A Queen

Chapter 1054: 2 Eye Techniques, 1 Sword Technique!

Chapter 1054

He took action!

As the third in command of the Flame Faction, he has the capital and ambition to kill this famous ghost hunter in a solo PK without any help from his subordinates!

In this case, his reputation and benefits can be maximized!

The other members of the Yan Sect didn't know his plan. Although they were unwilling to do so, they didn't dare to say anything more.

The people from the Branding sect are a little anxious, just like pushing the dungeon. If the people from the Yan sect are allowed to clear the land first and clear the level in front of everyone, the impact will be huge...

"No rush, just watch first." The leader of the branding faction was a weak scholar. At this moment, he waved his hands and stood still.

The swift sword light has already fallen. Wei Hesong indeed has two brushes. The "Golden Light Cold Swordsmanship" he cultivated fully brings out the advantages of both gold and ice elements. At this moment, the sharp and sharp golden light is solidified with ice. The effect is that the dual elements of gold and ice burst out at the same time!

Under the eighty-five thousand attack, there was also the penetration of gold and the freezing effect of ice. The air was suddenly pierced and solidified in the blink of an eye. It was a good technique and a good move to strengthen oneself and weaken the enemy!

The space in front of Dai Li was filled with ice, and a golden light roared in...

Maybe it was a momentary glance, but she didn't use anything else, just raised her eyes.

One look, a moment of photography!


Both are weakened, but the difference in effect is... Wei Hesong cut off 40% of his soul aura in an instant, and his defense power was greatly reduced!

"No! It's the Eye Technique!" After all, he didn't know much about ghost hunters. Did he know that this person had the Eye Technique? have no idea.

Because I don’t know whether she is Daili or Junzili.

So I figured it out in an instant, but so what if I knew it, can the soul be guarded against? Equipment for soul defense is too expensive! Not many people can afford such capital, and Wei Hesong doesn't have it anyway.

So he is tragic!

But that's okay, I'm defensive....

I have inner armor,

What's more, I am a sword cultivator and my physique...

Dai Li had already drawn a sword with his right hand.

The sword is out of its scabbard, just one sword.

Many people saw this sword, but when they saw it, the sword had already pierced Wei Hesong's forehead.

Just like when the best swordsman meets his enemy, he doesn't even need to use any moves, he just draws his sword, draws it out, and then there is blood on the sword.

Flowing like clouds and flowing water, smooth and elegant.

Suddenly, there is a wonderful feeling of high mountains and flowing water.

Peng, Wei and Song fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned.

That sword strike just now seemed to have a lethality of 70,000, how could it easily break through his defense!

Just like prickly tofu, poof~~all the crumbs of tofu came out.

The people from the Yan sect didn't react for a moment, but when they did, Dai Li looked at them.

"No, it's the pupil technique!"

One person shouted in fear and subconsciously closed his eyes.

The first thing I felt was numbness.

"Fuck! It's a thunder array!"


When I opened my eyes, it was actually a thunder formation!

The strongest one was Wei Hesong, with more than 80,000 attacks. There were two high-level distractions below who had already escaped first when the thunder array was instantly covered.

Only then did he reveal his strength, sixty or seventy thousand!

No, not an attack, but a restraint!

"She has pupil technique, use mirror technique! Feng!"

"seal up!"

"After sealing her pupil technique, she is definitely no match for us with her strength!"

One person took the lead in using the splitting technique, while the other person sprouted silk-like threads from the palm of his hand. They looked slender, but their flexibility was terrifying. This person was also a famous binding expert of the Yan Sect, and practiced The skill combined with this special silk thread magic weapon creates a terrifying binding force. Basically, people of the same level cannot escape as long as they are tied up with this silk thread.

Everyone finally understood that the reason why ghost hunters are so scary must be because they master the terrifying pupil technique. Most people are undefended and unable to resist the pupil technique. If they are attacked or confused, even if the opponent is not very strong, It is also easy to be killed by leapfrogging.

Obviously, the ghost hunter's physical strength is only over 70,000, and he was able to kill Wei Hesong because the pupil technique weakened him too much! Wei Hesong, who is not good at souls, happened to be restrained...

However, there is no resistance to soul attacks. Some capable people have invented the splitting technique, which is to simulate their own soul breath into another one, so that the other party cannot attack the real soul... In addition With this binding, the ghost hunter is restrained and will surely die!

But who delivers the fatal blow?

Two people joining forces?

No, actually three people! They are just auxiliary attacks!

A swordsman suddenly jumped down above Dai Li's head!

Jump and slash in the air!

Flying Sword Sword Technique, stab!

The thorns falling from the sky follow the trend of heaven and earth!

It's definitely an attack worth 80,000!

Three high-level distractions... When the more than ninety subordinates of the Yan Faction were trapped in the thunder formation, they had already formed a hunting alliance instead of saving them.

Friendship? joke!

It’s still the most practical loot!

Daili's life and storage ring are their trophies...


The sword stabbed down and penetrated in an instant!

Penetration without any resistance!

The person is missing!

