A Queen

Chapter 1057: The power of 1 county, Lord Sword!

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Chapter 1057

Mugino and others twitched their lips, are these people animals? This power can directly crush them to death.

"Fair?" On a banana tree not far away, Xu Yidao had a knife behind his back, and withdrew like a sword, standing quietly.

"Kun Yan's hand shook a little," he said calmly, causing the old man behind him to raise his eyebrows: "It seems that we were wrong before. This man's physique has the characteristics of a dragon, and his physical talent is terrible."

I thought he was just an ordinary young tiger cub with some talent. Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for more than a month, the tiger cub could already force an adult tiger away with his claws.

"Let's take a look again. What's in front of us is just average. At least she hasn't grown up yet." Xu Yidao seemed to have a sense of contempt for Kun Yan towards Dai Li.

But there is no rush about generation and separation.

——She has not yet reached the point of threatening him.

Is this normal? The old man shook his head. Maybe those people are the ones who can make his young master pay more attention to him, such as Hua Gulong and others at this stage. However, the young master is different from people like Kun Yan. He will not ruthlessly strangle the other person before he grows up. He is a kind of gentleman. As for the latter people, they are more ruthless, and I don’t know whether this is good or bad... No wonder the master said that only ruthless and decisive men like the eldest young master can inherit the family business. Simple men like the young master A gentleman swordsman is not suitable for family disputes...

"The young lady and the young master are still eating down there, but the old man has gone down."


When the old man went down, he found that his two careless little ancestors were staring blankly at the fierce battle in the sky.

Forehead. Know him?


Wow~ In the roar of light, everyone saw a huge flaming tiger head popping up and roaring! Those lights were all torn apart when it bit them. Revealed is Kun Yan who controls the tiger's head and Dai Li who bites below the tiger's head!

It's said to be biting, but actually it hasn't reached that level yet.

The speed of replacement is too fast!

The tiger head's fire method is swift,

It seems he hasn't been able to bite her yet!

Is this a race to speed?

Kun Yan's face was expressionless, and the speed of the fire magic seal was enough to put fire magic monks like Mug Ye to shame.

There is also strong fire energy!

If one tiger head is not enough, then two!

Two huge tiger heads roared in the air, attacking from both sides!

The shadow of an instant!


A blast shattered the illusion, and the shadow grew long. The second tiger head is coming! But he couldn't catch up again!

Brush, brush!

Daili soars across the sky. While smiling brightly: "Master Yan, you still don't need a knife?"

She was provoking, forcing Kun Yan to use the knife!

Without the sword, Kun Yan's strength dropped by more than 40%! But there were only attacks of over 600,000. It is much stronger than the strongest high-level distraction!

If he used a knife, Kun Yan would be sure to kill this person with one strike. But if Haikou, who had boasted before, regretted it now, what would the world think of him? All wisdom is lost!

What's more, the previous comparison of strength had already put his reputation at a disadvantage...

"No need to use a knife to kill you!"

Kun Yan sneered, closed his palms again, and came from left and right!

Two more tiger heads!

Four! ! All of a sudden it doubled in size! Dai Li narrowed his eyes, this guy was so full of energy. There must be at least 20,000 Yuanli, Jun level...the gap is huge.

Whirring whirring!

The attack power of each of the four tiger heads exceeds 100,000 attacks. Coupled with the terrifying speed, rushing into the sky, Daili Biaofei's afterimage suddenly dwarfed in comparison, and looked like it was about to be swallowed up again and again...

If she was hit, with her not even a king-level strength, she would be seriously injured even if she didn't die!

"Boy, just accept your fate!" The tiger head controlled by Kun Yan suddenly accelerated!

All roared!

Tiger roars, sounds attack! It was like the earth was falling apart. The leaves of many plants were cracked and cracked. The ground surface was rippled.

"It's really noisy." The owner of the fire hunting shop frowned, waved his hand, and set up a barrier. He took a step and walked out of the door. He happened to see everyone below the monarch level frowning and had to set up a defensive shield. ..

What about Dai Li who was attacked?

The air around her became ups and downs and twisted, and she was like a small boat in a violent storm!

"It is said that the following is the most exciting to overcome, and the most refreshing to swim against the current..." Dai Li's face showed a bit of unruly air, he blinked and raised his eyebrows: "I would like to try how cool it is to kill the Jun level. !”

Is this propaganda? Preaching before death?

Everyone thought it was funny and weird, but they couldn't stop the man's all-round aura!

Dragon Qi, the Qi of the Grand Duke of the Vampire Clan, the Qi of the Thunder Master, three powers, three identities, two lifetimes of domineering!

The king is not invincible, but I can still resist him with my sword!

Shadow Xuanao! Biao Biao Biao!


That light has already rushed towards the four tiger heads!

Eyes open, insight!

The light is distorting...sssssssssssssssssssssss!

The twisted thunder passed three tiger heads side by side, and the last one... "Go to hell!" Kun Yan pressed his hands, and the tiger head roared fiercely, opened its mouth and swallowed Dai Li in one gulp. ..

Ang~~The bloodline colossus rises! Sacrifice!

The sword rises!

4000 cloud blood energy, dual-core explosion! 8000 clouds! Two realms open!

