A Queen

Chapter 1046: 00,000 spiritual fires, the scorpion overcomes the tribulation!

"It's just an opportunity."

Obviously unwilling to say anything, the boss of Hunting Fire just smiled, glanced at him, and was suddenly startled.

That is...

At this moment, the monarchs who were killing without limit, ordinary distractions, and the monks below were all suppressed by a loud voice.

That was the roar of a giant beast from ancient times.

Turn around and look.

In the sky, just above the head of Taisui Valley, a circle of huge thunderclouds condensed, black clouds, with purple light and thunder inside, that was thunder!


"Thunder Tribulation! Someone is going to survive the tribulation?"

Who can cross such a large formation to overcome the tribulation? The coverage area of ​​the tribulation cloud is hundreds of miles in size!

And it was covered with purple light from the beginning, so noble and majestic...

"Someone breaks through the fusion?"

"No, the combined thunder calamity is not like this, it doesn't look like..."

"It's not a combination, is it a distraction?"

Who could have such a terrible thunder catastrophe? Fenchuan was a place like this anyway. They had never seen a person with such a powerful potential to cause such a thunder catastrophe to fall on the world.

"The thunder of overcoming the tribulation is either for destruction or rebirth, but it means that the value of the person who has overcome the tribulation is very comparable to other people..."

The fire-hunting boss touched his chin, trying to figure out which genius or strong person in the Flame Mountain had such an ability...


The entrance to Taisui Valley's lair was actually not that far away from them...

Two beams of light rise from the ground!

Penetrating everything, rushing to the sky from the depths of the earth...

The terrifying heights are just floating clouds. Whether it is the people in Taisui Valley or the people at the foot of the mountain, all eyes are watching the two terrifying beams of light penetrating the space at a terrifying speed, reaching the end of the sky, and shooting into the center of the thunder cloud. In the purple light...


Thunder clouds move!

"Thunder disaster is brewing!"

"Look, these spiritual fires seem to be restless!"

The spiritual fire was indeed restless, because a terrifying roar came from deep in the lair of Tai Sui Valley.

Purple fire roars!

It saw the two beams of light that broke through the crypt and lair and reached the sky. It seemed to have discovered something, and it was extremely restless!

Almost crazy...

In the madness, all the spiritual fires inside and outside the lair were affected by its murderous thoughts.

Kill, kill, kill, no matter what!

The lair was also in chaos. Master Liu and others had just made a fortune while escaping and hunting. Suddenly, they discovered the appearance of the Purple Fire. They were suddenly in a state of tragedy, so they fled and hid. Before they could escape, they suddenly encountered another enemy. This inexplicable thunderstorm is very good, but it is completely tragic!

Rumble, the nest began to shake...

The power of the shaking comes from the bottom below their feet!

Dai Li could already see the dark thunderclouds above the broken hole above his head.

The thunder is coming.

It stands to reason that there are seven levels of thunder tribulation in the distraction tribulation. The first level is a thunder...

get ready!

Dai Li didn't care that the temperature of the spirit fire eggs behind him had risen. He wanted to survive the tribulation first! At least when she was going through the tribulation, there was a protective film on the outside of her body...

Soon, Jie Lei appeared.

As soon as it appeared, Dai Li was internally injured.

One way, one way?

Boom, boom, boom...

One, two, three...

A total of eighteen purple thunders!

What about the one you agreed on?

This isn't right...

People who could see the sky outside were also struck by the thunder. This was not a tribulation. The first level was eighteen tribulation thunders!

Does Mahayana overcome tribulations?

No matter how hard the master monks, including Fire Hunting Boss, racked their brains, this tribulation thunder had already appeared, and... it struck down ferociously!

Look clearly,

It’s not splitting one by one, front and back, it’s all together~~

Eighteen tribulation thunders struck along the triangular thunder array!


Bravely crushing the nest...break, break, break!

The nest shakes...


"It's going to collapse!"

Xu Yidao and the others ran for their lives...


Master Liu was the first to rush out!

Not long after, Xu Yidao and the others all rushed out like crazy... Turning their heads, they saw the eighteen magnificent purple thunderbolts.

It seemed that a loud rumble was heard deep underground.

Has the person who has transcended the tribulation been hacked to death?

Before they could think about it, the second calamity thunder came!

Thirty-six ways!

There is also Jie Lei, which means he is not dead yet!

"What kind of animal is this... could it be an ancient monster?" Master Liu, who was so calm, was shaken by the wind and ran away as soon as he stepped on it!

Xu Yidao and others did not dare to stay long, so they all shot...

Boom boom boom!

Another thirty-six...

Various cracks occurred inside the nest.

The roar of the spiritual fire came out, and the fire was colorful, as if it were a world of flames...

It's like the ground is on fire.

"Be careful, those spiritual fires are coming out!"


With a bang...

Purple light burst out... When the huge purple fire emerged from the ground, everyone was frightened.

Are you kidding me, it turns out that the top level, the legendary purple fire exists?

Great, now the question comes, to kill or not to kill?

This is the top level.