"This is impossible, my Tianlong Silk!" The monk looked at the strange and broken silk thread in the air in disbelief, but did not see a person's figure, just suddenly!

Dragon Claw Appears!

A paw came down out of thin air...


The air was torn with obvious giant claw marks, and the person who was shouting about my Tianlong Silk just now was covered in flesh and blood in the blink of an eye...

Dragon Claw! Damn it! What the hell, this guy is also good at melee combat! The physical body must be strong!

No melee combat!

One of the other two swordsmen escaped far away, stretched the front line and launched a flying sword formation, while the other one also immediately used the escape technique!

He fled a thousand meters away, turned around, and was about to attack from a distance...

Eye Technique!

Soul shot!


it works? Sonorous! The mirror is broken!

Tear~~The man's soul aura was instantly weakened, his defense was greatly reduced, and the sword came...

There was no need to use dual-core explosions, just one sword strike and 60,000 attacks cut off his head!

The head flew up, the short hair flew, and the sharp flying sword array came from behind!

Three thousand six hundred flying swords turned into an oval-shaped fully enclosed sword net under the control of the swordsman's hands...


Boo hoo hoo..


The shadow of an instant... the shadow stretched out, instantly penetrated the seemingly perfect flying sword formation, and came to the swordsman in the blink of an eye.

speed! Terrible speed!

Thousands of meters of flying sword distance, not even a breath, come on!

Face to face, soul shooting!

The swordsman had already chosen Blood Escape before being hit by the Soul Strike!

Is it the blood escape that's faster, or the Daili's attack that's faster?

The sword rises and falls, poof!

The swordsman fell from the sky.

"Blood Escape... was interrupted"

"Her attack left him no time to use Blood Escape..."

Speed, ghostly speed, ghost!

She is the real ghost who kills people invisible!

How terrible speed and insight does it take to interrupt your spellcasting with the blink of an eye? Many cultivators had grimaces on their faces, especially some high-level distractions who claimed to be powerful in long-distance attacks. They all thought to themselves that if they wanted to kill this person, could they hit her before she came to them?

It seems... very difficult.

Seventy thousand attacks? Some people were in a daze, as if they had taken a dozen breaths from the beginning of the war to now?

With one pair of eyes, one sword, and seventy thousand attacks, she could kill four high-level distractions in a dozen breaths!

No, I should say...

The thunder array was annihilated.

There was no one in the array.

The skeletons were charred black in the air, with flesh and blood attached to them. As the wind blew, they turned into bone meal, which was very crispy and fluttered in the wind.

"Fifteen breaths, hundreds of people from the Yan Sect will be wiped out."

Only two pupil techniques and one sword technique were used in the whole process, and it was all done!

"Terrible..." Xue Qiange compared the strength of Dai Li during the Linglong Society with now...

"Shejingbing, she has improved so much in just a few months... She really doesn't want to take the Qishan Road assessment? Otherwise, we really have to unite some people to kill her here."

Speaking of cruelty, the Xue family sisters are of the same origin.

Jue Xuuge glanced at her lightly and said, "Count me in." He had to participate in killing his love rival or something.

"Not counting you, you are too weak and will be defeated every minute."


Jue Xuuge was really confused. In other words, we both can only be considered to be at the peak of Grand Masters. It seems that in front of that person... a lightning spell was completely blocked?

I cried so much that we were clearly better than her a few months ago!

Just when everyone in the audience was respecting Dai Li like a god, and everyone in the Lao sect was extinguishing their original thoughts, the weak scholar of the Lao sect knew that he could no longer remain silent.

"Young master, you are so awesome. Today we have seen each other for a long time. We are destined to meet each other..."

Not finished yet.

"People from the Branding Sect are just incompetent. People like this will make you lose your courage!"

The roar came from afar, and within a moment, the fierce momentum was like a dark cloud covering the sky. Everyone looked up...

The people from the Yan sect are here!

Second in command Qu Tianze! The number one Kun Yan!

There are tens of thousands of people from the Yan Sect behind him!

Coming with fierce force!

The army is dispatched? What a grand display! Everyone was frightened! What is the Yan faction doing?

After a moment, this group of people blocked the road and stood up with momentum.

Especially Kun Yan, whose flame armor seemed to be burning, and a lion on his chest that was lifelike. He inserted the long knife in his hand on the ground, pressed the handle of the knife with his palms, and locked Dai Li with his sharp eyes.

"It's you...I thought you, a little person, had died in the lair, but I didn't expect you to escape with your life."

After a pause, Kun Yan smiled deeply: "You also killed so many people from my Yan sect, I really didn't expect..."

Most people knew that Kun Yan was a little angry and had murderous intentions.

"I always like to surprise people, Mr. Yan, there is no need to thank him." Dai Li's mouth slightly curved, and he narrowed his eyes to smile, not retreating even half an inch from Kun Yan's powerful momentum.

Those who originally coveted Dai Li didn't dare to interfere with him at this moment. They all pushed him away, forming a confrontation between Dai Li and Dai Li.

At first glance, it looks like one is moving and one is still, one is cold and one is hot. r1152( )

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