A Queen

Chapter 1053 The real ghost hunter!

Chapter 1053

After a pause, the man said and smiled again: "But if we meet this ghost hunter and blow her up, it will be a big deal... I heard that many people are looking for her, and she has so many good things about her. Thing... I think it's normal that we can't find her. Ordinary people wouldn't dare to go out for a walk... In fact, she's just hiding."

Before he finished speaking, he noticed that the eyes of the person opposite him were straight. Well, what he said was so beautiful. Look at your fixed eyes. Isn't it right? This guy is looking behind me?

Are there beauties?

Click, click, the sound of clogs came. It turned out to be a crowded place. People who were eating, drinking and chatting were all silent at the moment, all looking at the same place.

A man walked out of the depths of the Flame Forest. He wore a black robe, wooden clogs, and short hair. His handsome, almost evil face had a dull expression, and his eyebrows were slightly lazy. He dragged his mahogany clogs as if there was no one around, and walked slowly.

Snap, snap, snap...

After a while, she walked to the door of the Fire Hunting Shop, and Shi Shiran crossed the threshold and walked in.

As soon as the person disappeared through the door, everyone in the audience regained some breathing.

After a quick chat, one of the high-level distractions couldn't help but stand up. It turned out that the person drinking was also holding a wine glass, and his expression changed rapidly.

"Ghost hunter?"

"is her?"

"Really! How dare she come here!"

"Oh my God!"

There are only thirty to forty thousand people here, and most of them are Grand Masters or above. The number of distractions is large, and the number of high-level distractions is nearly three digits. Such a large number of people are like gluttons for the ghost hunter who may have a huge responsibility. The prey is watching eagerly, how dare she come!

It was also because she dared to come that the nearly three-digit high-level distractions felt unnatural.

Is it her? Why dare you come?

This was the reason in their minds, so their eyes flickered and they looked at each other in confusion.

Other monks who are not as strong as him would not dare to take action against someone as terrifying as the ghost hunter even if they were killed, but it does not prevent them from watching the show and want to know what kind of strength the ghost hunter is.

Advanced distraction is appropriate;

So, how strong is it?

"Sister, where is Mr. Jun?" In fact, there were people present who knew Dai Li. They had looked at each other just now when Dai Li arrived, but they just pretended not to know each other.

Mugino just frowned at the surprise and worry of Li Zi and others, "Don't worry, as far as I know, this person never does anything that he is not sure about."

Um,... Li Zi and others also shuddered when they thought of the deaths that occurred during this period. They, who acted as pseudo-intelligence agents, naturally knew who killed those waves of people.

It's enough to prove how cruel this person's methods are.

Fortunately, we are one of our own.

On the other side, in the corner of the rest area, Xue Qiange grinned: "Oh, here we come, there's a good show to watch..." His subordinate quickly wrote a letter, and with a flick of his fingertips, the letter turned into a Flying into the sky for a paper kite...

She was not the only one to be notified of the summons.

The particularity of the ghost hunter is quite attractive...

People's hearts are floating, the atmosphere is weird, and the same is true in the Fire Hunting Shop.

Those who were buying supplies were all silent.

Dai Li walked in on his own, and when he saw the shop owner, he was stunned and then smiled. "Oh, what a rare guest~~"

"If he is a rare customer in the senior's shop, it can only mean that I am very poor these days." Dai Li turned his eyes slightly and wandered around this ordinary-looking middle-aged uncle.

She didn't dare to underestimate this concealment.

"Then I don't welcome poor people...although a ghost hunter shouldn't be a poor person."

These words were so direct that many customers' expressions changed and their ears pricked up.

In the huge store, hundreds of customers were waiting for Daili's answer.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be her, or...she wouldn't be able to admit it.

"The dead are too poor, and there's nothing I can do about it." Dai Li moved a delicate thing on the table.

Okay, this is the official statement about murder and robbery.

She is the ghost hunter!


A piece of pastry fell from the shelf nearby. Dai Li glanced at her. The young female cultivator had a look of fear on her face.

The pastries on the ground floated up and landed on the shelf again.

"Your eye skills are becoming more and more powerful, you can even move objects."

"It's not the pupil technique. My pupil technique has only been used to kill people..." Dai Li picked up the small cage.

How should I put it? The boss felt that the person in front of him was much more condensed and quiet than a month ago. He seemed darker, but in fact he was more domineering. The confidence and calmness in his speech and behavior created an aura that was formidable.

He didn't forget that as soon as this person appeared, all the people outside were dumbfounded.

"What is this? A spiritual fire cage?"

"Yes, it was just invented. It can be scaled freely. When it is pushed to the maximum, it can store a hundred spirit fires at one time."

"Really? Not bad." This is less labor-intensive than putting them into a cage one by one. Dai Li was indeed a little interested, "What's the price?"

