A Queen

Chapter 1058: Kill the Ghost Hero!

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Chapter 1058

The combat strength of a first-level monarch is about 1-10 counties, and one county is equivalent to one hundred thousand clouds. The ratio of one hundred thousand to one, most of them do not count decimal points. Hundreds of thousands are also said to be the strength of one county, and twenty Wan Ye said it was the strength of two counties. If a monarch said that he only had the strength of one county, he actually had the strength of hundreds of thousands.

Kun Yan is the first level sword master in a county!

This sword is also a true sword master's strength!

It can make Kun Yan reveal his true strength at the expense of losing face, and Dai Li can pull out the tiger's beard quite hard.

I just don't know how she can resist...


Dai Li took a shallow breath under the knife, his smile remained the same, his eyes were crazy.

Someone noticed that the sword in her hand was different.

"That is?"

There are dragon scales on the sword.

Pieces of dragon scale patterns looked like a real dragon being held in her hands.

It's changing!

A real thousand opportunities!

That sharp edge shocked all the swords or magic weapons here!

"How is this going!"

"Her sword..."

"Could it be that the dragon sword is forged with a dragon? Such a sword!"

Most of the ordinary monarchs are confident, but they are shocked by the sword in Dai Li's hand. They have never seen such a sword.

There is no magic weapon energy, but the aura is more powerful than the magic weapon.

Faced with their sabers and swords constantly shaking and whistling, many monks were helpless. Suddenly I remembered something.

——A soldier who subdues others without fighting.

Kun Yan's heart skipped a beat. But he is not afraid, perhaps even more threatened, he must kill this person completely!

brush! The knife suddenly sped up...


sword. Block!

It's easy for you to cut, and it's easy for me to block.

Use the most simple and essential way of fighting, fight!


The swords of the two are shining brightly on the blades. Let's see whose sword is sharper!

Kun Yan was originally very confident in his sword, but at this moment he turned cold shoulder.

Damn it, its knife is actually fearful! It made a trembling sound...if he hadn't suppressed it so hard, it would have flown out at this moment!

"It seems you are less courageous with the knife than you are."

"Hmph!" Kun Yan was a little annoyed after being exposed. His thoughts suddenly shocked his sword, he was so hopeless. Stand up straight for me!

However, before the sword could be straightened up, Dai Li narrowed his eyes and turned his wrist.

The dragon scales on the sword...the dragon light suddenly breaks away! The sharpness increased tenfold! Coupled with the twist of her body power!

"not good!"


Kun Yan, who had just held the sword and showed his true strength as a swordsman, was thrown away with a sword, including himself and the sword!

The blade trembled violently, and it was stained with patches of golden light from the Dragon Scale Gang!


The gap is cutting and swallowing!

"Damn! How is it possible..." Kun Yan was shocked. His sword is a peak-level dark gold sword, and it ranks high among them. How could he be defeated by the opponent's sword!

However, the person below suddenly exclaimed. He looked up and saw the sword in Dai Li's hand. The dragon scales had formed layers of escaping light on the blade. It was sharp and sharp. At first glance, it looked like It is an absolute magic weapon that can cut the sky at any time!

Perhaps it can be said...the toughest dragon tooth?

Divine weapons, she has terrifying magical weapons in her hands.

Is this her greatest support?

Kun Yan does not believe in evil. He pounced directly, the sword was just a foreign object, he didn't believe that he, a king, would be defeated by a high-level distraction!

So...the second cut!

Much stronger than the first cut! 120,000 combat power?

Thousand Machine Swordsmanship is coming!

Yun Tianlang!


Sword attack!

flat! ?

Neither of them gave back even a cent. The power is rising one after another, and the hot temperature is burning...


"Is this the case with the monarch level?" Dai Li teased Kun Yan rudely.

"You will regret it..." Kun Yan had no expression on his face and suddenly backed away!

The third cut!

Ha, it is indeed much more powerful.

Dai Li was also angered, and all the conditions in his body were improved to the extreme. A hook with the right hand and a touch with the left hand.

Split into two swords!

Bi-monthly festival! Strangling! One block! One attack!


The two of them rushed into the mountain... and came out after a moment. Rising into the sky, Kun Yan slashed with his fourth sword!

The fourth sword was too strong. Dai Li rotated his right hand, and the two swords merged into one. With a scraping sound, he picked up the sword energy and pointed it toward the sky!

A sword pierces the sky!

Bang bang bang!

The sword light shattered...


Daili's body was defeated and finally hit?

Insight, illusion!

The shadow grew long and suddenly appeared from behind Kun Yan... Kun Yan suddenly laughed ferociously, and his body collapsed into a completely flaming point, "The old trick doesn't work anymore! Eat my fifth slash!"

The fifth cut... When this sword came out, everyone below the king level felt a tightness in their chests. Looking up, the sword's light was huge, cutting from one side of the sky to the other...

Dai Li, whose shadow had just condensed, raised his eyes and saw this sword. It was a very powerful sword. The sword energy directly divided the space, and the shadow could not escape continuously for a moment.

So, resist?

The generation is moving!

His body transformed into black light and kept jumping in the air!

One breath, a hundred jumps? A thousand jumps?

Everyone couldn't see clearly, they just felt that such speed was impossible to capture. For a while, they only saw countless black shadows performing a perfect shadow dance in the air!

