A Queen

Chapter 1044: Such a miserable scorpion in the world

So hot, so hungry, so thirsty, so tired, so painful, and of course very uncomfortable.

Xue Zhiyu didn't make any trouble. With a swipe of his fingertips, the rope was broken. Dai Li's crossed and bound hands dropped down, but they didn't move for a while.

"Do it yourself, I won't feed you"

"You think too much...my hands are numb..."


After a while, the weak chicken got up from the ground with difficulty. Not to mention the weak appearance, it should be regarded as a weak ant...

Snow Fish was a little doubtful whether this man could take him out of this ghost place.

As soon as she sat up, Dai Li took out a pot of water, and drank heavily without caring about the water flowing out of the corner of her mouth.

Snow Fish took one look and frowned.

"It seems that you are very sure that we can leave here in a short time."


"Water" Snow Fish glanced at the clear water flowing down Dai Li's neck and seeping under the collarbone.

But in the blink of an eye, the water evaporated.

Only then did Dai Li take a closer look at the place in front of him.

The colorful ceiling, the dense Tai Sui, the hot and stiff fiery red floor...

Dai Li subconsciously turned his head and saw the dense clusters of small crystal eggs behind him. It was hard to estimate the millions. What was this?

If you look closely, you can see that the outer shell of the egg is almost transparent, and there seems to be...fire inside?

My scalp instantly became numb.

"This is...."

"The real spirit fire nest, these are young spirit fires. After a while, they will completely break open the egg shells and become real spirit fires."

The most important place for any race is the nest, which is the hope of a race. No creature is allowed to enter this place, otherwise it will surely die!

Of course, the young eggs and nests of some races are special. They are not afraid of other creatures coming in, but other creatures dare not come in.

"Once they are born, the temperature of the flames that burst out will be enough to kill a large number of living organisms in the world, including you and me, and they will evaporate in an instant."

Snow Fish said slowly, while looking up at the completely enclosed colorful sky. The jelly-like gap before was no longer visible.

"That's why people as powerful as purple fire dare not come in. I'm afraid they will be assimilated by such high temperatures, or they may become food for these ignorant infants."

Chapter VII

Xue Zhiyu is smart and has understood everything thoroughly from his previous thoughts alone. As soon as Dai Li woke up, he was shared with this bad news.

No, maybe this woman's best and worst reminder skill has been activated again.

What a bad person!

Dai Li suddenly became a little melancholy, but immediately said, "Have you run out of water?"

"You want to laugh at me?" Snow Fish looked at her with clear eyes.

"Of course not" for a long time, "Haha~" someone really laughed...

Then drink water gurglingly...

Snow Fish: "..." Why didn't she strangle this man to death with her own hands before?

However, after laughing a few times, Dai Li lost all the energy and weakly leaned on the ground to breathe. Snow Fish continued to watch coldly.


"Okay, you can't live long without drinking water or eating. Now, take these first. When I recover a little, we can think about how to escape."

After all, Dai Li said a human word, and with a flick of his hand, thirty buckets of water and a small pile of food were given.

Xue Zhiyu glanced at it and put it away directly. Daili was puzzled: "Why don't you even say thank you?"

"Are you so superficial?" Affirmative or rhetorical question?


"I helped you, and this is what you repay." Xue Zhiyu's frankness and directness made Dai Li a little stunned, but she subconsciously touched her belly.

"It was you before. I seem to have some impression... What did I do before? What happened to my stomach?" She saw several wounds that were healing.


Just tearing his belly with his claws... and rolling around and making sounds like um um ah ah ah..."


Perhaps the most embarrassing thing in his life has been exposed. Dai Li looked at the eldest princess who was drinking water gracefully, "Don't you think you know too much? If possible, I really want to kill someone and silence them..."

"The fact is that you can't... well, hurry up and regain your strength, you are still like this..."

What does it look like? Snow Fish said nothing more, and Dai Li had no time to ask, because his body was indeed clamoring for energy, food, and water.

Bang, Dai Li instantly turned on the eating mode!

With her left hand, she grabbed food, bread, pies, fruits, etc. All the edible things in the storage ring were taken out and eaten by her. With her right hand, she grabbed the kettle and drank...

With both hands down, Snow Fish just watched helplessly as someone ate twenty buckets of water and more than fifty kilograms of food. What was even more frightening was...the belly was not even big. .

It seems that the woman Fu Ruoshui made a mistake. This is not a scorpion demon, but a pig demon...

After satisfying his physical needs, Daili's hunger did not decrease much, but he only gained more strength on this basis.

Only then did she have enough energy to look inside her body. The little scorpion was gone, but there were three more things in her abdomen.

A drop of black blood, a piece of amethyst and a piece of green crystal.

