A Queen

Chapter 1,055 I can kill you without my taking any action! (Shaosi Mingchen Yuling’s pet + three)

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Chapter 1055

Kun Yan's eyes narrowed more and more, his murderous intent became more and more intense, and the tens of thousands of people from the Yan sect became more and more ferocious...

"The Yan Sect is so majestic"

As soon as the sound came, the people from the Branding Sect also came.

Ran Lao was as always, not as sharp and public as Kun Yan, but rather restrained, and there were not as many people behind him as the Yan sect. As before, the Lao sect was still not as good as the Yan sect.

Kun Yan obviously despised Ran Lao even more, saying: "How can you speak bravely even if you are a defeated general? Ran Lao, you are no longer qualified to be my enemy."

Ran Lao narrowed his eyes and said calmly: "You can't be an enemy, but you may not be an enemy... not to mention Kun Yan, I really want to see how you deal with this ghost hunter today."

When they were in Taisui Valley, Ran Lao was obviously defeated by Kun Yan, and it still seems like this, but Dai Li always felt that Ran Lao was a bit strange...

How should I put it, the aura is too inconsistent, a bit soft, a bit fake, a bit insensitive... It is not very suitable for the status of the leader of a faction. To say that this person can survive the pressure of the Yan faction with one person's strength within half a year. If there is such a big brand faction to compete with the Yan faction, even if there is family power behind it, one's own ability must be very outstanding, but from the previous feeling now...

Dai Li shook her head, as long as she cared about her enemies.

But this guy obviously pulled Kun Yan's hatred value onto her... (Well, the hatred value is originally on you, okay!).

Kun Yan disdains Ran Lao, and actually doesn't disdain Daili: "She? Is she worthy of letting me take action?"

So strong!

This is a ghost hunter!

People who had seen Dai Li kill a group of people from the Yan sect with his miraculous skills before did not dare to say anything. How strong must Mr. Dark Dao Yan be to look down on the ghost hunter so much!

Kun Yan really didn't take Dai Li seriously, because no matter how noisy Dai Li was, he would still be distracted by the senior level. And he is a king.

Would a Jun-level person be afraid of being distracted by a senior person?


Even the most timid monarch is not afraid,

What's more, it was Kun Yan who had always been self-centered, so he smiled coldly, held the knife in both hands, and said something slowly.

"Kill the people of my Yan Sect and destroy the majesty of my Yan Sect? I, Kun Yan, don't ask for anything else, I only want your life!"

One life!

Dai Li thought about how she didn't die even under the avatar of Xian Ling Xian Nian. If he died in Kun Yan's hands, how miserable would the fairy be...

But this Kun Yan is still very domineering.

"There are too many people who want my life. If Mr. Yan wants it, he has to come and get it himself."

Are you going to fight at the Jun level?

Dai Li rubbed the hilt of the Thousand Machine Sword and curled his lips. This Kun Yan was only a weak one in the first level... It would be good to use it to test the waters. At least it can test what stage her strength is at now.

However, Dai Li still underestimated Kun Yan's self-confidence, as well as his contempt for her, or that this contempt was natural.

"You said, I don't need to take action to kill you, Chi Xin, just go ahead."

Chi Xin, the second in command of the Yan Sect, is a middle-aged man with red hair. He has two long knives on his left and right waists. The sword was longer than Dai Li's. The scabbard had dense relief patterns of wild beasts, and the handle had a tiger's head.

Dai Li didn't know how powerful this person was. But at this moment, many people started talking softly when they saw this person, and they probably understood a little bit.

The second in command probably has a combat strength level of 90,000.

"Leave it to me, young master. I want this person's head." Chi Xin said and walked out. His broad hands were clasped on the handles of the sword on both sides of his waist, and he paused in his steps. Eyes as fierce and fierce as a tiger locked onto Dai Li.

Slowly, the knife was pulled out... wide blade. The blade is like a mirror, which can reflect a person's face. Daili's good-looking face was reflected when the blade was drawn out and crossed in front of him...

"Ghost hunter, I want to see which one is faster, your movement or my sword..." Chixin's eyes gradually tightened, and the aura on his body was so bright and intense that it was like a condensed... Hot and stormy.

The energy that was suppressed and invisible was rising rapidly!

Sixty thousand, seventy thousand, eighty thousand...

Before he takes action, his momentum alone has already reached the level of intimidation of 80,000 clouds! This made many high-level people distracted and dry-mouthed. Under such momentum, those of them whose power did not reach more than 80,000 were directly crushed to death by the opponent's momentum without even taking action.

"As expected of the second-in-command of the Flame Sect, I guess he has reached the upper stage of advanced distraction. He can't escape with 90,000 fighting... maybe 100,000..."

"If it's 90,000, this ghost hunter won't be able to escape. If it's 100,000...hehe~~"

Not far from death!

No matter how powerful the pupil technique is, can it overcome the standard combat power gap of 20,000 to 30,000? What's more, Chi Xin had been conquering various places for hundreds of years before he conquered the Flame Mountain. In terms of combat experience, he is by no means comparable to ordinary geniuses, and he also has many methods, so...

Dai Li remained silent, just lowered his eyes, and slowly turned the Qianji with its tip against the ground with his right hand. Blood flowed slowly on the slender blade, and a blood dragon could be vaguely seen...

But still silent and invisible.

She has no power!

