A Queen

Chapter 1067: Your thighs are definitely the thickest!

Chapter 1067

But one Confucian and Taoist pavilion is enough. This is a signal.

But soon, Daili also gave them a signal.

She looked up at the clouds, inserted her fingers into her short hair, licked it, and said lazily: "Where is the protection I promised you before? Just watching me being bullied by these Laoshi family and forces, where is the face of the Demon Palace?"

a ship.

in the sky.

The bow of the ship emerges from the clouds.

Cover the top.

The woman standing on the bow of the boat, leaning on the flagpole and drinking, looked down at them.

"You don't know where to throw your own face, how do you expect the Demon Palace to have any face..." Gong Zangxue took a sip of wine, narrowed his eyes, and suddenly looked at the people in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion: "But the people from the Demon Palace Not everyone can be bullied, Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion..."

Her voice was a little light and lazy, with a hint of alcohol, and her eyebrows were numb.

Such a bow that hides blood makes it impossible for all male cultivators to parry, but female cultivators... almost the same.

"Gong Zangxue! Is she from the Demon Palace? Impossible, she was clearly not before..." The people in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion were shocked!

The magic palace! What the hell, why is this kid from the Demon Palace?

"Did your Demon Palace recruit her recently?" The young man suddenly asked in a cold voice.

There was no answer, Gong Zangxue just flicked the wine bottle with her finger, and the wine inside flew out and condensed into an arrow. At the same time, a bow was hooked in her hand.

Divine bow!

Draw the bow, cock the arrow...

Everyone has not yet reacted, including the people in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion. They were horrified for a moment...

call out...

An arrow shot through the air instantly!

Explodes instantly!


The seven people were all shocked to pieces by the exploding arrows.

And he was smelling of alcohol all over his body. In such a high temperature environment of the Flame Mountain...

rattan! The flames burn!

"Ah~~~" The seven people in the Confucian Taoist Pavilion screamed, and they were in so much pain that they had to extinguish the flames...

"Before you ask someone next time, please find out what you are." Gong Zangxue put away his bow, "How come Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion doesn't even popularize this kind of education? The so-called inspection team is nothing more than that."

Absolute arrogance, absolute contempt.

The demonic way is so arrogant and domineering!

This scene frightened many people. Even Xie Ru, who was recognized as crazy, frowned. Is this Gong Zangxue, the master of the Divine Gong Palace of the Demon Palace?

The Demon Palace is domineering, and Gong Zangxue is also domineering!

If Tang Junyi were here, he would be completely worshiped again.

But everyone present was shocked that Dai Li was from the Demon Palace!

What's the matter, with such a huge backstage, she was so stunned that she didn't show it from beginning to end, and didn't reveal it until the dust settled.

Also, the only thing that can intimidate the Confucian and Taoist Pavilion is the giant Demon Palace.

Xu Yidao was the only one who knew this, so he stopped at the cliff at the end. Fortunately, he stopped. This person was obviously not an ordinary member of the Demon Palace.

"It's still useful for you to come. I was bullied badly before." Dai Li was still very happy about Gong Zangxue's domineering power just now.

"Since you are a member of my Demon Palace, why don't you tell me that you are being bullied? Are you being a bitch?"

Gong Zangxue's words gave Dai Li a heart attack, and also made Xu Yidao and others hold their foreheads. It was true.

Not only is he mean, but he is also vicious!

"I'm just a minion from the Demon Palace, what's the use of talking about it... Look at my badge, it's been there since the beginning, but no one noticed it... I guess it's because my status is too low. .." Dai Li touched his waist tag, and everyone suddenly realized that this guy really had the Devil Palace's tag on his waist!

Blind, there are definitely many people who want to blind their eyes at this moment, especially Kun Yan and others, they are so broken.

grass! Didn't even see it!

Army Crocodile's expression was unpredictable, and Mo Gong... didn't expect that Mo Gong would intervene first. If so, the organization's strategy for this person would have to be changed.

Chase? You have to ask Mo Gong if he agrees!

Xie Ru also looked down upon him coldly, the Demon Palace...he couldn't afford to offend him, but fortunately this person's status was still very low...

However, with such talent and strength, and Gong Zangxue personally coming to contact her, it is conceivable that the Demon Palace will never ignore her.

Tricky, very tricky!

Dai Li, who suddenly revealed his powerful background, quickly sensed the changes in these people's emotions and attitudes, and couldn't help but sigh: "Only now do I realize that hugging someone's thigh is such a happy thing..."

You are happy, others are suffering!

Gong Zangxue glanced at this person and sneered: "Especially since you still have many thighs to hug." Ah, are you angry?

"Don't worry, Lord Gong, I've measured it and your thighs are definitely the thickest."


As soon as Gong Zangxue appeared, the seven people who had been repaired in the Confucianism and Taoism Pavilion could not find their way back. The verbal quarrel was too ridiculous, so they could only leave in embarrassment, but privately they resented Dai Li even more.

"Okay, let's go." Gong Zangxue was here to find someone, and he didn't bother to pay attention to the people here, so he just turned around and left.

