A Queen

Chapter 1,065: One person breaks ten thousand!

Chapter 1065

Total integration!

The perfect fusion of the four-fold thunder array? What does that feel like? Four times the power?

1, 2, 3, 4, multiply them together...

No, it’s twenty-four times more powerful!

The fusion thunder formation besides the four-way killing thunder of the fourth level of thunder method is the thunder formation created by Daili himself.

Lei Yuan exceeded twenty-four times in one fell swoop! What is eight thousand times twenty-four?

The combat power of about 190,000 clouds!

Nearly two counties!

This is the most powerful killing move prepared by Dai Li...

It is also the biggest trump card!

——Four square formation wheel!

boom! ! !

When the large thunder wheel filled with a large number of complex formations hit Kun Yan and the two people from top to bottom, and exploded in mid-air, the formation swept across the entire circle, covering five thousand people...

What does that feel like?

——Fire trees and silver flowers never sleep in the sky, dragons dance in the sky, rivers thunder and sky!

Bang, bang, a person fell to the ground from a high altitude.

corpse? Or lingering?

At least it is certain that all of the more than 10,000 people have lost the ability to fight - perhaps their ability to move is also a problem.

Either dead or seriously injured!

The whole place was quiet, Mugino and the others were still in a state of out-of-body feeling.

Even Xu Yidao and others were quiet.

The attack that broke out had a combat power of more than 190,000 people, nearly two counties...

Or a group-killing thunder method.

Would they be able to bear it?

"Fortunately it was only one blow;

And I have noticed it now, so be careful in the future, otherwise you may be caught off guard like these two military crocodiles."

If they had already known about it, Kun Yan and the two people would not have been beaten so badly. The tragedy is that their expectations for this gentleman were too far behind.

Especially this last move, it is simply a killer weapon. It can kill Kun Yan instantly, and it is also somewhat confident to deal with Jun Crocodile.

But at the beginning, each of them estimated that she was just a high-level distraction.

Advanced distraction?


Everyone here was cheated with blood on their faces.


Kun Yan and Jun Crocodile are not dead yet...the latter is too difficult to kill, while the former cannot be killed. This point of generation separation is still very sensible.

Turning his face, Dai Li looked at Kun Yan and the two men, who were looking weak... mainly at Jun Crocodile.

The military crocodile spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body was covered with bones, but he was still smiling: "If it hadn't been plotted by your scorpion, it would be hard to say whether we would win or lose, but the move you just made was indeed powerful... It's a pity that you were taken away all of a sudden. All the Lei Yuan... No wonder you haven't used the Lei method much from the beginning, just to reserve this move."

"That's why I said I like to talk and fight with smart people. You didn't even need to explain it to me. You just explained it to me." Dai Li tapped Jun Crocodile's chest and forehead with the tip of his Qianji Sword.

"But I didn't expect that you actually have a dual body protection magic weapon of soul and flesh and blood... Are you too rich, or is Liyun too rich?"

"All commanders are equipped with this kind of equipment. I am the lowest level. I am just below the strength of the three counties. They will never be able to break through my defense... Junzili, you can't kill me."

Liyun is really a rich man.

Xu Yidao and the others all looked at Xu Yidao and shook their heads. Although they also had such things, they were the commanders of a legion, and they were still the worst. I wonder what kind of equipment the top brass inside had...

Dai Li, who was completely stunned because he didn’t have a magical weapon, could compare with others... Haha~~ The scavengers in the Northwest~~ are so poor.

"Three counties, it seems I haven't worked hard enough." Dai Li smiled lightly, turned Qianji into a sword body, inserted it into the scabbard on his waist, Shi Shi Rande said: "But from the time when people came to kill me with great momentum, to now I'm glad I can't kill you..."

"Your Excellency Jun Crocodile, next time we meet, you may have to worry about how many swords I can use to kill you..."

The strength of the two counties is slightly different, and the third county seems to be far away... But a few months ago, she only had a fighting strength of 20,000 to survive.

Next time..in a few months?

When he thought of this, Jun Crocodile, who was still a little lucky and proud, suddenly felt bad. Kun Yan was not feeling well either, because he was completely ignored. Dai Li was stunned and didn't look at him, but focused on the demon scorpion. Said: "Xiao Xie, clean up the battlefield. It looks really bad and affects the environment."

" okay!"

Then tens of thousands of monks watched helplessly as the scorpion broke off the storage rings of each corpse...

As soon as the ring was obtained, the corpse was kicked out, and soon another pile of corpses was formed.

This scene is simply outrageous!


Anyway, Xue Qiange and others immediately thought of this word, just like how they had seen her before.

Never changed.

The people in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion looked very embarrassed. The young man said with a cold face: "Junzili, what you did is really chilling the teeth of the monks in the world. It is not in line with the meaning of our Taoism and Confucianism. I advise you to stop now, otherwise..."

Hearing this, many monks raised their spirits. Are they going to fight with the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion again?