The wind is blowing, and there are no leaves or flowers in Tai Sui, but there are wind chimes hanging on the edge of the fire hunting shop.

When there is wind, the wind chimes start to jingle.

boom! Chi Xin moved!

The crossed knives cut each other...swipe...bright starlight burst out between the knives, boom! The cross sword flashes fiercely!

There is no time gap, because the sword light is so fast, you can't be sure whether it is the previous second or the next second. You just feel that in the blink of an eye, the cross sword light has already cut in front of Dai Li, facing him! And with a snap, the clogs spun under her feet, and she turned sideways.

Time seemed to move in slow motion, the light of the sword passed in front of her, her eyebrows were the same as before, and her clothes were swaying.

Chi Xin's body shape is like a knife, and in the blink of an eye, the shadow of the knife lengthens, Biao Kong! Jump in the air and quickly form seals with your fingertips!


A translucent breath like smoke covered his soul! A misty fog-shaped mark instantly appeared between the eyebrows.

"Xuantian Soul Hiding Technique!"

Someone shouted in surprise. Xue Qiange watched from a distance, his eyes quickly passing over Kun Yan's face. This guy didn't seem surprised at all.

Xuantian Soul Hiding Technique is a rare soul-based technique in the world. However, this technique does not require high soul talent. As long as you are willing to learn it, it will be fine. But whether you can learn it depends on your hard work and luck. , but this technique is not unique. To be precise, it comes from the Xuantian sect. It is a supernumerary technique of the Xuantian sect and is not considered an orthodox sect.

But that alone is rare enough.

Speaking of the Xuantian sect, it is well-known all over the world. Even those in the northern regions have heard of it. Xuantian comes from a sect, the Xuantian sect.

Legend has it that there once was a sect in the world called Xuantian Sect, which specialized in soul magic. All members of the sect were soul magicians. It was just a very special sect with no rules, no regular system, few members, and never a group. Activities, but how rare it is, no one else knows, let alone who its members are, or even which group it belongs to, let alone where its sect's headquarters is.

All in all, it is very mysterious, but very scary.

Soul magic is naturally terrifying, not to mention that these people with soul talents have more or less weird bloodlines. If they have pupil skills or other soul talents, the lethality when they explode is simply heaven-defying.

"I heard my sister say that five hundred years ago in the Northern Region, there was a sect that closed its doors for the night. No one got up and rang the bell the next day. The secular disciples who came to worship were still puzzled. As a result, they entered the sect. At a glance, the souls of all the tens of thousands of people in the entire sect, including the sect leader, elders, and others, were annihilated and died. During this period, no one knew."

Jue Xuuge frowned: "A very weak little sect?"

"The sect master is in the combined stage, do you think he is weak?"

Xue Qiange's eyes flickered and she smiled: "The most ridiculous thing is that this sect is located in the center of the dynasty... There are at least three fusion masters guarding the dynasty, but no one found it. Later, after investigation, it was discovered that one of the masters said... .Everyone in the sect had their souls shattered and died in an instant.”

Jue Xuuge took a breath.

"The reason why I am sure he is from the Xuantian Sect is because there is a black spiral mark left next to the body of the sect leader, which is the unique sect seal of the Xuantian Sect."

Xue Qiange looked forward, her gaze fell on Chi Xin, and she narrowed her eyes: "Xuan Tian Sect is a very scary existence. How did someone like Chi Xin get involved?"

"Is Chi Xin from the Xuantian Sect?"

Many people present were unable to extricate themselves from such fear and disbelief.

In the sky at this moment, Chi Xin, who had protected Xuantian's Soul Hiding Technique, was already sneering, and he was so confident that he was facing Li Biao with his sword skills.

The reason why Chi Xin said that his sword is fast is because he has the immortal root of the wind system. He uses the wind element and the mysterious protection of the speed of the wind system. The speed of his sword skills is unmatched by other swordsmen, so the light of the sword is incomparable. When the sky is captured by everyone's naked eyes, it has actually reached a farther place.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Dai Li.

"Xuan Tian Hidden Soul?" Dai Li had just learned from the discussion of Xue Qiange and others about the terrifying origin of this technique, but she sneered at Chi Xin's origin in the Xuantian Sect. The more such a sect, the more difficult the personnel. It is rare, and the requirements for talent are even more terrifying. Does Chi Xin's soul talent generally belong to the Xuantian Sect? Are the Xuantian Sect people’s eyes blurry?

Therefore, Dai Li did not feel threatened by Xuantian Sect at all, but for this soul-hiding technique, her eyes flickered, but she did not use the pupil technique, which was a silent acknowledgment that her pupil technique had been restrained.

In this case, we can only do it forcefully!

The knife has arrived!

Boom~! !

Wind knife? Dai Li did not hide, but raised his sword!

Clang! ! !

Swords clash!

The moment of attack, there was a crisp sound! Chi Xin suddenly smiled ferociously on top of Dai Li: "Are you good at melee combat? My Chi Xin's strongest skill is not the wind element!"


No one has reacted yet...


A brown-yellow atmosphere as thick as a mountain exploded on Chi Xin's body, and quickly solidified on his arms, "Drink! Landslide knife! Cut it with me!" (To be continued)

ps: One more update today~~~

The latest chapter of a female emperor is released at high speed. This chapter is Chapter 1055. I don’t need to take action to kill you! (Shao Si Ming Chen Yu Ling Favor +3) The address is

... ()

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