A Queen

Chapter 1,064 Breaking the 8 famine

Chapter 1064

What on earth is made of!

"Actually, it's very simple..." Dai Li continued to kill with eighteen martial arts skills, and said coolly: "When I was dealing with you, I put some special powder on my sword. It is said that Linghuo likes this the most. Already.."

Kun Yan's body trembled and his face turned earth-colored! grass! This man is darker than ink!

"Impossible, you don't have it at all...it's that damn scorpion!" Jun Crocodile reacted!

"Who deserves to die! You are so rude! Didn't I just put the medicine powder into your body when I bit you... As for you?" The demon scorpion flew out from Dai Li's shoulder and flew to the direction in a swaggering manner. Military crocodile...

The military crocodile is extremely sad, angry and resentful! Shouldn't I be like this?


He wanted to attack the scorpion, but found that he couldn't move, and...

So fast!

This dead scorpion is faster than Dai Li!

What are you doing now?

Swallowing spiritual fire!

When he and Kun Yan were working hard to kill the spirit fires, they happily devoured the spirit fires they killed.

"Xiao Xie, eat quickly... there won't be many free labor like this in the future..."

"I know, I know"

One by one, one by one, they were all swallowed!

Everyone who saw this scene was heartbroken.

This person and the scorpion must be the incarnation of the devil!

"The people below don't come up yet! Don't you want to catch these spiritual fires?" Kun Yan had an idea and wanted to let the people below act as his help.

But what the heck...it seems difficult to intervene in such a situation.

Just to mix some spiritual fire in, it will be quite troublesome in the future.

What if this gentleman is dead?

By the way, they never noticed before that this guy clearly had eye skills and terrifying speed.

You can get away easily, so why do you have to keep it and fight it?

What the hell, now I know that I am sure of being undefeated!

It can even fool all these people!

How could they provoke such a pervert?

I would rather provoke Kun Yan than offend such a pervert!

What if she still has a backstage?


People present pretended to be very busy...

And the scorpions are devouring more and more spiritual fire...

"Come here!" Kun Yan finally had no choice but to let the people from the Yan sect come over to help. In this way, Dai Li got away...

Maybe it would allow her to escape, but what could be done about it.

They...can't bite this pervert.

There are too many tricks one after another, and there is no time for others to react.

So...let's give it a try.

Kun Yan was still very considerate of his own life. No amount of hatred was worth risking his own life, so he would not have to worry about having no firewood to burn the green hills.

But he had planned it, and in the end, she came from behind and slashed him!

The thousands of people who went to Kunyan were going crazy!

wipe! This is a dog-skin plaster. I’ll pay it back if I don’t play with it anymore!

Can you still have fun?

"Jun Zili, what do you mean? I no longer intend to pursue the matter with you, do you still want to..." Kun Yan was very angry.

Dai Li, who was coming from behind, stopped. He lightly touched his short hair with his slender and beautiful fingers and smiled: "I started this game, and I don't allow you to say it's over... Now it's about to reach its climax."


This is so exciting!

Thousands of people just happened to rush in. Kun Yan and Jun Crocodile freed themselves. When they saw Dai Li coming to the door and being so arrogant, they were immediately annoyed and they all took action!

No one can stop me from taking action this time!

No one can!

The people in the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make a big move...



Kun Yan and the two felt a surge of energy behind them, and they exploded!

Terrible anger!

Mugino and others all raised their eyes, this thing is not...

At the foot of the mountain, "What's so noisy?" The guards also paid attention to the situation in the mountain when they were bored. They were already very curious when the fierce battle started. They wanted to go up to see what happened, and even tried their best to get it. some information.

"It seemed like two groups were fighting."

"Wrong, the news I got is that many groups of people are fighting."

"Really?" The short-haired beauty narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger: "It looks like a scorpion fighting to me."

Forehead? Halfway up the mountain, there was another scorpion in the sky.

Elephant-sized scorpion.

"Shit! Isn't this the perverted scorpion that survived the tribulation! It's still there!"

"Inform the people in the clan quickly!"

"There is no need to notify you. My father has said that this thing is not under the control of our family. Instead of causing a mess, it is better to let it go. Anyway, the demon clan will have demons coming sooner or later... As long as it does not cause huge casualties, it will be fine. ."

"Well, it seems that we just let several groups of people go up not long ago..."


The short-haired beauty also shook her eyes.

So...is this a big problem?

By the way, do scorpions eat people?

You shouldn't eat it...right?


After the scorpion devoured a large amount of spiritual fire and just broke through the first layer of gene locks and grew into its true body, Daili jumped on its head and chuckled: "As the first scorpion in history to survive the tribulation, you have What do you think?"

"What do you think?" Scorpion waggled its tail.


"Then kill him!"

Don't you eat people? It only kills people!

Hooray, hooray, hooray!

The tail swept across, the pincers waved, and the monks were smashed to pieces one by one!

That power, that coercion, and that terrifying aura can completely kill most distraction-level monsters instantly!

