A Queen

Chapter 1066: Back, back, back! (Shaosi Mingchen Yuling’s favor + five)

Chapter 1066

There are more people, more information, and more gossip. These people guessed countless times in the sound transmission in the blink of an eye, but in reality few people dared to say anything.

The people in the Rudao Pavilion looked at Xie Ru, their expressions suddenly relaxed, and then they sneered.

Soon, Xie Ru said in a unique, cold voice that seemed to be smiling but not smiling: "So this is the gentleman Li Ne who killed Liu Zongyuan, that good-for-nothing. Sure enough, he had two brushes. Look, he killed these people. My Xie family It makes you lose face..."

Hearing these words, the beauty next to him raised his eyes, glanced at her, and his pupils shrank.

His eyes briefly glanced at this woman, and Dai Li was also stunned.

Why is it her.


Dai Li immediately understood the other party's reluctance to acknowledge each other, and frowned, saying calmly: "It must be thanks to Master Xie Huan that he showed his face twice, otherwise I wouldn't be able to spare any money."

Not many people dare to talk to Xie Ru like this!

But she also has such capital.

Xu Yidao suddenly smiled, and his smile made Xie Ru glance at him: "Brother Yidao is here too. It seems that this good show is quite big..."

He suddenly looked at Snow Fish and narrowed his eyes slightly.

It is true that a lustful person like him cannot not covet a woman like Snow Fish, but she is very powerful and has a high status, so it has always been difficult to get her, and it is exactly like this that he feels more and more itchy in his heart.

It’s a common problem among men.

Snow Fish didn't seem to care about his wanton gaze, but just squinted lazily...

If someone is sensitive, a wonderful atmosphere can be felt at that moment.

It comes from the weird aura between the four of them, Xu Yidao, Xie Ru and Dai Li.

Keeping each other in check, yet holding back, ready to make a move...

No one else said anything, and the people from the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion quietly gathered their strength...

Among these four people, Daili, who had just experienced a monstrous battle and had not yet recovered, was undoubtedly at the most disadvantaged position.

If the other three really plan to take action...


Like fireworks exploding in an instant, a faint blue halo suddenly flashed past!

Chaodaili's eyebrows!

At that moment, the Snow Fish moved! Xu Yidao moved! Xie Ru also moved!

But it's only in the moment of light and shadow!

Puffy! Clang, clang, clang!

Brush, brush, brush, brush!

A blink of an eye.

Dai Li, who was standing there, raised his eyes and saw the floating and smiling Fu Ruoshui on the east side, as elegant as a fairy, with terrifying poisonous water flowing around him, and the snow fish on the west side with a pale expression.

On the other side, Xu Yidao's sword had been unsheathed, and Xie Ru's palm was burning with fire.



With a flick of his finger, the solidified snow shield in front of him and the poisonous water that corroded the snow shield were annihilated and dispersed.

Turning to look at Fu Ruoshui, Daili smiled softly: "This meeting is so warm, Miss Fu really moved me."

Others understood at this moment that Fu Ruoshui must have made a sneak attack just now, but it was unsuccessful because...

Fu Ruoshui was not embarrassed at all by being exposed. He just brushed his long hair and glanced at Xue Zhiyu: "No matter how enthusiastic I am, I can't compare to the enthusiasm of your Snow Girl... It seems that the relationship between you two has improved after the disaster. You're good at it, look at Miss Xue, she can't wait to rush to save people... Sure enough, being alone is the best way to cultivate interpersonal relationships."

As soon as he said this, everyone present was in an uproar, and Xue Qiange almost broke her teeth.

Nani? My sister and that guy... couldn't tell!

Dai Li twitched his lips, this woman is really vicious, Xue Zhiyu's previous description is not an exaggeration at all, but this woman Xue Zhiyu is not easy to mess with, she is too lethal.

So she immediately raised her eyebrows and said, "Look at what Miss Fu said, she wasn't alone in the beginning... You were with me too~~"

So this is 3p! ?

Fu Ruoshui frowned. This man's shamelessness was beyond her imagination.

Seeing that Xue Zhiyu seemed to be helping Dai Li, Xie Ru's eyebrows became more surly, and his eyes looking at Dai Li were also a little cold.

"Young Master Jun seems to be in poor condition, and you have to thank Miss Xue for helping you. I just don't know if she will help you next..."

Xie Ru's murderous intention comes easily, just like this person's character, which is unpredictable, but what cannot be ignored is... he is very strong!

Kun Yan and Jun Crocodile raised their eyebrows. With such people on the street, it seemed that Dai Li would not be able to leave easily today.

——We also need to count Fu Ruoshui, well, Xu Yidao, whose enemy is unknown to us, and Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion!

"This question is indeed important. So, Xue Zhiyu, do you want to follow them or follow me?" Dai Li suddenly asked Xue Zhiyu.

The issue of stance is important.

Xue Zhiyu turned to look at her and said calmly, "If I want to kill people and seize treasures, I will only do it when the person is the strongest or the weakest."

Does that mean you are very principled? Damn it~~ I don’t know who the person in the crypt who cursed me is...

"So you're helping me?"

