A Queen

Chapter 1,047 Seven Thunder Tribulations

Puff puff!

Break open! The weak spiritual fire was immediately annihilated!

This kind of annihilation seems to have stimulated other spirit fire eggs, and the watch case began to crack on its own!

This is the instinct that comes from the threat of danger. They want to break out of their shells in advance!

The temperature is starting to rise horribly...

Daili can't control them anymore, the fourth level begins!

One hundred and forty-four!


The giant scorpion in the sky roared, and the hook on its tail shot out a sharp light!

Sweep destroyed most of the thunderbolts, and the rest resisted them with their bodies.

The fifth level!

Two hundred and eighty-eight!


There are too many thunders, so we can only fight hard!

The generations deep underground are also resisting!

Ten ways, twenty ways, thirty ways!

The skin is torn and the flesh is torn, but you still resist!

The sixth level! !

Five hundred and seventy-six!


How can we resist so many thunders!

The Scorpion lowered his head, opened his mouth, and twisted suction swept down from the sky...

The group of spirit fires that were still killing each other were suddenly swept up by hundreds of spirit fires!

"Roar!" Zihuo was furious, "Damn it, it's you scorpion again!" If it hadn't been besieged by these human monks, it would have rushed forward to fight the scorpion to the death.

It's me, it's me, it's me!

The scorpions were ruthless, and they sucked in the spiritual fire one after another. In the blink of an eye, there were four hundred of them, and they swallowed all the spiritual fires into their stomachs. It was like a big tonic, and the body doubled in size!

Fight the thunder again!

The people in Flame Mountain have become numb.

The people at the foot of the mountain are also demented.

"What kind of scorpion is that?"

"I don't know, maybe it's a high-blooded demon scorpion hidden in the Flame Mountain..."

"It's so scary...it just throws us humans off thousands of streets..."

"Heaven, it actually understands sword energy!"

indeed. What did they see... The big mastiff's pincers swung around and launched hundreds of attacks that resembled sword energy!

Scorpion demon, definitely a scorpion demon!

At this moment, the giant scorpion statue that had swallowed hundreds of spiritual fires and resisted more than 300 thunderbolts really frightened many people. Even the commander of the guard was wondering, is there such a thing in the Flame Mountain? Why does it feel like Linghuo's territory has suddenly changed hands?

"Commander, we have received news at this moment. A purple fire commander was born in Taisui Valley, and he is leading the spirit fires to fight fiercely with many monks. It seems that all the spirit fires have withdrawn from their lairs..."

Upon hearing this, everyone who quit the Flame Mountain regretted it to death!

What's more, the advantage of the spirit fires that left the nest has been greatly reduced. It will definitely be advantageous to encircle and suppress them now...

"Let's go in." The short-haired beauty in the guard couldn't help it. The other guards were also a little eager to try. With so many spiritual fires, the monks inside would definitely not be able to kill them all. It was just in time for them to go in and help...

"The rules are, don't move. If you do, don't blame me for being ruthless," the commander reminded with an expressionless face. The others could only be patient, but they looked up at the giant scorpion, secretly thinking that this terrible scorpion that suddenly appeared had no idea what would happen. What changes will it bring to Fenchuan? Is it to survive the tribulation and die, or to survive the tribulation and leave?

If it continues to stay after the tribulation is over, it will be a big problem.

It can swallow spiritual fire. Monsters with strong bloodlines are rare. If a strong human monk wants to tame them as spiritual pets, it would be like a jade-bone dragon with a bow that hides blood. That would be so cool!

The ancient dragon beast is a spiritual pet, shrinking every day and falling on your shoulders...

But not everyone can afford such a spiritual pet, and the demon clan will have trouble getting through it. Therefore, Gong Zangxue's ability to bring the Jade Bone Dragon back and forth with such swagger every day means that she is recognized by the demon clan. It also means that her background is terrifying and her talent is extraordinary, otherwise the monster clan would never let an ordinary monk carry a top-quality monster like the Jade Bone Dragon around.

Obviously, this weird scorpion will definitely be known to the demon clan, so it will be troublesome to do it. .

But if we don't take action, we'll just have to rely on it. How can we do anything about the Flame Mountain?

The commander's brows were twisted into knots at this moment, while he quickly contacted the heads of the four major families, and there was a meeting, a meeting, a meeting!!

puff! A large mouthful of blood that Dai Li spit out dried and evaporated in the air and turned into blood powder.


At this moment, the entire space is completely a huge furnace.

Dai Li, whose body had been cut by thunder, was half-kneeling on the ground with a sword in one hand. The scorpion crystal armor on his body was half dimmed, and his peripheral vision flickered.

"Damn Scorpion, I'm really going to be killed by you this time..."

"Come on, you can definitely do it..." Such official encouragement.

"It's okay, sister! Why do you want me to help you overcome your calamity!"

"Well...because we have a symbiotic relationship...you have enjoyed my Scorpion talent, and I am your symbiotic spirit beast, so you are my master. If God wants to kill me, of course you have to help me carry it. "Scorpion explained slowly, but his voice was childish, because this guy has always been a cub.

"..." What you said makes sense, how can I refute it?