After feeling the gratitude of the snow demon on his shoulder, Snow Fish raised his eyebrows: "Huh? You said it is an ancient scorpion? But it is not a scorpion?..."

The snow demon nodded and made a trembling gesture.

"...terrible?" Snow Fish thought thoughtfully.

From being banned in ancient times to not dying now, it is indeed terrifying... and to survive such a thunderstorm.

Has it mutated?

Unlike the Bloodline Colossus, the Bloodline Colossus comes from the depths of Daili's soul. It is derived from the bloodline of the blood clan, not a living creature. However, the Scorpion is a creature with extremely tenacious vitality. Its strength is very powerful. The body of the ancient monster beast. His body is stronger than that of Dai Li. He goes on a rampage and kills people with great strength. As a result, Dai Li can come and go with ease even among thousands of people...

I wasn’t afraid in the first place, but now the situation has reversed!

One person and one scorpion kill everyone!

Can't delay!

Even though they were chased by many spiritual fires, the two military crocodiles still made up their minds.

"Everyone attacks the scorpion and Jun Zili and restrains them!"

After giving the order, the two men forcibly opened the circle of spiritual fire...

Success or failure depends on this!

On the other side, one person and one scorpion, who were being fought to death by seven thousand people, were obviously very calm.

"Xiao Xie, can you come up with a big move?"

"I can come if you can come..."

As I said, I'm here, auntie, can you come?

Dai Li curled his lips and secretly thought that this guy actually learned how to bargain.

"Okay, I'll do one, and you'll do the same."

"People are watching"

When did you learn the word "people"?

Is it really okay for you to be so calm while others are working hard to survive? Others are powerless to accept it, but they wonder if Dai Li has any other big moves...

Um, don’t those things before count?

Many people are bright and energetic.

Big move...

Daili suddenly jumped up!

He raised the Thousand Machines in his hand, turned his fingers, and the short handle became longer, longer and longer!

The blade changes dramatically!


A large sickle with a blade length of three meters!

Hold the long handle with one hand, spin it high in the air, and the blade will curl up in the sky!

When it flew to the top, snap, the fingers paused, the rotation stopped, and the wrist twisted!

Jump and chop!


Cut it off!

The Eighteenth Thousand Chances - Breaking the Eight Desolations!


What the giant scythe chopped down was the giant blade sky disk, and when it was shattered... it was countless rotating scythes that broke apart!

Three hundred and sixty degree attack!

Seamlessly, the scorpion raises its scorpion tail, with a black light at the end.

Scorpion's talent...dizziness!

Collective dizziness~!

After being dizzy...there was no resistance at all...just letting the sickle cut through me!

Just like a sickle cutting wheat...

Damn it! This skill is really...


Massacre on all fronts!

Dai Li blinked and said, "Well, our skill coordination doesn't seem to be very good... It's too bullying."

"I think so.."

While one person and one scorpion were chatting and laughing, two thousand people died.

There are five thousand more people.

Jun Crocodile and Kun Yan have turned a blind eye to this, because they...

"There is someone above you," Scorpio reminded.

"I know..."


"Well done!"

Dai Li raised his eyes and saw that the two of them had already killed... using their strongest power now, well, the power of two monarchs, even if they are not at their peak, is enough. If you don't believe it, you can't kill this person...

But Su...

Those eyes again!

"Congratulations, you have obtained the Thirteenth Eye Technique for the first time." Dai Li grinned at the two of them.

"The Shock of a Moment"

Soul shaking!

Boom, boom! The two of them felt their souls vibrate at the same time, fuck! It is a combined version of Soul Capture and Soul Sword!

After shock, weakening, confusion, pain! Big injury!

puff! !

The two of them vomited blood at the same time, but fortunately, their attacks had already been blasted away!

Jun Zili, it’s hard for us, and you can’t live either!


One person and one scorpion rose from the ground!


Qianji arises in the right hand, blessed by martial arts energy, and the sickle comes! Break the eight famines!

Where's the left hand?

It is said that compared to Dai Li's own endless supply of vampire talents, the thunder method is really a bit out of control. It seems that a single attack like thunder formation is not enough. It is also related to the fact that this guy is more focused on the vampire body, but now he is facing a king-level figure...

And four levels of lightning?

Of course, this is a powerful thunder array move, but we have to change how to use it.

Under the Tianchen Soul Refining Tempering, Dai Li, whose soul comprehension has greatly improved, actually broke through the realm the moment he succeeded in breaking through the distraction and transcending the tribulation.

The realm of thunder.

That inexplicable and mysterious special realm was brought out by her at this moment.

It’s hard to say, but it was terrifying for a moment.

The two military crocodiles were stunned, but the boss of Hunting Fire suddenly opened his mouth wide. Even if Dai Li brought out the Demon Scorpion to join forces to kill the enemy, he couldn't be so shocked!

After the shock, he looked complicated...

How complicated is that?

For example, the four-layered thunder formation was launched by her in one second, and within two seconds of flying into the air... it merged!

Quadruple fusion! r1152( )

... ()

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