A Queen

Chapter 1,045 I am going to survive the tribulation!

Daili is suspicious, blood core? Blood soul? These two prodigal things seem to only feed on energy, source energy? If she ate it, her soul should have increased. The problem is that the total amount of her soul has not changed. So, who used the nine hundred times the soul power?

The suspicious Daili didn't spend too much time thinking about it, but put it aside directly, took out a ball of red fire, and said to the Snow Fish next to him: "I probably need a while to absorb the spiritual fire to replenish it. Strength, if you encounter any danger..."

"I will run"


I mean let you remind me and run with you!

Dai Li still swallowed these words, looked at the other party resentfully, closed his eyes, and held the red fire in his right hand...

"I'm going to start...it may be a little slow..."

Hiss, just a sound, and the red fire disappeared.

Snow Fish's expression changed drastically for the first time!

He repeated what he said before.

"Are you laughing at me?"

Dai Li was also stunned. Something was wrong. Her soul volume had not changed, her physique had not changed, and she was still in the weakest barren stage. Why was she absorbing red fire ten times faster than before?

This is so strange!

There are benefits to those who are generous. After being hit by a gold ingot falling from the world, I don’t care where it came from. Anyway, this thing belongs to me!

The joyful Daili immediately did something that left Xue Zhiyu speechless.

Sit cross-legged, with a red fire in each hand, hiss!



Hiss, hiss again, change!

Two in the blink of an eye!

Four in two blinks!

Thirty red fires were absorbed in less than five minutes!

The Snow Fish couldn't bear to look at it and turned around to absorb the spiritual veins and other treasures. After absorbing the spiritual veins and other things, he would absorb the spiritual fire.


In one and a half hours, nearly 500 red fires were all swallowed up by Dai Li. The huge energy equivalent to the spiritual veins in the 15 attributes exploded Dai Li's 3,000 yuan power. The extra energy rapidly widened the meridians, and Absorbed crazily by flesh and blood and dual cores.

Dai Li didn't just absorb the energy, she wanted to take advantage of the period when she had so much spiritual fire and a poor physique to break through the distractions!

When absorbing so much energy to nourish the body and nourish the meridians, the soul must also be done well.

She is not afraid of instability in her realm. The biggest advantage of having Tianchen to refine her soul is that her soul is more stable than anyone else's. The bottleneck difficulty that used to be hundreds and thousands of times more difficult than others has suddenly been reduced to a negative number. What's more, she has absolute calmness and the ability to kill. Double realm body protection, breakthrough without pressure!

This is a good time!

if only..

Dai Li fixed his gaze on the soul amethyst in his abdomen.

rely on you!

The soul threads of contemporary divorce wrap up the soul amethyst, and the tide of the soul world rises!

That horrible hunger came again, dozens of times stronger than before.

It’s simply unbearable!

Maybe it’s because this is the soul crystal of the Scorpion clan?

Daili could not resist such hunger, or in other words, her desire to devour had already instinctively rushed towards the green crystal in her abdomen.

That big green fire elf!

It has more energy than 500 red fires!

The two cores started to rotate, dragging the big green fire elf in... to swallow it forcefully.

Flesh, flesh, and keel bones are not vegetarians. They all want a piece of the pie, which forms a shunt of green energy that flows into her body, combining the large amount of energy before...

Hiss, hiss, his soul surged, his energy surged...

Seeing that Dai Li was no longer attracted by the red fire, Xue Zhiyu breathed a sigh of relief. He had always been proud of many geniuses with his talent, and had never bowed his head even in Fenchuan, where a group of dragons gathered.

In front of this person, I was extremely frustrated.

She took out the red fire and was ready to start absorbing...

Suddenly, she saw the aura on Dai Li's body rising at a terrifying speed, which meant that she was rapidly transforming those red-hot powers...

Convert in one second?

Snow Fish was silent again.

Should she strangle this man to death now and give herself one less formidable opponent?

"Forget it, there seems to be no need...someone will deal with her in the future." Xue Zhiyu thought thoughtfully, closed his eyes and focused on his own cultivation.

About an hour passed.

With a buzzing sound, Snow Fish opened his eyes and looked at the menacing Dai Li beside him, with a spiral of light above his head.

This is...

Dai Li opened his eyes and gritted his teeth in extreme anguish: "Get out of the way, I'm going to survive the catastrophe."

Overcoming the tribulation?

Snow Fish came back to his senses, with a strange expression on his face, "You mean you want to break through the fusion?"

"Am I that powerful in your eyes?" Dai Li said expressionlessly.

That's distraction.

"Don't tell me you were in the Nascent Soul stage before."

"You just found out now?"

"..." Snow Fish was silent for a while, took a shallow breath, and said: "If you want to overcome the tribulation, the tribulation clouds of heaven and earth should be able to split this place, but this also means that all the spirit fire eggs here will Being affected and hatching in advance also means..."

"So I let you go first. My physique and soul are weird. I can't control my strength and can't pass through that place. Follow it!..."

