A Queen

Chapter 1,059: The military crocodiles are coming, and you are the one being tricked!

Chapter 1059

The knife was instantly knocked away, and the spinner, with a clang, inserted into the mountain wall beside Kun Yan.

There are many gaps on it, and there are already cracks on it.

And Dai Li's sword... is intact as before, shining as brightly as a mirror.

"It seems that I won..." Dai Li exhaled softly. Although she had exhausted all her means, she still won. It seems that her current limit is only at Kun Yan's stage.

"I will remember it...this shame of a broken arm." Kun Yan gritted his teeth, flew down from the mountain wall, grabbed his own broken arm, and pressed it up with a few rubs. If he loses the battle, he will not be weak. When he loses, he cries for his father and mother, but the hatred behind this is even deeper.

Of course, if Kun Yan was not in the Flame Mountain, his strength would definitely increase, and the outcome would not be clear.

Glancing at Kun Yan, whose face was as dark as ink, Dai Li chuckled: "There are many people who remember me, but there are very few people who can remember me..."

It won't take long, even if he is not in the Flame Mountain, this person will not be her enemy with one move.

This is her confidence.

And those who lost to her... she would never remember them.

The wind blew her short hair and fluttered her clothes. Although there were injuries and blood on her body, everyone here knew...

She had just counterattacked a king level.

Using a high-level distraction, he counterattacked a monarch!

Many people had a sad look on their face. Adding such a magic weapon to the pupil technique, as well as the advanced thunder method and the weird blood energy, this person's whole body equipment is simply too beastly.

"We should be lucky that she doesn't have any other magic weapons on her."

After saying this, everyone came back to their senses. It was really just an ordinary black robe. There was no other magic weapon. The only thing on the body was the sword.

No, that sword can't be considered a magic weapon. It doesn't have the aura of a magic weapon. What is it?

"It looks like a swordsman's original sword."

Original sword? The most powerful sword cultivator is the Benyuan Sword. Qianji can be mistaken for this by these people at once, which shows how powerful it is.

It is said that the most dazzling thing in this battle is Daili's pupil technique and Qianji.

They let the dust settle...

The faces of the Yan Sect and others turned pale, defeated? Is this all a failure?

"Fortunately...fortunately we didn't interfere." The people from the Lao sect were very happy, and subconsciously looked at their own heads - Mr. Lao,

At this moment, Young Master Lao's expression was very quiet, and he was twisting a bead on his fingertips - the Streaming Bead, a special magic weapon for recording images.

Defeated, looks like it can be done?

Dai Li looked at the boss of Hunting Fire: "Now that it's over, it seems I can get my things?..."

"No, maybe you still need to kill one more person, such as...that one." The fire hunting boss pointed his finger, and at the end of the sky, there was a ray of light, and he shot!

That is a person much stronger than Ran Lao.

The black clothes are like a wind knife, and the whole person is full of endless murderous intent.

——He came to kill!

It's the murderer!

Some people here still know the identity of Jun Crocodile, and they are also very afraid of Liyun. Seeing him coming, they subconsciously looked at Daili.

By the way, it turned out that her was their prey?

After Jun Crocodile arrived here, he was no longer in a hurry. Looking at Dai Li, he suddenly realized that this man was actually not in a hurry at all.

"You have set up so many traps to kill so many of my people these days, and you even tricked me today. You are indeed very troublesome as others said..."

"You, Hui Yun, also pay more attention to me than I thought... you actually sent the C-Crocodile Army to hunt me down." Dai Li clasped his sword, wiped off the blood stains on the back of his hand, and said slowly...

"Yeah, I thought it was a big fuss. Is a mere gentleman worthy of such a big fight?" Jun Crocodile chuckled, clasped his hands behind his back, and looked down in the air...

"But obviously, the information they gave me was wrong!"

"You...can actually defeat the King-level!" After a pause, the military crocodile added lightly: "Although you are the worst type."

The defeated Jun-level Kun Yan was livid at this. Damn it, are you talking about me? !

Ran Lao also supported his forehead, so what should he do if he was worse than Kun Yan? To die?

Many monarchs present were also embarrassed.

The King level is not so easy to improve. The most powerful trump card is the clone. Once you have the clone, your strength is very different. But the clone is not so easy to get. Without the clone, they will have no chance to make a great leap forward. They must strengthen it. Strength can only rely on a long period of time and opportunities... Of course, this is relative to the overall distraction stage. Compared with Yuanying, their slight progress is also a huge improvement in the Yuanying stage.

After all, the power calculation units between them are different.

However, Kun Yan was a little relieved, because this military crocodile was obviously very powerful and not comparable to him. So, if he wanted to kill Dai Li... it might be equivalent to avenging him.

Jiang Zi thinks the same thing for many people, such as some Qishan Road assessors secretly. The last thing they want is to have a young, extremely talented person with cheats all over his body. Do you think she is not an assessor? Who the hell believes it?