She knew very well that amethyst and green crystal were different.

The body has not changed much, except that these three things have been added. The big change is in the brain, that is, the soul has changed. The total amount of soul power has not changed, but... the attributes have changed.

She could feel that her soul had changed, and that hunger came from her soul.

There is a mark on the soul.

Scorpion Brand.

The mark left by her soul after swallowing the scorpion?

When Dai Li guided her soul to touch the brand, she immediately felt a flow of heat seeping into her soul, and some vague inherited knowledge entered the depths of her soul.

The ancient scorpions have the instinct to devour souls and swallow energy. They are an extremely rare biological group in ancient times. However, they are not the pinnacle species, but a special species. They are naturally fond of inflammation and grow in extremely hot and extremely scorching areas. In the ancient chaos, After a catastrophe, they encountered a catastrophe. The entire tribe was suppressed into the ground by the broken interface fragments. After the soul sacrifice, all the tribesmen turned into a soul crystal and sealed the last bloodline in the egg state into the soul crystal. However, it was also a coincidence at that time. Among the many fires that were derived from the extremely hot zone where they lived, one of the fires was luckily sealed together and sank into the ground together.

Then as the years went by, the powerful soul power caused the extremely weak fire to turn into a powerful purple fire, and the spirit fire group was also derived from the release of the soul breath.

It is worth mentioning that after the little devil scorpion broke out of its shell and crawled out of the soul crystal, the spirit fire clan had already appeared, and the clan was very large. By the time it discovered all this, it was already too late.

Little Scorpion hates the Spirit Fire clan very much, because this soul crystal belongs to its clan and belongs to it, but it was stolen by Zi Huo and Spirit Fire, and a clan was derived from it. How can it make it? Not annoyed.

Therefore, it also induced the creation of creatures such as the Flame-eating Centipede to devour the spiritual fire, and then deprived the captured spiritual fire of its soul and attached it to the soul crystal...

This is a cycle, over and over again, an endless cycle, but the years are too long, and the replenishment cannot keep up with the consumption. The originally huge soul crystal shrank to one millionth, and finally only the size of the small mountain that bound the purple fire was left. .

But what makes the little devil scorpion collapse the most is that it can't absorb the soul crystal!


Because it was sealed into the soul crystal from the egg state, it was in a state of suspended animation for too long, causing the biological genes to be permanently frozen, and it was unable to absorb the soul crystal at all. No matter what methods were used in these years, it didn't work.

This is so devastating! From the family property being usurped by lowly and weak prey to the fact that he was unable to use the remaining property and maintained his newborn state for thousands of years, the little devil scorpion was in the state of a Qiong Yao-style tragic heroine. Not only tens of millions of them were running wildly, they were running wildly for thousands of years!

But in the end, he finally found his way out.

It doesn't matter, biological genes are frozen? I will devour and occupy a new biological body, and use another body to absorb this soul crystal.

But centipedes and other things are too scumbag, don't even think about underground rats and so on. At least it must be a creature with high bloodline, high talent and high soul, such as a human, dragon, phoenix and so on.

Hey, don't tell me, this little devil scorpion is definitely one of the more feathery types, with extremely high demands. There have been so many people coming and going in the Flame Mountain for thousands of years, and giant centipedes and other subordinates have also helped it pull it. Many creatures came in, but none of them satisfied it until the Snow Fish and Daili appeared.

By the way, I haven't seen one person in these thousands of years, but two people came all of a sudden on this day!

Snow Fish has satisfied it, but Dai Li...

More than satisfied, it is completely beyond the standard!

He has a special soul, a powerful bloodline, and a half-dragon physical talent. Yaya, this is a sudden turnaround of thousands of years of bad luck!


It was swallowed by someone with a more complicated, mysterious and vicious origin.

By the way, her soul information before being swallowed also included the induction of Dai Li's ray of gray energy.

——The origin of the soul?

It's a question. I can't figure out whether it's the origin of Dai Li's soul or something else. But for now, I can let Dai Li call that wisp of gray energy as the original energy.

After Daili digested such a large piece of inherited knowledge, which was mostly filled with complaints from the little demon scorpion, he took a deep breath.

There is such a pitiful and tragic Scorpion in the world.

And that piece of amethyst was the purple light crystal that the little devil scorpion couldn't wait to absorb after occupying her body - the soul crystal was a great soul experience for Dai Li, at least a hundred times more powerful than her current soul power.

By the way, she seemed to have sensed the power of soul crystallization from the little devil's mind before. It was one millionth... It seemed that there was more than what was in front of her. It should be about thousands of times the total amount of her soul. That's a hundred times. , where did the other nine hundred times go? R1152

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