"The harm outweighs the benefit" Daili could only say this. At least if she was struck to death by lightning, any benefit would be in vain.

"Don't worry about it... When we successfully overcome the disaster, my talent and my help will make your future extremely dazzling..."

"Shut up"


Fortunately, the scorpion that had devoured nine hundred times the soul crystal used all its power to overlap her body, otherwise she would have fallen down at the fourth level.

But for this last step, it seems she still has to rely on herself.

The seventh level is more than a thousand thunders?

Do you want to chop them down together?

Huh, Dai Li took a big breath, took another deep breath, and got up!

Get up from the ground!

Look up to the sky.

The seventh level is here!

Um, a thunder?

This thunder was very gentle, beyond everyone's expectation.

Silver light dreamy.

"Eh, soul tribulation thunder?" Boss Fire Hunter was puzzled, "Monster beasts are all physical and strength-type. Physical thunder tribulation has always been the main thing, so why are there still pure soul tribulation thunders?"

Even among human monks, there are very few soul tribulation thunders. Unless it is a demon cultivator with powerful inner demons, let alone a special monk who practices the art of the soul, pure soul calamity thunder is extremely rare...

Not to mention a scorpion.

How evil.

But Dai Li knew that this was the most terrifying calamity, and the demon scorpion was also frightened. "Pure soul calamity! This time I am implicated by you... My soul will definitely not be able to stop it."

"Then just hide and watch me block it." Dai Li's tone was very calm at the moment, with a kind of confidence that made Scorpion very suspicious.

Daili is indeed confident.

"It can be destroyed. The soul is indestructible."

"Distracted, I have to be there. No one can block my way!"

Buzz! The calamity of the pure soul is coming!

Complete coverage of Daili!

It was also at that moment that the giant scorpion in the sky shattered!


Boom~~~The vibration of the soul finally caused all the spirit fire eggs to crack their shells!

Boom boom boom!

The flame burner of millions of spiritual fires!

Covered by light!

The temperature is sizzling!

Starting from here, it spreads, and all the stones are turned into powder in an instant...

Layers of powder... from the ground up...

"Why is it so hot suddenly!"

"Under your feet!"

Xue Qiange and others who were fighting fiercely felt the heat under their feet at this time. The hot air also made them feel strange.

"They are here." Snow Fish frowned and finally came...

Now that they are here and she hasn't come out yet, she will definitely die.

She turned to Xue Qiange and shouted calmly: "Fly, the faster the better."

This is what it means to escape!

The two of them had blind trust in the Snow Fish, and immediately escaped from the fierce battle and flew up!

When the three of them took off...


The surface of the earth collapses horribly, and below is a world like Sun Luo hell...

A completely hollow and corroded underground world!

The bright reds, oranges and yellows resemble the bottom of volcanic magma.

Below are countless lights and fires.

"What is that? Spirit fire?..."

"It's spiritual fire...not good!"


When everyone was going crazy and wanted to fly, the purple fire on the ground was already roaring!


Millions of newborn spirit fires are too hungry for energy. For them, these monks are the most delicious energy, so...


An army of millions of spiritual fires. Rising from the depths of the earth!

The light roared from the heights of the Flame Mountain, illuminating countless people at the foot of the mountain. At the top, there were also countless monks flying with their lives... Thousands of streams of light followed by millions of flames, it was a terrifying scene.

Dragon is coming!

A dragon flew out from the depths of the lair...

Real dragon?

Who knows...

Anyway, the giant scorpion is annihilated, and the dragon is coming!

Anyway, millions of souls are on fire. People run away!

The Flame Mountain is the real Flame Mountain at this moment.

The people at the foot of the mountain were shocked to the extreme. What is that?

After the scorpion, there is the dragon, and there are millions of spiritual fires?

"One million? In the past, it was only half a million at most... It seems to have something to do with the purple fire... I'm afraid it will be difficult to enter the Flame Mountain in the future." The commander shook his head. Anyway, more spiritual fire is good for them, just like There are many prey in the pasture, and naturally there are many hunters.

"Commander, those spiritual fires are coming out"

"Notify the formation master to prepare to activate the formation... Seize the time to activate it after these people come out."


Array Master, where are you?

At this moment, many people knew that the Guards were not unprepared. Perhaps, they had expected this result.

Of course, I expected that the one-year return period is actually the incubation period. After each time, hundreds of thousands of spirit fires will be born. But this time there were too many, at least one million spirit fires were born.

Swish, brush, brush!

The Jun level is the fastest flying. When they led countless monks to fly to the foot of the mountain, behind them was the purple fire less than a kilometer away from them. Moreover, the speed of this purple fire was very terrifying, and the distance was constantly shrinking...

"Commander, you can't stop the purple fire! If you activate the formation, it will be released..." the bald man frowned and said,

"Then let it go," the commander said calmly, and looked up at the sky.

"Anyway, people are already here."

Only then did everyone realize that several people appeared out of thin air in the sky.

Silent and everywhere like the wind.

Each of them has a medal on the chest of their robes. .

Family Medal.

One of them looked exactly like the commander's.

They are all masters of the distraction stage. Five emperors, plus a commander who is also an emperor, are more than enough to catch this purple fire. (To be continued)


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