A Queen

Chapter 1061: Not enough people to kill! Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion!

"After all, Xiyun is the killer army and is the best at this, but I always feel that something is wrong." Jue Xuuge frowned, but she heard someone beside her already responded.

"Comparing assassination skills with a combat genius who knows eye skills is just asking for death."

Jue Xue Ge and the other two turned their heads and saw a peerless beauty standing at the top of a tree. Her white clothes were as white as snow, and snow was no more beautiful than human beings. The snow demon was also Yaoyao.

She is a fish.

Fish in the snow.

"It's Snow Fish, she's here!"

"Why is she here too? Oh my god, is that the terrifying snow demon?"

"Who knows? Are you just watching?"

The arrival of Snow Fish made Xu Yidao's nerves tense and he stared at her: "Xue Zhiyu, are you here to see the fun?"

"No" Xue Zhiyu didn't look at him, but said casually: "Seeing people die"

Isn't it better to watch someone die than to watch someone die?

The exit is a chilling coldness and indifference.

Xu Yidao frowned, that's why he didn't like this woman, even if she was better than a man, she still had such a bad mouth.

"Then you came just in time, someone is about to die." Xu Yidao didn't think that Daili could escape alive, because...it was not just a C-crocodile army.

However, Xu Yidao had just finished speaking.


The originally empty air suddenly had a trace of blood...

Then a man appeared for no apparent reason, with a stream of blood in his throat, and his body fell powerlessly into the sky.

"People have already started to die." Snow Fish looked at it expressionlessly.

Now that you’ve started, let’s continue.

Brush, brush. brush!

A wave of ferocious blood appeared in the air at a terrifying speed, and corpses fell from the space one after another. In less than three breaths, more than forty corpses...


Every living person couldn't bear it anymore, and they all came out of hiding. Damn it, I wanted to cry. Is this a monster?

"Sir, she has seen all our traces, but we can't find her!"

What a cry of grievance!

Even the assassins of the C-crocodile Army, who are cold-blooded and ruthless in killing people and receiving countless assassination missions, are also in pain. Damn it, they will never accept such a deceptive job as the eye-killing magician in the future!

Of course, that's assuming... they survive this time.

"Get out of my way!"

The military crocodile shouted coldly...

A moment of photography!

The sword of moment!

Press again, four levels of thunder!

Bang bang bang!

Many killers who had just come into contact with the invisible state felt that they were being killed by souls and groups before they could react.

There is no way to avoid the binding of the thunder array! Soul attacks and stealth escape techniques cannot be used!


Dai Li had already appeared in the thunder array, turning the blood-stained daggers in his hands, a cold light appeared, and his figure was fierce!

Turn your left hand, brush, and cut your throat!

A stab with the right hand, piercing the heart! Pull out! With blood... it rotates around, blood is flying, your foot slips, the daggers are crossed...,

Cross strangulation!

One knife at a time! Two at a time! Three steps at a time!

Pfft, pfft, pfft!

Wherever he passed, blood flowed step by step, and he was killed with each knife!

Others can't even see the expression on her face because it's so fast!

It's faster than those thunderous piercing shots, and faster than those spells that want to escape from blood before death!

In three breaths, a hundred corpses fell from the sky and piled high on the ground.

There were dozens of people fleeing in panic.

"Sir, save me!"

"grown ups!"

The military crocodile looked at it silently, and after a while, he said: "Some people said that you are the best at killing people. I didn't believe it at the time, but now it seems... melee fighters who know eye skills are born assassins."

The pupil technique, the pupil technique again, increased her difficulty level countless times!

Dai Li, who was in the middle of the killing, only glanced at Jun Crocodile: "It has nothing to do with the pupil technique..."


Cutting off a person's head, Dai Li curled his lips and smiled at the military crocodile: "It's not that I'm good at killing, but that I have to kill, and I quite like this process."

What is a born killer?

From the moment she became a vampire, she had to kill people, and she also had to enjoy killing people.

This is the real killer.

She licked her lips and licked off the blood: "Army Crocodile, it seems you don't have enough people for me to kill."

Of the two hundred people, only ten were left, hanging on.

"Ten people... no, maybe one of you who was seriously injured... how about you? Do you think these people didn't delay enough for you to recover enough strength?" Dai Li smiled, and her words made Jun Crocodile There was a feeling of being played in her hands again.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Where did this evildoer come from? Why does it feel like everything is planned in her hands?

Obviously he is strong enough to crush her.

This feeling makes the military crocodile almost crazy...

Many spectators are also going crazy. Is this person going to counterattack all the way to the end?

Are you going to take care of all the C-crocodile army?

"What a scary person..." Xu Yidao's old housekeeper took a deep breath. Regardless of talent or strength, just with such courage and skill, he is dangerous enough, not to mention the killing of a single soldier is too scary, without What better way to test a person's ability than to kill monsters at a higher level?