“If you want me to help people, you must impress me.”


"Please impress me, or...you have enough reward."

This glance from Xue Zhiyu was very meaningful and made Dai Li's palms a little hot. Damn it, he knew that this woman was not an economical lamp.

Are you interested in martial arts scrolls? It seems that this woman is not a martial artist, but a snow and ice magician...

what is that?

Dai Li didn't think about it for a while, but he smiled and said, "Let's forget it. It's the hardest to repay kindness to a beauty..."

Facing Xie Ru's half-smiling face, she also smiled.

"Boss, I've packed it up, and we can start fighting." Suddenly, the scorpion crawled out from the pile of corpses and crawled over. With these words, everyone suddenly came back to their senses.

What does this mean? Does that mean we still have to fight, can we still fight?

In an instant, the scorpion vine transformed into a huge one, and its momentum suddenly became fierce. After appearing next to Dai Li, Fu Ruoshui frowned. She could feel the terrifying aura and toxins on this scorpion. Generally speaking, The monsters that use poison are immune to other poisons...

Moreover, this devil scorpion is equivalent to a king level.

Xu Yidao weighed the strengths of both parties and Xie Ru's eccentric style, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​killing people and seizing the treasure.

Brush, Xu Yidao inserted the knife into the sheath, and he quit!

There are also Fu Ruoshui, Xie Ru and Rudaoge.

Dai Li smiled lightly and patted its head with his palm, "Xiao Xie, don't be so excited... Peace is the most important thing... It's not good to be too violent."

Are we going to give in or give each other a step down?

But when she said this, she pinched a yellow fire in her palm, hissed, absorbed it quickly, and in the blink of an eye, part of the Lei Yuan was replenished, and as soon as she raised her eyes...

The blood energy flame vines exploded.

Powerful pressure swept across, standing next to the demon scorpion, one demon and one evil, and the turbulent flames formed made everyone in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion change their expressions.

"God, you are still so strong now!"

"How much energy reserves does she have!"


"Look at how quickly she absorbs the yellow fire... paralysis, this is a little strong person who can't be killed!"

Deterrence, everyone was deterred!

Haha, you want to take advantage of her vitality to be severely injured and exhausted to attack her?

Changed! Fu Ruoshui's expression changed, he put away the poisonous water in his palm, and smiled silently.

Fu Ruoshui, quit!

Finally, it was Xie Ru and Confucianism and Taoism...

Xie Ru and Dai Li looked at each other silently, one was perverse and sinister, the other was evil and charming, these two people... looked at each other silently.

——The smiles of both of them are very charming, they are so different!

The auras of the two people were burning fiercely, and the demonic aura was cutting through the air. The confrontation between their eyes was a battle between courage and confidence.

If you are weak, you are cowardly, and your eyes will unconsciously give in. If you are strong, you are naturally confident, so you can tell a person's strength from one look!

At this moment, Xie Ru was testing how much strength Dai Li still had. If she was in a weak stage, he wouldn't mind killing her on the spot!

Of course, if it was a strong period, he would have to consider the situation at hand.

The corpses of at least 9,000 of the more than 10,000 people were no joke, nor were the terrifying scorpions, nor were the snow fishes.

So, in the eye contact... Xie Yan saw the depth and magic in Dai Li's eyes.

Just look at it...

Damn it, he almost forgot that this person was a pupil master!

He calmly looked away, Xie Ru sneered, and the flames in his palms dispersed.

A demon scorpion, an unfathomable and elusive Jun Zili, and an unknown snow fish...

He's not that stupid yet.

Xie Ru also quit!

Many forces in the audience, those who took action, those who intercepted, those who intimidated, were almost all suppressed by Dai Li.

Attack her? Complete your purchase! The rest were all so intimidated that they automatically retracted their hands!

Even the most dangerous Xie Ru is unable to take action at the moment.

This is a silent deterrent, coming from her strength and ruthlessness!

That hill-like corpse is evidence!

"She is already so strong..." Yiye* narrowed his eyes, feeling complicated... He felt more and more that he could not recognize Daili. The Xie family was like a big dyeing vat, and Xie Ru was also a lunatic, not to mention the Kun family. .

She already has many enemies.


so amazing!

People like Li Zi admired him so much that they wanted to kneel down and lick Dai Li's toes.

But here at Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion...

Even for the reputation of Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion, it was impossible for Dai Li to leave so easily. Xiang Yunhong and others frowned when they saw that the other party did not shy away.

Sure enough, with a disciple like Liu Zongyuan, this Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion is not too bright...

"Jun Zili, are you sure you want to go against our Confucian and Taoist Pavilion?" The young man seemed to be giving a final warning.

"It's not that you are against each other, it's that you are seeking death." Dai Li smiled coldly. The scorpion under her feet was occupying the sky. She stepped on the scorpion: "You all seem to think that I have no backing and can be bullied."

Is not it? But she doesn't seem to be that easy to bully, at least she is already very cruel in person.

But one person's power is small after all, and no one has doubted her background.

Previously, Fu Ruoshui was testing and Xie Rui was teasing. Only Rudao Pavilion was the absolute killer. r1152( )

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