With a click of Dai Li's finger, a blood owl flew to a place in the colorful sky. Snow Fish frowned and took a deep look at her, very simply and without hesitation.

"Take care of yourself"


The Snow Fish turned into a streak of snow light, caught up with the blood butterfly in the blink of an eye, and found the exact point in the huge sky...

When she saw a crack in that smile, she turned her head and saw the terrifying power that was completely released.

Just like the ancient giant beast awakening, it is the call of heaven and earth.

Two beams of light rushed out from Dai Li's body, like beams of light, striking towards the colorful sky, boom!


The sky shook! Colorful and dazzling...

Magnificent rotation!

The light of the light pillar is getting stronger and stronger... and the colorful sky is getting more dazzling.

In the catastrophe of distraction, millions of spiritual fires were born.

Certain death.

But why two bunches?


The Flame Mountain seemed to be deserted, as if it had suddenly become empty. In fact, a large number of monks either took refuge at the foot of the mountain or went to Tai Sui Valley. These people can be divided into two types of people, those who are afraid of death and those who are not.

At the foot of Taisui Valley Mountain, a large number of monks were making trouble, but they did not leave directly. Instead, they started talking while replenishing water and food. Some powerful ones even took the initiative to ask the guards, what on earth was going on? Why is the Flame Mountain suddenly like this? Speaking of such an emergency, do you have to give us some spiritual crystals?

To this kind of inquiry, the guard had only one reaction, putting the sword directly on the opponent's neck.

Good, quiet.

But it soon became chaotic.

"Here we come." The short-haired beauty who put her legs on the table raised her eyebrows and looked at the sky in the distance.

Swish, brush, brush!

A large amount of light came straight from a distance and fell to the ground in the blink of an eye. The man in front flicked his sleeves, revealing a tall and majestic body. With a glance, many people retreated as if they were shocked.

"During the Spirit Fire Returning Period of the Flame Mountain, from now on, no one is allowed to enter. Anyone who violates this rule will be an enemy of our four major families and will be killed without mercy!"

Now tens of thousands of guards responded in unison: "Yes!"

The murderous intent is majestic!

Everyone was silent.

Until the short-haired beauty brushed her short hair and said, "Can our guards go in?"

The majestic middle-aged man glanced at her lightly and said, "Go in once and go back to help your mother cook for a year, but I think you have to spend a hundred years to learn to cook like this first."

"..." The short-haired beauty rolled her eyes.

The fat man and others next to him were all laughing.

Um, this little leader of the guard is this man's daughter? Everyone else was stunned.


The four major families only manage the entrances and exits of the Flame Mountain and do not care about internal affairs. This is a rule, so the powerful guards have not been stationed in the Flame Mountain. However, there are already a lot of people in the Flame Mountain at this moment, especially Taisui Valley.

It was almost overcrowded, and a large number of spirit fires that poured back into the lair were blocked at the entrance of Tai Sui Valley. There were tens of thousands of spirit fires. There couldn't be too many, but there were also a lot of people, especially those who came here were extremely powerful, including Many high-level distractions and some monarchs are here to kill and take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

This is an excellent opportunity. Li Zi and others, who originally felt that they were being implicated by the Branding Sect, are now making a fortune from the war. Especially Mugino, whose own strength is not weak. The number of spirit fires they plundered after the great opening and closing is huge. In one day, the income of previous years was reached.

this is too scary.

Everyone is going crazy!

Just like the fire hunting boss said, this is indeed an opportunity.

The boss soldier of Hunter Fire who was also among them did not take action and only watched from the side, but Lan Zhiyou and Montaigne took action.

The actions of these two people attracted some people's attention.

"Hey, look at those two people." Xue Qiange asked Jue Xuuge to look over, and he immediately discovered the dazzling blood energy.

This is not the first time I have seen this blood energy.

The people in Fenzhou had also seen the group blood power of the Vatican army, but the two people in front of them were obviously not comparable to the people in the Vatican.

The difference is too obvious.

It is said that it is right for one person to ascend to heaven with chickens and dogs. Dai Li's bloodline has changed repeatedly, which has caused Lan Zhiyou to also rise. If Dai Li sees it now, he will know that Lan Zhi's strength and talent are not very outstanding among their group of people. The eldest sister has reached the grand master level, and her wood magic is so powerful that her strength can reach the top of 20,000 clouds!

Montaigne on the other side is also just a little bit behind, as if their growth trajectory has matured, just like the buds that are growing vigorously...

Perhaps as many people have said, the Southern Forest is a special place, and Daxia is the real heart of the Southern Forest.

Daili, Ye Yeqing, Qianshan Duxue, He Jieyu, and Shang Bieli are all the pinnacle bloodline of Great Xia. They have good luck and talent. Even if their fate is ups and downs, they will eventually achieve extraordinary things...

And who dares to say that Lan Zhiyou and the two of them are not part of it?

Daxia is not declining, but awakening.

Just like Lan Zhiyou, just like Montaigne.

They are blooming.

"What an interesting ability, such a powerful Mufa... Miss Lan, who inherits your Mufa?" R1152

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