Sui growing on the ground and on the uneven cave stone walls.

Colorful, beautiful and cute Tai Sui.

The hot temperature distorted the air, and the vision became blurred.

Dai Li, whose eyes were burning, closed his eyes and shook his head. He was about to get up when he suddenly felt his hand...

"Did you tie it up?" She turned to look at Snow Fish sitting next to her,

Even in this space where the temperature is several times that of the cave, this fish maintains a cool and light attitude.

The little eyes that were looking at her indifferently at this moment should not be too cold and cold.

"You did it yourself"

Sister, if you look like this and have the aura of a goddess, let’s stop telling lies.

"Uh...why are you tying me up?"

"How about I ask you to take out your intestines, heart and lungs? It's a bit disgusting."

"...." Just as Dai Li was about to speak back, the other party gave him another cold look and said calmly, "Are you sure you want to make me angry?"

With your weak-looking body and tied hands?

Naked Snow Fish card contempt.

How did Xue Qiange survive all these years? No wonder his character is so twisted...

Dai Li immediately shuddered and changed the topic decisively. In fact, she didn't have much energy to argue with the other party, "Miss Xue, thank you for your help before. Can you help me untie it now? I feel very uncomfortable." .."R1152

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