A Queen

Chapter 1,062: 1 versus 10,000! Press the word formula! (Shaosi Mingchen’s favor with the fish spiri

Chapter 1062

But...who can help her?

People like Xu Yidao are not friends, but they don't know how to take action. The boss of Hunting Fire is just watching a show, let alone think about it.

Xiang Yunhong and others wanted to take action, but there was no comparison in strength. Dai Li glanced at them and just smiled and shook his head. They were helpless.


Hua Yushang, who had always seen this lawless man turn the tide with his own strength, smiled, "It's not too urgent, Jun Zili, what other trump cards do you have?"

Or, someone help you?

She glanced.

Snow Qiange? This person is not reliable, and he does not have such a good relationship with Dai Li.

So...Snow Fish?

For some reason, Hua Yushang felt that the existence of Snow Fish was a bit...

"They say fighting is more interesting when there are more people... I have to thank you all for supporting me so much... Then, come on!" Dai Li raised his sword with the tip of his sword. This was the most naked provocation!


Xie Huan couldn't help it anymore and asked the Xie family to take action!

On the other side...the people from the Yan Faction also took action!

Boom, boom!

More than 10,000 people...

Even if it is uneven, it is enough to drown Daili.

No matter how powerful she was before...

In fact, Jun Crocodile has already figured it out at this moment. Against people like Shang Daili, the C Crocodile Army, which is the most powerful in assassination, has the least advantage. With this person, it has to be suppressed face to face with absolute force. Each assassination will make it more difficult. Easily broken apart by her!

What a mistake!

Jun Crocodile regrets it very much, but he can't escape Dai Li now!

Thousands of people were killed and one person was bathed in blood?

Daili stands in the center,

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said softly: "Xiao Xie, are you sure it's okay?"

"Hmm, I've eaten a lot of spiritual fire on it, and I'm only a few steps away from unlocking the first gene lock, but there is a talent that I can use, which will be very useful to you."

"Are you ready then?"

"Always ready, just waiting for you to explode." The Scorpion on the shoulder swung its tail.

"Very good, then..."

Dai Li opened his eyes, his gaze extremely cold.

let's start!

What to start with? Start a fight?

More than 10,000 people have been accumulating attacks, and the lights of swords and shadows are overwhelming...

The people in the Confucian Dao Pavilion had expressionless faces, "She is such a shameless person. She is seeking death on her own. No wonder we, the Confucian Dao Pavilion, killed her on the spot without trial."

"It doesn't count me waiting to take action...she has made too many enemies, and she will definitely die."

It is indeed certain death.

Snow Fish lowered his eyes, held a small wine bottle between his fingertips, took a sip, and narrowed his eyes.

But the mob in front of them seems to be nothing compared to the millions of spiritual fires and seven-fold thunder.

She was just thinking this when she was suddenly startled and looked up.

A scorpion.

Scorpion statue, possessed!

Scorpion symbiosis talent, open!

boom! The frenzied energy of the bloodline colossus surged instantly! Daili's soul also changed drastically in an instant!

The soul of the scorpion, symbiosis!

Dai Li's body is covered with a layer of crystal light!

Strength has skyrocketed in all aspects!

More than 10,000 people have not yet reacted...

Come on the eyes of moment!

Soul group killing!

The most powerful soul group killing attack that has increased by more than three times!

A moment of photography!

"No, it's this move again!" Jun Crocodile felt the most, and his first reaction was to shout that it was bad, and the same was true for Kun Yan, fuck! With this move again, this man's soul suddenly became so powerful. Isn't this incredible!


All 10,000 people are covered!

Soul group photo!

"Quickly interrupt her pupil technique, quick!" Kun Yan's arm has been generated, but it has not yet reached its peak state, so he did not take action directly, but called the third in command, the fourth in command...

Swish, brush, brush!

Dozens of the strongest high-level distractions were killed in succession!

quick? Daili's original speed is already faster than them, let alone the speed of soul attack!

Those attacks had not yet hit the Eye of the Moment, but the Eye of the Sky swept away!

A moment of fire!

A moment of light!


Attack block!

at last...

The Sword of the Moment!

As soon as they met, there was a quadruple chain soul attack that tripled!



All-round soul critical attack!

Everyone below only saw one-tenth of the heads of more than 10,000 people above exploded in an instant.

A thousand people died!

This wasn't enough, Dai Li was already in full killing mode, and before anyone could react, he launched another four-level thunder spell group attack!

Seriously injured! Or die?

The body falls! It fell like a heavy rain...

"Damn!" Too many people couldn't help but swear!

What the hell kind of special effect is this... One pupil technique, a thousand people died? Although they are all among the weakest thousand people, this effect...

"Damn it!" Kun Yan swore loudly, veins twitching on his forehead. He suddenly felt that his previous decision was a mistake, but now he couldn't bear to go down anymore...


The people in the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion couldn't stand it.

"It turns out that this person is a pupil master, what should I do?" They discussed via voice transmission. The Confucian and Taoist Pavilion is not afraid of anything, and they don't have the final say in this world, so they have to be more cautious...