It's best to die!

"Sister, it's that person... what should I do?" Li Zi was a little nervous. He didn't know why this person came here. It stands to reason that with the power of Mr. Jun's plan, he should have been sent away long ago. Even so. They're here. Mr. Jun said he could slip away before, so why should he stay?

"This person is not the one who suffers, and we can't help. Let's take a look first." Mai Ye didn't get along with Dai Li very much, but he had learned to be calm. Now he secretly followed Li Zi and others, and looked up at Xiang Jun. crocodile.

Split Cloud's Crocodile Army... is like thunder.

"You don't seem to be afraid." Jun Crocodile's somewhat unhappy reaction made him feel like he was still in the opponent's scheme, especially after he had just been tricked once. This feeling made him The murderous intention is even worse.

"I would be scared if this were the case. I didn't know that you guys, Hui Yunchu, were planning to hunt me down... But I'm very surprised why you are still holding on to me even though the storm has calmed down. The thing is not on me." Dai Li I asked tentatively.

"Aren't you here? It's not you or me who have the final say. Anyway, the order I got is to kill you or capture you." Jun Crocodile's reaction immediately made many thoughts flash through Dai Li's mind.

Obviously, behind the scenes, the other party was very sure that she had a military aircraft scroll or a Tianchen scroll, otherwise she wouldn't have put so much thought into it...

So, who could possibly be so sure? Even Emperor Ming and Yuan Xiao were definitely not sure, and she was sure that she had not leaked anything else...

Suddenly, a name flashed in Dai Li's mind.


Crack! Why did this woman catch my eye? No wonder...

The thought of Dai Li flashed through his mind very quickly, and his eyes flickered uncertainly, but Jun Crocodile didn't want to waste time anymore. There were a few people here who were so angry that he felt unsure, and...

"It seems that someone else is coming, we have to fight quickly..." Jun Crocodile squeezed his palm, making a scratching sound with his fingers. "Do you want to be obedient and come with me? Or should I destroy you and take you away?"

This choice... well... is it considered a choice?

Dai Li smiled: "It's best not to be too sure about everything, Mr. Jun Crocodile."

"Do you still have a trump card that can defeat me? If so, I'll wait and see" Jun Crocodile said expressionlessly, already holding two daggers in his hands.

Dai Li already has experience. Generally speaking, if the killers of the split cloud are those who play with daggers or short swords, most of them are more powerful, and they are often swordsmen or swordsmen without blinking.

So, this military crocodile... she can't beat him, even if he's stretched to death!

But Su...

"Then just watch." Dai Li smiled slightly.

The military crocodile raised his sword eyebrows!

Explodes instantly!

Speed, strength, explosive power, killing intent!

But the person who liked him is missing! These outbursts only happened in a moment...

The person is missing!

It was as if their hearts had been ripped out all of a sudden. Everyone's hearts tightened, and a nervous and fearful psychological change was born. They felt itchy all over, as if they were being targeted by some poisonous snake. All the monarchs had changed. The faces, including Xu Yidao's face, condensed, what a powerful stealth technique!

This is true for everyone who is not the target, but what about the person involved?

Dai Li's expression remained as usual, as if he had seen nothing and felt nothing..

Until three breaths...


With a shocking explosion, the cold light of the knife was wiped out from behind her!

The magnificence of that short sword made Kun Yan's neck go cold, and he suddenly understood why this person could humiliate him with such contempt, just because he couldn't hold a breath in the other person's hand!

But this ghost hunter, this gentleman...she is also dead!

"Go to hell!!" Kun Yan smiled ferociously...

A critical moment, or a thousand years.

call out!

A cold light! Almost transparent...

It came in an instant, so small, so transparent, so silent...

The military crocodile was caught off guard, and the scorpion pounced on his neck...

"Damn, what is it!" Assassins who are good at assassination are extremely sensitive. Once they enter the assassination state, all their senses will be infinitely amplified and form a unique state. However, if an object or thing breaks away from them rashly, control, then this state is easily broken!

The assassination is broken! The first reaction of the military crocodile was to grab the scorpion around his neck!


"Boy, eat my tail!" A sting from the scorpion's tail!

Severe pain strikes! That kind of overwhelming pain, my whole body was instantly numb...

"Not good!" Jun Crocodile did not choose to continue to assassinate Dai Li. Instead, he sensed the danger and wanted to hide and escape...

That's too late!

Dai Li has turned around!

Eyes open!

A moment of photography!

The sword of moment!

The pupil technique was the same as before, but what made Kun Yan and others' expressions change drastically was that... the power was different!

Of course it’s different! Dai Li used half of his soul power before, but now he directly used 90% of his soul power...

That effect~~haha~~

The military crocodile instantly spit out a mouthful of blood and his condition declined rapidly.

The poison from the ancient scorpion, coupled with the soul attack after the soul is weakened, everything is just a breath away. r1152( )

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