No one can stop the greedy heart, and in the blink of an eye, the crowd roars towards them, even if countless spiritual fires, green, blue, and yellow, emerge from behind the purple fire... This only makes a large number of monks excited!

If the purple fire is killed, it won't be their turn to grab the benefits, but the yellow fire, blue fire, and green fire can!

Boom boom boom!

The human monks and Zihuo instantly started fighting mode!

The huge fierce battle group covering a thousand meters occupied the entire Tai Sui Valley...

The darkness is overwhelming, and the light is endless.

At this moment, the third level of thunder tribulation came.

Seventy-two tribulation thunders.

Deep underground.


Dai Li stood with his sword in hand, covered in blood. His body, which had been restored due to absorbing a large amount of energy, was now weak again.

It's just that he has great momentum and his back is straight and not bent.

"It's only the third level and there are seventy-two calamity thunders. I'm afraid I can't stop this level." Dai Li smiled bitterly. This time the tribulation was too evil. No matter how defiant she was, she had her limits. This third level He was going to annihilate her. How could she be sorry to God? Or..

I just thought about it again and again, and there is only one possibility.

How could she suddenly be unable to suppress this thunderstorm? This is how this thunderstorm came about!

When the seventy-two tribulation thunder struck down, the purple light overwhelmed him, and Dai Li stabbed a ray of soul towards the soul-branded devil scorpion.

"Get the hell out of here!"

I have long suspected that you are not dead!

When the soul penetrates the scorpion mark, seventy-two calamity thunders cover it!

"That man is dead!"

"I can't live anymore..."

The monks who were fighting fiercely with the purple fire and spiritual fire armies outside secretly came to this conclusion when they saw the seventy-two tribulation thunders.

At this moment, the Snow Fish, which was escaping from the collapse of a certain part of the nest, became extremely fast, and its body turned into an extremely tiny snowflake...

call out!

Passing through the collapsed cave entrance, he flew into the sky, his clothes rustling. He turned around and looked back, and saw the dense seventy-two thunders that had scorched the entire entrance of the cave...and the thunder that went straight in also It penetrated into the ground and chopped the man into pieces.

"Oh, I didn't expect you to escape."

When Xue Zhiyu heard the sound, he turned around and saw Fu Ruoshui, who was floating in blue clothes and looking like a fairy in the water. His eyes were slightly dark and he said, "I'm sorry that this is not what you wanted."

This man had followed her and escaped just now. If she hadn't been in a hurry to escape, she would have had a good fight with this man.

For some reason, Snow Fish felt a little angry now.

"It seems that the smart and insidious young master is in trouble." Fu Ruoshui is very gnashing his teeth at someone. Very well, Snow Fish is a powerful enemy that she can kill quickly. It is obvious that she can even defeat him with all her strength. She had murderous intentions like this (probably because you want to kill whoever tricks you...).


If she doesn't die in such a situation, no one will be able to let her die in the future.


The two of them did not continue to bicker or fight. The seventy-two calamity thunders are about to come down. If you don’t escape, you will be killed together!

When the two were about to fly away, the thunderbolt had already come down.

At that moment...the two of them suddenly felt a shadow above their heads. Well, it was covered by thunderclouds, right?

Look up.

It's like some terrifying creature has awakened...


A scorpion, a huge, crystal-clear scorpion appeared in the sky above Tai Sui Valley, also above their heads.

Waving those two big pliers, he slapped the seventy-two thunderbolts...

The fire-hunting boss was okay, his first impression was that it was this thing that created the tribulation thunder.

"Ancient creature?"

This is the perception of almost everyone, and it is also consistent with their previous conjectures.

But except for two people.

Although the body was enlarged countless times, Snow Fish still recognized this giant beast at first sight as the cheating thing from before.

"The scorpion... transcending the tribulation... is difficult to control? No wonder" Xue Zhiyu suddenly explained the strangeness before Dai Li, and flew out from under the giant scorpion. When he flew high into the sky and saw the scorpion in full view, he thought to himself about this horror. The thunder tribulation must be a double thunder tribulation between a human and a scorpion, but even without the scorpion, the person's abnormal talent would not keep a low profile... It's just that at the beginning, one person and one scorpion were fighting to the death, so why did they suddenly go through the tribulation together? ?

What is going on underground?

Fu Ruoshui didn't see the entire tail like the fish in the snow, and she didn't know the connection between the scorpion and Daili. However, this giant scorpion reminded her of Daili, but she was not sure. After all, people are human beings, and scorpions It's a scorpion...

Could that person be a Scorpion? Or is it really a scorpion demon...


I still want to know what's going on!

But deep underground at this moment...

There was an extra layer of light on Dai Li's body. The crystal clear light covered her like a layer of crystal armor, and there was a faint pattern of a scorpion on her chest.

She raised her sword, and the scorpion raised its pincers.



One sword points seventy-two points! The pliers separated seventy-two rays of light!

Break, break, break! Boom boom boom!

Biao Fei's sword energy and thunder shot through the space, and Dai Li's attack was amplified many times, blocking those thunders one by one!

But a third still landed underground!

A moment of light!


The thunder broke through, but there was still broken light hitting the spirit fire eggs not far away...R1152

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