"After checking, this person doesn't have much background, he just has good personal talent. But since he has turned against us, killed Liu Zongyuan, and treated us so rudely, he is obviously hostile to us, so it is better to just kill a hundred of them."

"That's very reasonable. Let's kill him. When we get back, we'll tell him that this person disobeyed orders, refused to go back with us, and resisted the attack... We only took action as a last resort."

"Then do it!"

After a quick exchange, this group of people came to a tacit understanding, and then... they all formed seals in their hands!

The Taoist methods of the Confucian Taoist Pavilion are not the various magic methods that belong to the Five Elements, but the real Taoist methods, such as the one currently used...

Buzz, buzz, buzz!

Seven rays of light shot out from the index fingers of the seven people and connected in the sky above the attack circle, forming a huge golden light pressing on the top of Dai Li's head. Under the cover of the light, Dai Li immediately felt that he had suffered a huge wave. pressure.

What the hell, is this the Confucian and Taoist method of the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion? After being suppressed, her strength was reduced by at least 30%!

"Confucian Pressure Word Technique!" People present rarely saw Confucian and Taoist people take action. When they saw it, they suddenly felt very scary. It was just seven people casting a spell. This single word could suddenly reduce the aura of Dai Li. terrible!

Of course it is scary. After all, the strongest Taoism in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion is Confucianism. Although Liu Zongyuan is from the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion, he belongs to the lower generation and has not learned the real Confucianism and Taoism, so he was taken away to take advantage of it. Killed them, and the seven people in front of them are affiliated with the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion inspection team. Although their strength is not top-notch, and they have not really taken action, their Confucian and Taoist skills are enough to shackle Dai Li!

"good chance!"

"Give me all your help!"

With seven people on the periphery, it was too late for Daili to attack, not to mention the more than 9,000 people who had already surrounded him...

One person versus nine thousand? After eliminating a thousand of the weakest, the remaining nine thousand are the strongest, a large part of which are distractions, low-level, intermediate, and advanced...

Killing one person is killing, killing ten thousand people is killing!

No kill, no life!

With a sudden turn of events, Dai Li raised his eyes, and his palms were slightly hot. That was the Dao Scroll being triggered!

Deep in his mind, a scroll was glowing.

Martial Arts Volume! Only mid-term rolls? ! Only the middle volume is fine, and she still has Jing Jingyuan's rubbing of the first volume!

And Jing Jingyuan also has her middle volume rubbing!

This is the benefit of good gay friends...

Although she only has the first scroll of rubbings, she has the soul refining technique of Tianchen Scroll. This is the core of "Chen Gong's Secret Scroll"!

Watch and connect the previous and the following!

It can properly complete the first volume of the real martial arts, so now...

Wow, there was an extra scroll in Dai Li's hand!

An ordinary scroll!

"What the hell?"

Because it was an ordinary scroll, no one thought about the martial arts scroll for a while, not to mention not many people here knew about the martial arts scroll, so...

When seven thousand people were surrounding her, she held the sword in her right hand and the rubbing scroll in her left hand, looking down at...

Is this absolute contempt or cramming?

There’s no point in reading now, right? Many people wanted to laugh, but soon they couldn't.

He lowered his head and didn't look at anyone. He didn't look at anyone and was separated from the attacks. When all the attacks were struck, his body became ethereal...


"Hide! I let you hide!"

"Send group spells! Let her have nowhere to hide!"

There were only so many people in such a big circle, where could she hide?

Kun Yan and these people were already a little arrogant, roaring at people to quickly destroy Daili!

Chaos, chaos, chaos!

Dai Li's figure was like a duckweed in a tsunami, crumbling... From time to time, some blood flowers bloomed on her body, but they were not her blood! ...

It's so terrifying. This person's physical skills have reached a terrifying level. He is fighting in and out, but no one can break her defense?

On top of her head, there is also a pressing formula from the Confucian Taoist Pavilion to suppress it!

But even so, she is dead, dead!

It won't be long before her strength is exhausted and she will be devoured by these nine thousand people...

Now it seems that her body defense can no longer hold up for long, after all, it is a powerful attack by more than 9,000 powerful monks.

Xiang Yunhong couldn't help it anymore. Even though he knew that his power was very small, Dai Li was once so small and never left his friends. By the same token, how could he watch her being shamelessly surrounded by so many people? ~Attack!


When this group of people is ready to take action and fight with Dai Li! "Aren't you going to take a look again? If you take action now, it will be detrimental to her."

Hua Yushang turned around and saw that the intellectual woman she hadn't seen for a long time was only a few meters away from them. When did she come?

They didn't realize it, but this person...

"Based on my guess...she is gathering momentum."

Gathering momentum?

Hua Yushang turned her head and took a look.

The momentum seems to be ready!

Wow! The roll of rubbings suddenly turned into fly ash and was burned cleanly.

Snap, Dai Li spun his body to block a knife, raised his eyes and looked at the red-eyed swordsman.

His face was pale, without any expression, his eyes...

Extremely cold.

Under absolute calmness, the martial arts mode is activated!

That aura...changed drastically!

Domineering and ferocious from martial arts!

"what is that?"

"This breath is..." r1152( )

... ()

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