"It's very scary. My brother and I secretly lied to her before. She pretended to be stupid at first, and finally said that we should be careful in the future... But I obviously saw that she was very stupid..."

Xu Erba said, "Cold sweat dripped from the old man's forehead, Damn!" These two laughing ancestors, how dare you cheat on such a murderer!

They even dared to resist Kun Yan and the Crocodile Army, but even the Xu family might not be able to scare her!

God bless you two, you two are still intact...

But just when the C-Crocodile Army was about to be swallowed up by Dai Li.

"Short of people? It seems we came at the right time."

Not many people came, at least not hundreds, just seven people.

But that aura, those clothes...

"Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion..." Xiang Yunhong and others' faces sank.

not good!

Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion is more dangerous than Riyun. After all, it is a local force. It is too easy to control Dai Li here.

The military crocodile laughed lowly and turned to look at Dai Li: "It seems that my partner has thought more comprehensively than me. He has also prepared backup plans and notified another wave of your opponents to come."

Dai Li looked at the group of elegant people in Rudao Pavilion and raised his eyebrows: "This only proves that your ability is so low that he can't even trust me...or maybe I'm so powerful that he has to go around asking for help to kill him." Me"

Dai Li was always good at doing shameless things like belittling the enemy to promote himself, which made the military crocodile angry.

But... the people in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion were not angry, but the young man who took the lead said calmly: "Come with me and wait for the investigation. If it is proven that you killed Liu Zongyuan, our sect will punish you. If not, I will punish you." Won't hurt you"

It can't be said to be contempt or anything else, just a kind of condescending indifference, as if Dai Li is already a turtle in the urn, and they can handle it however they want.

"I heard that you people from the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion are the best at Confucian and Taoist debates. Although I am the first place in the Linglong Club debate team, I am too lazy to waste time arguing with you right now..."

These words made the faces of the people in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion change slightly.

For Dai Li's first place, and for her unruly attitude.

——She doesn’t take Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion seriously, let alone them!

"Do you know what you are talking about?" The young man's tone became slightly colder.

No one can despise the authority of the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion.

"I said, if you want to catch me or kill me, come here and let's make some gestures..." Dai Li chuckled lightly and pointed with the tip of his sword: "Stop talking nonsense!"

Do not talk nonsense!

Everyone in the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion was speechless!

Are you telling us to stop talking nonsense?

What the hell! We only spoke a few words!

And do you know who we are?

Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion, Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion!

"That's the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion..." Li Zi and others couldn't catch their breath. Is there such a huge gap between this person and others?

When could they use such an understatement to tell the people of Confucianism and Taoism to stop talking nonsense?


The whole audience was shocked by Dai Li's audacity and disturbed by her calmness.

What is she going to do?

Counterattack on the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion?

"Masters of the Rudao Pavilion, please don't be angry. We, the Xie family, will be happy to help deal with this rude and guilty gentleman."

Xie Huan's appearance has a certain comic effect, because he is so weak and has such a bad reputation, but such a person uses the usual diplomatic rhetoric of the aristocratic family to show a righteous and awe-inspiring side.

Ridiculous, so ridiculous!

But many people couldn't laugh, such as Mug Ye, who saw a large group of Xie family masters behind Xie Huan.

That was a small bodyguard of the Xie family.

Damn it!

She didn't expect that a group of people from the Xie family happened to be in the Flame Mountain. With these powerful enemies on Dai Li's pole, it would be strange if Xie Huan wouldn't take the opportunity to attack!

Of course Xie Huan took offense. This man was narrow-minded. Although he was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, he was very good at taking advantage of opportunities. He just happened to catch Dai Li, a person he was very annoyed and afraid of, and the situation was not good. It would be strange if he didn't take the opportunity to jump out!

——He really jumped out!

Naturally, the Xie Family Guards would not miss this opportunity to win over the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion.


The people from the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion did not refuse.

Xie Huan laughed, and then Chao Daili shouted angrily: "You brave guy, come on, take him down for me!"

The Xie family took action, with Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion nearby, and Huiyun...

"Since this is the case, Mr. Jun, you don't care about more people, right?" Kun Yan, who had been tricked by Dai Li, saw the people from the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion coming, as if he had grabbed a trump card, and he said to Dai Li His hatred led him to finally take action. With a wave of his hand, the people of the Yan sect all released their auras, killing auras!

There are tens of thousands of people from the Yan faction and hundreds of people from the Xie family. This is a force that is infinitely more powerful than the Cloud Splitting Crocodile Army!

The number of people alone is overwhelming!

Damn it!

Many people still admire Dai Li. After all, counterattacking alone is not an easy task, but this young man didn't reveal any background to help her. She relied on herself and a sword. Fight in and out!

It's better than Kun Yan, who often treats his subordinates as cannon fodder. In comparison, no matter how black-hearted the people are, they are a little biased. What's more, the separation has not hindered their interests, so this person's heart is actually biased. Easy. r1152( )

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