"One two thousand spiritual crystals"

One Spirit Fire Cage is worth fifteen Spirit Crystals, and a hundred Spirit Fire Cages are worth fifteen hundred Crystals. The same storage effect is five hundred Crystals higher...

Dai Li took a deep look at the boss and said meaningfully: "I am a poor man."

So don't kill me.

Boss: "..." As a well-known ghost hunter, are you really embarrassed to say this?

"I only have one thousand crystals... I can buy as many cages as I can." Dai Li planned to use these spiritual fire cages to contain blue fire and yellow fire, because it is obviously more cost-effective to capture these spiritual fires, and ordinary murder and treasure grabbing are even more cost-effective. It's rare to find such high-end trophies, you have to rely on yourself...

"Okay!" The boss didn't do any ink, and directly took a hundred spirit fire cages, "You have bought a lot of things from me, and you are a big customer. I have to give you a discount no matter what... Now, how about buying a hundred spiritual fire cages with a thousand spiritual crystals?"

"Thank you." It's a bastard not to take advantage of him. Dai Li stretched out his hand as if to put away these cages... but was stopped by the boss, "Wait a minute, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"Say" Dai Li thinks this old guy has some conspiracy...

"If you kill those people outside who are planning to kill you, you can take these hundred spirit fire cages. Also, I will give you this enhanced version of the advanced spirit fire cage!" The boss weighed the exquisite and compact spirit fire cage. Fire Cage, Chao Daili smiled very playfully.

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong and powerful voice came from outside: "Where is the ghost hunter? We from the Yan sect will come to meet you!"

"The people from my branding sect are here too! Ghost hunter, come out!"

It is said that they will meet for a while, but in fact it is just taking advantage of the fire.

Dai Li only glanced outside through the wall, gaining insight... He looked away and smiled lightly at the boss: "There are only seven high-level distractions in total... It seems that their team has not arrived yet."

After a pause, she patted the spiritual fire cage with her palm: "Keep it safe for me."

During the conversation, he actually became 100% confident about the spiritual fire cage. In other words, he was able to defeat the group of people outside?

Is it possible? The boss was just joking out of curiosity, but now he was suddenly shocked. Thinking about what she just said...

Before I even went out to meet the person, I had already determined that the other party had a total of seven high-level distractions... But on the surface, they only showed up to five.

There were two other people hiding secretly, but they were also seen through?

What a terrifying pupil technique! What a great confidence!

The boss narrowed his eyes, nodded with a smile, and watched Dai Li leave.

As soon as she left, everyone in the store rushed out eagerly.

Yanpai and Laopai PK Ghost Hunters, who can win?

It's obvious.

No matter how strong the ghost hunter is, can he still fight against the two groups of strong men coming from the group?


The distance between the huge rest area and Cangtian Taisui, as soon as someone walked out of the door of the Hunting Fire Shop, the people who originally called Zhen all became mute.

There are quite a few people from the Yan sect, not to mention hundreds, at least hundreds of them. There are slightly fewer people from the Lao sect, who only stand in groups not far away.

People from both sides have called for formation before, but from the subtle details, it can be seen that the people from the Yan sect have a clear theme and are more proactive, while the people from the Brand sect have unclear intentions and focus on testing.

There are indeed fewer people in the Branding sect, only fifty or sixty people.

These people are all elite-minded.

Now they all looked at Dai Li who came out.

"Are you a ghost hunter? You don't look like much." The leader of the Yan faction is called Wei Hesong. He is ordinary in appearance, tall, wearing exquisite armor, and holding a Qingfeng sword in both hands. He looked at Dai Li and smiled, A little contemptuous on the face.

Indeed, judging from Dai Li's appearance, she does not refuse to be very lethal. If she is, it is also due to her beauty...

There is also aura, but it is based on temperament and has nothing to do with aura. Therefore, people like Wei Hesong who are used to preconceptions pay less attention to Dai Li when they meet each other. This makes many people frown, right? Too arbitrary?

However, the Yan faction also has such capital.

What's more, Wei Hesong himself has a combat power of more than 80,000 and nearly 90,000. He is also a swordsman with amazing natural lethality. That's why he can become the third in command of the Yan sect. He does not need to be too afraid of ghost hunters.

"Not very good?" Dai Li walked a few more steps and walked to the open space next to the rest area. There was still a pattering sound, and his tone was also slow and leisurely: "You are saying that I don't look very good. Or something else?”

Well, judging from his appearance... Wei Hesong is definitely undeniable, but...

"Oh, do you think that just because you have a good face, you can dominate the world? If you die, you are just a pretty boy..." Wei Hesong smiled, and when Dai Li walked over, he held the hilt of the sword with his palm, With his aura, even if he could reach the third-in-command position in the Yan sect, he was not just a free man.

How could he really despise Daili? He just despised the opponent from the perspective of momentum, but from a tactical point of view...

"It's ridiculous to try to paralyze us!" When Dai Li was walking towards them, two hundred meters away from them... Wei Hesong shouted in a low voice~! r1152( )

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