Every time it jumped, the sword light flew like a flying bird, but it exploded with a clanging sound, emitting inch by inch of cold light.

Break all the space locks sealed by the sword energy!

"He actually saw through all the sword locks...and..."

It was an incredible scene, no one had ever seen fighting like this.

She has repeatedly challenged everyone's acceptance limits...but nothing can compare to the feat of taking a breath!

jump. Straight line picking knife lock... straight line coming!

The sword fiercely cut through the sword light that had been disintegrated from the inside!

Heading straight towards Kun Yan!

Fight head-on? Is she crazy?

Kun Yan couldn't ask for it, so he couldn't retreat. Otherwise, you are afraid of her!

"Well done!"

The sixth cut!

Cut, cut, cut!

The three overlapping sword lights are like a stack of feather fans, chopped down one after another! Distance from Daili...ten meters!

Sword energy!

Seal the sword’s blood!

Sword attack!

Bang bang bang! As the sword light shattered, she passed through the shattered light. Minute by second, she avoided all the ghostly shadows. Ghost state....

Speed, power. Edge, she came against the light!

Want to kill the king?

Everyone held their breath, everything was incredible, maybe it was really... okay?

The seventh cut! She must be killed. Kill her!

Kun Yan's reason has been completely annihilated. He is a king and cannot be defeated, absolutely not! The strongest cut!

Da Luo Qizhan, kill! ! !

He came to chop, but Daili had already jumped up five meters away, jumping and slashing in the air!

She also wants to strike with a sword?

Which swordsmanship? Or just a simple slash?

Yun Tianlang, the two-month festival, sealed the blood of the sword in the sky. What about behind?

"Born to be ruthless, they will never leave you until death. Thousands of ghosts and heroes spread thousands of miles. When you are alive, you should kill the ghosts and heroes! You will be invincible!"

One sword strike!

The Seventeenth Thousand Chances - Killing the Ghost Hero!

The hostility and tyranny coming from the deepest part of the Vampire Clan, she will kill anyone who blocks her path, whether they are evil spirits from hell, heroes in the world, or any king. Kill them all!

No one can block her way!


A slash of annihilation, a sword slash and a sword slash!

The precious sword and the thousand machines...


The brilliance rises. The ghost hero Daluo is completely annihilated...

The light of the sword shattered, and the sword was cut down!


Kun Yan is unyielding, the sword presses hard, blocks!


When the sword struck again... Dai Li raised his hand, clasped his hands, raised it and dropped it!

Clang, clang, clang, clang!

One kill, kill the ghost hero!

Kun Yan bursts out with the strongest power to block!

Two beheads, then behead Guixiong!

Sonorous! There is a gap in Kun Yan's knife!

Three beheads, three beheads of Guixiong!

Peng! Kun Yan was knocked back one step! The knife trembled and whistled...

Three swords, forcing a monarch back!

It is impossible to describe her momentum, it is unyielding and domineering. At first glance, you would not think that she is below the level of a monarch. Perhaps, you will think that she is a king.

Invincible momentum! The momentum is overwhelming!

Three brutal cuts in succession caused Kun Yan's morale to retreat steadily. It was a king-level act of throwing away his armor, and a king-level glory being trampled on!

The whole place was quiet, except for the clanging sound, Kun Yan's knife had numerous gaps! The speed of recovery can't stop the edge of that thousand machines!


The eighth sword! Kun Yan was knocked off the mountain wall, banged into a pit, and in the blink of an eye, Dai Li's sword had struck again!

This is the ninth sword!

Good guy, she used the seventeenth sword technique eight times in one breath! Not panting before or after...

Many monks who can only use the most powerful attack skills once or twice in a battle because the cooldown time is too long are already crying and fainting in the toilet. Why...how can this person be so stupid...is this trick like Chinese cabbage?

Three breaths and eight moves in a row, even the central news broadcast needs a commercial break...

If your energy can keep up, you have to worry about the control buffering power of your soul thoughts!

Jiang Zi didn't even think about what she was going to do with the puff puff puff like a machine gun!

What an animal!

Of course, there were so many people crying faintly, but they still had to face this man's ninth sword!

Under the ninth sword... Kun Yan roared: "Even if your sword attacks me, you can't kill me..."

Indeed, the previous Eight Swords and One Sword were so powerful that they could only repel him but not kill him.

The monarch level is not so easy to kill!

"It's really hard to kill..." Dai Li still slashed the sword.

Smile slightly.

"What if we add this?"

I seem to have seen this smile once before, that time when she was a thief and a thief...


A moment of photography!


Eye of the moment!

Soul assassination!

puff! When the soul is seriously injured, the defense on the body's surface... disintegrates in an instant!

The seventeenth sword technique has been cut down!


Cut with one sword...

"Ah!!!" Kun Yan howled in pain.

Half an arm, his right arm was cut off!

The sword edge cut a ferocious crescent sword mark on the stone wall.

Apply a blood streak in the middle.

That was swayed by Kun Yan's severed arm.

The broken arm fell, and the knife suddenly flew away...

Everyone's arms were cut off. Is it angry? He was obviously quite scared at first, but he seemed to be sincerely protecting the Lord!

With a single move of Dai Li's wrist... everything is possible!

Peng! (To be continued)

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