The power of the main body is superimposed, and under the sacrifice, 8000 clouds are superimposed again, Biao!

Plus the Thousand Machines and One Sword Skill.

The strongest killing state, absolutely calm!

Seal the sword’s blood!


One hundred thousand, break through! Break through this boundary! Touch the threshold of king-level power!

Poof! The tiger's head was torn apart by a sword...

Daili Pohu's head came out, the blood flames and thunder all over his body were roaring, with the sword in his right hand and the thunder in his left hand!

Thunder formation, covering!


Kun Yan was not fast enough to break away from the shackles of the thunder formation instantly, so he shouted low and forcefully accepted the thunder entanglement!

It's just thunder, he can still resist!

Paralyzing! Kun Yan frowned, this is indeed a trouble...

The sword of Dai Li has arrived!

Jump and chop!

The bloodline colossus conquers power. Superimpose the continuous thunder damage of the thunder array!

grass! Do I have to bear this sword forcefully?

boom! !

The sword struck Kun Yan between the eyebrows!

He directly withstood the sword with his head, and Dai Li saw a metallic crisp sound coming from his forehead.

"Boy, the Jun level is not that easy to deal with. You can't even break through the defense!" Kun Yan's smile was extremely contemptuous and cruel.

Even if you try your best, you can't even break through my defense when you get in front of me.

This is the greatest irony!

"Really..." Dai Li suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, "Then what about..."

She smiled, but her eyes turned cold.


The bloodline colossus opens its pupils!

The eyes of the moment are high in the sky!

A moment of photography!



"Not good!" Kun Yan's expression changed, but he couldn't resist the weakening of his soul at that moment... Nothing is more terrifying than the soul-based pupil technique.

Weaken, weaken, weaken!

The soul is weakened by 30%!

30% defense!

For the monarch level. It can only be 30%, and 30% is enough!

Back, back, back! Kun Yan's body suddenly exploded. Explosive shooting back...

That's too late!

The sword blade seemed to be close to his face...


A sword sliced ​​through him fiercely, as if it was going to cut his face in half...

The blood was cut open, and everyone saw that Kun Yan, who was not very good-looking at first, had a ferocious diagonal sword mark on his face.

Blood stains Linlin.

Well...the plot changes too quickly, and they are a little unable to accept it. It is not an exaggeration to say that using the pupil technique to instantly weaken Kun Yan and break his defenses is not an exaggeration, but the question is how did her pupil technique suddenly become useful?

Didn't Kun Yan use the Xuantian Soul Hiding Technique? Why...

"It only proves that Xuantian's Soul Hiding Technique is useless to her."

"It's useless, then she was clearly..." The speaker came to his senses.

On purpose, she did it on purpose!

It was obviously useless, but Chi Xin thought it was useful, and even Kun Yan thought it was useful, so he didn't take any precautions against her pupil technique.

Now, it caused a blood stain on his face.

That’s the face!

Perhaps Kun Yan, who has always been arrogant and confident, has suffered the biggest loss in his life!

It's so stupid. This guy!


Kun Yan was extremely angry!

He was actually injured by an ant below the king level! It still hurts face!


You and I have lost all face, so...


He grabbed his knife!

The sword fire was only half lit, and he hadn't killed Dai Li yet. She has been forced to use a knife!

But it doesn’t matter, killing her can still avenge her!


The moment the knife was pulled out, the flames were extinguished, revealing a red blade as hot as lava.


Kun Yan's energy suddenly tripled, and his body shot up!

Damn it, damn it!

Finally serious. This is the true king level, Dai Li smiled with great satisfaction. This smile makes people feel creepy. This is a snake spirit. He is forcing Kun Yan to use a knife, as if he is deliberately trying to fight with him...

It was indeed intentional. Xue Qiange and the two knew this person's weird personality very well, but it seemed that this person never did anything he was unsure of~~

It's already 100,000, is it still capable of resisting the real monarch level?

This kind of defiance seems to be bad, right? Xue Qiange was bright and energetic, and she suddenly looked around. Well, she seemed to smell a smell, belonging to a person. Could it be that she was already here?

So fast.

"Daluo Slash!" The "Daluo Slash" practiced by Kun Yan is one of the core skills of the Kun family. He is one of the most talented disciples. Naturally, he has practiced it since he was a child. Daluo Slash is a very domineering sword technique. Seven cuts may seem simple, but as practice deepens, one cut becomes more powerful than the other, and each time it is greatly superimposed with the realization of the realm, so whether this sword technique is powerful or not lies in the fact that it only has seven cuts. No matter how high it is, there are only seven slashes, but it is these seven slashes. The ever-changing and essence power of the seven slashes is very terrifying.

Kun Yan's cut was the first cut. It seemed very ordinary, just like chopping firewood...

One hundred and ten thousand attacks! Powerful Slash!

"It takes the strength of one county," a monk at the rank of casual cultivator sighed.

At the monarch level, hundreds of thousands are considered the lowest strength, so their previous standards for combat power index at the monarch level followed another high-level unit recognized by the cultivation world - the county!

The power of a county. Generally speaking, a distraction means the power of a medium-sized group domain, which is based on the county. (To be continued)

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