"Wait a minute" Dai Li landed in front of the boss of Hunting Fire, "Hey, it's my thing"

The boss of Hunting Fire was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't laugh or cry: "You remember this concern very well. No one can trouble you now. You are awesome!"

Daili was a little surprised that the fire hunting boss could say this, but he didn't ask any more questions. After collecting the spirit fire cage, he turned to Gong Zangxue and said, "I still have some things to do, why don't you go back first? I will go back later"

Anything else?

Gong Zangxue suddenly frowned and his eyes drifted. Snow Fish and other beautiful mushrooms all felt a chill that had been swept across their souls.

So what, what does it have to do with them~~

"What's the matter? I'm in a hurry," Gong Zangxue said calmly.

"To catch the spirit fire, I spent all my property on those seven hundred spirit crystals... and I have to earn them back."

wipe! How many people have you tricked and killed to take away their storage rings?

Gong Zangxue had already calmed down at this man's greedy and shameless character. He curled his lips and said, "I'll give you one hour."

Do you really have something to do with me? Dai Li originally thought that this woman would leave directly. After thinking about it for a while, he stopped worrying and started to grab the spirit fire. At this moment, others also realized that there are still a lot of spirit fires here. If you don't catch them, it will be useless.

Therefore, the monks present soon entered a serious state of capturing the spirit fire. However, they all tragically discovered that the hunting speed of the man and the scorpion was too terrifying, and the spirit fire was almost swept away by them. Fortunately, what Dai Li wanted was Huang Huo. She knocked Hong Huo to death and threw them there, which was an advantage for others.

Buy people's hearts...

Gong Zangxue just raised her eyebrows at Dai Li's actions. With her personality, she would never do such a thing, but Dai Li's personality was obviously more flexible.

"You Demon Palace is very quick in taking action. You have dug up such a treasure."

"It's just a martial arts scroll." As for the fire-hunting boss, he hides his blood and avoids the important things.

"I'm not talking about martial arts scrolls... I don't believe you didn't see the state she was in at that time..." Boss Hunting Fire smiled deeply: "Under absolute calmness, control everything. I thought this sentence was just a rumor. I didn't expect that I could really see it from her... She already had a ray of energy to control the realm... It was like touching the threshold of the realm of control. She might be able to break through in the future and advance to the realm of control... She He already has the realm of killing...if he succeeds, he will have the two top realms of control and killing. Such a genius will be one of a kind even if he goes to a large group area..."

Gong Zangxue didn't know why. She had watched it from beginning to end while hiding in the dark. She was also frightened when she discovered that Dai Li's last blow contained a ray of control.

Originally, Dai Li had two realms: calmness and killing. It was already extraordinary. If calmness advanced to control, he would definitely be able to look down on many geniuses in the world.

There are many kinds of realms in the world, and the effects of each are unknown, but the realm of killing is definitely the best and rarest realm, and the control is similar to the realm of killing. It is a realm that can improve the strength in all aspects. Dai Li is Lei Xiu , that is the realm of thunder control. It will reach a very terrifying state of control over thunder, and its strength will skyrocket. However, just like the realm of killing, it is difficult to understand and break through.

Who would have thought that Daili could realize control from absolute calmness!

No wonder it is said that there are many ways in the world, and everyone's way is different. Maybe another person needs to understand and control it in another way.

"I just barely touched the threshold. Whether I can break through is still a question. How many people in the world are just one step away from the threshold..." Gong Zangxue doesn't like Dai Li to be too high-profile, otherwise he will be easily strangled.

The boss of Hunting Fire just smiled and said nothing. If he had realized a little bit of the control spirit in vain, the possibility of truly advancing may still be very low, but it is definitely more certain to advance from the original realm like Dai Li. , and the foundation is solid and will be stronger.

That's why he felt that this person was too talented, but obviously Gong Zangxue didn't want to say more, so he just didn't say anything...

As soon as the two of them finished talking, Dai Li was about to call it a day. When he turned around, he saw that Fu Ruoshui, Xue Zhiyu, Gong Zangxue and the hunting boss were standing together.

An old man who doesn't look very good, three beauties... I don't know what to say, but the old man has such a rippling smile.

This scene is really hurtful to the eyes. Dai Li snorted and inserted it.

But it’s not people who react the most, but...

The Jade Bone Dragon on Gong Jiu's shoulder stared coldly at Scorpion.

The Scorpion waved its pliers: "What are you looking at, you fleshless skeleton!"

Although it was one of the weakest species in ancient times, the scorpion did not feel cowardly. Instead, it had a ruthless attitude similar to that of someone. The one with claws and teeth... Gong Zangxue glanced coldly...

Scorpion was quiet.

The snow demon looked back and forth at the dragon and the scorpion, and could not help but exude the dense ice and snow...

The onlookers burst into tears. Damn it, people who carry top-level spiritual pets are the most annoying!


"Thank you very much before, otherwise I would be harmed by someone." Dai Li deliberately thanked Xue Zhiyu in front of Fu Ruoshui.

"Where's the thank you gift?" Snow Fish said calmly.

"You still owe me a piece of green fire elf..."

"Well, I still have something to do. Beauty Gong, let's go..." Dai Li, who was being debt-collected, immediately wanted to pull the bow to hide his blood. r1152( )

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