The wind blew again and corpses were being thrown away. Scorpion raised his head and stared at the people in Confucian Dao Pavilion, while Dai Li just stood in the sky and looked up at the people in Confucian Dao Pavilion. What he saw was the light of the seals in the hands of those people.

——They are still controlling the word-pressing technique!

"Jun Zili, let's capture him without hesitation, otherwise we will have to..." The young man closed his palm, and the light seal on his hand became brighter and brighter.

However, the expressions of Xue Zhiyu and others were a bit strange, as they were all looking at the pressing formula on Dai Li's head.

It seems... something is wrong.

Of course something is wrong.

"There's no need to seal...haven't any of you parties noticed?" Dai Li raised his hand expressionlessly and held the pressing formula on his head. Only then did everyone realize that the pressing formula was already covered with cracks and lines. .

Oh my God! The word-pressing formula has actually cracked!

Karcha! With a strong force on Dai Li's palm, the golden characters were crushed into pieces, and the gold fragments flew everywhere...

Everyone in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion stared in disbelief...

The corners of Dai Li's mouth slowly curved into a charming curve... and he said softly: "Never provoke the soul of a pupil practitioner... If you want to use Confucianism and Taoism to suppress me, the strength of your soul... is not enough. "

If it was a silent provocation before, now it is a complete slap in the face!

The Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion's word-pressing technique was directly broken by her!

This man is such a terrible soul.

Ran Lao smiled bitterly. If this person is the Qishan Road examiner, other contestants must be careful. The Soul Eye Technique... is too difficult to deal with.

The people in the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion who could still maintain a calm and elegant attitude suddenly became murderous, and their anger boiled over. The young man waved his hand and gathered his strength, staring at Dai Li: "You have repeatedly humiliated me, the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion, and you are really looking for death!"

It turns out that this young man is also a king!

The fighting was about to begin again, and everyone could see that all the Lei Yuan on Dai Li's body had been consumed.

After that big move, her strength obviously dropped a lot, and her other consumption was also huge. How could she still fight with this young man?

Isn't this Confucianism and Taoism taking advantage of fire to rob?

In this weird atmosphere, just when the fighting is about to begin again...

There was a sudden sound from the other side of the mountain road.

"Someone is coming up"

Someone has indeed come up, another wave of monks who were let in. Calculating the time, it should be some examiners who were recently allowed to enter Fenchuan, or a large number of powerful casual cultivators...or...

"He's from the Xie family!"

Thanks to the Xie family, Xie Huan, who was originally weak and frightened, immediately got up from the ground and ran towards the leading young man in embarrassment.

"Brother, brother..." Xie Huan's shout made others look at the young man, and his expression became strange at first sight.

This man's aura was too strong, and his sinister and cruel eyes made people's hearts tremble at the first glance, not to mention his cold and surly expression. Many female cultivators shrank when he glanced at him. Damn it, why is this person!

Why is he here!

Xu Yidao frowned, while Xu Er below him pouted and said in a low voice, it's this madman again... She was a little scared.

To be able to make the weak Xu Er feel so instinctively frightened, how terrifying is this person?

This man is very famous. Almost every local in Fenchuan knows him. If he doesn't know him, he has heard of his reputation to some extent.

Xie Ru, the great demon king of the Xie family, was vicious and domineering. Countless monks were killed by him. He seldom got what he wanted. No matter what treasure it was, if it was what he wanted, he would do whatever it took to get it. Got it all.

Moreover, he has always been fond of women, and many female cultivators have been raped by him... If there are any chaste and strong ones, he has forcibly obtained them, and countless of them committed suicide.

Among the many young geniuses from the four major families, his reputation is definitely the worst. All the playboys combined can’t compare to him in bad behavior. However, this person is also extremely scary because his talent is too strong. , the blood status in the Xie family is too high, many elders are afraid of him.

However, he is such a crazy person who is also extremely smart and cunning. In addition, he is talented and tyrannical. He ranks among the top among the younger generation of the four major families and is the most feared person.

He is here now.

When Xie Huan ran over to ask for help in embarrassment, he raised his cold eyes, raised his feet...


Xie Huan was kicked away by him.

"Trash" he said with an expressionless expression.

Hiss~~Everyone gasped, Damn, he is indeed a lunatic!

But everyone soon felt something was wrong, because... there was a woman standing next to Xie Ru.

The woman tilted her face and pretended to be indifferent to this, but it did not prevent others from seeing everything about her.

Beautiful, this woman is extremely beautiful, but she is not the kind of superficial beauty. She has a moving emptiness and elegance. She is a little distant, a little cold and cold, and there is a little coldness and arrogance between her eyebrows. When she tilts her head, she turns slightly sideways, as if she is Looking at the surrounding scenery or other people, there is a clear sense of alienation from the arrogant and surly Xie Ru.

Even if they stand side by side.

"Who is this woman?"

"I don't know, is this another innocent woman who was raped by Xie Ru?"

"Who knows...it doesn't look like a woman toying with, but I seem to have heard that the Xie family seems to have found a new bloodline, and it's a woman..." r1152( )

... ()

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